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>I decided to get a black :marseydynamite: one about the size of a 16.9 oz water :marseykoi: bottle. Without fail, it's the first :marseywinner: thing men notice :marseytransattentionseeker: about me. Yesterday morning :marseycoffee: I'm on my 6AM run and I see this guy (walking slow, hoody over his head). His eyes immediately dart to the pocket of my leggings. Half of my taser is visible

Lmao I'd look at her like she's nuts too if I saw that enormous monstrosity sticking out of her pocket while jogging. I'd look at her the same way I once looked at a dude walking :marseyskinnedwalk: his dog wearing a plate :marseycrepe: carrier in a zero crime :marseyscaredpolice: area, of course it didn't even have plates in it :marseyxd:

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The most unbelievable part was that she was jogging

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Getting a pink taser would've been so cute, but I decided to get a black one about the size of a 16.9 oz water bottle.


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*She thinks she'll be able to use it effectively in a physical threat situation. :marseytroll:

On top of that, it's not about defending herself, it's about intimidating men she hates while still getting their attention. It's just another accessory she thinks she can control people's perception of her with.

"I'm a strong woman! Don't mess with me! Notice me! NO, I HATE YOU FOR NOTICING ME!" :marseyextinction:

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Nobody wants to even touch a reddit foid :#marseychonkerfoidpuke: let alone :#rape: lmao :#marseyloopy:

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Just becouse im about to kill and r*pe her. Dosent mean every moid is out to get her

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Jokes on her, I'm into electric play

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.




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