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Yeah, my first ex OD'd in some guy's apartment back in July, then my 2nd ex was the passenger in a fatal car crash and my 3rd ex fell off a party boat somewhere in Florida (Both in August). My last ex was struck by lightning at the very end of August. I should clarify she wasn't struck by lightning directly, but she was standing on a conductive material that the lightning had struck.

Believe it or not, it has been a bummer for my dating life, and also, none of my friends who have sisters want me to date them because they're worried I am cursed.

sucks to be this guy but :marseydarkxd:

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1st ex was a junkie (in another guy's apartment?)

2nd ex was probably in a car with someone drunk driving (not with op again)

3rd ex was a drunk in a "party boat" (again, away from OP)

The last one is the only one that's really not explained right away by this guy's shit taste in women, but it's clear he goes for junkie drunk whore losers who died probably cheating on him anyway

This guy's only curse is shit taste in women

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the last one was so bad she was smote by god.


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Nah dude, I am a semi-professional women blamer and even I can tell at that point dude is cursed.

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b-word clearly chose the lightning :taylaugh:

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I genuinely believe the full story goes along the line of "she was struck by lightning on a festival after passing out drunk in a water puddle"

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sure jan :surejan:

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2 you can say it's a weird coincidence but after the 3rd you should hire a priest or look into life insurance for whoever you date.

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Date dumb junkie whores to buy life insurance on them is actually a brilliant hustle

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Maybe he should stop paying hitmen to murder his girlfriends

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Is zeus a hitman?

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if you have enough money, yea

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darn... even zeus broke and doing gig work

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Dang dude has that Final Destination Peepee

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4 exes since July?

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The juice ain't worth the squeeze

My last few relationships have resulted in me doing all sorts of things only to realize that my girlfriend was bringing very little to the table aside from the bare minimum…


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There's a narrative among women that if a man really wanted to date, he could. This isn't true, most young men would like to date. The harsh truth today is that the average man isn't good enough for the average woman. You can assign blame wherever you want.

"The average man isn't good enough for the average woman"


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the average man is unfrickable

the average woman gets blasted by limitless chad peepee

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:#marseyspalrentfree: :#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal:

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Until the average woman is old and used up and only thing available to her are average moids and zoomers looking to "hagmax"

god I wish I could have hagmaxxed in my 20s.

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All you said was the average man isn't relationship material ( women looking for a relationship aren't interested in the average man's offerings ), and the average foid isn't relationship material ( she gets pumped and dumped by chad ).

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>But I'll say the number one reason is porn.

Clueless r-slur reddi:marseytrain2:s incapable of not inverting cause and effect

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They unrionically think men prefer fricking their hand every day instead of kitty.

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Well, when it comes to the cost:benefit ratio I can't say kitty is the clear winner's choice.

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men prefer fricking their hand every day instead of kitty


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Do you not? :marseyconfused:

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I would be deep in gussy multiple times a day every single day if I could.

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straight people are somehow always more disgusting than i remember them being

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idk, sounds kinda gay to me tbqhwyf

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It is more fun to fantasize about women. it is more bearable to stick with the hand all things considered.

I am low T how can you tell.

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Actually they might be on to something. Finding a mate is hard work. Porn acts as good enough alternative. If you grew up safe and with just good enough to get through the day, why would you ever take risk and go for something higher where you can fall further down if you miss?

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I think that's part of it lol. Before easily accessible pornography, eventually as a guy you would get so horny that the hormones take over and you do something stupid and it either works or doesn't

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Like when you don't have porn, eventually the horniness leads you to make a move instead of cowering out of fear of rejection. Now if you're saying that desire regularly it never builds up to the point that that happens

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Yeah I agree. Thanks for the clarification.

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life may be easier but after that you go to hel

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Be gay

Easy life


Fall straight ( pun intended ) into a pit of gays

Oh no this is heckerino I don't want to be here!

Said the only straight guy in the pool.

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Hey have you ever noticed that all the sins that get you sent to heck are things that some powerful goy doesn't want you to do, and some other powerful men claim that you can be saved as long as you obey them?

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Have you ever noticed you aggressively misinterpret theology on purpose?

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Misinterpretation is when religious text don't match my opinion of what ought to be in the book.

If the book says to kill it is saying it metaphorically. If the book says to enjoy life it is saying it literally.


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>ratheism nonsense


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Ad homoman fallacy.

Jewish lives matter as much as other people's lives. No more than that.

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Heckorino doesn't have gay orgies, you're just stuck in an empty room that plays True Nickelback Radio 24/7

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I doubt that's enough to stop a gay man based on their reputation.

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Jokes on you, I don't believe in heck

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Being gay without homophobia is just playing easy mode, this is why we need homophobia back

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men are expected to be the drivers of male-female interactions and young men are having a crisis of confidence due to an overuse of negative reinforcement by society and especially during primary and secondary education

This is the reason why younger men don't try initially, it's the outcome of a decade of men bad, women good.

The reason they give up after trying is because younger women are horrible.

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Young men learning from menslibs e toomanyx that approaching girl e classical masculinity are bad

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Nah. It's good people and bad people morality becoming fixed and static.

So this gen fricks up in the beginning then that's it, they believe they are le heckin evil for the next decade and by the time they recover from their oversocialized and underexperienced anxiety attacks, they are already 35 and that's why you see most men getting laid or dating later in life, but by the time you are 35 many men have already lived alone long enough for it to become the default comfort state, which raises the number of men who won't have s*x or relationships ever or very very late.

Oversocialized underexperienced r-slurs. A few years to frick up with bad decisions that get you ousted from at least one or two groups. A decade of guilt and avoidance. Another decade of reintegrating into society. 50% chance of having kids at 45 after being through the grind.

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it's because they're well-educated and liberal, aka unsexy

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When the dating counselor tells you to pick up some scratch tats and a felony

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Just hang around prostitutes/strippers and keep refusing to buy their sexual services. Eventually they'll be willing to frick you to reverse the ego hit

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then you can charge them. major scam potential here

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Be sure to fake the orgasm, too

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I've done this with models and instagram "influencers". They absolutely hate it when I ignore them, don't talk to them and never have s*x with them.

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would work

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Where's your Christmas name :marseyandjesus:

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i dont have a christmas name bc im an butthole



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Jessica jones was fun

!slots 1000

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I'm #1


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It's a Christmas special! :marseychristmasparty:

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what the fricc why are the women sexy :marseymalding:

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I'm a college professor and I've noticed increased awkwardness in the male-female interactions in class for at least 4 years and getting worse. Very different from 10 years ago.

I used to notice couples formation. Ie: there'd be at least one guy and girl in a class who clearly didn't know each other, and by the end of the term they were coming to class holding hands. Now I never see that.


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It notified me of your post and I :marseyextinction: anyway

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I can fix them.

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What a shock, the people who don't have to put in any effort put in no effort.

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Case #1853957392753 of a foid asking why men aren't dating women. Men informing women that they have killed every single non 100% success method of approaching women which obviously is an impossibility to pull off in reality, and women mentioning that they could get r*ped and blaming men the patriarchy for making it impossible for men to approach women and accusing the men of women blaming if they have a problem with the current situation.

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The funny thing is that it's not zoomer women's fault, it's their feminist teachers'.

The causes of the current situation were established 10-15 years ago, people were saying that demonizing male approaches to dating will kill dating and now it did.

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you are an incel if you can see cause and effect that is negative for an action with good intent behind it.


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More for me

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Woman are delusional and cannot perceive reality with even 1/10th of the objective lens men are seeing it through.

You might not think that is true, and then you get into a relationship with one and see it everyday.

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



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