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Uh, yes? What's so confusing or objectionable about not wanting to get cheated on

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"Youre insecure chudđź’…"

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I'd be a lot more secure if I knew I could trust my partner so I choose wisely.

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It's the assumption that anyone other than a clueless virgin will inevitably get bored and cheat on them.

They have a low opinion of women and even lower view of themselves.

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no hymen no diamond https://media.tenor.com/yqSkZ2y09UMAAAAx/salty-salt.webp

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I'm not going to fault someone for having s*x with a previous boyfriend, but finding out they engage in hookups is a red flag for me.

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all things being equal, would you prefer gf with n previous bfs or (n+1)?

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Obviously, the lower her body count the better, but I'd rather be with a girl with 4 former bfs than a virgin who would be okay with banging strangers.

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A woman who would be okay banging strangers but is also a virgin could only be a hideous creature

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Hookup culture is so normalized now that "virgin who would frick strangers" describes like half of teenage foids.

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I'm talking American age standards for "woman", not French standards.

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I don't think there are too many 20+ virgins lol.

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They have a low opinion of women


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Virgins-at-marriage are way less likely to cheat

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wait, are you used goods?

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"Used"? Yes. "Good"...

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just so story that does not play out empirically like this

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>initiates steps to increase expected utility

>but have you considered these edge cases?

foids do it so often it's become a meme by now

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You're supposed to cry in the corner and jerk off to it as it's happening, otherwise you're an uptight controlling jerk

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It's objectionable to women because they want to cheat.

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Foids be like eye love sucking peepee

@forgor love sucking peepee is what @forgor would say if @forgor was a foyd

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you guys are missing the point. If you're dating a woman you don't trust you don't belong together. If you think that just because your partner is dressing nice she's looking for someone better than you maybe you should reflect inwards. Men overwhelmingly cheat, and they project their insecurities onto their partner.

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Men overwhelmingly cheat

with whom are they cheating?

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Lolno it's backwards black trans lives matter

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These women say they would never date these men and then complain that these men don't want to ever date them. :marseyouroboros:

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Foids can't handle rejection at all, even theoretical rejection, ESPECIALLY from moids they deem beneath them.

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Women in general seem to really struggle with the idea of men as intercourseual beings, especially ugly ones (ugly moids, I mean)

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You see this at its worst if they want to have s*x with you and you reject them

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Been there. College girlfriend had a crying fit the one time I didn't want to have s*x.

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foids expressing mate preference is almost always a lie/ delusional unless they're lusting after a serial killer

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Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to seriously date a total sloot, but I'd honestly prefer she not be a virgin. I've taken a few v-cards and it's kinda annoying honestly; you gotta take things super slow, they have no idea what they're doing, they get clingy, etc. Someone who has dating experience but isn't a mega-hoe is my sweet spot. :marseythumbsup:

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Neighbor :marseyfrickyou: would :marseymight: rather his hoe be RAVAGED by previous men than have to slightly be inconvenienced when teaching her s*x

Lo and behold the state :marseyusa: of s*x havers !incels

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The advantage of having choice I guess.

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they have to cope to deal with reality

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It's ok due to life circumstances I'm involuntarily celibate for the foreseeable future even though I'm not a true incel.

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Anything medical? If so sorry.

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Whole lotta drugs (prescribed and otherwise) messing with my peepee, I wouldn't attempt to sleep with anyone.

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Darn RIP. Hope you get better soon.

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I mean one of my best relationships was with a virgin. Kinda fun knowing my peepee set the standard for all future peepees for her. I'm not against them, I just don't have a strong preference.

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>slightly be inconvenienced when teaching her s*x

I've heard :marseyjacksparrow: people talk about not wanting to teach a virgin :marseychadthundercock: and I just don't get what the big deal is. "Ok now, do this. Ya keep doing that. Wow good job! :marseyboinkpat:". Tah dah! Teaching done. People unwilling to teach anything :marseycoleporter: are a red flag for impatience tbh.

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I'm no chud, but the fact that I'll never get a girl clingy because I was her first lives rent free in my head.

I just wanted to be special :marseydepressed:

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I'll frick your wife before you if you want her to have some experience, champ :marseywink:

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You also don't have to worry as much about if your peepee will fit.

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That's unironically been a problem with some of the virgin girls I've been with. Took a whole lot of persistence to get it in.

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Gen Z men embracing female socialization supremacy is magical to watch.

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What do you mean.

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The men are raised to be lazy entitled coddled man children and women are raised to be more emotionally mature, hard working, and responsible type shit. It's like a lot of Gen Z men wish they were raised foids. :malefeminist: behavior

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>women are raised to be more emotionally mature, hard working, and responsible type shit.

Ahahaha nice jk

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He is describing these as male traits.

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???? what women are you meeting lol

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If you really needle them on why they want to marry a fricking virgin, or why they'd never date a women smarter than them, or why she has to dress modestly, the answer always boils down to "she'll be less likely to cheat on me".

She says this like this is unreasonable. Also virginity, modesty, and r-sluration is feminine, and femininity is what makes women attractive.

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you guys are missing the point. If you're dating a woman you don't trust you don't belong together. If you think that just because your partner is dressing nice she's looking for someone better than you maybe you should reflect inwards. Men overwhelmingly cheat, and they project their insecurities onto their partner.

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you can be dating a woman based on trust, but you can't marry one based on trust.

everyone who gets married thinks they can trust their SO.

70% of marriages end in divorce, and as far as THE SYSTEM is concerned, that (divorce) is the whole purpose of marriage: transfer money from wealth creators to consoomers.

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



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I do not want to marry a virgin. They are icky and gross. If they were actually hot then they wouldn't be a virgin. Simple as

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