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Yes to extremists being dangerous friends. This goes for religious extremists also.

Wait, are hardcore feminists extremists?

Yes. :marseyradfem:

I guess we wouldn't call abolitionists "extremists" so feminists must not be either.

Western white women are as oppressed as slaves. :marseyfoidretard:

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Some of the abolitionists were definitely extremeists


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Who's that? He's really tall. Trans lives matter

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John Brown

He helped Kansas kill some slavers from Missouri :marseyflagksthumbsup:

Then there were some leftover guns from the :marseyflagmissourigenocide: fundraiser, so he snuck onto slave plantations and gave the slaves guns so they could kill yt :marseythumbsup2: and that was pretty funny and abolitionpilled and everyone clapped.

But after doing that a couple times, he ran out of guns (the slaves mostly didn't give them back) so he decided to steal a bunch of guns from a US Army weapons depot.

His other abolitionist buddies were all "ngl John Brown, that's pretty r-slurred, don't matter how tall you are, you're just gonna get yourself killed, babe:marseynails:"

and John Brown was all "nah, when they hear about how badass I am, all the slaves will rush over the hills and I'll throw them some guns and we'll fight our way out, it'll be sick as heck :marseywindmill:"

and his abolitionist buddies were all :marseysurejan:

And then he went and broke into a US Army Weapons Depot to steal rifles from the US government and got himself killed, and the perfidious south seceded from the union because they were scared of the ferocity of our northern crackheads.


And that's the story of how the Civil War began :marseythumbsup2:

!burgers !historychads God Bless us all.

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I'm of two minds about him. Classic zealot who hurt his own cause more than the enemy. On the other hand I can't really condemn Jayhawkers too much. I wouldn't have been born if we all rolled over and let them genocide us.


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Now he's reduced to being a flair for succs on /r/neoliberal


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His plan was kinda stupid. Harpers Ferry was impossible to hold. Even during war. It switched hands pretty much every time army showed up. Only way you could hold it was by fortified hill next to it.

Going to Harpers Ferry and staying there was death sentence.

John brown was great commander. So him making such stupid plan. Is odd. And he even let train full of people to leave there. Hastening response. If he expected slaves to rise up. Thats not how you do it. He could have taken the horses. Ride through south. Burning any plantation he saw. Just pillage through south. That is what Garibaldi would have done. And he was in news all the time back then.

Question is. Did he really make up worst plan one could have had. Short of storming of D.C. or did he just want to die as martyr or force issue of slavery to headlines. Hoping for political solution to be pushed through. Becouse what writes just before he gets hangged

I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with Blood. I had... vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed, it might be done.

Basically saying he wanted to force issue toward political solution. But now he only sees violent solution. War

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did he just want to die as martyr

You see this is in different cultures. Christians back when people actually believed in it, Shi'a Muslims in the 1980s, Japanese in WW2. Thinking gets kinda warped. People who are prepared for martyrdom are very good at finding it.

Not saying that he was consciously thinking this. But as a certain frog :#marseycamus: once wrote, a person doesn't necessarily kill themself for one reason. They can kill themself for two reasons. The human brain is really good at merging all your different motives together and making you think it's a rational decision.

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What about Luigi Mangione? He very obviously let himself be caught in a very similar fashion. The culture of martyrdom isn't dead (hehe).

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A few years ago I would have posted video of basij in the 1980s as a joke. I can't do that anymore because I'm afraid my family would be punished. That's how far we've gone. It's not an independent country anymore.


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When you're done sleepwalking, explain pls

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>John brown was great commander

The only fight he won was by attacking people in their sleep. He got his butt kicked in half the conflicts he was part of.

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Battle of Osawatomie? Outnumbered 7 to 1. Compleatly one sided casualties and brown and his men get away.

Battle of Black Jack? Total brown victory.

He was great gorilla commander and had firm grasp of modern warfare. He was ahead of whole lot of generals in civil war.

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Lolol he attacked people in the night at blackjack, and got his butt completely handed to him osawatomie and ran like a b-word. He didn't even manage to kill a single person who was awake at either fight.

Are you some sort of Lawrence strag?

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night at blackjack


He didn't even manage to kill a single person who was awake at either fight


Im not even burger. No idea who is Lawrence.

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See also Splinter Cell: Double Agent

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He was actually kicked out of Kansas by the Free State side because surprisingly Kansans didn't take kindly to outsider peepeeheads decapitating their neighbors while screaming about God and generally shit stirring.

And he didn't actually kill any slavers in Kansas, he cut off a few people's heads with a sword for shit talking him, and then fought a Federal Marshal militia looking to arrest him.

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John Henry, an American folk hero who won a competition against a steam engine and dropped dead.

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John Brown would be labeled as a terrorist today, lmao.

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He was terrorist then lmao

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Away down south in Gruexie :marseybeanwinking:

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NEVER ask a Grue their opinion on terrorism

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One of the most spoiled demographics in history = chattel slavery. You're just too misogynistic to see it :marseyindignantwoman:

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They are more oppressed then slaves

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"If Mike is Lilith now that's HER business."


but has her friend considered for a moment that this sentence was how their friendship fell apart. It could have been so many other names. But it wasn't.

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literally, I wonder if they went literally all the way and sprang for Lilith Nakamura

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>I know I'll insult them that'll change their mind

why people always fall for this

you change people's minds by making friends with them

it's gay but it actually works

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Frick you

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>now named Lilith

:marseynooticeglow: I'M NOOOOOTICING

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>her son is now her "daughter"

Have they no decorum? You don't talk about it while endlessly making fun of them to your normal friends and family.

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>She was describing to me that her sister :marseygirl: is now going :marseysalmaid: by a name that's Aiden-adjacent, and that that sister's husband :marseypropose: is now named Lilith


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I'm with the ovarit foid on this one if she tells the truth

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Did Graham Linehan write this?

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Imagine all your friends are :marseytrain: lovers

What does that say about you

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Presumably she has :marseyeggirl: energy

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But... Lilith? Seriously? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 There these men go thinking that they're so rebellious that they co-opt women from history that actually were rebellious and the system that vilified them for it. What an butthole. Also what an AGP with his fricking fetish bullshit.

The Lilith thing makes me crazy. It seems like all of these people are picking from a short list of important names designed to piss us all off.

Do they think Lilith is a real historical feminist :marseyxd:

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(12) Her nobles shall be no more, nor shall kings be proclaimed there; all her princes are gone. (13) Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. (14) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. (15) There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate. (16) Look in the book of the LORD and read: No one of these shall be lacking, For the mouth of the LORD has ordered it, and His spirit shall gather them there. (17) It is He who casts the lot for them, and with His hands He marks off their shares of her; They shall possess her forever, and dwell there from generation to generation.

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Lilith is also an adoptive name for many ciswomen in edgy subcultures, not just transwomen.

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I just lost my one of last friends (of 30+ years) to this BS a few months ago. I've been having the same thoughts that you've expressed here. I just know I can't keep my mouth shut in perpetuity, so I hope this craziness is over soon, or it's going to be harder to make any true friends. At least for me. I hope you find your people.

Hi just wanted to say that I relate. I was also ghosted by my last true friend after we had a disagreement on gender ideology. We had seen each other every week for years and she just cast me aside in favor of a group of males who I introduced her to who I've known my whole life. These guys exhibited some weird behavior toward me, but that wasn't a deal breaker for her. Me having different beliefs was though and that sucks. And now all my former friends are banded together and I'm alone. Ive never felt this scared or this liberated before.

Sorry, but your friend is a heartless idiot for caring more about her brother-in-law's new girlie identity than she does about the clear negative impact this shit is having on her niece. And your friend's adherence to the gospel of gender means that the niece can't count on her to be a safe person to vent to if she wanted to complain about her dad

I'm nooticing that no overit users have any friends, and are confused when friends value family more than their sad weird overit friend

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Oh wow! Wonder who's fault this is :marseyhmm:

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>guy renamed himself to Lilith

>his wife renamed herself to something close to Aiden

>their kid renamed herself to "it" and is now refusing to shower

I'm with the fat feminist on this one.

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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"



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I blew up a friendship with an old libfem buddy that I had foolishly reconnected with. I never bothered to bring up trans shit with her because I knew there was no point (she's a MASSIVE handmaiden who worships at the feet of any man who wears a dress). But she lashed out at me for saying that antisemitism is real and that its wrong to r*pe Jewish women to death

Why are these people like this?

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