Op is late 40s
As a female engineer who is close to 50
kids are 15 and 17 and she regularly has outbursts of anger and probably violence toward them. Then she blames it to her adhd.
9 years ago she posted this to breakingmoms
Christmas is over. Everyone is in bed. They weren't complete little shits, possibly because letters were written to Santa saying that if they weren't appreciative of gifts (which weren't the computer or real magic wand that were requested), then this should be the last time Santa comes because he should give his presents to other kids who would appreciate them.
Toys were played with then kids whinged when they couldn't do something first time (I don't know how Rubik's cubes were handled before youtube videos). There was no way they were eating the delicious lunch at the Grandparents - they would hardly come to the table let alone stay at it. The Grandparents had a great backup plan of sausage rolls (which are always eaten), but because they'd been cut in quarters, they weren't good enough.
There was fighting in the car on the way home (that 15 minute drive was just too long for them today), and then there was no relaxing at home (they'd read all the books they were given for christmas while not eating lunch at the grandparents'), but they needed someone to play the games they'd gotten for christmas, and playing with each other wasn't feasible.
Then all I can see on Facebook is all these perfect pictures of perfect families on their perfect christmas day.
Maybe we'll cancel christmas next year.
These kids were rised by breakingmom poster. Will cycle continue and will they become /r/risedbynarsistic posters.
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Breaking mom users gotta be the most miserable of Redditors and that's saying something
No dad in the picture, it goes without saying
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TwoXX or breaking mom posters? I know there is overlap but my got TwoX posters are absolutely miserable ladygardens.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Lol, but no.
These women are married. Maybe husbando is a bum, but often they just pretend their husband doesnt exist. Because, if you start asking questions, you'll quickly discover lots of parttime housewives who are full time Karens.
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If you only work part time you have no excuse to b-word moan or complain about parenting. Thats parenting on easy mode
Reminds me of that b-word comic artist who disparaged her full time lawyer husband constantly .
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If you wanna see dammnest thing. Look stay home parenting posts foids vs moids.
Foids are always miserable. Moids say its easiest and most amazing thing ever
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One of my friends is the stay at home parent, he says it's the best thing ever
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It's true up to a point, depends on how long you've been doing it and how well your wife stays the frick out of things.
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Got myself in trouble yesterday at friends house. A few of them grew up with BPD b-word that is kinda hot, very hot for a mom of 3, all the girls loved BPD girl cause she is fun and artsy. I took one look at her years ago and knew she was radioactive but she was always around our circle so I played nice for a decade. She was/is a fashion designer but everything is terrible and no one has the balls to tell her.
BPD girl went to a good college on the East coast and married into family of billionaires. Didn't sign a pre-nup, gets all the kids school paid for and 12k a month in their pre-divorce settlement. All while constantly posting selfies in ridiculous outfits, gets day drunk then post his flight tracker for his family's private jet like "I am good mom look at me with the kids while he is in the Caribbean" and constantly excuses him of being gay. If you look up things not to do on social media during a divorce, she is doing the exact opposite. She's been sleeping around town, I know of at least 3 guys she's banged pre-divorce.
They asked me what I thought and I just said "sounds like good work if you can get it. I'd love 12k + 60k in school tuition to be a terrible dad"
"Jamal you don't understand she got in a bad car accident a year or two, that's what changed her"
They sit around talking shit about her but when I said she was crazy it was a bridge too far. They don't want to admit they enabled her for 30 years and now that she is creating three more BPD personalities, they don't want to accept any responsibility for their role in her being bat shit
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Don't stick your peepee in crazy is a Reddit tier cliche but it's still true as ever
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But how can you fix her if you don't peepee her
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When you look in the mirror, can you tell that you're stupid?
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Usually its husband who is doing most of stuff. If husband is bum. They would have actually have divorce them. Or foid is broken enough to actually stick with bum. But then they wouldn't smugly post to reddit how great and selfless they are.
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the stepparents sub is worse
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