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/r/TwoX :marseyradfem: are confused as to whether them having more or less :marseybib: will lead to :marseygilead:




top comments reccomend policies that only countries with the lowest birth rates implement

Basically all boils down to the government not paying them to pop out babies


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In China, for instance, the government has taken a sharply anti-feminist stance in recent years. President Xi Jinping told a meeting of the All-China Women's Federation in 2023 that women should "actively cultivate a new culture of marriage and child-bearing."

Was the one child policy a pro-feminist one? :marseymao: :marseychingchong: :marseybib: :!marseygeisha:

2025 looks to be a year in which their choice could well be taken away.


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I will help Chinese women fix their birthrates. Just send them my way President Xi, happy to help.


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>Was the one child policy a pro-feminist one? :marseymao: :marseychingchong: :marseybib: :!marseygeisha:

Yes, it produced a lot of abortions (many of them postnatal).

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