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/r/TwoX :marseyradfem: are confused as to whether them having more or less :marseybib: will lead to :marseygilead:




top comments reccomend policies that only countries with the lowest birth rates implement

Basically all boils down to the government not paying them to pop out babies


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>They are falling because the earth is overcrowded and we are suffering from resource scarcity and that's what animals do when that happens. They stop reproducing when it's unlikely their offspring will have access to resources.

None of this is true, and there's multiple comments with the same sentiment. These people cant actually believe most animals are deliberately choosing how many offspring they have? Have they never heard of Boom-Bust cycles?

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Have you heard of the beautiful ones?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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The Prince song?

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No, the mice

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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After googling them, I think I have read about then before. It's definitely interesting but a bit different and in many ways the opposite. They didn't self regulate and suffered social collapse.

Coyotes are the only animal I know of that have a mechanism for population regulation. But it's not like a deliberate choice. The number of call backs when they howl affect the number if pups in a litter. Lots of calls cause litters of only 1 or 2, few callbacks and they have litters of 6 or so.

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Well nothing an animal does can really be a deliberate choice.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I dunno, I locked my cat in the bathroom because she kept jumping on the table at dinner and she took a massive dump right in the middle of the floor. Seemed pretty deliberate to me.

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Boom-Bust cycles?

a degree in feminism doesnt require economics class

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>behavior is genetically determined and humans behave exactly like wild animals

>also the population bomb is real


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