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Mutual aid, community organizing, getting to know your neighbors


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>n-no you don't get it, making sure you're in good with the locals is a waste of time, that won't help you if shit hits the fan


idk man, if a chainsaw maniac is chasing you and Dave from the community cookouts, I'm throwing you in front of the killer to buy Dave time

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going to parties wont make you ready for the apocalypsd

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Uninvited cope

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It absolutely will. Modern society is the only place you can survive as a loner. If there's some kind of collapse your family+social group will be everything.

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Considering they're supposedly planning for a race gender (uhhh..... s*x?) War... no it won't!

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Surrounding myself with grillers to avoid the fiery but mostly peaceful s*x war

Call 'em meatshields !carlos

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Yeah thats pretty good :marseythumbsup:

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Speak for yourself, I'd take a peepee for Dave. Have you even tried his spare ribs???

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Yes it will. The war, if it ever happens, will not be fought between women it men. It will be men (!incels) vs men the women convinced to fight for them in exchange for kitty

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men the women convinced to fight for them in exchange for kitty

Unironically if it came to a race gender war that wouldnt work anymore. Can just join the incels and get all the kitty you want, and by the time actual gender-based riots broke out the sides would be entrenched and radicalised that one would fight for actual sharia-like foid suppression, the other for matriarchy where scrotes are just enslaved cattle. The foid side couldnt and wouldnt offer kitty as payment because thats literally what theyre fivhting against.

Anyways, as funny as it would be, its never going to happen anyways, because 90% of this gemdershit is just online and fighting war means going outside.

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Mutual aid

a.k.a. "charity with a dose of socialist propaganda"

Socialists can't just do nice things. No, they have to bundle everything with a political message. It's definitely no better than the Salvation Army bundling proselytizing with charity. !anticommunists

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Salvation Army actually helps people, and are pretty conscientious about preaching instead of helping. My apartment burned down six months ago, and Salvation Army were the only people to offer straight cash and shelter. My boyfriend and I gladly took it, and were extremely grateful for their help and support.

Really nice and professional people serving community and Christ.

!lutherans !christians

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I'm mostly referring to the hypocrisy of criticizing the Salvation Army while directing people to their own charity+propaganda operation.

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You are mostly just making shit up and saying "communists and socialists bad" over and over and getting really pissed about it, what has gone wrong in your life that in 2025 in the USA you fricking think like this you imbecile

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For Marxists, the fight against oppression goes hand in hand with the class struggle. While we recognise that different groups in society suffer different forms of oppression, we affirm that this oppression is rooted in the class system itself.


Don't believe communist lies that they actually support your pet identity politics. They're just trying to hook you into class politics. !anticommunists

As for mutual aid being a front to political organizing, it's not even a secret that it's considered an organizing tool, even if there's disagreement about the effectiveness:



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Don't believe communist lies that they actually support your pet identity politics. They're just trying to hook you into class politics.

Id say theres a 50/50 chance that most commies nowadays honestly believe in ID-politics, versus using identity as a cleavage to create class consciousness. Either way its communist subversion and deserves the wall.

even if there's disagreement about the effectiveness:

Communism is and always will be primarily an ideology for affluent upper-/middle class youths with a conscience but little sense, and the dregs of society that actively make society worse and get ostracised for it, and then think if only we had communism they could continue to act like that but be accepted or lauded (or at least get everything they want for free).


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If they still believe their goal is to dismantle capitalism, then it is just as bad, no matter what their minor beliefs are.

Communism is and always will be primarily an ideology for affluent upper-/middle class youths with a conscience but little sense


This has been my experience with socialists or people with socialist sympathies I meet in real life. They are not bad people per se, but they are delusional about the promise of socialism. They all come from relatively well-off families, but dislike their more conservative parents, and are now relatively living lean. I tried to tell them they are the bourgeois hated by the socialists, but I don't think they are understanding it.

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I dont think I know any that are ohtright bad people, though I havent met many since highschool.

Its just a curious naivety to how humans function and what motivates them and leads to which outcomes. Fundamentally they dont understand that good people can do bad things, and that good intentions can lead to bad outcomes and that becoming a monster is a slow decline not something you're born as.

For the ones I knew, they were big into the alternative scene, and spent time with many people on the margins of society. And I think meeting junkies/"vagabonds" that are still normal and nice is what soured them on the society that told them (as kids) that these people are losers and bad. What they fail to realise is that not only can both things be true - those guys being nice and society shunning them for a reason (being unreliable or stealing, mostly) - but also that they still met only a specific kind of person, those alsl involved in the alternative scene. The true lumpenprole doesnt go to an alternative youth center for a local punk rock show. Theyre under the bridge shooting up heroin.

Also in my experience they were all guys and didnt realise that the old guys at those shows were there to cruise for some underage gussy. :marseypedosnipe:

Play me away longpost, im drunk :marseydrunk:

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modern commies believe in both. The Occam's Razor response is that class & idpol notions have collided into a steaming heap of shit, because these people are stupid and have poorly thought out ideas.

Do you think Bluesky :marseytrain2:-commies are actually reading and synthesising Marxist theory in any meaningful capacity?

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actually reading and synthesising Marxist theory in any meaningful capacity?

No, but I think they're repeating the same actions as previous commies with the same goals, and the actual intentions behind many of the actions originated with Marx.

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The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.

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Reading this person is like entry after entry of someone hyping themselves up over something that isn't there. Genuinely no different than the women in this thread working themselves up over hitler, except people are big fans of this r-slur, amazing

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And they'll be doing that, when, exactly?


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After the next episode, honey


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