Hopalong_McGurkPark/Bride Darn it feels good to be a burger 2mo ago#7578804
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Personally, I went through this phase at 19, at the beginning of my career as a classical ballet dancer. I was living alone in Paris (I'm french), and I think I craved excitement and novelty. Classical dance is an art that demands rigor and discipline, so outwardly, I was the cliché of the well-behaved girl. But I had gone through a rough adolescence, wanting to break free from that image, so I did some foolish things (teenage foolishness, of course). I think my dance teachers still remember that rebellious phase of my life, haha.
I found out he was involved in a horrific case of gang r*pe. I also learned that he had had a girlfriend throughout our entire relationship. I was horrified.
I’m 100% certain that at least half the mods do not have Faith or the Holy Spirit.
Hopalong_McGurk 2mo ago#7580038
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>date a french man
>be surprised when he's got another girlfriend
Why tho. She's french, she should know exactly what they're like
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this is so French it feels fake
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And yet it's clearly real
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Why tho. She's french, she should know exactly what they're like
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Im surprised everytime i remember there are people who voluntarily have s*x with frenchmen
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