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:marseywomanmoment2: wants to organize a class action lawsuit against :marseyelonmusk: bc reasons :marseyindignantwoman:




Basically the title- how does one go about suing a non-elected rodent-adjacent party who has compromised the entire country's personal data? Edit: thanks all, looks like we're calling reps and beating our phone-anxiety down through sheer rage. I'd like to say something positive like "we've got this, ladies!" But best I can do is team-based void screaming. :marseywitchtriggered:


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I'm filing a class action lawsuit against all women for not having s*x with me.

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I'm filing one against all twoxposters for not creating a political lesbian commune in some island and getting the frick out

I found a broad there today whos posting history consists of 4/5 men bad because they exist stuff and 1/5 proud posting about being sexless femcel for the last 10 years unironically

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Kongs Rock!

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drop a link King :marseydetective#:

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Edit: thanks all, looks like we're calling reps and beating our phone-anxiety down through sheer rage.

Wow, I'm sure the Muskrat is terrified of people afraid of using a phone.

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Well like you need a cause of action first.

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he is a misogynist/fascist, thats what causes us to have to take action! :marseywitch2:

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>So basically we have to wait until the stolen info is actually used to harm us before doing anything?

Tbh this shocked me as someone who doesn't know law. It seems if someone puts you in danger or attempts to do something short of murder, you should be made whole and they should be penalized but that is absolutely not how the law works. In the vast majority of cases you have to prove you were harmed in order for courts to do anything.

It's why we need a good samaritan law for beating the frick out of creeps (provided decent evidence of creepiness). dudes can straight up stalk women, show up at their home or place of business, etc and cops can't do shit until he does something.

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It seems if someone puts you in danger or attempts to do something short of murder,

if you intentionally put someone in reasonable fear/apprehension of an imminent attack thats called assault and you can sue over it. Like if someone pointed a gun that you thought to be loaded and pointed it at you and pulled the trigger, you could sue them.

dudes can straight up stalk women, show up at their home or place of business, etc and cops can't do shit until he does something.

thats untrue as well. The womxn can get a restraining order against a scrote if he is stalking her and then if the scrote violates the order the police can arrest them and she can sue for monetary damages aswell.

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The law exists to address wrongs done to you. Until the point you've sustained actual damages there's not much the law can do. If your data has been compromised a suitable action would be to have credit and/or identity insurance, cover the costs associated with changing phone numbers, et cetera.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Because its civil law, you are explicitly suing over damages. If something is covered by criminal law then it works how you would expect.

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So basically we have to wait until the stolen info is actually used to harm us before doing anything?

"stolen data"

really shows the depth of what has actually happened this week, "they are aggregating data from federal agencies, literally fascism :hysterical:"

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Has their data actually been leaked? I keep seeing this shit but just because people you don't like have access doesn't mean it's compromised

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whats funny is that lots of people who shouldmt have the data have it and there is hardly any recourse for consumers when a leak happens. Like last year when ALL american SSNs and other data was leaked by some random obscure company that no one ever heard of


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I'm not sure why they think a class action is the right aveneue for this :marseythonk:

Qui Tam maybe, but I'm not sure cutting expenses is something you can whistle blow on :marseyshrug:

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.




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