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!chuds !fellas

90's Mayofoid Jussie Smollett :marseyattentionseeker:


The student who claimed in February that she had been the victim of a racist attack at Guilford College is now apologizing for harm that she herself has caused.

Molly Martin said in a letter to the student-life dean on the North Carolina campus last month that she was resigning as president of the student government and withdrawing from the college. "I apologize to all members of the Guilford College community for acts that were inappropriate and that were injurious to them and to the college," she wrote.

In February, when Ms. Martin was running for re-election, she reported that she had been knocked unconscious while working alone in her office. The attacker had used a red marker to scrawl "BIPOC lover" on her chest, she said. Ms. Martin, who is white, later won the election.

The incident sparked outrage among some of the state's black leaders.

But police in Greensboro, N.C., dubbing Ms. Martin a "reluctant witness," dropped their investigation in April, after she declined to take a polygraph test administered by a police expert.

Ms. Martin has returned home to Charleston, W.Va., where her mother is battling breast cancer. "The physical and emotional drain that followed everything in February, and also the fact that my mother is quite ill, made it necessary for me to seek a change of venue," she said in an interview.

Ms. Martin reiterated that the attack had occurred, but she declined to say what she was apologizing for in the letter. "I'm not sure that it's important to get into it," she said.


So few people understand what it's really like to be FLAT, and not a petite person. If I was small and skinny and cute like a fairy, I'd probably just rock my flat chest

This morning I requested a consultation with a plastic surgeon :(


Patriarchy created a rating system for womens bodies and actions. It also built a society where your value as a person is dependent on your score. If you look or act in a way that men don't approve of, they will punish you for it.

If you don't look the right way, you will not be respected as human being.

If you look the right way but you don't act the right way, you are a "slut" for not sleeping with them.

If you try to look better, you will be accused of "cheating" and trying too hard. Because women aren't the ones who get to decide who is hot or not, only men are.

There is no winning this game. Look whatever way you please, use all of the makeup and surgical procedures you want for your dream body, including none at all. But whatever you do, do not do it for men. They ain't fricking worth it. Do it for yourself and noone else.

yes, it's the patriarchy's fault, i (and many others) don't find fatties attractive


The whole "natural beauty" supremacy is always one sentence away from just outting itself as eugenics.

>if you don't date uggos..... you support eugenics

oooh, I feel you. I ran out of puberty from the waist up, so I've had ALL the junk in the trunk and nada on top.

I always felt like I was "dressing up as an adult, " and things like bikinis for the small bobbed are always like "Here are 16000 ruffles TO HIDE YOUR SHAME".

ALL my female friends growing up, men I knew, and of course, everyone's favorite, strangers, had to give me their opinion on my boobs. Even if it was "positive " (" I love flattys!" WTF) it was not welcome and my female pals would always point out, especially if someone hit on me, that their tits were bigger.........

queen shit :#marseykingcrown::#gigachadqueen::#chadwomannordic:


>Last name literally Pichardo

>Can't Pitch



I dunno. This lady sucks.

:marseywomanmoment: :!marseymagarentfree:

None Hello, I am not writing this to garner sympathy. I am writing this because I thought it would be informative for people to read about what i have gone through concerning scary and sexually abusive experiences in my life. Just normal life as a female. I think it is important to state that nothing I list below is unusual for most of the women I have talked to about these types of things.

I am going to list these experiences as they come to mind. They are not going to be in any particular order. Some things are much worse than others, however, they are all important to list, as they all concern different types of abuse, sexual and otherwise. I have been thinking about these experiences of mine, quite a lot lately. My go to is to write things down when they start to get overwhelming. Sometimes painting and reading are not enough. So here goes.

  • At five years old, I was taken into the room of a fifteen year old neighbor girl, who used to babysit me and my sister. She took off my shirt, and her own, then touched my chest, and made me do the same to her. She put her fingers on my vaginal area, over my pants. I don't remember what happened after that. I kept this to myself, and finally told my parents about it when I was 13.

  • I have been whistled at by males in cars many times, screamed at about my different body parts, and let me just say that when you are walking down the street, minding your own business, and someone yells at you from behind or beside you, it makes you jump, and scares the shit out of you, because you are not expecting it.

  • The first time I remember being screamed at, I was fourteen. NICE BUTT! Which came out of the mouth of an adult male. I was walking up the steps at the fair, going into the history exhibit. There were lots of people around, no one blinked an eye.

  • Adult male carnies, at the same fair, triying to pick me up.

  • My mother and I were at the seafood market, and an old man started talking to me, telling me that oysters were sexual aphrodisiacs. (I was fourteen) apparently, fourteen was the magic number, for the most part. Of course, we got the heck out of there.

  • When I was sixteen, mom and I went to lunch at a restaurant/bar. The men at the bar started loudly talking about how they wanted to have a piece of me and my mom. How we were fine looking, and other vulgar stuff. The bartender did nothing, we had to leave.

  • I was walking down the path to the office, in high school one day, and 3 boys told me they were going to r*pe me, after school.

  • Again, a teenager, I was walking down market street, in San Francisco, and a man started following me, telling me that he wanted some, "trim."

  • I was sixteen, my girlfriend was fourteen, we were walking down market street, and two sailors kept following us around, offering to buy us anything we wanted, if only we would go out to dinner with them that evening. Of course, we said no, and told them our ages. Didn't matter to them at all.

  • Went to a friend's wedding, and her friend's husband, came up behind me and put his hand/fingers, way down low, on my rear.

  • My roommate's fiance told me in front of her and her family, that I would look beautiful in the clothes she was showing them, that she had picked out for her wedding party.

  • I was grabbed in a suffocating hug, kissed forcefully, and told that I needed to leave my husband.

  • I was grabbed again, hands going over my breasts and rear, and french kissed. (A different guy and time)

  • I was grabbed and held by the sides of my face and French kissed, I was seventeen, the guy was in his twenties.

  • Grabbed in the walkin freezer at work by the bread man, he attacked me, I got away and ran into the office and locked myself in.

  • Same bread guy was always saying inappropriate shit to me.

  • At work as a waitress at the country club, i was sexually harassed by my manager. An example, he walked up behind me when i was rolling silverware, and put his arms on either side of me, rubbed his peepee on me, leaned in my ear, and asked me if i was wet.

  • The male members at the country club continually hit on me, asking me how many guys I dated, etc.

  • Cooks at the country club sexually harassd me, and were verbally abusive when I told them to leave me alone.

  • A guy I had went to school with, starting in elementary, (I considered him a friend.) Saw me walking down the road one day, offered me a ride home, told me he heard I was getting divorced, and did I want to go have a drink with him. (He was married) I said no, I didn't think so. He kept asking me if we could go have a beer at my house. I said no, he kept circling the block and would not let me out of the truck. Oh, I forgot, when I first got in the truck, he told me that he had always hoped he would see me walking down the road, so that he could offer me a "ride somewhere." I finally got him to let me out of the truck.

  • My ex husband and I had friends of his over from his school days, we lived in a two room apartment. I had too much to drink, and went in our room to lay down. While my husband was outside with some other friends, two of his childhood friends mauled me in my bed and kissed me. Hazy memories of that incident.

  • Walking down the street one day, and 3 guys drove in front of me, cut off my ability to walk around them, and asked me if I wanted to go and "party" with them. I Ignored them and they kept following me, shouting obscenities.

  • Followed around the block by guys in cars more times than I can say. One guy was so persistent that I screamed at him, "get the frick away from me, you murderer."

  • Went out on a date, and was r*ped. Afterwards, The guy told me that he really liked me, and would I like to go out to dinner with him the next night?

  • My ex husband r*ped me.

  • Dinner with my parents, with his work colleague and his wife. Age fourteen again. My dad's work friend started talking about my "budding body" and how pretty i was.

  • Walking down the street, going to meet my now husband, and a group of guys, as they were walking towards me, told me that I was "going to get fricked tonight." They all laughed at me as they walked past me.

  • Can't forget the classic, "Smile, you would be so much prettier if you smiled." Said more times than I can count.

  • Husband's uncle was continually pinching my rear and telling me that when I got bored of his nephew, he was willing to "take care of me."

  • Followed home from a restaurant one night, by a man in a truck. I had to walk past my house, and run away from him, so he wouldn't know where I lived.

  • Got disgusting sexual calls at my work, and no matter who else answered the phone, including other women, he would wait until it was me on the phone.

  • Was at a party, and one of the guys tried to break into the bathroom, while I was in there. He was pushing the door inward, I was able to keep him out, I have no idea how I was able to do that. Terror?

  • At fifteen, my first boyfriend, who was 18, tried to r*pe me on the wet football field one night.

  • My first time going out with a boy in high school, he parked and grabbed me and kissed me, without my consent.

  • Went out with my girlfriend one Friday night, and a group of men tried to convince us to go to a party with them. We were both fifteen.

Well, I do think that this list gives enough of a glimpse of what has happened to an ordinary woman during her life. I am now 56 years old. I must say, when I have thought about this stuff, it did not seem this extensive. Writing all of this down though, has made me realize the enormity of it all. Internalizing this crap is one thing, seeing it all down here, is blowing my mind. This is mostly what I can remember right now, I am sure there is more I am forgetting.

I can't say this enough, this list is not strange or unique, which is a big part of why I wanted to write this all down here. Some women and girls have had more terrible experiences, some less, but the awful thing about this is that these types of behaviors by men happen every single day to women and girls, and some men do not seem to understand the day in, day out reality of it. It is exhausting emotionally. Reading through this list, I am amazed I am still here, and surviving.

P.S. I intentionally did not include how some of these experiences were resolved, as it would be too much and too long to write about all of that. Also, if anyone is wondering, I have never had a driver's, incense, I rode my bike, or walked everywhere. I lived in a pretty small town.




A TikToker's video of a restaurant playing the national anthem is sparking debate on the popular social media platform.

Paulina (@paulinappa_0) took the video at Rainbow Oaks Country Market in Fallbrook, California, which shows several diners standing up out of respect for the song. She found the situation to be "dangerous" and several other TikTok users also shared similar experiences they had at other restaurants, which they too found to be unnerving.

The clip starts off with Paulina recording her pancakes and then the interior of a restaurant. She stays seated in front of her meal as other patrons stand up and salute the flag as "The Star-Spangled Banner" plays on the establishment's loudspeaker. Her camera pans to TV sets hanging on the walls that display animated graphics of American flags waving in the wind.

A caption for the post reads: "By far the most dangerous situation I've ever been in," followed by the "#getout #illegal #whitepeoplethings" hashtags.

One commenter remarked that this isn't a unique experience just to the restaurant Paulina visited: "i worked at mission bbq and they made us do this everyday at noon, i hated it there so much."

Another person who said they visited Mission BBQ as a customer experienced a similar situation that also didn't sit too well with them: "this happened when i was at mission bbq once and it was so awkward that i haven't been back since."

Someone else agreed that they, too, thought it was a very uncomfortable situation as well: "Girl naurrrr I would be sweating."

One commenter just couldn't understand why a restaurant would do that: "Was it like for a reason? Or did it just start playing randomly and they all got up on reflex?? Wild."

This isn't the first time a restaurant has gone viral after footage of employees and customers standing up out of respect for the National anthem was posted online. Mission BBQ purportedly does on daily at 12pm.

redditor also uploaded a video of a Mission BBQ National Anthem session, which had one commenter remarking, "As an American, this makes me incredibly uncomfortable."

However, there was another who said that the headline of the Reddit post was "misleading" as it indicates that the chain "makes" individuals stand up for the anthem out of respect, which they claim is not the case: "I was at the one by me when it first opened and this happened. The headline is misleading, nobody 'makes you'. They have an announcement, and I think about half of the people participated. That being said, it was weird to watch."

The Burn reported Mission BBQ continued the National Anthem tradition, even during government-mandated stay-at-home and social distancing protocols implemented in response to the fervor surrounding COVID-19. The restaurant issued a statement on their dedication to this practice in a Facebook post: "Playing our National Anthem every day at noon has been a tradition ever since we first opened our doors on September 11, 2011. In spite of the fact that we can't gather in our 93 locations, Mission BBQ will continue to take two minutes out of our day to honor and salute our flag and our country. We will be live streaming the National Anthem on our Facebook page, everyday at noon until this crisis has past... because we are free and because we can."

Rainbow Oaks Country Market Restaurant also stated via Facebook that they play the national anthem at noon, every day. Along with the announcement, the brand attached an image of actor Gary Sinise speaking into a microphone, speaking to the significance of the American flag: "That flag represents something very powerful to the men and women who serve our country. So out of respect for them and those who fight to protect that flag and what that flag represents, I stand up and I put my hand over my heart," the quote attributed to Sinise reads.

Paulina uploaded a response, via TikTok, to a user who told her, "If you don't like it here I'm sure Africa will take you back."

The Daily Dot has reached out to Rainbow Oaks via email and Paulina via TikTok comment for further information.




A study on gender dysphoria conducted in 1994 has resurfaced and is making waves over the conclusions it draws.

Researchers compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder with mothers of "normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathy and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified."

According to the study, "mothers of boys with gender identity disorders had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)" than mothers of boys who don't exhibit issues with their gender identity.

More than half (53 percent) of moms of boys with gender identity disorders had been diagnosed with depression or BPD, compared to just six percent of the control group. Additionally, 44 percent sought psychiatric help for depression at some point in their life.

Researchers found that mothers of sons with gender identity disorders are "extremely dependent on their sons for emotional sustenance," exhibiting "boundary problems and difficulty separating from their sons."

"It was also observed that many women had symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder," the paper states.

The resurfaced paper could reignite debate over the degree to which gender identity disorders among youth are the result of social contagion, or other factors unrelated to a child's own physiology or psychology, as the U.S. addresses the spike in gender-related psychoses.

Over the past few years, the number of young people who identify as transgender has doubled, according to research published by the University of California in 2022. Now, nearly one-in-five people who identify as transgender are aged 13 to 17.

The 1994 paper found that mothers of sons with gender identity disorders had "longstanding difficulties" with interpersonal relations, including issues with separation, depression, and the management of aggression.

"They describe themselves as compulsively seeking companionship, as prone to intense, emotionally stormy, angry relationships, and as having chronic and intense feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and depression," researchers noted. "They tend to make excessive demands on people and feel entitled to do so."

As a result of the findings, researchers called for additional studies to "shed light on the familial contribution" to gender identity disorders.

Hole posts herself on Cringetopia, not realizing that she is the cringe. Brief drama, but funny.
Hoes in crisis as prostitutes longpost about how doctors are peasants and no better than them

I don’t even know how to annotate this. It’s so fricking long. Hooker goes to visit some relatives with 350k per annum income, sneeds about how she’s never made more than 50k and the doctors aren’t better than her and then starts rambling about Marxism and petite bourgeoisie whatever. It’s not worth the read (a woman wrote it), but it’s worth a skim for how surreal it is.

The comments are just a nonstop stream of weird commie buzzwords and malapropisms and it’s REALLY CONFUSING because this sub is constantly on about getting that bag and ?????

Good morning rDrama happy Donkey Kong December :#donkeykongface:


Get owned by g*mergate, b-word.



I love him so much I came giving him head. I am just so obsessed with this man, I love giving him pleasure so much. He wanted me to stop giving him oral to frick me, but when I said I almost came from it he had me go again. When he added nipple stimulation I was sent over the edge. I am so into him, it’s insane. He can look at me and I melt.

Wow that sounds great. I guess my wife of 15 years doesn't love me as much as this girl sucking a peepee for 3 months cause she doesn't c*m without touching her like a psycho. Why isn't my wife more like this woman?

I relapsed, and while my boyfriend knew I used to self harm, he’s never had to deal with this before. For context, my ex used to make me show him what I did, triggering himself and then him cutting himself as some sort of competition. Anyway, I had to tell my boyfriend what I did, because he would find out anyway. When I said it, he just looked at me with this beautiful kindness, love, and concern. He just said, “I’m so sorry to hear that. Thank you for telling me.” And then he held me for a long time, occasionally whispering “I love you” in my ear. I can’t believe how lucky I am. He did get pretty teary-eyed, which really makes me want to stay clean. He wants me to be okay, and maybe that’s enough for me to want to be okay, too.

Uh ok. :#marseycut:

Thought I was bi, then thought I was a lesbian, and now I like a boy and am definitely a lemon-bar-eating, finger-gun-toting, saluting bisexual girlie here for the vibes!!! :D


Celebratory autism creature because I got diagnosed today!!


Please remember that ANY form of self harm is valid. My ex boyfriend never cared that I was bruising myself, he only cared when it was cutting. And you know what? That’s WRONG. No matter what you do, no matter how much it hurts or scars, you’re still hurting yourself on purpose, and that’s what matters. It’s sad and awful and I care about you so much. Mwah I love you <33 /p


Wow I wonder what could have caused all of this?

Any books with a main character that’s healing from childhood sexual abuse? I like to read books about my own trauma, it’s healing for me. However, I’ve failed to find too many fiction books with this trauma (I’ve read plenty of YA books about other types of trauma, though). Please don’t recommend A Little Life. I don’t like how (spoilers) It makes it seem like survivors are hopeless and incapable of getting better. I liked Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. Repressing the trauma is also not often shown in books. Thanks!



Years down the line, we discussed opening up the relationship. This was during corona and there were a lot of life changing events that happened which caused us to talk a lot. He always said that he feels inferiority towards me since I’ve had 5 partners before I met him and him only 1, which he called “inexperienced”. I always reassured him that he’s more than enough and I’m very happy. But I didn’t want him to regret it years down the line and I thought why not yolo too, so we “opened” our relationship

Sure :marseyagree:

There he met this female coworker who he said came onto him straight away. He told me on every other day that “oh she asked if I’m in a relationship” and “she asked if I’ve never cheated, and how’s that possible” 😐 and apparently asked to see a picture of me etc. I didn’t get a good vibe and told him that but I don’t know her and didn’t want to judge her unfairly

Foid detects her moid possibly getting closer to snatching some poontang and tries to discourage him by citing "bad vibes".

Then he said this morning that he’ll be home from work an hour later since he is going on another walk with her to talk it though. He was more than 1.5 hours later than he said, and I started getting paranoid. I went on find my iphone(I know I shouldn’t, believe me when I say that this isn’t something I’ve felt compelled to do since the very beginning of our relationship where I didn’t trust him yet) and saw that he’s in a wooded forest area. I freaked out and started texting him, he didn’t reply. I called him, it rang out twice and he picked up on the third call(he always replies/answers immediately). I asked him where he was, he said I’ll be home soon. I asked if he’s still at work and he said yes. I immediately cut the call. I saw that he was at the spot for 20 more minutes before he left.

She hooked up with two guys but has a panic attack when her moid could possibly be getting down dirty with another foid lmao

We argued further about me telling him I feel like he broke my trust and he violated my boundaries.

Foid thinks there are boundaries in an open relationship :marseylaugh:

He then texted her saying he doesn’t think it’s appropriate anymore so hope that’s ok. She replied saying “I wasn’t looking for anything anyway, and tell your girlfriend she has nothing to worry about

Whoa an actually based foid!! :marseychadfoid:

I then asked for his phone and saw that they were texting every day back and forth chatting, making plans etc. I was in shock and disbelief, and he kept saying this was just him making it clear that he wants to just hookup. I saw with my own eyes that they were saying how much they liked spending time with each other, talking to each other and updating each other on day to day and making plans to meet up, which according to him never happened(I believe him because he left for and came home from work on time). He also told me that she’d come into his office and they’d chat sometimes. I lost it and told him I can’t believe that he keeps on lying to me, to which he replied that he only wanted a hookup, where did he lie, I knew he was talking to her and he said he wanted to be friends with her etc. I told him he’s shattered my confidence in him and it’s over between us.

:marseygoodnight: she literally can't believe an open relationship lead to her moid treating another foid like a friend. Aren't moids supposed to see foids as more than just a kitty?

This ho so stupid, even her fellow twoxers are dunking on her

WTF did I just read? And you’ll are 30? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

My head hurts reading this.


I don’t know of ANYONE in love, married or otherwise, who opened their relationship up. It’s done when the love has ended or fizzled out for one of them and the other wants to hang on for dear life so they strike this bargain. Then as soon as the partner who wanted to open it finds someone worthy, even if they aren’t in love yet - BAM.

I didn’t do it out of lack of love, the opposite. I did it because I didn’t want him to resent not having had experience which he complains about down the line.

Darling. It’s obviously not you who has fallen out of love. My statement wasn’t aimed at you. No matter what Andrew Tate and other incels says, men who love their women have no FOMO about banging other women.

Just stop.

You need therapy. Childhood wounds and the kind of family you had might be a factor in the lack of perception but this is not what real relationships are like.

Golden rule.

No one ask to open it unless it’s over deep down and they’d rather not break up.

Common sense from a twoxer :marseyshock:

The stupid ho still tries to convince herself that opening up the relationship would somehow save it lol

You clearly are insecure and have alot of control issues but wouldn’t want to accept it. Even if it is just s*x it doesn’t mean someone will go in, bang and come out. You need to flirt, have a build up and take it there. If he had explicitly mentioned in the texts that he doesn’t want a relationship and the girl agreed then I really don’t see a point. You opened up your relationship so what is with this whole drama of getting fussy over text. If he is allowed to seek pleasure outside and it looks like it hasn’t been defined as to what the boundary of that open relationship is then how is it cheating? Honestly girl my one suggestion to you would be therapy. Stop projecting your insecurities on a relationship and you clearly don’t sound like someone who can handle an open relationship.

We had an agreement that we would only have casual hookups, which is what I did. Picked 2 random people on tinder and hooked up. I told him I’m not ok with having s*x with friends or family. He didn’t mention that, and he said things like “I love spending time with you, we should do this and that together, I love talking to you” etc. she never even hinted at having s*x and he led her on. I’m angry that he led her on, if like he says that he doesn’t care about her and would drop her anyway. I don’t think it’s ok to lead people on.

It was totally different because he texted her like they were friends or something :marseyfoidretard:.

One of the foids from the above thread make a post in the same subreddit which contains a brief mention of the open relationship ho and advices the other foids to stay away from polygamy. Said ho finds it and makes a sneed post in there too.

Yeah hello, you’re probably talking about my post. If it’s about my post, then I can talk for myself. Do not misinterpret what I said as my relationship ended because we opened the relationship and my partner acted on it. You’re projecting your own ideas about non monogamy onto other peoples relationship. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah seriously this shit goes on for way too long :marseylongpost:

And this starts a minor catfight :slapfight: in the comment section

The fact you felt everyone else is mad - speaks volumes about yourself no?

lmfao, the majority opinion isn't always right. this has been shown throughout history.

lmfao, the majority opinion isn't always right. this has been shown throughout history.

Ah, nice of you to point out that democracy rests on the shoulders of the wrong. That kind of ego, comes from a blackhole of inner life, to imply fascism so casually.

So you agree that Patriarchy is okay because most Indians agree with it? Lmao

So you agree it’s ok to first lack comprehension skills and then makeup for it by forcing implications that someone isn’t making?

Self report? You did just that by misrepresenting /u/Extension_Waltz2805's post.

Lol 😆🔥Got her

Holy fricking shit why are women so utterly incapable of being funny, I've seen better bantz in the comment sections of fricking 9gag memes. This is what counts as "comebacks" and "snark" to them.


Anyway the ho is a pretty interesting character. She's a sexy Indian dudette who posts in vindicta complaining about the yuropoor beauty standards so you just know she is a special case.

She has also went under the knife and is also currently thinking about going under the knife again, so add in a healthy dose of insecurities and an inferiority complex too. I deduct it won't be long before she starts posting in gonewild subs looking for validation, so I'll keep an eye out for it.

Diagnosis: Histrionic Personality Disorder

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