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:marseyslaanesh:Leftoids:marseyslaanesh: of r/Grimdank :marsey40k::marsey40k::marsey40k: try to browbeat their gay space Autismo hobby peers into becoming insufferable moral busybodies:marseypastor: part 800





"Meanwhile, me being guilt tripped by a random anon om the internet, because when I first experienced things like 40k, Pratchett, Lovecraft, I lived in a different part of the world, isolated from the political context and experienced them as pure fiction. And that apparently makes me racist fascist homophobe."


"More as in: "stop trying to tell me I should feel bad for liking the 9 feet tall supermen in a Range Rover's worth of armor".

We get it. "Imperium bad because totalitarianism". Guess what? I don't care. IG is cool, SM are cool, SoBs are cool, let me enjoy my funny soldier game's lore without shoving your political views down my throat. Be an adult and just enjoy the factions blowing eachother up with WMDs because gods are real and they hate you."


"Don't be political" is a dumb statement,the more apt is "Don't shove your personal politics down the consumer's throat.

And realistically you can look at the actions of the central figure,the Emperor,as both being aspiringly visionary or balls in your face dumb and naive."


Thatcher = genocidal race warlord

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I dont get why people pretending the imperium is bad, how they gonna be surviving chaos and xenos without being totalitarian? Its a necessary evil imo

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They need to send in social workers with power armor

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If the Imperium had a social safety net, then maybe people wouldn't fall to Chaos.


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Just eat more corpsestarch brothers

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Imperium is economically left-wing, sorry chuds

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It's literally a feudal empire r-slur

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State owns everything chud

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Can't argue with that logic

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so are most communist countries

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Man, this tweet has been getting some mileage

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It's a giant hodgepodge of different kinds of governments and economies with plenty of Bladerunner-esque capitalist shitholes, medieval-tier feudal kingdoms, and Neolithic hunter-gatherer tribes, depending on the planet. These are planet-wide, though, i.e. there generally won't be medieval kingdoms on a hive world. There would be a planet with a medieval-tier society, a Bladerunner planet, a death world with Neolithic or Bronze Age tribes, etc.

At the galactic level there is no actual state in the normal sense. The Inquisition is basically a bunch of glowies and the Administratum is more about collecting planetary tithes and handling logistics to supply forge worlds, hive worlds, and military campaigns. Planetary governors are usually either satraps or overseers of the planetary leadership. In the latter case, for instance, the Imperial governor keeps tabs on a planetary elite/leadership caste and makes sure they pay up.

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I mean it's so large it's impossible to keep track of anything.

Even telling time is basically impossible.

My favorite 40k story is the watcher in the rain - about a nobody file clerk killing millions if not billions by delaying equipment requests for a few days or weeks.

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You can beat a intergalactic superpower that treat militarism and death as their religion with snarky tweets and offering better welfare.

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Maybe if we convince the orks of the merits of trans rights and free market capitalism they will stop attacking us

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If the whole Waugh-host believes their war boss is a real woman, would it be true?

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Of course! It's well known that if she puts on red lipstick, she turns into a real woman, just because the boyz believe it.

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And here I thought it made her kiss faster

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Kiss :marseyemojirofl:

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fast woman

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You should post that on 40klore subreddit:marseyemojirofl:

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Unfortunately, the Empire of man is only interstellar and thus impervious to snarky tweets and welfare.

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Indeed, Empyrean fades between galaxies.

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Part of it is lore decay/retcon (depending on how you see it)

In the 90s 40k lore had the empire as one of the villains, their sheer incompetence made them as much a threat to ordinary people as space demons. Planets were starved to death through bureaucracy errors; millions of conscripts were executed to build land bridges out of their bodies.

A lot of modern 40k lore has the imperium as a grim but well intentioned organisation; the imperial guard are badass combined arm soldiers.

There are stories in between those two extremes, and the confused lore makes it hard to believe the imperium are pure heroes or pure villains.

If anything you'd think goonies on /r/sigmarxism would realise it's silly to see politics in a spaceshit setting meant to sell miniatures; every inconsistency is caused by this

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We need more minor xenos :marseypearlclutch2: even as mercenary choices would be cool.

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No minors

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Plus, GW has a bajillion different writers on their payroll, each with their own conception of what the Imperium is.

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when i was a little kid and played warhammer the space marines were overtly a faceless fascist nightmare, because the whole thing was satire, this was perfectly clear to my 12yr old brain at the time. they literally worship the living corpse of a dead emperor ffs. its not exactly subtle stuff. and theres inquisitors who execute people for heresy, etc etc

meanwhile the orks are absolute chads who are in touch with their essential nature and live free lives full of joy - this was clearly the way you were supposed to see it back in the 90s. if you played the empire it was an ironic thing where you leaned into how evil they were and made jokes about purging the filth from the galaxy etc

has the lore actually changed such that its less clear if theyre meant to be the good guys or not, or have people just got more r-slurred over the years? maybe some stuff was lost in UK/US cultural translation

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>has the lore actually changed such that its less clear if theyre meant to be the good guys or not

In general the lore has toned down the satire quite a bit, so the imperium is shown to be more tragic than funny in how far they've fallen. IMO this change has its good and bad; it certainly makes the story less coherent (omg yay space marines! They are the coolest fascist heroes! Etc)

>have people just got more r-slurred over the years

A likely possibility

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IMO this change has its good and bad; it certainly makes the story less coherent

Actually writing the Horus Heresy in agonizing detail was a mistake.

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I tend to agree, yeah

It made this legendary clash between half forgotten demigods into "bwah, daddy didn't like me" while also making the emperor look like a tard

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It makes sense tho. The imperium is so vast and the bureaucracy so bloated it probably does happen that a food shipment is cancelled on redirected on accident and some scarred less important hive world looses 30 million to starvation. I mean it happened multiple times last century on current earth.

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The imperium being so big that 50 million people starving to death is not even worth reporting can be a potent horror source

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It's almost like the immortal dude might have more experience on running civilization.

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Nooooo democratic leaders like Joe Biden could totally drive back the tyranids

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>gives them a thousand spaceships and tries to blame it all on the imperial guard

Classic political move.

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The reddit utopia is represented by the space elves- who were so gay that they manifested coomer heck and brought about their own cute twink apocalypse.

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This is an old 1d4chan type summary :marseychefkiss:

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frick I haven't read that in a long time

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I thought them being bad is part of the charm. I would be more surprised if the Imperium does not have a lot of skeletons in its closet.

The world is absolutely fricked, and you are stuck with them.

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I would be more surprised if the Imperium does not have a lot of skeletons in its closet.

One of the central premises of the imperium is that everyone is a heretic in some way and it only works because they don't look too closely at certain heresies with expedient results.

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Imperium:!talk2hand:Martian Computer Worshippers

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I offer prayers and benedictions to machinery IRL to make it work :marseyadep#tusmechanicus:

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Self-styled prompt-wranglers are already halfway to this. In a few decades they'll have so little understanding of how the technology works it will practically look like the Mechanicum.

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Every :marseymechanic: does

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Oh reals? That is even more fricked than I thought lol.

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Yeah, it's basically Paranoia (the RPG) but IN SPAAACE and slightly more functional and I love it so much because of that

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Thats the point - people are incapable of viewing the world through any lens other than "good or bad."

Mankind isn't good in 40k - they're as vicious and brutal as anyone else and there would be no other way to survive.

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It's tragic that most commies are terminally uninteresting people which just repeat the most surface level analysis while never going any deeper, they have no ability too understand nuance, if something has the birthmarks of politics then it's the same as a political manifesto. May you're soul find respite from having too share space with these ingrates.

Jewish Lives Matter

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Yep, look at the Tau lore for a great showcase of this. They started trying to be all nice and welcome every Xeno, but the moment a group realized that humans were creating a Tau warp god they became fanatic racists.

Also the Ethereals' main solution to Chaos is pretend it doesn't exist and hope they go away, which is familiar...

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They just needed to open the borders to the genestealers


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It’s babbys first second order thinking without understanding that there are ones above the second.

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Redditors are the most uninspired kind of midwit

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Obviously by creating a galactic republic democracy.

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They’re definitely bad. That’s the entire point. Everyone is bad.

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Necessary evil


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I mean the other option is to cut your balls off (literally) and join the space commie Tau

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Interrex and squats managed to exist without grimderp.

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managed to exist without grimderp.

Interrex would have been murderised by necrons, eaten by nids, or torn apart by dark eldar though.

And squats are a retcon. Previously they didn't exist, because they got eaten by nids.

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that was before the heresy, great rift and tyranids appeared though, not to mention interex stopped existing because it went to war with a totalitarian state.

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Sure they were utterly obliterated in a war against a greater totalitarian power, but at least they had the moral high ground to the end!

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Frick that. Imperium is bad butt. You are pathetic if you allow a bunch of dog walkers tell you what you can and cant like about a fictional toy soldier game.

When you are such a terrible moderator that your existence becomes a whole new insult against leftists :marseydogwalker:

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Bardo wishes she could be in the same conversation as the national embarrassment that is Doreen.

Why is it that I haven't heard anything else about the dogwalker since? Sounds like she can effortlessly cause lefty and righty seethe wherever she is

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She had to cut back on her mod work to only 5 minutes a week to prevent work-related burnout

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I think there was a revelation of a "consent accident" :marseyairquotes:

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That was the dog wok-er.


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In the grim future of XXI century, there is no escapism there is only guilt tripping by sad people.


40kcels about to be overwhelmed by redditors, especially with the henry cavill series


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Being upset at bad treatment of fictional aliens that aim to genocide humanity is peak reddit


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More as in: "stop trying to tell me I should feel bad for liking the 9 feet tall supermen in a Range Rover's worth of armor".

We get it. "Imperium bad because totalitarianism". Guess what? I don't care. IG is cool, SM are cool, SoBs are cool, let me enjoy my funny soldier game's lore without shoving your political views down my throat. Be an adult and just enjoy the factions blowing eachother up with WMDs because gods are real and they hate you.

Rare based comment on grimdank

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Soon brozzer.


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A glimpse of an Imperial Knight that fell to Slaanesh in a Daemon World food establishment.

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“What are Tories? Imagine Republicans but British.”

I hate labour voters so much it's unreal

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And Labour are like the Green Party in that they can never get elected.


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>mag uruk thrakka

Wait thats the name these strags insist is an obvious thatcher reference? Fricking heck.

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I still find it funny cos of how believable it is despite it being made up.

>he's become more conservative with age and is back tracking.


Even the literal creator saying it isn't true isn't good enough for them


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>mag uruk thrakka

>mag uruk thrakka

>mag uruk thrakka

This is like saying your 1488 tattoo next to your swastika is actually NOT 1488 next to a swastika, it's... something else.

There's dog whistles, and then there's airhorns. If someone says his board game made in 90s England with a character or world or whatever mag uruk thrakka is is not Margaret Thatcher, you can safely plug your ears and call him a liar.

'Oh no, I swear, Dumb Old Hump was never a reference to a then-President. It was... just a dumb old hump. His fake tan and blond combover actually originate in a pretty funny personal anecdote haha I can't remember it, tho haha'

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The Imperium is bad and intentionally so, Imperiumstrags are annoying as shit, but le satire leftoid tourists are worse.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1680971049837726.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16809710499538996.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1680971050191472.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16809710502942436.webp

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There has to be a term for "reddit as shit but convinced itself it isn't". rDramatic, perhaps.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16811394547308996.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1681139454560426.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16811394543888786.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16811394542475173.webp

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I was hunting for drama for the /h/traditionalgames hole today and this would have been perfect. If you frickers would just post it there.

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how do i move it there

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report the post with "/h/traditionalgames" to move it

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:#marseyjanny: MOVE IT JANNY! :#marseybongojanny:

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Don't do it the only thing it will do is downrank you on the frontpage.

Holes only make sense as a quarantine option or if they have over 50 subscribers

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One of the fricking jannies has too

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Posts in holes usually don't get as many upmarseys

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Reject NBA 2K24, return to Mesoamerican Ballgame League 17K0 BC

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Reject Chess, return to Ur.


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