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EFFORTPOST [The Forge] Why the hate? | Tabletop Roleplaying Open | RPGnet Forums. Or "911roofer what the frick is the Forge and why are you telling me about this?"


The forge was an influential rpg forum run by a weirdo pervert named Ron Edwards. He was a pretentious twat who said that vampire the masquarade caused brain damage.


Originally it was started in 1999 as Hephaestus's forge.


They discussed the design and making of tabletop rpgs and developed the gns theory or big model theory .

It's outlined here


Forgeworld produced some great games like Apocalypse world and Dogs in the Vineyard which is Mormons fighting :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children



but also bullshit like Bliss Stage which was made for :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children



It was essentially Neon Genesis Evangelion but not the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the anime or manga adaptions but the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the pornographic doujins found at every Japanese con.


That is not a link for those. Look up your own "Shinji chad " or "Shinji cuck" porn ya sick frick.

The Forge defined all players as wanting one of three things: narrativist, which wanted story, simulationist, who wanted realism, and gamist, who wanted to have fun and play the game. They hated the latter two and worshipped narrativism as the one true god.

Certain g*mers compared it to an evil cancer or a cult


The Forge was controversial even when it was still going


Here is the Forge in all its glory


Osr or "old school roleplaying" is another weird rpf cult that is either diametrically opposed or partially overlapping with the Forge


Ron Edwards compared gms running railroady games to child abuse.


The forge closed in 2010


Reaction was mixed


Ron Edwards claimed it had fulfilled its purpose.


He was coping

Many fans and detractors still exist and still hate it



My own thoughts on their theory is that it's far too narrow. Every player has his own agenda that might include aspects of all three and other motives. It's a radical simplification of a hopelessly complicated muddle. Most of the forge alumni agree.


Also while Ron Edwards is an butt he's not a male feminist and didn't make a game for male feminists about playing a male feminist . Unlike Black Hat Matt Mcfarland and Beast the primordial. How can you hate Ron Edwards or Byron Hall, the author of fatal the worst rpg ever made,



when neither of them are actual male feminists?









The best link in this post is these two:



Live by social justice die by social justice


A forge alumni learned this lesson far too late.

Let that be a lesson to you all: be a chud.

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From there, he built up his name as the representative of the growing "socially conscious" side of RPGs. He was the very public spearhead against the white and male domination in RPGs, and actively promoted player agency at the table, better inclusivity of racial/sexual/other minorities, consent cowtools, and RPGs as a "safe space". Remember this, this becomes incredibly important later.

Consent cowtools? In a tabletop game? What the frick were these negroes thinking??

, for those who didn't watch, what went wrong? Basically, Adam Koebel was GMing a game on Twitch with some hundreds of viewers when one of the characters, a robotic bartender named Johnny played by Elspeth Eastman (a woman, this is relevant), went to see a "friend" for repairs and upgrades.

To cut a long story short, the character of the mechanic, controlled by Koebel, violated Johnny by forcing an "orgasm" upon him without permission.

If you look at the players during the clip, you can see the horror and unease dawning on their faces as the situation unfolds, even as Adam keeps giggling his way through the description of a non-consensual sexual assault on one of the characters. Though I couldn't find an archive of the live chat, it was in a very similar state to the players: bafflement, unease, disgust. By the end of the scene, poor Johnny never gets a chance to prevent or fight back against the sexual assault, since he has no idea what's going to happen until it happens, and the session ends right afterwards. During the post-session discussion, a laughing Koebel responds to Johnny's horrified player that "robots need love too".

The heckin robot jizzed oil on someone's character!:soycry:

OP gave me the impression that this story was about something old, but it's from 2020. ::marseyfacepalm:

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The original forge happened. This is one of the alumni.

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