The most dangerous game scenarios

Sup /tg/.

I'm writing a halloween oneshot with a most dangerious game bend, I was wondering if you neighbors knew of any existing scenarios people wrote I can use to steal ideas from


morally grey :marseyclueless:
Vampire character sheets were COOL :marseyvampeek: :marseycool2:

Anyone read V5 Vampire The Masquerade? :marseyitsover:

This was all written by a literal puzzled Swedish LARP group who've been playing their own fake and straight homebrew of Vampire for years that Paradox dredged up to republish their recently bought seminal IP :marseysal: :marseyseethe:

>gay muslim polygamous BRUJAH (:marseysmug2: )

>muh heckin Nazis antifa action and protecting undead monster trans rights :marseyeyeroll:

>I'm a materialist UNDEAD SUPERNATURAL VAMPIRE :marseyunamused:

>Who gives a frick about CAINE and antedeluvians and Enoch. :marseybrainlet:


Would anyone be interested? Had the idea earlier today. I feel like it could work on here. Not sure if anyone else has floated the idea.

I'm picturing it as being text-based and hosted directly on the site somehow, for practicality and posterity's sake.

Assuming interest, the actual system is in the air. I'm partial to 5e and its fairly open access and easy to understand for normies, but levelling becomes a bit of an issue. I also have the Zweihander book laying around, and that system's random character generation/character simplicity is pretty appealing for the Westmarches style of play. However, I'm not terribly familiar with it and it might suck balls.



Well, /h/traditionalgames?

Where do you fall on the chart?


LORE :soyjakanimeglasses:

"From the author of Cryptomancer comes SIGMATA: This Signal Kills Fascists, a cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game about ethical insurgency against a fascist regime, taking place in a dystopian vision of 1980's America.

Players assume the role of Receivers, the superheroic vanguard of the Resistance, who possess incredible powers when in range of FM radio towers emitting a mysterious number sequence called "The Signal." When the Signal is up, Receivers lead the charge against battalions of Regime infantry and armor or serve as the People's Shield, protecting mass demonstrations from the brutality of a militarized police force and neo-Nazi hooligans. When the Signal is down, however, Receivers are mere mortals, desperately fleeing from a powerful state that senses their weakness.

It's called the Sigmata, a Signal-induced stigmata, because it is a both a blessing and a curse. At least when you're marked by the state, you can't sit on the sidelines anymore.

-Construct your cybernetic revolutionary with a wide assortment of cybernetic implants, Signal-fueled superpowers, iconic equipment, and invokable story hooks.

-Leverage strong teamwork mechanics to prevail in structured scenes of combat, evasion, and intrigue, each scene putting every player at the table in the spotlight

-Manage a fragile alliance of partisans from vastly different ideological backgrounds and steel the Resistance against sabotage, extremism, dwindling morale, and shocking betrayals.

-Contend with the Regime in a constantly evolving political struggle powered by the game's built-in insurgency sandbox, which incorporates Resistance and Regime strategy, factional loyalty, and the sentiment of the people.

This Signal Kills Fascists. Repeat the Signal.

Content Warning: Explicit language and discussions/depictions of a political ideology centered around extreme bigotry.

Accessibility Warning: Unfortunately, this product is not well optimized for low-visibility customers at this time. We regret this misstep and encourage all game designers to incorporate accessibility into their designs.

Thematic Warning: This is a game about a fictional insurgency engaged in an armed conflict with a fascist state. It is a (cautious, methodical) study of violent insurrection, not a power-fantasy game about achieving social justice outcomes. There's nothing wrong with said games. It's just that this isn't one of them."

Your characters aren't just masked vigilantes punching bank robbers and aliens, but the vanguard of a national revolutionary movement. It's not enough to kill the fascists, you need the people on your side to overthrow the evil Regime. Waging an ethical revolution – and not alienating the disparate factions that support you – is a very engaging concept with lots of potential for tough moral choices. But make no mistake, if you want to play superheroes who punch Nazis… this is your game. :marseylibleft: :marseychud: :!marseylibleft:


Trans lives matter in heck



Trans lives matter doesn't work if it's in the title

Glass cannons


Hero of the Imperium
Reported by:
  • Gruesy_Spoon : Why is this guy seething about s*x aliens using weird pronouns? That's the best case use for them!
Reported by:
  • Dude : Don't report this user they take it personally
  • Assy-McGee : I hate tabletop games so much it's unreal
  • smolchickentenders : This user is a khaoskid alt
  • uwu : Why would you willingly post this big of an L?

I can't take this shit anymore. I've been playing online RPGs with this guy for three years now and yet, somehow, EVERY CHARACTER HE EVER MAKES IS ATROCIOUS. There's bad characters, like obvious fetishes. Khaoskid's characters are something different. They are inspired in their awfulness. Let me go over some of my least favorites with you.

Sans Undertale

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

Sans Undertale was a Bone Creature template Dwarf. His class was Truenamer. For those of you who do not know, Truenamer is the worst class Wizards of the Coast put to paper. Rules as written, it doesn't work. The difficulty of use for their truenaming powers grow exponentially as they level. Sans was optimized to heck and back in order to be even slightly useful. Outside of his ridiculous character name & art, he was actually a useful member of the party. I am simply amazed that this man played as a solo-classed truenamer for multiple years over the course of a level 1-20 D&D 3.5e campaign, and survived. Also he carried around a body pillow of Shinji's Right Hand everywhere he went.

Kasan Eteto

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: Player

Kasan Eteto was a succubus, using the Savage Species monster class. She had taken the Vow of Nonviolence and the Vow of Peace feats. This means she was forbidden from fighting any living creatures. She was an extremely talented diplomat, at least. She also went into Apostle of Peace once she finished Succubus' progression. Like Sans, she wasn't so much disruptive as she was shocking. Using Savage Species is insane. Using Apostle of Peace is insane. Combining the two is even more insane. In a strange act of self-awareness, Khaoskid realized he hates playing female characters and had Kasan kill herself. This is the only time he's ever played a female character. Her art has been lost to time, but she was literally just Kasane Teto.

The Mathemagician

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a light-hearted fantasy game. When we got into our first fight, the Mathemagician cast his first spell: Math Beam. We all asked him how it worked. He told us how much damage it did, and said "math." It wasn't terribly strong so we shrugged it off. Until he told the GM that he was casting it again, on the same turn. Then again. Then again. It turns out, he took Lightning Calculator, a trait that lets your character perform math instantly. Since Math Beam is cast by solving an equation, he could cast an infinite number of Math Beams per turn. The GM ended the game after that first fight.

John Matrix

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure game. John Matrix was a high school IT guy who thought he was a hacker. He had a Wildcard skill called "The Matrix" that could do anything. Literally any roll the GM asked for, he would simply use The Matrix in place of the normal skill. His stand was "Fear of the Dark." It was the creature from the album's cover, and it was extremely physically powerful. It also projected an aura of darkness that no light or sight could penetrate, not even John Matrix. It was also an independent stand, and evil. He could not de-manifest it. Against all odds, he made it to the end of the game. Khaoskid then warned me that if I ever ran Mage: the Ascension, he would play John Matrix as a Virtual Adept.

Jimmy Hoboken

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Zoolander X JJBA game. All of our characters had to be male models. Jimmy Hoboken was a body positivity model. He was fat, r-slurred, and useless. His stand was Fat, which could eat any material and did a ton of damage with its bite. It ended up being very useful, as it could eat holes through walls and ruin the GM's dungeon designs. He ended up growing 30 feet tall and turning into a woman after playing a cursed game show. He died after rolling a nat 1 on the Die of Fate.

John & Monkey

  • System: GURPS 4e, Call of Cthulhu 7e

  • My status: GM

The game was initially titled "Black Friday Shopper Simulator 2021," and was in GURPS. The party's goal was to get the last Game Bronus at their local shopping mall, and to kill anyone who got in their way. Eventually, the game morphed into a Call of Cthulhu 7e game where the party were special agents for the United States Department of Unusual Incidents, and were stealing anomalies from the SCP Foundation. John is just an ordinary guy who is really, really good at biking. He knew special moves like "Bike Jump" and "Bike Spin." His skills impressed Jeff Bezos, who hired him to babysit his pet monkey, Monkey. Monkey is incredibly rich and has a smart phone. Somehow, the two are an effective duo, are still alive, and haven't driven me to end the campaign. Like Sans and Kasan, they are insane character ideas, but surprisingly functional.


  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

The game is set in the Eberron setting. Scholar is a warforged artificer. He's mostly functional, but has made some deranged magical items. Most notable is his Wand of Locate Bars. It does exactly that: magically locate nearby stores that serve alcohol. Also he's useless during fights, as his signature move is to use a Scroll of Tree Form to turn himself into a tree for an hour. Mercifully, last April Fool's Day, I let all of my players draw from the Deck of Many Things. Scholar drew "Donjon" and was sent to the Lair of the Keeper.

Thrikeepagh Dhakaan

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

To replace Scholar, Khaoskid made Geldrin d'Kundarak. Geldrin is actually a good character. His cohort, Thrikeepagh, is not. Thrikeepagh is a blue (psychic goblin subrace) weretoad. He has no class. Every time he levels up, he takes another toad hit die. Toads fricking suck. They have no attacks. Their movement speed is 5 feet. In order to move faster, Thrikeepagh took the Speed of Thought feat, which increases your movement speed by 10 feet if you are psychic. This is why he's a blue. He has no combat ability, and his only support traits are being able to turn into a toad. At the very least, he's relatively tough since werecreatures resist damage from non-silver weapons.

Gary Ryals

  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

Motholam is an AD&D retroclone. Gary Ryals was a fighter who refused to use weapons, and fought with his bare hands. Motholam has no martial arts system, so he sucked. While we were exploring the swamp, Gary picked a fight with a friendly giant toad. It swallowed him whole then swam away.


  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

My character in the Motholam game we were in was Utumar the Somniferous, a wizard.

Khaoskid thought Utumar was really cool, so after Gary died, he made his new character Utyronimar.

Tavish McBane

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Player

Tavish' clan was McBane and his Generation was 1st. He was not a vampire. He was a 1st generation Scottish immigrant. He did not use any supernatural powers. He just cut vampires limbs' off with a claymore. Khaoskid would constantly speak in a shitty Scottish accent and pretend to be drunk, and would constantly pick fights with the other players and random bums on the street. The campaign ended when the party broke into the local Tremere's chantry. We had a few newbies playing with us. The newbies thought they were badasses and died horribly. Tavish and my character survived. The newbies quit the game, and the GM didn't feel like running for two insane people.

Yukio Noguchi

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

When Khaoskid proposed playing as a Kuei-jin in a V20 game, I knew it was a bad idea. I didn't realize just how bad it was. Yukio Noguchi was a Devil Tiger, meaning his dharma required him to make people suffer. He was an expert martial artist, so he would just pick fist fights with people, beat them up, then torture them. He was also an overweight Japanese salaryman. I ended the game after zero (0) of my players came up with even slightly reasonable characters.

Nikolas Heidinger

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

The follow-up game to the game with Yukio Noguchi, I instructed my players this time to come up with reasonable characters. Nikolas is so, so close to being one. He's a 10th-generation Tremere. He's loyal to the Pyramid. He doesn't breach the Masquerade. So what's the problem? He has dementia. The Tremere found him too late, and Embraced him while he was in his nineties. Now, he can learn Thaumaturgy, but still forgets his name. He is perhaps the most destructive character Khaoskid has ever played, because he's the most subtle. He's not literally Sans, nor does he run around with a claymore in the streets of Chicago, but he's still terrible. Like a real demented old man, he wanders away from the coterie while they're preoccupied with something. Whenever he gets a chance to talk, he rambles for minutes, if not hours. If this character was my first experience with khaoskid, I would fully believe he is a demented old man in real life too. His ability to waste time is unreal, and can only be truly understood if experienced first-hand.

!enemiesofkhaoskid This is why I hate him. He sucks so much.

Post Malone bought MTG's $2 million 'One Ring' card : NPR
Reported by:
  • SpookyOnTheStreets : Neighbor no one can vote on this shit unless they are in the vampire house
  • lofi_girl : Imagine being such a loser you larp as anything but a Ventrue (Also play VTM: Swansong, it's great)
Which Clan are you?

Every few months I start obsessively reading Vampire: the Masquerade sourcebooks. Now you get to partake in my autism!

Are you?

If you want more info on any given clan I am more than happy to :marseywords: about them.

!poll_voters answer please :marseybegging:


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