



Reported by:
How do trans women cope with the loss of male privilege?

male privilege is dysphoria inducing


Idk being a woman is harder yah, but it honestly wasn't too rough of an adjustment. I already knew what I was getting into, i knew if he sexually harassed, I knew men wouldn't listen to me, I knew I'd be objectified. And it's not like it was sudden, those things just became more common over the months until I was stealth and it plateaued. Obviously experiencing it is different than knowing g about it and it was a bit intense feeling that fear from being harassed the first time but idk you learn pretty fast what with how resocialization works physiologically.

Plus I was barely aware of my life when I was a boy, it was all a dissociative haze so I didn't really notice much of the privilege or much of anything at all


trans women don't get access to male privilege pre-transition

we also don't really get access to female privilege post-transition unless you're a gigapassoid stacy, so we lose either way

!cuteandvalid !lgbt !besties

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What is this place? A guide

So, over the past few days, some people have posted asking about what this place is/what kind of website this is. Many wonder, is this place actually supportive of trans? Or is it just all one big transphobic joke? Fear not, for I will answer your questions.


On rDrama, you can either post to the main feed, or post to a hole. This hole (/h/transgender) is a supportive place. The outside website, not so much. I'm transb-word, the moderator of this hole. I will ban users at my discretion in order to maintain decorum and a positive atmosphere. If you post outside this hole, however, I can't help you (and the site admins definitely won't, more on them later). But here, as long as you follow the rules (don't be a chud and don't be a peepee), I'm happy to help you, and I will ban with prejudice anybody who dares to defy those two rules.

rDrama, at its heart, is a place for people who love drama to gather. Our love of drama transcends political and social boundaries; rDrama actually has a lot of people from all around the political spectrum and a rich discourse (though wrapped in multiple layers of irony). We do lean a little chuddy, but we also have a lot of progressives as well. Indeed, there are efforts underway to encourage more drama-inciting in rightoid spheres (so that we can laugh at them too).

The most important thing to note is that people will tease you, regardless of who you are. If you are someone who does not like to be teased, do not post anything, simple as. rDrama may not be the place for you, then. In any case, don't post pictures, and if you do, post using Additionally, don't submit pictures/videos/media etc. as the main post; instead add them as attachments in the text field of the post. (If you add it to the main post, you won't be able to delete it later).

The Two Power Admins

As promised, the admins you should know about. Our two poweradmins are Aevann, also known as Capy, the Rodent, or simply A, and CarpathianFlorist, also known as Carp or the Fish.


A brown man who allegedly lives in Egypt but is trying to emigrate (likely to America). He is engaged to his fiancee. He's the main site administrator, and he has absolute control over the servers, database, etc. He's the top guy, and the main programmer. He is quite arrogant, and he won't help you unless you suck up to him. He doesn't quite like it when people make fun of him or tease him, and he will ban you for random shit if he feels like it.


Gigachud powerjanny whose profession is shitposting. Aevann at least goes outside sometimes and has a wife and all that; carp is a pathetic piece of shit who posts chud nonsense day in and day out. Also a christian, allegedly, but based on his posting history I highly doubt that he will make it through the pearly gates. There is a video of carp cutting himself out there if you would like to see what he looks like.

Da Rules

Half of the stuff on the SITE sidebar (not this hole sidebar) is a lie. Here are the actual rules of rDrama as a whole:

1. Groomercord users get a 1-day ban.

2. Interfering with the website (hacking, spamming, etc.) will get you banned.

3. Doxxing users on the site will get you a permaban. (Note that it appears doxxing over groomercord is a-OK, i dont know of anyone who has been banned)

4. Stalking might get you banned if it is egregious enough (I wish we would just ban all stalkers...)

5. Posting a screenshot instead of a link will net you like a 15 minute ban.

6. Sexualizing minors here will get you an insta gigapermaban. :marseywoodchipper2:

7. Don't be underage

8. Don't spread rumors about Aevann, especially rumors that he is cheating on his fiancee. (I got permabanned for that...)

Basically everything else is anarchy.

Reported by:
  • EinsatzGRUEppen : rDrama is a smaller community, so trans treatment is less averaged out. Slightly better, maybe?
Is this place better or worse than 4chan?

Im as brainwormed as any of those bitches and used to namestrag on there but I don't like to be mean and with the chud problem it's almost unusable. What have your experiences been on here vs there?

alright wtf

Are you guys fricking making this like a shade brighter pink every day or something?

Every time I load this hole I swear the pink is brighter, I'm starting to just not be able to read the text


Graphic pics in link so watch out


Reported by:
  • whyareyou : this post should be deleted, let the hole commit suicide already

You have been visited by the hole guardian. I am here to protect your hole.



Epic win for feminism

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  • transbitch : sad

Hey Beautiful peeps! 🌈 I hope you're all doing amazing! ✨ Today, I wanted to share something incredibly personal and special with all of you. Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with Anthony and Ian for a super fun interview on Smosh's Flashback series about Annoying Orange. It was such a blast, and I can't wait for you to check it out - the link is in my bio!

During the interview, I make a big announcement. Some of you may have already suspected, but I'm finally ready to say it loudly and proudly: I AM TRANSGENDER. 🌈💖

This journey has been a rollercoaster, filled with self-discovery, ups, downs, acceptance, and more love than I thought possible. I've known since I was very young, and it took 45 trips around the sun for me to find the courage to share this truth with you all. 🌅

I'm beyond grateful for the love and support I've received from friends, family, and now, all of you. Your acceptance means the world to me, and I'm excited to continue growing, learning, and embracing my authentic self. I'm not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I am so very thankful that I get to take it. 🌟

My name is still Dane and my pronouns are they/them. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Let's spread love, understanding, and acceptance together. 💙🌈 #TransIsBeautiful #ComingOut #LoveIsLove”

This mf is like 45 and writes like a 15 year old

I'll buy a @transb-word butt picture for 20k
The real loser :marseyl: hours effect

Anyone else notice :marseycomplain: that internet :marseymetokur: transphobia rises during periods when normal :marseyregular: people are out enjoying themselves with friends :marseytherachel: and family?

I frequently work weekend nights and holidays :marseykwanza: and notice :marseywrongthonk: that on Friday :marseyjason: nights for example the amount of anti-:marseytrain: seethe :marseyrobloxrentfree: online :marseyidio3: skyrockets

In short, never :marseyitsover: forget that when the grifters go home, internet :marseysaladfingers: transphobia is mostly repulsive losers coping :marseycopeseethedilate: with their shitty lives :marseyblm:

had a dream where my bf r*ped me what does this mean

title !cuteandvalid !women

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mom just misgendered me its so over

literally the only reason i came home is for the free shit and because its expected that I do. but my mom just misgendered me and also kept asking why i didn't want to go to mass for Christmas (I am vehemently atheist)

so anyways i just swiped some alc, time to wash these feelings away and cry my heart out while listening to mitski

Politics of the CIS
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  • Healthy :
  • Brasillguana : I have never seen any of your longposts and didn't know this hole existed until today
  • SexyFartMan69 : Terminal moidbrain :marseyropeyourself:
  • PermaChudRanch : No sorry you still get clocked
  • Soren : the real feminine brained thing is the attention whoring :biglaugh: jk jk unless
are my longposts fembrained

are my longposts fembrained or malebrained? note that this will not effect whether or not i continue to longpost (i will always longpost until i am dead/banned)

!besties !cuteandvalid

dysphoria hitting hard today

at the airport rn waiting for my flight home. people say that comparison is the thief of joy, but i cannot help but compare myself to cis women. all my life i just wanted to be like them, and yet for some reason God cursed me like this and took away something that he gives the rest of the population by default. i absolutely hate the fact that i have to fight God at every turn.

My boyfriend left yesterday and I miss him already. Luckily i had him stuff blahaj under his shirt before leaving so blahaj smells like him and i can cuddle blahaj when i get home

the reason I posted this is becuase, as stupid as it sounds, i need support and reassurance from you all. my friends/family irl dont like it when i am depressed (they have said this to my face) and so you guys are my only outlet

!cuteandvalid !women

Reposting this
Reported by:
  • collectijism : Please surgically multilateral yourself so you're the bearded lady with a front butthole
  • PermaChudRanch : It's definitely not a fetish
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Can I have some drama coin mommy
  • whyareyou : SRS is not something people should get, ever
Which SRS type should I get?

Bottom dysphoria has been pretty bad recently, and I'd really like to get rid of this peepee. I know that there's a bunch of different types of SRS, which one should I get? Also, I will only go to very reputable doctors, no Thailand shit. Money/cost is not an issue, hit me with your honest recs !cuteandvalid

chaser anon ruthlessly eliminates the competition:
TERF sisters, is this true?
My dad is convinced that I was touched as a kid

I wasn't, but he thinks that I was. He seems to base this off of the fact that I'm trans and that I don't like it when people (esp. him) touch me.

I just remembered this while existing and i thought you dramafriends might get a kcik out of it. Here you go ig

I've reduced AGP by focusing on face sitting
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