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actual picture of Black fallout fans celebrating the release of the "no white people" mod:





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You can't picture what only exists in the minds of yts

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No its just :marseyblops2chadcel2: a room jam packed full of black :marseymyeisha: people not smiling :marseysoylentgrin: because they dont care

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>shocking, you're a PCM user as well. Keep your bullshit trash opinions in that cesspool and stop infecting the rest of the site.

As if PCM isn't full of leftoids getting an agenda post to the frontpage once a day with the stupidest strawman you've ever seen.

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Just :marseyblops2chadcel2: go to /v/ or /vg/ instead the memes are better anyways and they will :marseyclueless: not have at least 1 fallout :marseylegion: thread

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/v/ is a hellscape full of coomers and libertarians that don't play video games.

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No one on /v/ actually plays video games.

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/vrpg/ is for actual Fallout discussion with no indian bait threads

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sorry i only go there to shill random CRPGs in other CRPG threads to sow discontent

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>if me existing helps gatekeep the weak then good, we should have gatekept harder

Very true. Gatekeeping filters out posers, radlibs and other undesirables who hate fun. If your hobby is not niche, obscure or gatekept, it will get overrun by uhm-actually-s and attention seeking enbies (but I repeat myself).

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this shit is boring

when is frontier 2 going to release?

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I just get a Ghoul Mod, some nice looking weapons, a good duster mod, a cigarette mod, and go wondering the Wasteland as a prewar Ghoul with a smoking habit.

Based beyond belief

more indisputable proof that only the biggest stragets say "based"...

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Keyed and gemmy

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The white boys are gonna be alright.

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everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


OP: Fallout modder try not to be a soft peepee challenge (impossible):

No Police? Based world:

Average crime enjoyer:

Why am I not surprised that an butthole who's scared of inclusiveness is quick to use terms like cuck and r-slurred. Frick nuggets like you are the reason "g*mers" are considered toxic pieces of shit. Edit: shocking, you're a PCM user as well. Keep your bullshit trash opinions in that cesspool and stop infecting the rest of the site.:

>removing white people >inclusiveness Mhmmm, do keep going. And if me existing helps gatekeep the weak then good, we should have gatekept harder early on because look at how shit games that come out now are.:

OP gets told to touch grass after editing out a white removal mod to avoid getting his post removed for racism:


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You can almost see the steam coming out of their ears when they insist that no, it's you who is mad :marseyseethe:

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I played Fallout :marseylegion: 4 with mods like "wear the batman :marseyhesright: costume" and that really awesome "sim settlements" mod where :marseydrama: you just :marseyblops2chadcel2: press :marseyxdoubt: a button :marseyplush: and the entire settlement builds itself.

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