This update was just released, and /r/tf2 is just discovering what has happened. From what I gather, some cosmetic items in Team Fortress 2 are disallowed from being equipped with others due to clipping or other conflicts. With some glitch involving using +quickswitch (I don't know anything about how you would use this console command on an item or what it would accomplish), you were able to equip two conflicting cosmetic items. I assume this is similar to the old CSGO glitch where you would edit game files to list the bomb as a melee item, allowing you to use a custom name on the bomb that would persist after the files were fixed, but I'm just guessing. TF2's real money economy is one of the oldest in games and primarily based around "unusuals," which are cosmetic hats a character can wear. Unusuals differ from standard hats in that they come with an additional cosmetic effect, such as storm clouds around a character's head, swirling hearts, or something similar. The rarer and more desirable of these hats can sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars. I have no idea how large the TF2 economy is now, but it is much smaller than it once was, as TF2 has been dealing with a declining (real players) player base, rampant hacking problems on official servers, and a large bot problem. In comes an anon looking to have a little fun.
Mad lad posts this thread on /v/, showing an email he claims Valve sent him for thanking him for alerting them to a fake duplication glitch, causing them to remove a real glitch which allowed players to equip extra cosmetics or something. Someone sums it up as
so some hat prices were artificially inflated because they could be equipped in the wrong slot with a harmless bug, you told the dev it could clone items and they believed it without verifying and fixed it, and now people are screaming that their glitch slot hats are worthless?
There's also this great screen cap of him letting people know he's dedicated to fricking over the cosmetic glitchers.
There's a couple /r/tf2 threads about it, and one seemingly quickly growing thread about the update as a whole, but I have no idea if or where a TF2 economy discussion subreddit or forum is, so I can't find too many hat traders seething. Also the /r/tf2trade subreddit hasn't seemed to notice yet or at least isn't discussing it.
A small thread has one good fear-mongering post:
There's also a funny little comment dabbing on the traders.
MFW the price of my virtual items goes down (this was my only income source)
Now onto the main thread!
Fixing a bug that was actually beneficial to the game instead of one that was causing major issues
Shoulda sold when the prices were inflated to all heck, seethe redditor.
Final selection, redditors discovering their favorite set of pixels can't be used in the exact combination that makes them soy out.
This is just occurring, so be on the look out for more coping, dilating, seething, and of course sneeding. If you want, maybe check out or some off reddit community to see if they have noticed.
Bonus steam community thread (there are going to be more posts there, so check out the TF2 board).
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Only neurodivergents still care this much about TF2
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tf2 players will never financially recover from this lol
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thats also a graph of tf2 player count
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great game if you're a chaser, I friended a femboy I met on there a while back and promptly forgot about him until months later when I saw this as their profile pic. femboy erasure claims another
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In my mind finding a trans furry or some shit with an intricate profile and then bullying them into quitting is the entire point of TF2
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They’re almost as embarrassing as g*mer boy teens
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Doesn't chaser mean you go after trains? This just sounds like you're gay but into fem men.
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I am, just saying that TF2 has a ridiculous amount of
s playing it, you have no idea
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No it's 100% straight because there's nothing gay about being so masculine and ominate that you frick a dude wearing a skirt in the butt
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There is an equal and opposite reaction to the tomboy erasure phenomenon and no one talks about it
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Trust me bro I hate it too
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brb installing tf2 now
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I remember there was one ugly train on a certain server that would basically bait people into killing him then whining on the forums to get them b&. He also had a huge pissfight with pretty much everyone else on the server as they would shoop him into pictures with mug root beer and spray it. Idk the context of it but he thought it was bullying and wanted everyone that did it banned. At one point I namesearched him and lo and behold he’s a creep with a pregnancy sim tumblr and goes around wearing fake stomachs in public. I’d have love to make a full post about him but he nuked all his accounts and seems to have disappeared completely.
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Sounds like a real specimen, you'd think people like that would be able to hide their fetishes from the place they stir shit.
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I hope nobody finds out I like white women with blue eyes
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(((They))) are taking away the two greatest pleasures in life, tomboys and femboys.
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is it less abhorrent when he has the mental age of a school child himself?
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I mean sure you get less into games when you grow up, but it’s neurodivergent to start dilating whenever the game you play gets over 13 months old
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I'm neurodivergent and I care about TF2, but I'm not convinced those are related.
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Grown men playing with virtual barbies
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I wish I was joking
meanwhile CS skins can sell for 10s of thousands of USD, though their market is inflated due to the chinese buying skins
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Fun fact: MSL's stickers all sell for over $10 because chinese players use it with an envyus sticker to write NMSL, meaning your mom is dead.
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another big brain move from the danish mastermind.
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Holy frick I've not watched csgo in a couple years, but check this shit out. He finally did it, absolute madman
I love that he let it get this far before giving up
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i dont know the last time i even saw him play. feels like he disappeared after north died
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No email address required. Check out this team he's on now, kinda rough to think that sunNy, oskar, and MSL would end up together on a literal who #150 team.
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Totally not money laundering.
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I bought maybe 20 lootboxes in csgo and one of them had a rare knife skin in it that I sold for like $600. Shit is nice when it works in your favor
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wait until you hear about the golden frying pan that's like $3000
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I have a golden dota item that's worth a few bucks. If I left it unopened it would have been worth hundreds by now.
Literally nothing about the item is changed by being unopened, its simply the novelty of being a golden 2014 item that was left unopened that makes it valuable.
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Jesus Christ. I can't believe unopened digital shit is a thing.
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Lol, some csgo cases sell for 40 dollars now. I bought a few cases for 3 cents some years back and they are like 3 dollars each now. Its insane. Just wish I bought more.
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Darn that's crazy
I can't believe I wasted my time buying all those magic beans (crypto) instead of investing in gaymer junk that actually appreciated in value
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Whats crazy is that this shit just goes up, I thought now that crypto and pretty much everything else goes down the cs market would crash, but no. G*mers seem to be intent on overcharging moms credit card.
Im fairly sure the whole thing will crash at some point, but its fun to gamble on how much money you can get out of it. I already sold my very expensive stuff though.
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same. tfw former multiple howl owner
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Thanks for the unsolicited advice! I'm sure your expertise in the field of "gaymer junk" has made you a fortune. I'll be sure to invest in that next time instead of following my own research and instincts.
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The point of my post was that I didn't make a fortune because I didn't buy any gaymer junk, bbbb
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The point of my post was that I didn't make a because I didn't buy any gaymer junk, you
You're an idiot if you think that the only reason people buy gaymer junk is to show off. Some of us actually enjoy playing video games and don't need to compensate for our lack of a social life by flaunting our g*mer gear.
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Real men play with real Barbies
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heck yeah brother
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Lol I hope tf2cels get fricked
The economy portion of that game is populated only by disease ridden rodents. If they could all be struck down by a biblical sword wielding angel, the world would be a much better place.
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If they were higher quality humans they would have at least moved on to Dota or CS item trading.
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there needs to be another cratepocalypse inshallah
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based tf2 drama
I remember when the whole 100% unusual drop thing happened, the seethe from the whales with thousands of $ worth of virtual hats was immense, I might do an effortpost about it someday
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please do
nothing warms the dark, icey cockles of my heart like whales losing their money because they thought spending tens of thousands on pixels was a good idea.
furries buying cookie cutter adoptables for their life savings is another venue.
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Warms my heart
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This guy's a king. Moderate amount of effort for insane seethe. Great return on investment!
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How bout these nerds capture some flags or take over some command points? Maybe push a payload to its destination?
Heck I even liked the Territorial Control map even if no one else did
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Lmao hatcels deserve everything they get. I remember them announcing hats when I was a teenager and going "ah frick this is gonna ruin this game"
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Hats must be like rightoids, rdrama rightoid bugfix when?
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TF2cels deserve it. "Oh nooo, my HappleDapple Doodgon doesn't work! Whatever will I do?!"
What a far cry from Team Fortress (which was a good game btw
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I will never buy skins
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Revert to Team Fortess Classic, problem solved
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Titanic Farts 2?
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How come the only time I hear about tf2 is about the hats. I had nostalgia and tried to play it a few months ago but all the servers are filled with hacking bot accounts. But I guess hats are the bigger issue
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great sneed lol.
I spent way to much fricking time on TF2 back in the day. should've played with that "foss internet money" more.
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yea it caused a new glitch i saw some people seething about it. theyre definitely gonna patch the whole graybanns/glasses being useless thing but i dont think quickswitching will get unfixed
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lol it got fixed
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I remember opening a CSGO crate when I was a kid and thinking it was r-slurred even back then. Nice to see the virtual pixel market crash because of some autis messaging Valve

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We should invite him here
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I once pulled a bayonet emerald from a gaben case. I sold it cause Im not an r-slur.
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ugly skin, i had some ruby buttplugs, those were nice
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It was legit the skin I always wanted and then I pull it out of a case, shit was crazy. I played it for a while, but in the end such an expensive skin isnt really worth keeping, you never now when gaben pulls some bitchass move or the market tanks for whatever reason.
I like the buttplugs, had some of those too at some point, though not ruby.
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Hate emerald. Simple as. Now black pearls, those look nice
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I'm not a homosexual because I have straight s*x with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's peepees and love having s*x with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.
/r/tf2: (click to archive) (click to archive)
this thread: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
/r/tf2trade: (click to archive) (click to archive)
A small thread: (click to archive) (click to archive)
there are a ton of items in the game you can equip with conflicting items. ex you can't wear a hundkopf with a crones dome but if you +quickswitched you could wear both at the same time. this also applied to unusual hats meaning you could wear two conflicting unusuals at once which raised the price of a lot of unusual hats. now that this bug is gone some of them are going to TANK. good for those who want cheaper unusuals.: (click to archive) (click to archive)
MFW the price of my virtual items goes down (this was my only income source): (click to archive) (click to archive)
Fixing a bug that was actually beneficial to the game instead of one that was causing major issues: (click to archive) (click to archive)
It's a pretty bizarre move. Most of the quickswitch miscs barely clipped, were extremely expensive to compensate, and offered no gameplay advantage. They've been in the game for years and I've never seen a complaint about them. If you owned a Gauzed Gaze/Blast Defense/Whirly Warrior, I am sorry for your loss, some people will lose literally thousands and thousands of $USD because of this.: (click to archive) (click to archive)
Alright I found a bug. It looks like the Graybanns now conflict with the Tipped Lid. Edit: Looks like they conflict with all hats now. Edit: looks like all glasses miscs now conflict with all hats. This means Gibusvision is no longer possible.: (click to archive) (click to archive)
Any idea why they did this? I used the macho mann on almost every class because it looked cool with pretty much anything... Nothing can really replace it :/: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
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