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some1 should make weekly vidya threads :marseytf2spy:


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I have literally been making these.

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What? Frick you

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@Schizo discuss

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You don't pin my weekly kino threads


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u need to sort them by new to get a pin

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He doesnt pin any anymore

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u dont ping me, how tf am i supposed to pin it

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Pinging sounds annoying and presumptuous

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depends on what you want in terms of a gaming thread. probably deals on steam and GOG, with reviews and possible personal input.

I could do that, for a mop


but really anyone could do that and it's probably a good format to go by.

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I can if you grant me pins for them

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I am back on a Minecraft kick with some friends.


Still holds up after all of these years.

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too bad about the recent Microsoft globohomo updates, I haven't migrated my account and probably never will

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I migrated my account but we are on 1.16.5 and 1.18.2 for the two servers. 19 is when the globalhomo chat monitoring starts. Which is annoying as one mod I wanted went straight from 1.12 to 1.19.

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This is a trap :marstolfo:

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Why bother when the best game to ever be made was back in 2007?

dude bussy lmao

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Lots of kickass games in 2007. Which you mean?

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nothing comes close.

dude bussy lmao

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It was better when 14 ref for a key was outrageous.

Also community servers so you could get earraped on a whimsical Mariokart map.

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>hats are worthless

>can buy a key for 2 bucks, get every weapon in the game, a bunch of hats, pretty much zero barrier to entry

How is that a bad thing?

Community servers are still there, all mym did was make it so the straggy p2w corpo ones got shafted

dude bussy lmao

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I haven’t played in ages so I don’t have a horse in the race. I guess I forgot you can just buy keys lmfao

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scrap to unusual 8yos are the most oppressed race :marseywhirlyhat:

dude bussy lmao

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Basically my friend I think. I used to collect ghastly gibbuses as a joke lol

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Too bad it's been shit for like a decade at least

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game can't physically get worse, as that'd make it not the best :marseyboomer:

Only issue is cheaters, but that's entirely due to participation ribbons. every game is infested with them nowadays unfortunately.

dude bussy lmao

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It was good on release, started sliding downhill when they were adding all the achievement unlockable guns, and went down the potty when they switched to whatever loot box/crate shit they have now.

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>more variety in frags

>somehow a bad thing

if you want the game to suck go play overwatch lmao

dude bussy lmao

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TStrag trying not to mention Overwatch for 2 seconds


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Yeah sorry I'll mention one of the other tf2 competitors out there like uhhhh





Paladins, I guess?

dude bussy lmao

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The only game I play with any regularity these days is Assetto Corsa. It's one of those games where I can play a few minutes or multiple hours, plus there are always new mods to try. I guess it's so satisfying because I can genuinely see my skills improving.

I've been meaning to check out the new Freelancer mode in Hitman.

I also have Prey (2017) and Control installed, but I'm not sure if they'd hold my interest, so opinions on those would be received with gratitude. Control looks like a pretty by-the-numbers third-person shooter so I might end up just uninstalling that. I got both for free on the EGS so whatever.

I keep telling myself I'm going to finally bust out my HOTAS and play X4 and IL-2, but I think I might be lying to myself. I've also got soooooo many unfinished games. Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars KoTOR... and for Elden Ring I literally just have to press the button prompt that triggers the ending. Along with saves of Skyrim and AC: Odyssey that I've been playing off-and-on for years at this point.

I've been playing Kingdoms: Two Crowns with a friend. It's surprisingly engaging for how simple it is. We also finished It Takes Two recently, which was every bit as great as people say it is.

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Prey 2017 is like bioshock in space except you’re Andrew Ryan’s brother and audiologs filled throughout the game are redditor employees sneeding at you and your brother’s management style.

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Prey is the most game dev game I've ever played. It needed a project manager so badly. All the fricking mechanics and menus and bloat drove me mad. I finished it but it took me 3 tries to get going over the space of a few years.

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No what

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Prey is the most game dev game I've ever played. It needed a project manager so badly. All the fricking mechanics and menus and bloat drove me mad. I finished it but it took me 3 tries to get going over the space of a few years.


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Understood thanks

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IL2 is fun but the ai sucks and everyone online has thousands of hours of combat experience which makes it pretty difficult to get into, especially if you accidentally play 1940s planes in a 1944 game because thats all you have


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I wish I could find a semi-casual group for that shit. Its the same in DCS where its full of uber neurodivergentmo.

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Aw, that's a shame about the AI; I'd be playing offline. I've been looking for something that recaptures what I enjoyed about the first Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator. And also an excuse to use my flight stick since I got bored of MFS 2020 after the 'ooh pretty' wore off.

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Dont bother playing offline its boring. The offline for dcs is a lot better (and the process of learning the planes is a lot more fun in that)


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I finished Crisis Core (:marseycry:) and have decided to play the FF7 OG.

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It has an amazing soundtrack. Enjoy.

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I hope this was a trap and you ban everyone who posted in this thread.


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Hi-Fi Rush is really fricking great. Most fun i had in a game since God Hand.

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I've got a week off work and want to play something end to end. I'd like to play Dead Space but I don't want to spend £50 on a single player remake that'll be half price in a few months. Same with Callisto.

I could try Death Stranding that I got free from Epic but I'm not sure I've got the patience.

I played 3 hours of The Sunken City and I'm regretting buying it because it's a generic crappy open world game. I lose all immersion when a game does that.

I'll probably just play Far Cry 6 because it's £15 and I know I'll mindlessly enjoy it.

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I bought Far Cry 6 a couple weeks ago on sale (like every Ubisoft game, don’t think I have ever bought one at release) and had a pretty good time with it. Idk why it had the amount of people that moaned about it at release because I didn’t think it was any worse than the other Far Cry games and it definitely has the best shooting mechanics out of all of them.

I would play on guerilla difficulty though, the normal difficulty was way too easy for me to find enjoyable.

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Thanks I'll give it a go. If it's the same as Far Cry 5 then I'll be happy.

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Really the only two major differences are (and probably the main downgrade from 5) is that there are no human companions, only animals, and for the most part they really aren’t worth using in 6 from my experience.

Also there’s no skill tree, so most of the melee takedowns are known by default (I think this is because Dani was a professional soldier) and other perks like improved movement speed and defenses come from clothing.

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Callisto protocol is dogshit. If you play Death Stranding, set the difficulty to "very hard."

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I am currently disappoint. Finished Fallout 4 and wanted to move on to Red Dead Redemption, but the first one is only on xbox and ps-triple.

I'll have to borrow the discs from my brother and a console from my mom, plus resort to using my old 360 controller with the drifty sticks


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How about you stop wasting your time?

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Heh you can play rdr1 on the XSeX with the disc or digital. Are you a pscuck?

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PC Master Race.

I have a beat-up 360 but no power cord for it. Only thing I ever played on it was Skyrim.


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I tried. My decade-old Phenom II does not qualify as "nice".

I haven't bothered to upgrade beyond my R9 380 because I haven't played anything newer than FO4


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pre-Ryzen AMD

jfc :marseycheerup:

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They never re-released RDR for the PS4? I thought they'd have "remastered" it 15 times by now.

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I think they lost the source code or something stupid like that

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Who the frick owns a ps4


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Finally finished Mass Effect Legendary Edition, forgot how garbage all the endings were. Ending up killing all synths so in my headcannon femshep and Liara are still scissoring to this day

Not sure if I want to keep going with Andromeda or move on to something else on my backlog (Neir:A, Borderlands, Witcher3, Cyberpunk, FF7, KOTR, etc)

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Nier: Automata was great, its kinda easy but also one of those games where the hard mode is too hard (it removes the target lock which fricks up the 3rd person shooter bot thing, kind of an r-slured decision on the dev's part). I 100%'d it which is rare for me, had a good time with it for sure. Pretty great world building too, as far as games go. KotOR is also fun, Witcher 3 is good but a little overrated imo, its a little too long for its own good. The DLC is great though. I liked the OG Borderlands if thats the one youre talking about, but i also played with friends. Not sure if i'd like it solo. Haven't played the others

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Okay I'll try Nier next then. I started Borderlands 1, it's pretty fun but like you said prob a lot better with friends

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Neir:A, Borderlands, Witcher3, Cyberpunk, FF7

Do you have brainworms? Who fricking put Cyberpunk on your backlog? You realize the only remaining fans of that game are 13 year old boys obssessed with the 3 in game s*x scenes?

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new game bad :marseynpcmad:

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Cyberpunk was fun, shallow but fun.

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I won’t play Femshep since she can’t hook up with Jack. I can fix her.

Andromeda is butt. Don’t recommend.

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I started playing at the hardest difficulty and gave up at the thresher worm. Couldn't beat it

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yea that series has such random difficulty spikes, I would never put myself through insanity mode. I'm sure you could cheese everything but not worth

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I played and completed all 3, me2 and 3 on insanity but this fricking worm in ME1 i can't get past. Just like Mr marauder sheilds(RIP) in ME3 insanity mode

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I see your autismo tf2 and raise you the even more neurodivergent gmod

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If you’re not playing factorio are you even neurodivergent tho

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dwarf fortress


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Just playing some Path of Exile :boomer: new league was surprisingly good.

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What build?

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I like playing off meta stuff. Went for a Glacial Hammer raider, was way stronger than I expected

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Been playing Jedi Fallen Order! I played a little on launch, but it was so buggy. Now I have the PS5 version that runs well. Game is surprisingly really solid, genuinely impressed, might cop the sequel in March.

Does anyone know a website to buy steam game codes for anonymous gifting? I don’t want you creeps knowing my real steam acct. Unironically gonna gift at least 1 copy of Terfwarts Legacy

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I remember it being very buggy (enemies sliding up walls etc) but I also though the actual game was rather mediocre.

Aren't most keysellers anonymous enough?

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A mediocre SW game is a great SW game

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I'd rather play the games it's trying to trend chase.

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I've been playing very casually recently so there's like a couple of games that I'm progressing on

I completed all the Half-Life games and am currently having fun with all the different maps and mods. That stuff is fun, I like source engine very much :marseymissing2:

Also I finally gave Darkest Dungeon a try recently and am nearing the endgame with most of my characters getting to max level and getting ready to storm the Dungeon itself, but my money supply runs very low so I can't afford to train or upgrade them properly which makes each expedition nerve-wracking. Though surprisingly I had very few deaths in my campaign :marseytombstone:

I've also started playing Baba is You and I thought I was good at puzzle games :marseybigbrain: but this shit is reaaaly hard :marseysmugretard:. It's very satisfying when you complete the level but it's the opposite when you're stuck on something and just do nothing for 20 minutes so I've been playing it on and off, I found that giving it like 10 minutes of my time a day is optimal for me. I load the game, give each level a new try, and if it doesn't work I leave and return tomorrow with a slightly different idea

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Baba is You is brilliant, it really feels like nothing you've played before.

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HL2 is great but HL3 is impossible dream

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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