ESA is about to end, and while it was better than GDQ, it still wasn’t as good as it could have been. Lots of long, shitty games in US timeslots. 100% Orange Juice started a seasonal event and I just do not care enough to play it for the like 2 new drops.
Atomic heart seems to look decent though, I didn't know it was open world. Maybe I’ll get it on sale when I’m in the mood some time.
Does anyone care about the Dota Lima Major?
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unable to find joy playing anything other than horizonXI, why are 2000 era private servers and POE the only fun things to play
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Tried that rhythm game on Gamepass that the world seems in love with lately... umm... (looks it up) Hi-fi Rush and surprisingly didn't like it. There's so much godawful anime catgirl chit chat breaking up the GAMEPLAY
and even what gameplay there is feels kinda janky and clunky. But I haven't given it enough time (~1-2hrs) to get the feel down yet.
Bought Returnal on PC, and I think I'll like it, but there's a weird deal where the triggers on my Xbox controller are not very responsive despite trying some fixes like shutting off Steam input and switching between classic controller and adaptive. If I could just get the triggers responsive I think this'll be good shit.
Also went on a spending spree this week and bought Company of Heroes 3 and Pocky & Rocky Reshrined which I haven't tried yet but really looking forward to both. And Atomic Heart on Gamepass! Gamepass is my neighbor.
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Spelunky 2, waiting on other stuff to release and/or get fixed to not be garbage
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Playing monster hunter world. It's my first monster hunter game and I'm really enjoying it, though I feel like I'd enjoy it more if I was better at the combat and understood how to take better advantage of items. I'm using the greatsword because I really enjoyed playing with the guts sword in dark souls 3. I just beat the anjanath (t rex guy) story quest and I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of things. I'm excited to get to the higher rank quests where there is a higher population since it seems like the fights would be more fun with other ppl.
Palicos r so 🥰🥰🥰
Also is anybody here into slay the spire or competitive team fortress 2?
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Haven't been gaming much this week, but I have my eye on Pizza Tower. I kinda wish it stayed more slow paced (like WarioLand 4) like the sage demo, now it's more like Sonic 1 which is too fast for me. Might pick it up on sale or when the 2nd character The Noise releases.
Soundtrack is filled with bangers though.
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Atomic heart since its running surprisingly well on my 10yr old system.
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Limbus Company releases on monday. I've been looking forward to it for like a year, wanted to play it on christmas day, but they delayed it to this current date.
Earlier this week I was informed that I'll be spending the entire next week away on some work retreat. And I found out the hotel room they booked doesn't include breakfast.
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I’m playing Kerbal space program. The second game just came out and I was playing that but it runs like butt so I played a bit of the first game.
I love that game so much, it literally decided my career
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That, or you wanted to go design rockets but Lockheed and Raytheon saw you in classes and were like “so instead of space rocket, how about something that’s basically a rocket but goes between continents? For me? 👉👈 “
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Just an engineer, but I work on space stuff
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Playing Snatcher.
It's a nice mix of creepy, cool and funny and the Konami pixel art is in full force. 
It's also the second oldschool Konami game I've seen with a jab about trains
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I am bored so I am playing war hammer total war again. Kinda a disappointing game but still pretty fun
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Tl;dr If you enjoy Bioshock then you'll enjoy Atomic Heart.
Atomic Heart is ok I'd rate it a bit above mid. The open world is pretty useless since robots are all over the place and if you kill them they get repaired almost immediately so the open world doesn't have much to offer other than some crafting materials and a medium to pass through on your way to the next objective or test site to solve puzzles for new weapon attachments. I haven't beaten it yet but I think I'm pretty far. Campy humor is alright, a few decent horror elements, a r*pey sexpest refrigerator, some ballerina robo-mommies, and that's about it.
If you have Gamepass, I'd say it's definitely worth a playthrough. If you're purchasing I'd say wait until it goes on sale. It looks great and I'm enjoying it but so far I see no replayability.
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This is exactly how i feel. Duke nukem tier humor, euro jank controls, robo mommies and a convoluted plot. Im halfwayish through i think, no real replayability but its fun enough. Game pass only though, don't buy this for more than $30 for where it is right now.
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Like those Metro games? It does give off that vibe when I watch vids.
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Why are you even playing this game if you think it's so terrible? You're obviously not very good at it if you can't even figure out the plot. And what's wrong with Duke Nukem humor? It's hilarious! And the controls are fine once you get used to them. This game is definitely worth more than $30, so you're just a cheapo if you don't want to spend more than that.
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I'm still in love with you, please take me back. I know now that sleeping with your dad wasn't the right way to ask to borrow the trampoline. I get it. Just come back home, please, and i won't even make you drink the gasoline.
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Sorry, but you had your chance and you blew it. I have no interest in getting back with someone who would cheat on me and then go and sleep with my dad. That's just gross.
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Going down the memory lane, and playing Megaman ZX right now. Boy have I gotten rusty.
Anybody played Company of Heroes 3 yet? I heard it is decent.
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Civ 6
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Mostly fightan like usual.
Lobby nights could be sick but IDK if people want to host games here
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Emulating to play Dodonpachi Daioujou. really fun, beautiful visuals and ost but it kicks my butt hard
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I bought metal
rising: revengence, and beat
it in a day. 
That game
is peak
nonsense and it makes me sad konami sacked the guy just
as he was doing his best
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MGR is really fun. Story is pretty coherent for a MGS game, especially when compared with PW and TPP.
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It's hard
to stay coherent while writing
prophecies about the future
of humanity.
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I've been emulatormaxxing:
Ninja Gaiden Black
plays great now. I had to recompile Xemu to fix a bug with water surface textures, but otherwise the game runs really well once you get past the initial shader compilation stutter. Oh and they fixed that bug where Ryu had his fiend texture for the whole game.
Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragoon Orta still have some annoying audio bugs.
DoA2 has bad slowdown on certain stages. I should try Cxbx-Reloaded for this one.
RPCS3 is amazing
You can not only play most games now, you can also force a lot of them to run at 60/120fps.
Games I've tested that all play without issue:
Shadows of the Darned, Drakengard 3, Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, Armored Core 4, Super Stardust HD, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Dark Mist
Only disappointment so far is that Pure soft locks all the time
I hope this kino SSX-like arcade racer gets rescued soon, it was so good.
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Played the shit out of Pure as a kid on xbox
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Just finished Evergrace (Basically a 2000 caveman's excuse for Dark Souls) and found it very interesting in mechanics and feel, even if the story was too cryptic to understand
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I've been glued to Red Dead Online lately, and I picked up Sons Of The Forest yesterday to play with some friends. Red Dead is the cowboy sim I've always wanted. Genuinely having a blast hunting animals and bounties, and just exploring
. Sons Of The Forest is cool, it's in early access but it seems to have enough to keep me interested. Played the first game with the same group of friends and it was a great experience. This has been good so far.
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Ay redM is out. Rember in 2021 or whatever when a bunch of streamers blew up playing cops vs robbers rp servers on gta v? Yeah that’s now a thing with red dead online as well. Fully modded custom rp servers.
I haven’t dove into it yet because I’m job hunting currently with too many vidya on the side all ready.
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Hunting in RDO is great. Keeps me away from all the online bullshits.
Even that, I ran into a (possible) hacker the other day. He kept telling me to pick up the chest he dropped. Real weird.
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Yeah same here, it ends up being kind of thematic as well. Spending time in the wilderness to get away from the hustle and bustle
. I forget it's a multiplayer game sometimes.
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Playing MGS3 on PC with mouse and keyboard on Hard difficulty. I've just beaten The Pain. For some reason the camera controls don't even work properly when in first person, but luckily I have 12 key bindings alone for moving the camera. I just have to guess which of them work at any given time lmao.
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Still playing Wild Hearts. Tired of the “use springs for the I frames
” It’s a pain with how quick the kemono can be
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I recently downloaded and installed every game every created for the:
Sega Master System
Sega Genesis
Sega 32x
Sega CD
Sega Saturn
on my Steamdeck, complete with retroachievements integration and a beautiful UI. I am currently playing Banjo Kazooie.
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No NDS? Has some awesome titles and can work great on the deck from what I've seen.
Also check out WarioLand 4 (GBA), one of the best platformers of all time.
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The touchscreen was really wonky the one DS game I tried :/ maybe I need a stylus? I have no idea. But using the touchscreen was a fkn nightmare. Which is super weird because the deck is touchscreen.
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Fair, not every game uses the touchscreen though, so I'd at least suggest playing those. Also use melonDS, it's harder to set up compared to desmume but has way better deck support. Also you can change the layout so the touchscreen is bigger and the top screen is smaller, super useful.
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you should play the only good fire emblem games (before they turned to waifushit), being the GBA ones
also water the tree in 30 sec
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I want to play Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn but I haven’t figured out how to make multi-disc games to work 😩
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ESL momento
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Still kinda on Wow, but mostly been playing Project Zomboid recently. Pretty fun.
I used to be a massive dota whore but haven't played or watched anything in a bit over a year.
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Been playing Stoneshard (permadeath) and Wild Hearts.
Considering atomic heart but idk tbqhfam.
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How’s Wild Hearts for you? The monsters running away by amount health is annoying but it’s been fun so far
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Coming from the perspective of somebody that has been playing a lot of monster hunter over the past few years, particularly loving Worldborne and being not so pleased with Risebreak.
I was quite sceptical when I first saw it both because Monster Hunter clones have all been rather terrible including toukiden by the same developer as well as omega force's other games really aren't all that, musou games were fun but are rather boring now. The early footage I saw wasn't super inspiring either but I played the EA play demo and I must say I've been having a lot of fun. It certainly delivers more on the aspect of exploration than Rise did and the mobility in exploration I would say feels more meaningful because you are more limited.
Combat is rather fast paced, particularly when compared to mainline MH titles but because it's not a MH title I find myself being more forgiving about it. The in combat building aspect did look stupid at first and while I'm not entirely sold on it I do find that it integrates into the combat well enough though some are certainly easier to use than others. Weapon movesets are fairly limited and much less complex than later MH titles but I think the fights themselves are engaging enough for that not to mater too much, I found with the nodachi that you are heavily rewarded when you aggressively use basic buildings like the spring and torch often leading to stunlocking monsters for quite some time. Overall I'd say the game is on the easier side and your abundant iframes would corroborate that but when I'm occasionally put on the defence and having to react to some of the more complex moves it can be rather challenging for a time.
I like that it's "high rank" actually impacts monster movesets unlike MH. There isn't a massive roster by any means tough most have variants which adds some content, they aren't super different but I didn't find it as offensive as Purple Ludroth.
But the game does have issues, technical ones being obvious but haven't hampered my experience on PC despite the rather frequent frame drops. Aside from that the contextual nature of many actions in the game can be very frustrating when they mismatch with what you had in mind or when your character turns around mid building because you are locked on or if you're trying to build too close to something else and suddenly your 3x2 build did not come out as planned or when you get hit and sent right into a torch which leads you to do an attack straight into the monster, there are a lot of examples. The game is also a bit on the floaty side and sometimes rather literally as you get pushed around, especially against edges of the map. The climbing feature on monsters is really bad, not only very awkward to engage but once you're on it's very difficulty to actually get anywhere intentionally as the monster keeps on attacking sometimes even leading to get transported to a completely different part of the monster or even worse if against a wall or tree you can be latched on to it instead, truly just not well done. Cutscenes aren't all that convincingly acted out and I find faces in particular just kind of stay the same, not a huge issue as the story isn't why I picked it up but it's a clear weak point, it's an ok vehicle for game progression though and compared to a lot of anime adjacent games I'd still rate it favourably for not being too obnoxious.
While the game is floatier than MH it does have enough weight and hitstun to keep me mostly satisfied though but I've been to the depths of absolute mediocrity which is MH clones.
I think the weapon crafting tree is an interesting and novel idea though I doubt it will lead to anything too complex.
Some of the managing of resources and particularly the processing is a bit cumbersome but I do somewhat enjoy the concept of it.
Monsters running away by health can sometimes be annoying but I'm not too bothered by it.
Just recently hit the end game and haven't tried it out yet so I've yet to form an opinion on it.
I used this as an excuse to vent my mind so to TL:DR it I have been enjoying it far more than I expected to and am overall positive.
I fully deserve the long post bot's ire.
I didn't proof read any of this so it's probably a bit schizo.
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The game seems fun, just wish it ran better than a paraplegic.
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I know.
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I'm taking a break from being transphobic rn and playing some BDO
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just finished fallout jew vegas 100%
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now you're ready to speedrun it!
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congrats on cracking your egg
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Is that game popular with trains? Lol
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Yeah lol. NV is really popular among those video essayist breadtuber types that tend to have a big
fan base.
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Has anyone found a version of Rocksmith that doesn't have aids? It's really fun to play Guitar Hero with the real thing but the selection is butt and RS+ is overpriced for the library it offers.
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Have you heard of Clone Hero? That's what most people play these days.
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I've only ever used Rocksmith 2014 with modded song tracks, idk if that's still a thing
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I was gonna play Kerbal Sneed Program 2.0 but it looks like despite unlimited funds and a decade to work on it they have completely fricked it up lmao
So after probably 3k+ hours in the original I didn’t even buy it
They even have a shitty third party launcher on top of steam and state in the Eula that they will put a rootkit on your machine for anti piracy
BIPOCs why can’t I have anything to enjoy
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Somebody I know that works at NASA refunded it within 10 minutes for being shit compared to the first that was surprising as he’s a massive nerd that has close to your hours
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Doctor chess i fell over and my right side started to feel weird. Like a slight tingling/weakness/loss of sensation, and a pressure in my temple like the beginning of a migraine. The hospital gave me a ct scan and said its fine and it went away after a couple of weeks but then after a few months it came back and now its been like this since october. I had another spinal scan and they said theres nothing wrong. What do? Should i ask for a brain scan?
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Could be a form of neuropathy. If it goes away a conductive scan may not pick it up though.
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Go see a doctor.
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I have neighbor multiple times. After he got the latest scan results he wants to do blood tests now
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I'm restarting Nier: Automata since I apparently didn't unlock all the endings when I played a few years ago.
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Playing through the best dark souls game again....dark souls 2 
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Love that game. Only thing it's really missing is a proper final dungeon, but it makes up for that with the DLC areas.
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I unironically love DS2, but I am glad DS3 was more like 1 instead.
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Das fricking right
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Based, Dark Souls SOFTS is the best game of the series
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DS2 base with DLC is better than the SOTFS edition
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