Weekly ‘What’re You Playing’ Thread #6

Been watching some EPL and the Lima Major. My boy Arteezy reminding people why he’s the best and congrats to Complexity on finally winning again.

The Last Spell hits 1.0 on Thursday, but with how often they like to wipe progress, I kind of am

Dissuaded from picking it up again until then. Due to how few games I’m interested in, unless Starfield comes out, Last Spell will probably be my game of the year by default.

What’s everyone else up to?

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Didn't play much really besides the occasional Trackmania cup and some CS matches. The announcement :marseyclink: of CS2 could have not come at a worse time :marseyprincesszelda2: as me and my friends :marseymeangirls: were on the brink of finally retiring but with a new version on the horizon I guess :marseyshrug: it's time :marseyzeldalinktimeadult: to play again. I think :marseybigbussyhunterlove: I told you about this :marseysharksoup: before :marseyskellington: but I have insanely regressed in skill and due to my old age I just :marseyblops2chadcel2: cannot keep :marseykys2: up with all the zoomies. Anyways, I'm excited :marseyowow: to see what :marseygasp: will :schopenmarsey: happen!

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Civ V tileslop.

I’m trying to spread my cool new religion to conquer the world :marseymerchant:

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Atomic Heart. Its the most I've enjoyed a newly launched game in actual years. While it is a bit buggy it's nowhere near normal launch status of games now where they simply don't function. And the gameplay is actually fun. Game feels like a mix of a bunch of different games I liked; Soma, bioshock, a bit of mirrors edge climbing but shit, alien isolation... The protagonist is characterized like a 12 year old though, no idea how he's supposed to be a hardened USSR Major lol

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Having way more fun with Dead Cells than I expected.

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Atelier Elie :marseyweeb: :plus: :marseyboomer: I'm at the end of my first year and in the middle of building up my fairy alchemy sweatshop :marseycracka: :marseychristmaself:


I like the freedom in this game. It does try to respond to your playstyle, whether you work hard :marseycatgirljanny: to pass your exams :marseyreading: or frick off to go adventuring :marseyzeldalinkpast:. But I'm also struck by the feeling that these early Atelier games were designed to sell strategy guides. Some of the event triggers can be very obscure :marseydetective:

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Terra Invicta. Humanity First is the most based and dramapilled option.

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still grinding osrs, down to the last quest but I can't be arsed to do it this weekend. might try out Rise of Industry cause it's free on Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/rise-of-industry-0af838

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Played Atomic Heart again, really surprised at how much I've ended up liking that game. It has a lot of flaws, but you can feel how much passion they put into making it and I'm really impressed with how it turned out.

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Replaying Nier: Automato :marseyexcitedexosuit: .

Played it the first month it released so it's a somewhat fresh experience outside of those "oh yeah I remember that happening" moments.

I made the r-slurred decision to play on hard mode where you take quadruple damage so everything 1 - 2 shots you and for some r-slurred reason (apparently it's because saving your game is a major plot point, you play as an Android so saving your game is uploading your memory) dying in the hour plus long intro makes you restart from the main menu making you redo everything :marseybeanangry: .

Despite that road bump i'm having a blast.

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Just doing my chores in FF14/BDO/NGS

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>still playing bdo in current year

How was that snowy mountain expansion?

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There's snow in Black Desert?

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Plenty of :marseycocaine: in the hood

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Just some Endless Space 2 right now. I think I want to play a CRPG next, but I feel like it’s so much reading and new mechanics… idk if I really want to start one.

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we need to get an rdrama 4x game together, seems like we'd have enough people based on these threads

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I’d be down depending on the game

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I love the endless games, who are you leading to victory?

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United Empire! I am introducing the joys of democracy to the rest of the galaxy under threat of planet destruction.

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Boy i chose a great time to start playing destiny 2 :#marseycontemplatesuicide:

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Finished replaying Deus Ex HR for the nth time and God do I love that game. Then finally tried playing Mankind Divided cause my old PC couldn't handle it before and felt disappointed. So many aspects of what I loved in HR were stripped down or removed, and the controls and mechanics swapped for ones that make less sense. And that is foregoing the whole thing about the game being cut short in order to deliver a sequel which never came! Darn this whole situation just makes me sad, so much wasted potential here. I just hope I will live to see the next Deus Ex game now knowing that it is planned for the future, and hopefully it will be better.

Besides that picked up Disco Elysium and I feel torn about it because on one side it's a novel and interesting idea and I like the characters and the theme, but on the other it has an agenda which it tries to present in the most awkward way possible with minimal nuance or subtlety and darn is this game slow. I remember playing the first Witcher and thinking that running in circles a hundred times to talk to 50 different people in different corners of the map was tiresome, but this game just cranks it up to 11. Most of my game time is spent just wandering aimlessly across the map checking what options I have available to me because I feel stuck and just want to advance to the next day. It's gotten so bad that I decided to take a break from the game because it bored me out of my mind.

Other than that I'm continuing my Darkest Dungeon playthrough with moderate success and have also picked up the discounted STALKER games off steam, will have to give those a try too in the near future

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I toughed out the Stalker games on the hardest difficulty because some shit people say about bullet damage, but I'm pretty sure it's not true. Just a heads up if you end up reading the same talking points before you start.

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no the talking points are true, difficulty in stalker simply increases damage across the board which includes you. Due to how the armor system works tho if you're using the wrong weapon into the wrong enemy you will still do no damage tho

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I forced myself to finish the first Stalker but couldn't bear going through the ordeal two more times. Stopped playing a few hours into the second. The controls are just so clunky and the AI is godwaful.

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still unemployed then?

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Wild hearts:marseygigaretard:

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Hippity Hoppity

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F.E.A.R god I love that game :marseylove:

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that might be my favorite shotgun in an FPS game. It blows anything in front of it to chunks

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Simcity 4. Still the best classical citybuilder I know of.


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You got cucked out of your thread by me :m#arseyboomer:

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Anyone play pizza tower? I keep hearing it's a goty contender, is it good or just a meme?

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if you like that type of game, its supposed to be good. i think its ugly and looks dumb

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Wo Long. Started off great but got boring fast. Just play Nioh 2.

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Atomic Heart, and it's ok, like a Russian Bioshock for whatever that's worth. I like that the enemies take some strategy and patience to defeat, though maybe a bit too much if you're playing drunk/high (and who isn't?).

My Golden Tee machine got fixed so was happy to be back playing that last night, also played some of my pinball machines. My house is a boomer playground.

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Playing that new wo long game rn, i like it so far

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i have kinda mixed feelings on it. on the one hand its fun to play, combat super snappy and fun. im only on the 4th area or so but it kinda has the nioh problem of everything just looking like some frickin asian village tho, and every enemy is just "chinese peasant or farm animal, possibly glowing zombie version" or "big chinese dude, possibly glowing zombie version"

im gonna keep going and see what else its got in store, only other complaint is wtf is the stats system.

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Yeah i know what you mean, not sure how long it is but hope it gets more variety. I dont care for the gear or stats system much either. Feels kind of out of place to me in a game like this but idk, im not as far in as you either.

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Gear and stats become key later in the game when build refinements are a huge advantage. You'll manage when you get there, just make sure you don't leave the encumbrance stat too far behind, you might want to use some heavier gear if you run into trouble with a boss.

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Do you think it's better to focus on just one thing other than that one? So far I still feel pretty lost on what to build.

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Don't worry about it for now, you'll be able to respec for free, as many times as you want, before midgame. For now just try to get confortable with the parry system and the spirit (orange and blue stamina) system. Builds only become more important later in the game.

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Me too. Combat seems to be a lot simpler than the Nioh series, but it's really fun.

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I tried nioh the first one and didnt make it through the tutorial lol, felt like it was throwing too much at me at once. I was also looking for a more chill game to play tho since i was pretty busy at the time, didnt want to take time to get good

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Nioh does that to everyone, all the systems are very overwhelming. However, once it clicks it's amazing.

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Yeah I've thought about giving the 2nd one a try, maybe after this game

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If you get trough this one nioh 2 will seem much simpler. The combat is much simpler here but the build and gear mechanics are very familiar.

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Super Auto Pets. Might try slay the spire again since I never really gave it a fair shake.

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I am playing Hitman :marseyseven:

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Dome Keeper lately which is a good one to waste a few minutes when brain becomes fried with other things

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Company Of Heroes 3. I'm mad. :marseyraging: Allies have shit balance rn.

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Those shermans are broken I love it

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I was really addicted to Against the Storm for like a week straight. They basically made the starting part of an Age of Empires game into a gameloop itself. You build up a settlement with a small amount of workers, chopping down trees and gathering food and other supplies to survive the increasingly hostile weather that comes. Each settlement takes between 30 minutes to a couple hours to complete, and after I think 6 settlements it wipes the map and you begin again. Each successful settlement gives different resources that you use to unlock more stuff in a talent tree, and you get more resources for playing on harder difficulties, which adds more challenging game mechanics. :marseyautism:

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I'm planning on playing that one too but I have a personal no early access rule and thus must wait

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Finished Hogwarts :marseyrowling: a few days ago, the RPG label means nothing anymore, but it was a fun game.

Been playing Atomic Heart since then but haven't gotten sucked in, might give Elden Ring another chance.

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i’m playing Elden Ring right now :marseyexcited: it’s really hard and i suck butt lmao. i’m playing a mage and it took me 3 days to beat Rennala

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nfs undercover, because I'm a masochist

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at least its better than unb*und

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why not burnout 3

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I'm playing all the NFS in order (after underground 1) because :a#utism:

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Hoi4 :#marseysalutearmy:

Leading the Mexican Socialist Republic against the :marseyburger: menace

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Mass Effect Trilogy replay :marseyangel:

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What class? Played as a renegade Vanguard recently on Insanity and had a blast with the charge

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Vanguard absolutely r*pes none of the other classes really compare tbh,

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charge + nova + shotgun blast to the face if the enemy is still alive is insanely fun. it’s probably the most fun combo i’ve ever played although i’ve only ever played like 8 games lol.

only problem is the game gets too easy in late 3. i’m not got gud enough to play insanity

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Even on Insanity the game usually gets easy by the second half if you build your characters right.

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I’m on 2 right now and I’ve played soldier so far. Soldier loses its luster on 3 so I was going to switch over to vanguard, which I’ve never tried on 3 specifically.

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assassin creed 3

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ugh this one made me quit the series. need to try it again

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i am going through most of the older ACslop games because why not

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That one was rough to play

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I started playing The Forest last night after owning it for years. I'm enjoying it

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Just finished Panzer Dragoon Saga, considering going through again to get achievements I missed.


I fricked up and accidentally turned Hardcore Mode off when I was playing with settings, so I also have two late game achievements as Softcore only and it is driving me crazy.

Really fantastic game start to finish. Cannot recommend strongly enough. Don’t really want to play anything else now, but I might give another Saturn game a try. PDS will be really hard to follow.


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Im playing some weeb game called rabi ribi. Its like a two platformer with bullet heck bosses. Its legit embarrassing to be stuck on a boss that is a cat girl named vanilla who calls everyone master :marseycry:

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Oh, I remember that game. It was solid game, kinda bland and not too hard once you get the hang of a boss. I remember getting tired of it before I beat it but there was only like an hour left so powered through it. 6/10, not too bad

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I am playing on hard and thinking of bumping it down to normal. I really dislike the rpg and metroidvania elements since they are very bland and just distract from the rest. I'll give props that there is some genuine non-linearity where you can actually just go later bosses very early on if you wanna try and beat them, but idk I would just like the bosses to be purely skill rather then there being permanent stat ups.

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Yeah, Ori or some of the other big metroidvanias on PC are just better in pretty much every way. The only reason people remember RabiRibi is because it's older and anime.

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Its not even that old coming out in 2016. Something like Environmental Station Alpha came out in 2015 and is still probably the best modern metroidvania. Axiom Verge was also in 2015 and pretty good. Rabi Ribbi basically has the exact same problems as Touhou Luna Nights but with way worse graphics and a mind numbingly bad story. I will say the bosses are more plentiful in Rabi and harder then the ones in Luna Nights.

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Finishing up a replay of the Shadowrun games. I like them all but the decking in Hong Kong makes me want to quit every time.

I wish there were more coming though. It's an interesting world.

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Was going to suggest to look at Boston Lockdown, but my Steam says "Notice: Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown is no longer available on the Steam store". I never played it though.

I don't know if the books are good, but they might be something to read for fun?

The table top RPG is fun to read, but not good to play (though I should mention I don't have much experience with it).

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Play the 360 shooter lol

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The one that matched PC players and console players in mp matches?

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Yep, the not-counter strike clone with magic

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started playing retail wow again. yeah im a holy paladin :gigachad2::gigachad3::gigachad4:

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How's retail? I only played during Cata and then hopped on the classic wagon when that thing started off, where I have remained since. From the outside retail looks nice in the sense that there's a lot of content and QoL stuff amassed over the years that you would never run out of things to do I imagine, but it just gives off some unpleasant "modern gaming" vibes. I liked cata, but even compared to it classic just feels more genuine and rough, in a good way. Is that also the case for retail?

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retail is basically the same its just got more buttons to press and my friend plays it. i would play whatever version your friends do cus its a group game and if u dont have friends join a guild and make some. that matters way more than what version you are playing imo

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I'm playing retail again since start of Shadowlands. Eventually it's the same as always: you like raiding or M+ or PvP content. Can't comment about PvP at all.

Raids and dungeons are fun to play, you are right that we have "modern gaming" as in you can do almost everything with random groups. Only the highest difficulties require fixed groups/guilds.

Server also doesn't really matter though the new crafting system with DF has changed that a bit.

I'm having fun seeing the raids on LFR (easiest) difficulty and do M+ for +20 portals. But I should mention that I made tons of gold in Shadowlands and can play for free, so it doesn't cost me anything to keep the sub running.

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The only nerdshit that I never touched

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This was the shit back in early 2010s, you missed out man

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Prot or bust

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@Aevann post your brawhalla clips

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Dad, Husband, ASD, ADHD, Tech lover, IT Admin, Tinkerer, Avid DIY'er, Dog lover and occasionally troll feeder. NSFW because I like to cuss. I don't hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong

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