What going on, big guy?
I got 2 games (Division 2 and Gears Tactics). Promptly downloaded both them and only played maybe 20 minutes, max. I was hoping I could use them as some free time sinks, but haven’t have much free time, and spent what I do have, reading or working on an old 40K model I never got around to building. Gaming is dead and I killed it.
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project zomboid with 30+ mods installed
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I beat Nuclear Throne the other night, which was nice since I've been playing that game and Isaac every night before going to bed for years now so its been a long time coming. Probably could've done it a lot sooner by looking up tips for certain levels, but eh. Having the Eraser gun was key. Kills those green ghosties on the last two levels pretty efficiently along with the tank boss thing.
Uninstalled Atom Heart out of frustration. There's so much fricking sitting around watching cut scenes, listening to things talk... I know most g*mers are NEET shut-ins who have plenty of free time but that's no excuse. Every time I fire it up it's like half playing, half sitting there.
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Fallout "A Tale Of Two Wastelands" - it's the FO4 content running on the NV engine + ability to travel between them like DLC. It's a complete pig to set up, but I've been very much enjoying it.
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*FO3 not FO4
I was confused hah.
What’s the elevator version of why it’s good? I thought NV shared the FO3 (oblivion mod) engine for the most part
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Guilty Gear 1 (missing link)
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It's called "
@BronyKong's shitty game engine".
The asset loading/caching system is the current buck breaker du jour but I'm sure that there's going to be more horrors to come. 
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
First time I played it I was impressed by the setting, quest design and immersive sim elements but ultimately was turned off by the combat system. I started a fresh playthrough recently and made an effort to learn the combat system and so I've been thoroughly enjoying the game, and 50 hours in it's shaping up to be one of my favourites in recent memory.
Turns out that despite all its complexity there's also some mechanics that trivialize the whole combat system, master strike seems completely r-slurred and it seems equally r-slurred to not abuse it, the NPC's sure will.
I'm not very far into the main story but I've been running around doing side quests and I have to say I've been entertained by them. Many of these stories have obviously been told before but they feel fresh for some reason, maybe this is the
soul I keep hearing about.
Anyways, despite its jankiness and faults, it hasn't disappointed so far. Would recommend.
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I liked that game a lot and did a playthrough with a bunch of the negative modifiers for the achievement. Because they really strived for 'realism' it is very easy to exploit what the game lets you do to trivialize everything right after you get out of the intro. Probably my favorite open world 'Skyrim-like' game. I think the realism element in a medieval setting is compelling.
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There are mods to make the combat system not regarded.
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Are there mods that make it closer to the combat system of Chiv 2 or Mordhau? I had trouble adjusting to the different combat system
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diablo 4 beta
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does anyone know how to get Counter Strike 2 access?
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Play on Valve servers, have a good trust factor in both cheating tf and being nice tf. I forget what else but they made an FAQ about what stats they look at.
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darn its over for me then, last time I played CS was in 2017
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Yeah, same. I figure it’ll open up more later, though.
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Tried to get back into Destiny but I haven't played since the Vault of Glass raid and I don't know where to start. I missed every expansion and don't have Lightfall so I'm worried that I'll sink time into content or gear that's irrelevant.
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I have depression and can't enjoy anything anymore
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Try drugs.
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No lie. Everything we used to enjoy has had the absolute life sucked out of it.
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i’m out of town for a while so no vidya. when i get home i’m gonna play the Dead Space remake with my friend. :) we’re gonna play together by taking turns at one of our houses because if i play it alone i will shit my pants to death.
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More pizza tower gonna go for all the chevos
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Leaf Blower Revolution. A leaf blower game, where you blow leaves.
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Counter strike source, I’m somehow still bad at it after all these years but I still enjoy it
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Wait until I tell you what just came out
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Cdda.g gaimen launched and its a bit more user friendly now, especially since pockets were a massive ux hit ( i get that being able to use your pants pockets, a hoodie pocket, and a fanny pack to hold a m16 was dumb, but god that transition was painful.) The trans continental logistics is a massive upgrade to the boredom of labs, challenging and very convenient to have ramps for my shopping cart.
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MTG Arena and Risk of Rain 2. I also wanna strangle whoever ruined halo infinite quickplay - bastards
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I haven't played RoR2 in a long time. They add a lot of content?
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Yes, not sure when you last played but they did a big overhaul on the final boss level and have added lots of new items and levels. Also made some DLC for about $15 that added a lot of new content and added a pretty fun mode called Simulacrum. Worth getting back into imo
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Elden ring and whoever made this shit had a finger fetish
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i played that for the last month or so and it was really fun but i have to take a break. HUGE game that is beautiful but starts to feel really repetitive after a while.
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The dungeons do get repetitive but the main areas are really good. I recently finished RDR1 and you can play it with your brain shut off.
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i just kind of started to feel lonely in the game without any NPCs to talk to. i got tired of
1. ride horse across beautiful landscape
2. clear dungeon
3. level up
4. receive my allotted 2 lines of incomprehensible dialogue
idk i’m just gonna put it down for a few months and respec when i come back. hoping that switching to a fai/dex build will be have more engaging combat than playing as a mage. i’m well aware this is a me-problem and not a game-problem as it is intended to be mysterious/vague/lonely in this way.
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Was gonna play starsector but a new patch is about to come out and I know its gonna take the mods a few months to catch up.
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Binding of Isaac, DCSS, and Dark Souls 2, and yes I am
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You like any other Rogues besides DCSS? I was pretty big in that and Hyper Rogue.
I liked Cogmind but never got very good. I also tried Caves of Qud, but the progress is disappointingly repetitive for a Rogue with an open world. Maybe they added more since I last played.
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You can always RETVRN to Nethack
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They haven't developed Beogh for a decade or so I just want more rampaging orc horde content
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Oi it's my profile pic
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What a shame...
He was a good man… *licks lips* What a rotten way to die.
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AC III king Washington dlc
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american truck simulator
i was gonna get resident evil 4 when it came out yesterday but...i can't bring myself to stop bein' a super cool trucker.
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played a bit of overwatch last night with gaslamper, still shit
might get back into classic wow, though not sure if it's worth it with SoM 2 probably getting announced soon
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im trying to get legend in hearthstone but its such a shitty game. i think im just trying to relive the fun i had in 2015
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I quit years ago. It's a huge slog to climb the ladder and a massive money sink if you want to be competitive with more than one deck.
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Doing an EU game as Denmark turned Scandinavia. Ive got a degenerate number of hours in eu so it's not new, but first game with the Lions of the North dlc.
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play teutonic order holy horde path
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I've never done a horde playthrough before, might have to try this as it seems fun.
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you dont get the horde government where you have to raze provinces to survive and such, instead you get the "Holy Horde" with insane cav modifiers and missionary strenght also a very cool mission tree. You can only raze non-catholic provinces but you still have access to horde ideas
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Singleplayer-wise, my quest for an actually good RPG has led TheDKMaxxer too dark places (/vrpg/) and too BLACKSOULS II. It's good. TheDKMaxxer was playing Nioh 1 for a bit but everything past the second level was too much for my potato laptop too handle
Multiplayer-wise, Deep Rock Galactic is fun. I've slowed down a bit since TheDKMaxxer first got it but TheDKMaxxer expect too start grinding it again once Season 4 drops.
Trans lives matter
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Play SMT Strange Journey
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Trans lives matter
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I couldn’t get into those fps SMT
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I guess it qualifies as an FOS, it’s first person and you have ‘gun’ type, but man that’s a stretch
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Ryza 3, later will check resident evil 4. Also need to finish wo long.
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I want too get into Atelier eventually, /v/ threads surrounding it are supremely neurodivergent.
trans lives matter
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Ryza games are pretty standard rpg without crazy mechanism like old games in the series, those old games you needed legit a guide to 100% them like you need to be on day 57 on specific location to buy a gem and if you miss it super bosses will be pretty much unbeatable so you will need to restart the game from beginning and they also had tons of endings. Ryza has no time limits or missable stuff
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Replaying fire emblem: three houses. I love edelgard
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I have yet to start the new one with multiple colored hair
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I bought it and never opened it
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I pirated it and honestly pirated games are better like xenoblade are big games and I spend tons of time playing them like 100+ hour for 3ds xenoblade and xenoblade 2 but I don’t have that much time with university now so on switch I made in xenoblade 3 bigger pick up distances, 3x xp and 2x sprint and it made the game more enjoyable without all those slow movement, boring pick up shit quest gone
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I emulated it and played it for a while but it's painful. The gameplay seems pretty sweet but the writing, character designs, voice acting, and everything but the raw mechanics is atrocious.
Trans lives matter
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I heard localization trany team did good job translating it and one of lead flexed he doesn’t know japanese
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I was looking at upgrading my pc, currently have a 1060.
checked through amazon and local pc part stores to get good deals for a 4080 build for a reasonable price, but then i realised i barely play any games that need better specs than what i currently have.
maybe racing or flight sims but all the modern AAA games dont interest me
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Honestly tho?? With DLSS tech you really don’t have to upgrade your card anymore. My gtx 770 was running dying light 2 on medium settings thanks to it. Just get above 16gb ram and dlss will make sure you’re futureproofed with any rtx card. Im constantly crashing due to all 16 gigs used right now while trying to run forest 2 and diablo 4.
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That's the exact same problem I have! Other than my racing and flight sim games, I barely use my gaming PC and prefer to play most of my games on this entry-level laptop I bought last year. Because the strong majority of games I play these days are either tiny indie things or 15+ years old.
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It's surprisingly really good.
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Downloaded Dolphin and replayed Medal of Honor: Frontline on hard
it was an ordeal
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CS2 announcement got some of the boys back into playing csgo and even though we are beyond washed up due to a multitude of reasons, it was a lot of fun.
In the previous iteration of this thread, I mentioned playing Pillars of Eternity, and while I was overwhelmingly negative in the description of my experiences with the game, I'm still playing it and I've put a solid ~20h into the game. Ever since I followed the advice of some online vidya connoisseurs (such as skipping the dialogue of certain companions, not reading everything the game offers which basically boils down to barely paying attention to anything besides the plot), I seem to like the game much more.
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Heck yeah good on you, Eder is my frickin bro. Between both 1 and 2 for that matter. Ultimate wingman
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Yeah, he's definitely great. I'm currently having Eder, Pallegina, Aloth, Durance, and the grieving mother (myself of course too) in my party. I think I'll end the game with that composition too as I don't really like the other companions (except maybe that huntress girl who's pretty nice to have due to her pet but I wanted the same amount of ranged and melee companions). I think the construct from the first expansion is pretty cool too but she kept dying so I replaced her with Pallegina because there is less to micromanage this way. How do you rank the game and its expansions compared to other titles in its genre?
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Honestly I loved both pillars games as they delivered on what they promised. They didn't necessarily blow my mind but I didn't want them to reinvent a genre, I wanted rock solid isometric CRPG with good atmosphere and it delivered 100%.
Comparing some similar isometric CRPG games I'd rank them as follows from games I've actually beat without thinking too hard about it:
Pillars of Eternity II
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Wasteland 2
Shadowrun Returns
Pillars of Eternity
Atom RPG
Disco Elysium
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Wasteland 3
(Not including some slightly similar games in this because it could get too long but considered listing Bastion/Transistor/Hades and Project Zomboid, but they're just not similar enough to compare.)
It's also too hard to compare it to older games like Baulder's gate/fallout/ultima etc because the difference in time is just too great to be objective so I'm just sticking with recent examples. The sad thing about POE2 imo is how bad it did despite improving nearly everything from POE1 in every way, especially the visuals which scale to 4k as well as the 2.5D lighting system it uses which is still pretty darn impressive and lightweight enough to run on jank.
Thus sadly it does not appear there will be a POE3 at this time.
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And trans lives matter or something. PermaChudRanch also stand with israel
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I read this without reading whatever the frick you replied to and was about to get irrationally lolcowsy over thinking you were pooping on path of exile.
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It's dumb. and it's ultimately pointless. It reminds me of the latest entries to the SCP wiki, in which people try to make up fancy new words and abuse CTRL-F on a thesaurus instead of focusing on the actual content. Ultimately, they end up being forgettable no matter how 'great' the writing is. I still think no game has come close to making companions as unique as the old classics. Heck, show me a 'newer' CRPG that has a companion as unique as Minsc:
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included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!Jump in the discussion.
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I've been playing more Microsoft Flight Simulator and I've been learning a new plane since I was tired of how slow the Beechcraft Bonanza I was flying was. Now I'm flying a Daher TBM 930, which is way faster and can climb way higher! The cockpit is also a lot more complicated though, so there's a bit of a learning curve.
Had a bit of a moment in during a flight in which I wasn't paying attention and the oil pressure suddenly flatlined and I had to go through the engine startup procedure while falling out of the sky. But I got it working again!
I've also been playing through Burnout Paradise. Darn, that's one heck of a game and still blows any of the arcade racers that came after it out of the water.
On top of that, small smatterings of Ultimate Racing 2D 2, Assetto Corsa, Project Cars 2 and Red Faction Guerilla.
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Finishing up Wo Long, got to the end of NG+ now doing drop in coop with players frankly much stronger than me and going for the last achievements. Thinking about going back to Nioh 1 for old times sake (get it?)
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Enemy actually hit you on certain minimum % of your health. Like I gave my self 99999hp and mob would hit me for 10000hp. This game apparently has pvp, and ps5 version doesn’t have any anti cheats mechanism or reports so later will make lvl 1 maxed character to hurt newbies
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Lmao, serves them right for not having anticheat what were they expecting
Pvp is actually cool when it's groups (2v3 or 2v2). Try it without cheats, you'll like it. 1v1 PVP is shit tho because of the superparry system, both players just parry non stop in front of each other until one of the dumbasses actually attacks and then loses because the other player parried.
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I liked nioh 1 pvp but they added it on second dlc or something so I remember it having not a lot of people and on nioh 2 they decided not to do any pvp
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For the best IMO, you'd get players casting buff spells for 30 seconds before facing each other...
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Finishing Shadow of Chernobyl and gave subnautica a try but with the latter for some fricking reason I just can't have fun with it and I don't know why, the game itself seems to do everything correctly and I love exploration, crafting and basebuilding, but for some reason I'm just not getting joy out of it. Maybe it gets better later in the game but I'm just bummed by this experience
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Yeah idk the underwater gimmick with the the survival base builder and very story light stuff had already gone stale by the time it even came out, I got through it and liked the music and end sequence but it was very very boring to get there
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Yea I mean I heard quite a bit of people say how stressful and scary the game was for them, and I imagine if you're on the edge all the time then it definitely does help against the monotony and dullness of it, but it just doesn't work for me. It's definitely not the type of game to have me scared
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Super Auto Pets
It's a good phone game.
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seeing ultrakillcels getting bussyblasted by p-2 makes me more impatient for the full release of the game
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I couldn't even do P-1 so I'm not even touching this update
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Hoi4 once again, just finished a Greater Iran run got a Finland run going now
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Ace combat 4 then 5 and zero
Mobius-1 Is literally me
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still Steel Division but i hate 1v1s :'(
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Played a bit more of D4, tried out Necromancer. Now I've got the ARPG itch might buy Last Epoch to tide me over until D4 actually releases.
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Last Epoch is pretty good.
It's like improved Grim Dawn.
It is not like POE except in the fact it has things like maps.
The crafting is probably the best in any ARGP in that it doesn't make you want to hang yourself like POE does.
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Is it any good? I'm probably going to wait a week or two after launch because I know it's going to be a shit show.
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Hard to say what it will be like long term since the beta is only the first 25 levels but the core seems solid. It doesn't revolutionize the genre but the minute to minute gameplay seems fun. Still tho, $70, yikes.
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Honestly anything that can be considered as at least 'decent' is a breakthrough for blizzard lol
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Yea frick the price, gotta get that blizz insider employee discount. ~$40 for ultimate edition.
And yeah games fun, didn’t expect anything going into it but I’ll be happy with it for a while on release.
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Is the necromancer any fun? It's the only class I'm interested in but haven't tried it yet
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I’m currently going a non detonate ded build cuz most talents seem to interact with corpse generation and usage and I wanna try some backwater shit, so I’m blowing stuff up with bone spike barrages and spectre charges.
Pretty fun, I main necro 100% summoner in poe and this is definitely as enjoyable.
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Yeah I like it. Corpse Explosion is super OP right now tho, I'm sure they'll nerf it. It has no resource cost (other than the corpse) and no CD so you can spam it to instantly delete packs of enemies.
Barbarian can leap on a 20 second cooldown to take a couple enemies to maybe half health and Necro can blast through everything with no CD lmoa it's kinda ridiculous right now.
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Ty king
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Sister. I've noticed that your avatar is not wearing a hijab. When you wear a hijab, you are obeying the commands of Allah, and you can expect great rewards in return. It is Allah's protection of your natural beauty. You are too precious to be "on display" for each man to see. It is Allah's preservation of your chastity. Allah purifies your heart and mind through the hijab. Allah raises your dignity through the hijab. When a strange man looks at you, he respects you because he sees that you respect yourself. And this applies to your avatar as well.
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