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What keyboard you using ?

_____ using _____'s uncle microsoft sidewinder x6.

I never bough keyboard my self :marseymerchant:

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So what gaymingkeyboard u using ?

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clitchads get in here !g*mers

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It makes me cringe just looking at it


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Thought I literally never use mine, I just love looking it at it all showing its sexyness wanting me to type on it.

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How do you write in Apu letters with that?

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I use the Apu keyboard for that

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But how do you write the apus? Like समलैंगिक शार्क

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ఇలా రాస్త . హింది బింది నహి ఆత, చి చి హింది

telugu phonetic keyboard on Windows

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Wow, is that the language from Star Wars?

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you can swap around the fn and ctrl keys in the bios to make this piece of shit at least useable

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I'm typing this on a thinkpad, and yes I do use the trackpoint.

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the machine gets warmer the more you touch it

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the one that's attached to the screen :smoke:

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Absurd 3d printed gimmick from Latvia that makes my arthritis disappear because I have boomer joints. Fits like a glove.

Move/strafe on thumbstick feels really good.

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What the frick

This looks like some eldritch horror when compared to normal input devices

What even is that?


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Azeron gamepad for MMO keybinds.

Each finger has easy to press keys without moving too much.

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Oh cool

Yea I guess you would want something like that for MMOs

Back in my WoW days I could never really unlock my maximum potential because there are just so many skills you want to use that the keybinds clutter your entire keyboard. And I didn't remember them by heart and thus couldn't execute many of the moves in time as needed

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how long did it take you to get used to typing like that?

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Not typing, just a gamepad for MMO keybinds

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I game with the power of :marseymerchant:

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is bloomberg terminal really worth the $30k? or: how much extra profit (in percent) do you think you get from it?

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Landlord_Messiah have a Bloomberg terminal and Landlord_Messiah make millions trading stocks. If you make millions like me, $30,000 is nothing.

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useless reply lol

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No idea. I used it at my old job and they never asked for the keyboard back after they laid me off. If you're managing $10m+ I can see it but otherwise probably not

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nice. used ones on ebay go for $250

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It's basically a requirement for bond trading.

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I found a filthy and disgusting IBM Model M I cleaned and made it my daily driver.

Still the best keyboard ever made. :marseyboomer:

Pic from a few years back, after cleaning. Made in 1987 and still works perfectly

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lmao, how does pressing the keys feel on that thing? must be sturdy as frick

old shit was made to be more durable/higher quality before jews realized you could sell them garbage and have them keep rebuying garbage each year

>the missing windows key

lmao there's just nothing there

the keys that are different from the standard qwerty model, did you adapt them to be the same as the usual qwerty or just get used to them

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It's the finnish layout, same as the modern one so that's the one I'm used to anyway.

And as for the windows key, I just repurposed the §/½ key in to the new windows key since I never use that thing anyway.

And yeah, there's a metal spring under each key. They feel very satisfying to type on, somewhat comparable to stiffer switches like cherry blues(?)

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>It's the finnish layout, same as the modern one so that's the one I'm used to anyway.

oh i see. I'm sorry for the being Finnish part, though.

>And as for the windows key, I just repurposed the §/½ key in to the new windows key since I never use that thing anyway.

I never use the winkey, just found funny that it's just empty space there

>And yeah, there's a metal spring under each key. They feel very satisfying to type on

I can only imagine. That looks cool as heck

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You can buy a new one from the same factory for like $100.

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the §/½ key

Are you joking or is this actually a real thing?

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Old ones go CLUNK every time the key gets pushed in due to the spring buckling

they're amazing keyboards and absolutely mog lgbt-boards with gay lights

dude bussy lmao

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old shit was made to be more durable/higher quality before jews realized you could sell them garbage and have them keep rebuying garbage each year

Aint that the truth

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I always look for these at thrift stores but have never seen one for sale. Not going to pay some nerd $100 for one on ebay either.

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Model m chads get in here.

I’m using Unicomp Model Ms for my work and desk setup rn. Great boards.

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20 dollar Logitech one I got like 7 years ago. Still works.

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darn, 7 years? no water/drink spill on it? no cat knocking it down and breaking a leg/key?

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>7 years

bro, try 10 years minimum for a good 'board

my keyboard may be nasty but it still works

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That's nothing, my keyboard is 17 years old.

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One more year brother :horny:

Get that kussy

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I don’t eat and drink in my room and also since it’s detached no cats

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You'll know you're really succeeding when you reach $1/yr on keyboards.

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This BBK (big black keyboard).

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I experimented with a mechanical keyboard, and used it for ~3 years before deciding it was too loud and clacky. I recently got a wireless membrane keyboard from Cherry and i'm enjoying the feel and quietness much more.

Don't take keyboard advice from Reddit. They're full-blown mechanical cultists and will recommend nothing else, and mechanical keyboards really aren't ideal for everyone.

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Video games are meant to be played with a controller.

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That’s why I have an elite controller, the back tabs are a game changer. Gets more use on my pc than the actual Xbox

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This is console erasure :marseyerasure:

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xpox aare basicaly pclets so it evnet souts

dude bussy lmao

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_____ played ff14 on ps4 using mouse and keyboard

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Some Ducky I bought 6 years ago

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I have a razer blackwidow to play the sims 4

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Logitech K120 like in the pic. I fell for the 60% mechanical meme, then started a new job where standard issue was the logitech. Realized the error of my ways and stole one from work, happily gaming on one since.

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literally some ~$5 shit i bought in the nearest shop

The compact keyboard being the :marseytrain: is so accurate. People who use that shit should be hanged.

but I would have a soy mechanical keyboard if i wasnt r-slurredly expensive here (and i know jack shit about switches n shit)

i had a membrane keyboard that had some multi media keys, holy shit how i miss that.

something like this

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Since, I have never found a IBM Model M or another one of ye old mechanical keyboards, a Corsair K70 Lux with Cherry Reds. I will never buy anything that isn't backlit, and mechanical keys feel better after typing all day.

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omg bestie same


i turn off the led tho

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I have mine at 70% bright and red, minus a few buttons which are full red.

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congrats on coming out of the closet you fricking loser

dude bussy lmao

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Logitech G915. It’s a good compromise between standard brand and gaming keyboard perks without being too obnoxious and has low profile keys which I found way better than any other style. It’s also wireless but has wire in. Only problem is it’s expensive

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Same, I like the low profile keys

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you cant depict me as a soy you frick

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A :marseyretro: RAZER(tm) :marsey!retro: :marseyseven: DEATHSTALKER :marseykyle: I got second-hand for barely anything.

It's decent enough, I actually like the chicklet design with how quiet and quick to press the keys are, the backlight's nice for typing in the dark and it feels pretty solid overall, would reccomend as long as you're single and noone gets to see it

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I still use my Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000.

They don't make em comfy like they used to.

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my old butt logitech G105

may have le epic macro keys but it's an officestrag board through and through

surprisingly 'tight' and snappy for a membrane tbqh

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Im using the one that came attacthed to my laptop

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Corsair K30, although I have an Orbweaver for gaming and it's really good. Biggest QOL upgrade for any keyboard is a $5 wrist rest though.

Anyone who actually does anything with a computer and doesn't have a full number pad to the side is missing out, especially at work. It's painful watching some of my coworkers attempting to enter customer information into the system. If you're going to work in an office, touch-typing courses should be mandatory.

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It's literally just a keyboard they all do the same thing. Never understood the obsession some people have with them. Like yea a mouse can make a serious difference when playing I guess, it moves differently depending on its weight, DPI, can have programmable buttons etc

But a keyboard? What difference does it make?

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microsoft wired 600

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basic Apple keyboard. the only Apple product I use.

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Wooting 60HE. It’s my first “keyboard nerd” keyboard, but it’s great. Doesn’t use standard switches, instead opting for Hall effect sensors (so you don’t have to let the switch travel back upwards to retrigger, very responsive for FPS games).

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A $10 Red Dragon w/ brown switches. B-words love it.

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Built in keyboard on my macbook pro

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Blank :marseytemplate: keycap 30%

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Of all the trans pipelines I've been in I never expected my keyboard to do me in like this.


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Mechanical one with fancy lights but I only keep it to a single color. Neon blue during the day and dark red at night

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Some Dell wireless keyboard+mouse combo I asked the IT guy to choose

Works well

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Das Keyboard 4 with cherry blue switches. I’ve had it for 6 years and disassemble annually to lube the switches. I expect to get 15 years out of it, minimum. The only good thing ze krauts have ever made

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i got a razer blackwidow like 8 years ago and im still using it


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K70 is great but frick the RGB version

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_____ is pretty sure people here are lying about using cheap keyboard too sound cool, _____'s mouse is that razer naga, the mouse is perfect too _____

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I use a basic dell keyboard for all games

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Mines the steel series "omniswitch" keyboard. Last one was a Logitech orion because I liked the idea that the LEDs change to the game. But then the switches were acting out after warranty.

But I'm surprised by this steel series board because normally their peripherals look like shit.

Keyboard feels great. I keep a solid led light of blue tho because color swirls are annoying.

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Found this pic on reddit, it's the same setup that I use (top one at home, bottom one at work).

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Nice try at copying my setup, but you'll never be as good as me.

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A Quickfire TK. :marsoy: It has a non-standard form factor :marseyeggirl: where the numpad does double duty with the arrow keys. You have to press NUMLK to switch between the two modes.

I use cherry blue switches because they make a super loud clicky clack sound when I write, and it makes me feel important.

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Any Dactyl-cels here? Or just me :marseysad:

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Where is the ergonomic option?

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_____'s parents use same, as a pc is connected too our main tv since smart tv is shit

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I got a razer blackwidow from walmart for like 50$ on clearance and it's been pretty awesome so far. I would love to make a custom board but there aren't a lot of fullsize mech keyboards.

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NK65, except for the PVC case it looks pretty normal.

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