Weekly ‘What’re you playing?’ thread #15

What’s everyone been playing? Watching my boy Quinn win some Dotes, personally. By the way, did know they shadow announced Subnautica 3? I’m sure it will continue the trend of Subnautica being much worse with every release, but I’m still looking forward to seeing what it is.

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:!marseysoypoint: NEW STARSECTOR UPDATE

I refuse to use mods because it's all unbalanced train coomer power fantasies, vanilla or bust.

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Hollow Knight

Link to the Past

Most recently, randomly restarted Pokemon Heartgold a few days ago and have been marathoning it.

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TOTK (lol @ tendies) and a bunch of cyberpunk things because I'm making a game with a 'cyberpunk' theme and need inspo

Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty good now actually. The story bits are good and the immersive-sim style gigs are good, but the missions with good story and the missions with good gameplay are miles apart, which really sucks. Game is also a bit too easy even on super-giga difficulty unless you intentionally gimp yourself. Playing a hackerman is cool but gets boring once you can just hack a dude and wipe out an entire squad, or ping a dude once and then use your tech rifle to kill every single person with a single headshot through 10 walls from 2 miles away.

Also, still playing Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum (which has the best hacking system of any game and is still the best imsim I've played in years)

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I'm achievement hunting in CK2 I have 21 left to 100%

Might try to make a norse nomad horde starting as Haestein of Retz and aim to conquer Mongolia :hmm:

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I just started hi fi rush last night. Its pretty fun so far, i really am enjoying the tone. Reminds me of a different era

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I began playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Heard it was an old-school style RPG where you suck at everything in the begging but gradually, through trial and error, will be able to master all the systems. Currently it is quite enjoyable and lives up to the hype. Having it set in medieval Bohemia is quite cool, as I guess it is one of the few instances of a realistic RPG with no magic or fantasy elements. I do think some elements of making it a realistic experience are very cool, like the option of manually saving your game being a consumable and not just a button in the menu. Other elements are a bit annoying though, like the absence of healing items, becuz there is no way to immediately heal yourself irl :marseyakshually: so you have to be satisfied with bandages and teas made out of the local flowers.

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Roots of Pacha, basically a farming sim with a caveman era angle.

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It actually says at the start that it isn't based in reality but just the feel of olden times. There's magic and riding creatures and diversity and they speak like perfect english

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I've spent way too much time this week playing Shadow Empire. It's an extremely complex 4X game but somehow it actually works. I especially like the logistics system, which seems like it would be boring but it's actually really easy and intuitive to deal with. Just don't do anything stupid like having your tanks drive way out far from the roads and you'll be fine. The guy has been working on these games for ~20 years and he's accomplished an incredible feat of autism.

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Playing modded TW warhammer 3. Still baffled why CA don't just pay off modders for the cool mods. The fimir mod was quite cool.

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Plz tell me ur recommended mods. Especially if they r for ogres or :marseynurgle:

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Hey here's a rough list:

Johnnys loreful nurgle

Chaos wastes sea lanes

Cataph high elf sea patrol

Research overflow

Mixus unlocker

Betrand and bergerac

Naval networks

Better faction traits

Legendary characters assets

Scm skaven asset pack

Tribe of the wolf

Cataphs southern realms

Mod configuration tool

Jade blooded vampires

Citadel of dusk

Lore names

Building icon progression

Legendry characters 3.0

Pirates of sartosa overhaul

Legends of cathay

Yin yin the jade dragon

Immortal landmarks

Legendary lore

One button respect

Lost albion


Loreful strategic threat

Scm marienburg

Allegiance of the darned

Return of great empires

That's about it for me :marseywave2:

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Still haven’t beaten elden ring so that for the foreseeable future

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Doing a final run of Rogue Legacy 2, the first few times I got to the "end" the game was still in alpha so there's a final boss I never beat. Great game, lots of content, high recommend.

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Civ V. Trying to get some achievements.

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Stellaris. New DLC dropped some time ago and reminded me of the game.

And, no I haven't bought that DLC. I don't feel like getting robbed by Paradox.

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very very hard to get out of the dodge mindset coming out of the 3 souls' games

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I've had work an' shit but what little vidya time I've had was spent on Everspace 2.

Thinking of buying Age of Wonders 4. Waiting to see if there's a Steam summer sale first: Might get Age of Wonders: Planetfall in that and see if I like it before buying the new one.

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Mount and blade bannerlord 2


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Do you play that game with mods? I played it when it came out and while it was fun at first, it got really repetitive after a while

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Oh really? Listen- some friends of mine need 25 one handed axes delivered here. I don't care about the quality and I'll pay a good price for each one you deliver.

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Sorry sir, the only crimes I commit involve devastating the villages of kingdoms who find themselves in the crosshairs of my liege.


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Can you take these 12 cows to Varcheg and deliver them to my associate Bittertooth Vlad?

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Please refrain from criminal enticement while I besiege your town.


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The late game endless-cycle-of-seige-battles virgin vs. The early game cow-delivering chad

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Vassal-cels be seething at errand-maxxer chads

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AI nirvana initial and zelda tears of kingdom

Somehow forgot how taxing it can be staring at book for 8 hours so AI nirvana initial is perfect game for me right now

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I've been playing a lot of TF2 lately. Haven't felt like playing anything new, I've been watching more films/tv instead. So I just play a few rounds of TF2 after work then do something else :marseytf2scout:. I bought the Resident Evil 2 & 3 remakes while they were on sale, stil need to start them. I really enjoyed the Resident Evil 4 remake (it was my first Resident Evil game), so I thought I might as well see what I've been missing.

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Almost caught up completely with Star Rail, soon all there will be left to do is dailies. The writing is still consistently good and I’m going through the optional lore stuff rn and it’s engaging.

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:marseysquint: since when do foids play waifubait gacha games?

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Mihoyo literally has an otome gacha game with pretty boys and the next two banners are tall men. The era of titty gacha games is over now that devs have realized the untapped potential of horny women. Also I think women are hot lol.

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I think you've cursed me, now I get Star Rail ads before every single Youtube video


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:marseyblack: :What the frick you think you talking 'bout? You best not be talkin' 'bout me like that, or else I'ma put a hex on yo butt. Then you really gone be cursed, b-word.

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>Also I think women are hot lol

Non-factor, waifubait gacha games are an expression of scrote sexuality. The pretty boys are there for House Femboy members.

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Think that foid is a nerdy, neurodivergent lesbian so that should clue you in.

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Mario+Rabbids: Donkey Kong Adventure, I wish all DLCs were like this. Also doing a playthrough of Zelda NES again before the new one comes out.

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Still on my new Elden Ring file. Reached the capital and detoured to clear out the Mt. Gelmir area.

I've found the game a lot easier this time around, for better or for worse. The shield counter attack and certain ashes of war trivialize lots of annoying enemy types. And much of the balance seems centered on whether you know where to get the different smithing stones or how to find early/mid game reachable bosses that drop a crazy amount of runes. I know even powerful characters get knocked around in the endgame, though, so I'll find out how much my actual fundamentals have improved.

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Pretty much the same thoughts I had in my 2nd run (except Ashes of war are for chuds). There's no shame in using shields and guard counters feel awesome, and the progression of your weapons is 100% toxic if you miss out on a specific place that provides way too many stones of a specific tier.

Reminder to use throwable items when bosses dodge away, chip damage prevents them from recovering their stance

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What's your build?

Edit: by shield counter do you mean the golden parry you get near the capital?

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Strength. I've used a few different weapons, right now I'm trying a greataxe.

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Strenght is probably still a bit underpowered when you get to the capital, you're just getting better at the game. Keep it up bro.

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Donkey Kong December really helped reignite my interest in old school games, so now I got out my old SNES mini (I got it as a gift from a cousin a few years ago) and playing all the games I had on it, emphasis on Mario World and, of course, DKC

Also, now that I am out for summer, I'm thinking of catching up on Majora's Mask on my 3ds too...

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I had a similar experience with Donkey Kong December and my SNES mini that was rotting in a moving box :donkeykongdance2:

Also a reminder that Yoshi's Island is a fricking incredible game with huge levels, a goated soundtrack, and underground levels that are actually good and look pretty :marseylueshi:

It's also super easy to put ROMs on the SNES mini apparently, though I haven't tried it because the catalog out of the box is darn near perfect :marseythumbsup:

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Diablo II 1.05b (Feb 2001) :marseyboomer: no mana pots at vendors, no synergies, no runewords, no charms, no half-assed LoD classes, just perfectly balanced vibes and a 3% chance to goomble uniques :marseyhibernian:

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just unlocked bethany in binding of isaac:thumbsup:

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Nice. What's the craziest superboss you've faced so far?

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I killed hush and delerium with azazel but thats about it

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Things get worse. Much, much worse. :marseyscared:

Though you get your hands on some really wacky new characters and items so it's not all bad. :marsey:

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Apex Legends


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Don't really have time for anything serious so I just play a couple rounds of TF2 when I want to unwind and distract myself a bit.

But then I inevitably get dominated by some 3000+ hour nolife spy and end up feeling more angry than I did to begin with

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TF2's matchmaking needs some serious attention, good TF2 games are some of the most fun I've ever had but they're so, so rare.

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Yea it's all over the spectrum- it can go from absolutely horrible where the opposing team of 5 bots and 3 players steamroll you, or it can be a really even and fun match

I just don't understand why they removed the option to call for team scramble. That was so useful back in the day

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Yeah, no shit. Games :marseygamer: like TF2 are few and far between :marseyzeldalinkpast: because the matchmaking is so jacked up. Games :marseygamer: like this are a dime a dozen, and I'm tired :marseysleep: of waiting :marseywait: for one to pop up.

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Downloaded another Stalker modlist, but on my living room PC and it sucks playing on Kb/M out there so probably won't stick with it and go back to RE4, try and get that professional s+

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Yessss, consoooooom the anime goyslop :#marseymerchant:

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holy shit stop replying to me you BIPOC

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!downmarseyrs the vtuber fan still has delusions of personhood

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Rent free

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Sorry :(

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rimworld, but also on that apex grind

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Pathfinder Kingmaker, playing it after Wrath of the Righteous, cuz i now actually understand the fricking Pathfinder system which WOTR communicates information, and gives better tutorials. Now i understand Kingmaker's bullshit better in retrospect.

Also go buy and play Owlcat games you straggots

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What is your party setup? I had all the evil hot psycho women party and it was great fun.

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I had played the Lich myth path, in 1st play through, so I had all the secret undead companions

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For some reason the companions in kingmaker are way bettered optimized then the ones in wrath. Kinda hard to go wrong in kingmaker unless ur playing total autism difficulty

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>Wrath of the Righteous

I'm playing through it right now. It's fun, but it's also confirmed to me just how much I despise Pathfinder. I love D&D 3.5e, and there's enough of its DNA in the game to keep me playing, but everything that's Paizo-original is terrible.

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It's needlessly complex regarding the building blocks of Dnd

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3.5e was good because due to the sheer quantity of content Wizards of the Coast made for it, there were a few diamonds in the mountains of shit that was most of it. Paizo mistakenly thought that people like it for the quantity.

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Pathfinder Kingmaker is a great :marseyfingergoodjob: game and I highly recommend it to everyone. However, I do not think :marseygigathonk: that it is necessary to play Wrath of the Righteous before :marseyskellington: playing Kingmaker. I think :marseygigathonk: that Kingmaker is a great :marseyclapping: game that can be enjoyed without knowing anything :marseycoleporter: about the Pathfinder system.

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Silly bot, WotR is the followup to Kingmaker, so of course you should play Kingmaker first.

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It's not like the plots overlap or anything.

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Why would :marseywould: I want to play a game that's a followup to another game? That makes no sense.

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Playing spider-man remastered and holy balls this game is fun as frick, it took a while but I'm more than adequate in combat with the demons and am just tearing this shit up!

Just started the shivering isles again last night so will be playing that for the next week or so

Also forza horizon 5 and valheim still.

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Been playing Uboat during work. It's relaxing to hear and sometimes watch the boat plow through the waters. Bonus when listening to Welcome to Goodbye album by Rotersand.

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Chiv2 update kinda fresh

Age of Wonders 4 looks cool but its too sandboxxy imho, a lack of a unique campaign and such means theres no order to the infinite freedom so it gets stale. After one campaign I couldnt find myself playing another. Its also mechanically offputting compared to similar games like HoMM

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Mount and blade : Warband with mods

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just play bannerlord, I say this as someone with over 4k hours played of warband

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Mechanicus kinda. Been traveling so I haven't played much of anything

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I heard the daemon 40k turn based tactics game is good too but idk

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since redfall is predictably shit, i'm doing another prey playthrough

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I'm sad about redfall. I think Prey is one of the best games maybe ever. They should just make more games like that

I'm hoping the system shock remake turns out to be good. I never played the original, but system shock 2 was pretty cool

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Just play the original system shock dude. The enhanced edition adds mouse look and it's an awesome game on its own.

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One of the guys on my team has started hosting our SS13 server so I've been playing that recently. I'll shill it here once we make it public, we're not going to start recruiting players until our codebase is distinct enough to justify playing on over other servers and we finish our unique map.

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Nice, let me know when there's plenty of stuff to steal.

t. Quartermaster

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That kinda sounds cool, been thinking of spinning up either SS13 or 14 when it's available.

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SS13's community has gone massively down the shitter, and 14 won't be any better. Every server's codebase is maintained by a clique of Groomercord :marseytrain:s that exclusively make bad changes, not even furry ERP autism was enough to keep all of the HRP servers from going under, MRP admins all have sticks up their asses, and LRP servers have devolved into anarchy.

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That's basically the issues I encountered 10 years ago, no groomercord.

Gave up a long time ago but I remember MRP while being anal at least permitted the game to function while still actually being a game unlike the other two but infighting between cliques eventually led to splits etc every single time.

I wonder if MRP is more prone to it because it's easier to get people to agree on extremes than a middle ground.

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That sucks. Sounds like a private server for cool people is the only way to go

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What do you think of the current state of SS13?


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>What do you think of the current state of SS13?

If I thought it was in a good state, I wouldn't be making my own server.

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What's the codebase?

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/tg/, but we might swap over to Aether's since they've already undid most of our issues with /tg/ for us.

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new eu4 dlc and valorant

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I don't get how EU4 is still going tbh, I spent A LOT of time on it but eventually it's just all played out but then again I was never into the whole powerfantasy auto-felatio aspect that so many enjoy.

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personally I play multiplayer with my friends, its fun to build nations with them and then go to war with each other

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Wait did new DLC launch?

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Yes domination DLC

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The same games I've been playing for the last decade but less or more depending on how bored I am

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This, but more like the last 3 decades. :marseyboomer:

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Giga Chad boomer

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So relatable

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!g*mers mandatory weekly what are you playing thread has dropped

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Just think about like this bro, you are at rock bottom right now so there can only be better days ahead. Start by making small achievements, work your way up, and eventually you will look back on the current you and say "wtf were you thinking".


shadow announced Subnautica 3?:

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