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Weekly ‘What’re You Playing’ thread #19!

Feels like this week flew by. I beat that Renamnant game and it stull sucks. Put all of 5 minutes into Ghostwire Tokyo. One day I will go back. Starfield looks like Todd has DONE IT AGAIN!

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Still playing Gamma and Red Alert 2

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my pc is fricked but i got a notebook

been playing Strive, switching from Gio to Axl

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Finally beat Turok. Fun old school fps with dinosaurs and aliens. Might go for Turok 2 after some time.

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im hammered and about to buy iracing if anyone wants to destruction derby in some formula rookie cars with me

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Sekiro, I’m at the demon if hatred and it’s turning me into a demon of hatred :marseysting:

Anyway this is my 3rd or 4th time giving a go and I finally “get” it. Never made it past Ashina before. Great game, awesome story and way better honestly than reading item descriptions. Some neat mechanics too.

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Best From Soft game IMO but I haven't played Dem Elden Rangz yet.

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no, thats lost kingdoms 2

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Elden ring is great on the first playthrough, but can feel kinda long on subsequent playthroughs. Still worth a run tho. Havnt tried sekiro yet, so far my favorite fromsoft game has been bloodborne

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Dark Souls 3. My embermaxxing run is going pretty well. Made it to Lothric Castle and I'm now taking on the DLC. Friede killed me a couple times so I'm taking a break to help people out as a summon. Two big weapon guys ganking her to death is pretty funny since she has actual hitstun

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I've been playing Battlebit Remastered. It's halfway between Battlefield 4 and something like Squad, but it has Minecraft graphics. Unironically one of the best shooters I've played in a while. Really scratches that Battlefield/combined arms itch. Gunplay is really solid, it has pretty good destruction, maps. It's early access, but tbh it's more feature complete than the latest Battlefield.

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Yeah, it's got the standard Battleield spread o vehicles. Quadbikes, RHIBs, Humvees, Tanks, IFVs, helicopters (little birds and blackhawks). It's just missing attack helicopters and jets.

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Tale of Immortal, strangely captivating despite being pretty scuffed.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I'm playing D4. I've sworn off interacting with the community in any way so I never find out what the meta builds are or what everyone is currently bitching about. My leader of the pack werewolf trample druid is pretty fetch though :wolfhappy: gonna make a bow rogue next :marseyquadmagyar:

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A decent tip I learned is to turn on advanced tool tips in options so you can see the range of item modifiers. Should help for finding good aspects. My bear Druid is a hoss :marseylain: just bullying demons.

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Mass Effect 2. Cant believe I waited so long to play. If the combat wasn't butt it'd be a perfect game. Also is the only ME I hadn't played before (I know).

Also playing Diablo 4 at my own pace and should be continuing my ME2 save into ME3 sometime this weekend.

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1 > 3 >>>> 2

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Didin't even know it released already.

Is it good?

Also, hopefully I can still get the unclaimed credit reward from last season.

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It's good. Obviously there's only so many mechanics changes, but they added a new set of rockpox-infected enemies (like rockpox acid spitters and some new scorpion grabby one), and a new random event (like a rockpox meteor infection but it wanders). Plus, the best thing they've ever added - sometimes you get a crate containing fricking rocket boots and they're amazing and super fun.

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Got a couple new pinballs in this week, Foo Fighters and Scooby Doo, enjoying them both a lot. Also just about finished building a vertical aligned mame cabinet made specifically for shmups while I hauled my clunky enormous old mame cabinet out to the garage to decide what to do with it.

Looking for suggestions for some good Vampire Survivors clones. The "action roguelike" tag on steam is utterly useless just like every tag on Steam. I started Project Lazarus based on it often being mentioned as a good clone, and it's decent.

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TOTK Still. Also Obra Dinn :marseysailor:

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>Obra Dinn

I was so bad at this game but the art style and soundtrack are top notch.

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I’ve been playing it with my friend and she’s a lot smarter than me at figuring out the puzzles lmao

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EU4 again, also this new game on steam battlebit is fire too

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I just started playing a metroidvania type game called Afterimage, it's pretty fun so far but I'm not that far in.

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Nice! Dripping with that SOTN aesthetic and movement, lemme know when you finish it if it's worth $25 :marseybegging:

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It's worth $25 easy imo, good game. Maybe lacks some polish, but it was the type of game I'm glad I paid for. Lots of soul.

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Heck yeah, thanks for the update!! Wishlisted and will keep my fingers crossed for the summer sale!

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Like 9 hours in or so now, game is still great imo. Reminds me a lot of Ori, environmental-wise, but with much more variety, and harder. Very sandbox-y as far as this type of game goes. Its not giving me much direction but I'm having a lot of fun just exploring. Map is huge.

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Will do, supposedly it's pretty long so might be a minute.

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Np king no rush, my backlog is insane :marseycool:

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Still slay the spire runs, will get back to zelda to do another run next week. As for Starfield I'm omega disappointed it doesn't have real planetary landing :marseycrying:

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That might be something that can be fixed with mods one day

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It'll still be shit we all know it, NMS is 7 years old, wtf skyrim guy!? :marseysulk:

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Playing TW3 as Skarbrand :marseykhorne:

Kick a kislev babie, curbstomp a dwarf, burn a nurgling

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Isn't good yet? Game was shit at launch with t

aI bias

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Its good

CA are still a bunch of jews tho

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Not really, doubt they'll ever really fix it

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It's getting harder and harder to game on my Windows 7 machine :marseyitsover:

Ubisoft updated their game launcher and I need to alter some files or something now to play Trackmania but that's too much of a hassle so I'm done with that game.

BG3 releases soon which I'm really looking forward to! Also, the FF16 demo was incredible.

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babe you can get win10 for free what is u doing

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W7 bruh

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Best Windows version, I hate how 10 looks and I have delayed upgrading for years. But Windows 11 looks nice. Shame it's still in beta though.

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w11 is fricking garbage

w7 is superior to 10 yeah but it's time to let go it's just not worth it anymore

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My work laptop came with W11 preinstalled. :marseyitsover: I was forced to adapt.

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Surprised ur looking forward to bg3 when u hated the divinity games. But I'm looking forward to it too :marseypixel:

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Hate is a strong word. They are still pretty decent 6-7/10 games tbh.

Do you know what kind of class/race you'll be playing? I've already planned my Dwarven Warrior/Warlock. :daydream:

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Divinity 1 soundtrack slaps hard tbh the battle music is catchy af

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Why aren't you in edgelords? I've never met a well-adjusted warlock player. Except in 3.5e (where warlocks worked completely differently), warlock players there are pretty cool.

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I have roughly 200 days played on my wow warlock :daydream:

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Well I guess I kinda cheated cuz I played the early access, through I have avoided it the last year so I wouldn't get sick of it.

My first play through is gonna be a moon druid, turning into the animals is so fun !:marseybear::marseykiwi::marseybadger:

When I play with my friends I'm gonna make a barbarian so I can throw barrels/ my party members around the map :#marseytroublemaker:

Also I wanna make a monk... And a cleric.. man I can't wait

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A plague tale (the first one)

Splinter Cell (first one)

TotK (still)

Shadow Warrior (remake)

Shakedown Hawaii

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Plague Tale was great. The mechanics were a bit repetitive but the world was fantastic and I dug the story. Waiting to get the second one cheap

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EU4. I don't know when they added version 1.11 back to the old versions but it's there again and I am so happy!

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why do you play on 1.11

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Because I hate just about everything from Common Sense on. I hate states, I hate estates, I hate increased coring costs, I hate development, I hate sailors, I hate mission trees, I hate the fort changes, I hate drilling, I hate interventions. There's definitely more but that's what comes to mind initially.

I do miss the religion changes, the building changes, some of the diplomat automation, disinheriting, and I do really prefer institutions to westernization but the bad far outweighs the good for me. Even westernization wasn't as bad as I remembered. I just finished a Brunei game and it wasn't too painful.

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lmao ur trash, can only play with half the features disabled :marseydarkxd:


>I hate missions trees


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A lot of those features give significant bonuses to the player. Especially estates, drilling, and the mission trees. I don't need free mana buttons and big rewards to play well. The rest of the stuff is just pure tedium.

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Why do you play the game then? Just to paint the map?

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Well, yeah. It's a war game, what else am I supposed to do? Even colonization is just the first step to more conquest. I love pushing AE and seeing how much I can get away with and fighting coalitions. The Milan game I played prior to Brunei had three massive coalition wars that were a riot to fight.

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well tbh i like forming nations and doing the missions tree, kinda roleplay

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No email address required. It's like the good part of madden but it isn't completely broken and you can play it for free and customize everything. There's also community made rosters for the irl NFL and CFL

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i switched to linux with Arch and am still figuring everything out. it's gonna be a minute before i can vidya i think. :marseygiveup:

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i switched to linux with Arch


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Protip if some games don't work with the proton steam comes with install proton ge. That's the only way I was able to play MMBNLC

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A crucial step in the setup process of Arch Linux is to inform everyone within 1000 miles that you use Arch. I'd say you're almost done

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i'm gay btw

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Diablo4 is kinda fun, but it's getting pretty repetitive now. It's the first arpg type game I've ever played. Not really understanding the pull that causes people to play these games for months/years, like why would I want to start over on a new character.

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I've managed to avoid getting it despite friend pressure. The price increase may have lead to Diablo 3 being the last diablo I ever play.

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One of my friends watched me stream and he actually choose to refund cuz he felt it was way too much like D3 which he played a lot of, so you might not be missing much.

I feel like the game has enough content to be worth the price, but it's understandable to not wanna give money to blizz or hates their cash shop bs

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