Weekly ‘What Games Are you Playing?’ Thread #20: Modern Warfare III

Le sigh. We cringe on.

Exciting times to be a g*mer. Steam Nextfest happened, so feel free to tell everyone what the good upcoming indie games are!

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Finally got around to playing Granblue Fantasy Versus' campaign/rpg mode.

Honestly? It's cool, it's good. But it could be so, so much more

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Fallout new vegas with 255 mods

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slay the spire: still working on winning a20h twice in a row on silent. I think i need to get more creative in terms of how i deal with certain issues silent has with certain parts of the game, like time eater for example.

diablo iv: picked this up the other day and have been enjoying it. i've played a little bit of d2/d3 but i never got far in either game. lm playing a whirlwind barb and im enjoying it a lot more than the minion spammer necro i played last time i checked out d3. I don't understand d3 well enough to really comment on the gameplay changes, but i can undoubtedly say the art direction for div is superior in every single way and I think that getting the right vibe is really important for very repetitive games like this. I like how the side quests are short and easy to do while you do the campaign, and the dodge button makes the combat a lot more engaging. I'm sure what people are saying about the end game being shit is correct but i don't really care too much because I plan on playing FFXVI anyway lol

i made this epic tf2 frag video

(i apologize for the low bitrate or whatever it is that makes it look like shit at 1080p lol)

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>TF2 frag video

>Starts with a lucky airshot that you somehow manage to not follow up on despite a pocket medic

>Immediate next one is missing 4/5 shots as engi

Never gets old

dude bussy lmao

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Skilled* not lucky in fact I even missed the first rocket to influence their trajectory in my favor

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Brings me back to the age where Lincoln park would be playing to a pyro holding two buttons for 10 seconds :marseytoasty:

dude bussy lmao

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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I just got anno 1800 but I think it’s going to be one of those games that I install but never run

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I played some Project Cars 2 online last night, that was fun even though I got my butt kicked :!marseydrunk: :marseysteer:

Been making a killing in the market on OSRS, like 70mil in the past month just passively flipping. It's been extremely forgiving for some reason, idk what's going on. Also the sailing skill actually looks interesting, and they axed the new prayer book thank god. hopefully they do that with the new forestry bullshit they're trying to push

I gave up on WoW Classic, I guess I forgot yet again how boring it is to level alone. Might try the hardcore servers though, as long as they don't have the r-slurred rules like only running a dungeon once

still on the fence about D4, it looks fun but I've never been big into those kind of games so idk

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um ff16 - i get to be a hot anime boy

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Finally reached the Epilogue in RDR2. Been playing this game for 6 or 7 weeks now and kinda getting bored with it now, but I intend to finish the main and side missions.

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Still playing Afterimage, really enjoying it. Getting pretty close to the end I think, gonna try and 100% it

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Didn't play anything this week - got bogged down with work (still in the probationary period). I'm considering getting a Steam Deck + dock to get some Civ6/TW:Warhammer turns done before bed.

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Ratchet and Clank 1 for the past two weeks. Nearly finished.

Good game. It throws a ton of mechanics at you and doesn’t allow much use of each (walking upside down, water manipulation, etc). Will be interesting to see what 2 and 3 are like.

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Great series! 2 and 3 are much better mechanically but also turn into more shooting than platforming. Ratchet also isnt an butthole like in 1.

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I haven't had time to play any video games this week. Work has been kicking my butt and I just feel pretty wiped out in general. But here are my current thoughts!

  • I still want to keep going with Age of Wonders 4. I can't believe it's been like a month since I bought it and I'm still only 50 turns into my first game, even though I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far.

  • I made a new skin for my favorite GT3 car in Assetto Corsa and I'm really quite pleased with it.

  • I keep thinking about trying to go back and complete Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which I've been playing off-and-on for years at this point. Same goes for Skyrim - I have a save I've been playing since 2018.

  • I've got a bunch of Age of Empires 2 campaigns I need to get round to playing.

  • Also have a weird urge to play Warcraft III. Well, not that weird because that game is sick. Is the updated version or whatever not shit yet? Or was its shittiness overblown as these things often can be?

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Post the livery

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I'm shy, but okay!




It's still not 100% completed but most of the way there.

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Kino mate :marseythumbsup: original or replica? I was a livery artist on Forza but it’s just too much effort with the shitty shape cowtools. Unfortunately I could never get Asetto Corsa to work

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Thank you! It's an original design very loosely inspired by 90s JTCC and JGTC liveries! :D


I never played around with the Forza paintshop thing because the cowtools were frustrating for anything more than a big ol' racing stripe. I don't know how people manage to create the stuff they do using those cowtools.

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Someone made a plugin to more easily generate forza liveries from image files, but, PG being staunchly anti-fun, banned it. :marseydepressed:

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They fixed the gears of war 3 :jason: servers so ive been playing it a ton. Lots of noobs in horde thanks to gamepass which is just a beautiful site. And beast mode is still as fun as heck

Also playing gears 5 and some 4. Its fun seeing how the series has changed. But I can beat 50 waves with the same group of randoms on gears 3 in less time it takes me to finish 12 waves of horde frenzy on gears 5. Wtf :marseyflagmexico:

No gears marseys :marseydepressed:

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This game and Rocket League made me seethe more than anything

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Stellaris for (?)-th week.

But also New Vegas. I haven't played it in a while.

Maybe this time I will finish all the DLC. I stared OWB once but never finished, the same goes for Lonsome Road, and I went trough Honest Hearts after I accidently killed the guide, so it was just an Indigenous people's extermination simulator.

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Lonesome Road is the worst DLC. OWB is Reddit. Honest Hearts is redeemed by Joshua Graham and Dead Money is the best.

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Bro the DLCs are the best part of that game, and the game is already a 10/10

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saw yakuza :marseyweeb: series on sale on gog :marseynerd2:, never played those so gave yakuza 0 a go, pretty fun so far I like it :yakuzajak:

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I finished my Dark Souls 3 run with the rule that I stay embered whenever possible. I eventually ran out while fighting Friede (I still always popped them when I had a chance afterward). Gael only took me a few tries, and I beat Midir for the first time. Overall a fun experience, but I think the strength of DS3's late game bosses tend to inflate people's overall perception of the game.

I'm not Soulsed out yet, so I moved on to DS2. The always human rule will be harder here because if I run out, I'll be eating a health debuff every time I die with no way to counteract it. Fortunately, I'm pretty good at 2. Dex/Int is a fun way to play here, while I mostly do Str in the other games.

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I wouldn't pop an effigy in DS2 unless my health was capped at half. Also, don't forget to level up Adaptability to 20 for the i-frames buff.

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So far I haven't died too much, but it adds some extra sting when I do. I'm also having fun with the online and summoning features.

I do level adp, but not all right at the start. In the early game, enemies are pretty slow and positioning matters more than i-frames.

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Dark Souls 3 is my favorite Souls game! While Dark Souls 1 is stronger in terms of just the design of that super tight, interlinked world, the controls still feel a little too stiff for my liking and you can really tell when they ran out of time/money developing it near the end. DS3 was also the only one of these games I actually got pretty good at PvP in.

What's your favorite area?

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I'd say probably Lothric Castle. DS3 does nail that "final dungeon" feeling, which 1-2 don't really have. Good enemy variety and a constant sense of progress/escalation as you storm the kingdom's last lines of defense. Even if the Souls series has a lot of castles, it's really the perfect atmosphere for dark fantasy. Dragonslayer Armor and the Princes are great fights too.

At a purely aesthetic level, I really love the Dreg Heap, but the gameplay there is hit or miss

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Oh gosh, I love Lothric Castle! That might be my favorite area too. I really like how they split it so it's basically both the first and last area of the game. Plus it's a really fun variety of enemies to fight, as you mention. I got super-duper good at the Lothric/Lorian fight.

But there are so many others I enjoy!

  • Cemetery of Ash/Untended Graves for being so creepy and atmospheric in a way quite unlike the rest of the game.

  • Archdragon Keep for just the stunning beauty of the fortress you explore, in addition to being one of the few Souls areas that's bright and sunny. I found the actual gameplay a little too frustrating in this area, though, and I never fully felt like I mastered the boss.

  • Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, going on to Anor Londo - not least because of the DS1 callback but because of the fun winding, ascending nature of the map. Plus the exit from the catacombs to Irithyll is perhaps my all-time favorite video game vistas.

I got DS3 at launch and it was easily one of my favorite multiplayer experiences I've had. For some reason, Elden Ring didn't even move the needle for me in that respect.

Which ending did you prefer, by the way? Age of Dark seemed like the most appropriate one for me.

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never played these games but I want to get into it and some point. Where would you say the best place to start is?

I have a PS3, PC and Switch :marseypoor: so not really the most options.

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For starting out, I'd probably recommend Dark Souls 1 over the others! It's a fair bit easier and has a more thoughtfully designed, interconnected game world. There is also a greater variety of viable character builds and play styles.

On the other hand, some of the late-game areas are really uneven, the controls can feel stiff compared to later games and the later games also have some quality-of-life concessions that Dark Souls 1 doesn't have. Additionally, if you're playing on PS3, frame rates in some areas can get really rough, so I'd recommend Switch or PC.

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I prefer the dark ending of 3. The game is a little clearer about what it means than it was in 1, and there's a sense that life will continue in some form. Plus, the lore of hundreds or thousands of years of fire linking that always brings it back to the same miserable world makes it pretty clear that if has to end eventually.

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Trying to get back into nms but it’s been so long I forgot what to do or how to do it. Trying to get my settlement reorganized and figure out how to get modules for my living ship.

@carpathianflorist any advice?

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Death road to Canada and thinking about getting the new Zelda

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Death Road to Canada was so memorable for me back in college. The "special guests" you could invite into your party fricked everything up in such hilarious ways.

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I name them after my friends, family, and you!

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Still going strong on the new Zelda

Forza Horizon 5

Kotor for og xbox

Splinter Cell for og xbox

Downloaded the Final Fantasy 16 demo, didn't get very far in it without getting bored by establishing the lore and world-building, will prolly try to play again soon

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I bought the meme game Only Up and it’s better enjoyed watching than playing. It’s just…dull to play by yourself.

Started TOTK finally, and I really like it, I’m having fun but IDK maybe I waited too long and got too hyped or I’m too r-slurred to make anything crazy with what I have access to.

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started playing tears of the kingdom :mars#oy::marseyzeld#alinktotk:

it's so much better than botw

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Same, I just got the mastersword. The game is a work of art. It's amazing how Nintendo can make so much with such a tiny machine.

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i just got the quest to go get the master sword, but i already had it :marseysad: i braved the spooky hands for nothing

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There's a point where you get a quest to find it? I thought it was like BOTW where you can just get it anytime

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you can get it any time, but like with everything notable there's some quest that tells you that you should go get it, especially since the method to getting it isn't really obvious.

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It's the same game?

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pretty much yeah but there's actually stuff to do and there's good mobility options. botw is literally only a playable game if you know about windbombing, and even then 90% of the 'content' is borderline copy pasted korok puzzles or tedious sidequests that aren't challenging and provide no reward. totk improves on everything, it's what botw should have been

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No, it makes the first one look like a tutorial

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Jedi Survivor. It’s great and as good or better than the first. Playing on PC and I guess they patched it because it’s perfectly smooth at 4K / 60 fps on my machine.


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Oblivion is objectively a steaming pile of rotten trash with terrible bugged mechanics, baffling design choices and downright silly presentation

But I can't help but come back and play it every year, it's my favorite game and it's so stupid it has a certain charm on it

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Even if it wasn't a perfect 10, it was still one of the first games that actually stuck the landing on a true open world rpg. It's incredible what they put into that game, and it spawned every publisher after to stick "open world" in their game in the same way battle royale is in vogue now

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My favorite elder scrolls tbh

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I started Dark Souls Remastered after picking it up on sale. It’s my first game of this type. :marseywhirlyhat:

I’m getting through it so far. I already placed the lordsvessel and defeated two of the bosses for it, so I think it’s starting to wrap up? My guy is a heavy tank but funnily enough I didn’t plan it that way. In the beginning I’d just use my strongest weapon, and so when I found the zweihander I had to switch to heavy armor because I had to two hand it. Now I have too many points into strength and endurance to be anything else.

One question, does new game plus give you easy level ups or does it still costs thousands of souls each time? Can your new game plus character be guided into another play style entirely without a massive grind? (Something like warrior into miracle user?)

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This is basically my guy lol. I’ve vaguely seen this meme before so I instantly recognized the mask when I found it on Pinwheel. But it was complete coincidence that I happened to also be rocking the Zwei and the giants bling of war. Subconscious influence maybe?

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One question, does new game plus give you easy level ups or does it still costs thousands of souls each time? Can your new game plus character be guided into another play style entirely without a massive grind? (Something like warrior into miracle user?)

It continues to increase in cost, but enemies (especially bosses) poop out way more when you kill them. However, you'll start rubbing up against soft caps so the actual gains you get from leveling up start to decline.

You'll feel super overpowered at the beginning of NG+... it's quite gratifying to absolutely destroy an early boss you got stuck on.

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Zwei is love, Zwei is life

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There’s no “easy” anything is the souls games. There are places where you can cheese grind souls quicker but the higher level you are the more souls you need to level up.


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DS1 is pretty easy. Last time I finished it I got stuck at 4 Kings and went with high poise and 20 Estus Flasks and didn't even need to dodge their attacks, I just kept hitting them and chugging Estus inbetween.

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DS3 bosses weren't all that hard except thunder king.

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it costs more and more souls each time.

at some point you get the ability to respec your char. its sort of hidden though iirc, and if youve placed the lordvessel you might have already passed it.

if you find the place to do that you can for sure change your build, its pretty common i think.

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I'm currently playing the 2012 XCOM reboot, I only ever finished it vanilla so now running it with the Enemy Within expansion. It's a fun game. And also In parallel I've been replaying the 2016 DOOM, trying to 100% it on Nightmare difficulty. I mostly switch to it when one of my XCOM troops dies and I need to vent off some steam :marseyraging:

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Love those new xcom games.


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Picked up Evil West on sale right now on ps store. Very surprised at how good it's been so far, it's basically wild west zombie GOW without the smug cutscenes (and without the soy of Ragingcöck). Combat is a lot of fun.

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Evil West looks really fun

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Still early (~4 hours in) for a recommend, but so far it's much better than I expected.

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Been busy so I'm still playing through the updated version of Quake on Steam. There's a ton of expansions added in, and you know what?

They're all really good.


The amount of creativity on display given the engine's tool-set is extremely impressive.


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updated version of Quake

Tell me about it. What's updated?

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It's the version available here:


From the product page:

"up to 4K* and widescreen resolution support, enhanced models, dynamic and colored lighting, anti-aliasing, depth of field"

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I see, thanks. Haven't ever played quake but I liked the OG doom games so maybe I'll give it a try too, it's a classic after all

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I beat the updated bethedda doom. Pretty good. Nothing new in it though.

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Still dunking all over Capellans in Mechwarrior 5

I love to rock binary lasers and boy howdy it’s getting hot in here

:marseyangryexosuit#: :marseysweating#:

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Finished the Blood of Kerensky books last week. Man, I hate cappys

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I've been away from home and keyboard, so I've been digging into my switch backlog.

so far:

Fire Emblem - 3 Houses, honestly a ton of fun. The permadeath thing seems a lil dumb atm with how accessible save points are, but maybe it matters more later. Combat is an interesting puzzle, the characters are enjoyable, easy 8/10.

Touhou Sunken Fossil World. Interesting boss rush platformer-ish game. Super good music, and the art is done by someone who can actually draw. 7/10.

SMT5 I don't understand this game, there's about 6 million little mechanics. Currently sticking it out, but I'm really lost on how all this shit actually works. Hopefully it either gets properly challenging, or the storyline gets more engaging. Still early on, so we'll see ?/10

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>Touhou Sunken Fossil World.

I was a bit confused there lol, when did it get an english subtitle?

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the switch version is fully tl'd, including the title.

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Cyberpunk was on sale so I gave it a spin. Expectations were low but i still was vaguely disappointed even at less than half price. Can't imagine how pissed I would have been if I'd cared enough to buy it at launch.

Picked up Stray in the same sale though. It's comfy and I like it so far.

Also replaying MGSV to try and finally finish it, and perpetually chasing the dragon on MTG arena. :marseynerd2:

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My friend convinced me to try Diablo 4 :marsey666: with him and it was a mistake. I usually play older (more neurodivergent) games and this is like some Zoomer mobile game grind bullshit.

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Stray was such a great game.


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Every game should have a meow button :marseycomfy:

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Best part of that game was jumping onto tables where people were playing chess, walking across keyboards and knocking full paint cans off ledges. Perfect cat emulator game.


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Played a couple of hours of Encased. It's alright I guess so far. A bit heavy on looting everything but maybe that will change.

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I’m playing dead space remake and wow they actually fixed the weapon balancing and the power mode system. I do prefer the original art style (it looked more like a hellish medieval torture chamber) but the set pieces are gorgeous now and lighting plays a huge part in gameplay. Some of the zero g scenes are jaw dropping in how everything looks floating around. The performance is still bad but at-least the stutters are only In loading zones. It also does the single camera take better then dad of bore.

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Recent current events inspired me to fire up some UBOAT.

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I tried playing a bit of TF2 after a 3~ year hiatus.

Also tried out World of Horror, name is misleading :marseysmug3:. I find it fun.

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Just set difficulty to peaceful :marseyconfused:

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valorant total war attila and battlebit

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I'd like to play Attila again but I found the performance to be total butt compared to any of the other TW games. :(

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>total war attila

That still gets played?

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im doing a campaign with my friends on 1212ad

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A contrarian to the core.

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I’ve been playing Golden Sun :boomerjam:


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I remember playing it when I was 10-11. Best the first game. I think I didn't complete the second. By then I was back to focusing on PC games like CS and warcraft 3.

But holy frick GS is so :marseylongpost:

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>GS is :marseylongpost:

Well it's a JRPG lol

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i tried playing these ages ago but they didn't do much for me

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it’s so f wording good man :(


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Based gba boomer

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