This is the signup sheet for the unOFFICIAL rDrama Dwarf Fortress succession fort. If you've played DF but don't know what that is, it's essentially a pseudo-multiplayer mode where one person plays a year and then they trade it off to another person who also plays a year, and so on and so forth. Hence the term "succession". Each player succeeds the previous until it eventually loops back to the original player.
If you're interested in playing, just make a comment saying so in the comments below.
For the sake of game flow, once it comes around to your turn you have two weeks to play and write up a report. If after two weeks you haven't:
A. confirmed that you're playing
B. posted the update
or C. asked for a bit longer, your turn rolls over to the next person.
Writing in a corny, in-character style is strongly encouraged.
EDIT: This is for the Steam version. Sorry poorcels. Nevermind, Steam saves are compatible with the free version.
Pinging interested parties from the previous thread:
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I don't have the time, will and specially the creativity to do it, but I'm interested in reading rDrama's very own Boatmurdered
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