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Post a screen shot of your steam profile :marseyneat: :marseysociety2:




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might i interest you in this niche game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1849000/SEX_with_HITLER/

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It doesn't idle as well as Shower With Your Dad Simulator, even the title screen (as far as I have gotten) is more resource-intensive than Shower

I was planning to replace Shower with it recently but ugh



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just uh, play through it to 100% as a joke

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It doesn't look like a fun pixel game like Shower is so I have no interest in even grabbing a few achievements ironically :/


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This is like that basic :marseysymbol: b-word :marseyarthoe6: in college :marseygrad: asking if you've ever heard :marseyjacksparrow: of tame impala. Keep yourself safe

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!poll_voters did/do you shower with your dad?

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!besties always shower with their dad


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wanna shower with me gaslamper

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no but my gramps used to bathe me seeing how dirty I came home everyday when I was in grades 1-7

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Maybe a couple times when I was like 5 or younger and we needed to be somewhere quick or had limited hot water

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I remember I would shower with my dad when I was around 3 or 4 and he would have me clean between his toes


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Neighbor what da frick? That's weird dude.


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Sounds like you had a different childhood growing up guzzler

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I sure did! Didn't you have some good news to tell me?

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At least he didnt make you wash his balls.

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!g*mers !chuds !nooticers pls rate my profile and be a decent human being ok?~~ UwU :marseyshy2: this nazi fascist subreddit made fun of me:


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Neighbor I don't believe you

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Here is zxis profile, zxe has since then become a furry and has now amassed more than 835 hours on train simulator :marseymanysuchcases:


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Another one our fallen brothers, why must all the autismos be swallowed instead of being allowed to make YouTube videos about obscure trains without becoming one.

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You shouldn't have done this. My destination is in this IP address:

Kinda bad for you (snap)

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Thanks for cross linking. I have sniffed your current IP:

You're soon to be crossed out (snap)

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:marseyreading: God darn, I'm a nerd

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read em and weeb nerd boy :marseyniggy:

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Perfecting cuphead is legit.

I think I just got nerd owned :marseyowow:

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Yikes. I dont even play vidya :marseyzeldatingle: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16910526743433666.webp

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Now kith :marseyantiwork:

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:marseyblush: Katser could do a lot better

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Don't underestimate your worth :marseyannoyed: :marseyloveyou:

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Signalis is really great. I've never played the others tho I suck butt at platformers

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Wow your steam account is older then half the userbase

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I literally did frick some of their moms too


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:marseyblush: Thanks king :marseycool:

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I judge :marseyaisha: the shit out of anyone that actually :marseyakshually: redeemed keys on steam :marseyfreeman: before :marseyskellington: 2006

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/169105272343153.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1691052723632907.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/169105272376115.webp

Not posting my name :marseyglow2: tho you BIPOCs could probably doxx me regardless

If you flame me for my TF2 hours or spoil La-Mulana 2 for me I will rip out your entrails :marseybow:

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Does anyone here actually play normal games? Why do you all exclusively play weebshit? :marseyraging:

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>loves game with my wife in it


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Your just looking to add more friends on steam aren't you :#marseyspongebobsmug:


I dont use steam much

If you add me I WILL play Isaac with you

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Multiplayer is so fun in Isaac

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Yes :marseyhesright:

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IDK if anyone will believe me but I was the one who made this review. I still get community awards for this post almost 2 years later

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Here's my most played game:


Are you jelly or what? :marseycool:

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Mine is vampire survivors at 50 hours

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I played that one for a few hours (on xbox :marseymasterchief: its on gamepass) and it seems neat :marseyderpthumbsup: not better than goat simulator tho :marseysteaming:

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Sure why not doxx myself :marseyclueless:




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>constantly shilling Granblue on rDrama but has 6x the amount of time on GG Strive


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constantly shilling Granblue on rDrama but has 6x the amount of time on GG Strive

Don't worry I probably won't be shilling Blue for a while lol the Rising beta killed so much of my hype it's unreal

I'd probably have the same amount of hours on GBVS if it had rollback or an alive community. there is a brazilian GBVS community, but I find it awkward to have to use groomercord for matchmaking. I also feel like I probably won't find someone with similar skill level.

Strive is a weird case; I like the game a lot and I think it's currently one of the best FGs. That said, people seem to have a problem with Strive and I don't really have the patience to argue with r-slurs. not that it's wrong to have problems with strive, because the game sure has a lot of problems. it's just that usually it's stupid shit. also people like to say how much they love XRD but literally no one plays that kuso lmao

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I know we already talked about it but yeah the granblue situation is fricked :marseyitsover:

I really don't understand the hate towards Strive, I get that it isn't as complex as past titles, but there's still advanced tech that I guarantee you 90% of the people complaining can't do :marseyshrug:

For Strive Season 3 they recently announced that they are adding game mechanics as well as new SPECIAL MOVES (!) for some characters :marseynut:

This will probably be the last or 2nd to last DLC season, looks like Strive might end on a bang because new mechanics + new moves sounds amazing, now we just need Slayer, Johnny, & ABA :marseymarseylove:

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Lots of fighting games :marseynotes:

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My ongoing journey with Fighting Games actually starts with League of Legends.

I started playing League of Legends in 2012. I've played all roles in the game, but ever since like 2017-2018 I've been a toplaner, which is a 1v1 role. I love the characters that play in that role and I loved fighting. However that role fricking sucks and I'm extremely jaded with League of Legends to boot.

Playing League is such a weird feeling. I have no fun winning, I have no fun losing. I have no fun being stomped, I have no fun stomping. I hate everyone that I get matched with and boy I hope they hate me. ''Why would you even play, then?'' - don't know. Guess out of habit. And it wasn't just me. I have a group of friends that I used to play League with. I can't say if they felt the same way as me, but I can tell you that everything has been better since we've stopped playing. We used to scream at each other, tell each other to kill themselves, tell hurtful shit... all over a game. And the worst part? We would continue to play it. Now, it's not like we never had fun playing that, but it was so rare that it wasn't really worth it. Like 1 fun game out of 10.

Since then we all pretty much stopped playing League and the mood's never been better.

But I went off topic for a bit, let me get back on track;

I think it was 2019 or 2020 that Riot announced they were making a fighting game. Shit neighbor, a Fighting Game set LoL's IP? I was pumped. I'd finally be able to play my toplane characters without playing League itself. Since then I've been trying out all sorts of Fighting Games because I want to have that edge when Project L launches.

Honestly, I can't stress how much more fun I have playing STRIVE than League. In Strive, even if I'm getting r*ped by a sweaty nerd, it's just like 5 mins of suffering and on to the next game.

In league it's a minimum of 15 min. But that's the rare minimum, because usually it's 25min+ of suffering. Even in games lost on minute 1. I'm not gonna go on a rant about the ''people'' that play this game because it'd be long; just know that they are fricking BIPOCs. Like the blackest motherlovers on earth.

The non-FG games on that list;

CSGO: I used to play it a lot when I was a lot younger. It's a very fun game and I love it but I can't aim for shit. I've accepted that and dropped all shooters for a while now.

PoE: It's not in ''favourite'' section of my profile for nothing. Really unique game. I play with like ~10 friends. It's a lot of fun.

Dota2: I tried getting into that game but 500 hours later it still felt clunky as frick compared to league lol

pubg: garbage game, garbage genre. i only played because the lootboxes were free money

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Play A real game

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kof 2002 unlimited match

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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No only anime coom "fighting" games

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>anime coom ''fighting'' games

what did he mean by this :mars#eythinkorino:

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BIPOC one actual game does not excuse the other 3. 1:2 ratio max.

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I don't play melty. I only tried it on the free weekend.

I'm within the 1:2 ratio.

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An hour of melty blood is one hour too much.

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that we agree.

The maids are pretty cool though

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every other game apart from those top ones has 30 hours or less. I'm proud to say I also have 24 hours in the first two danganronpa games (apart from the third).

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One of those fun games :marseylegioncommander: with a fan base deserving the gulag.

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I used to play idle games years ago when I was studying, don't really play them anymore.

Played Destiny 2 for a week when it became free on Steam, I never played it since cause I thought it sucked. I have no idea why people like this game, it's not even fun.

Creeper World 3 has amazing custom levels, I'm a huge fan of the flipping emitter levels, almost puzzle like. I never even finished the main story lol. 4 was so much worse I dropped it after like 8 hours, shame it isn't as fun.

Trove is unironically amazing and fixes so many mistakes other mmos make, I'm shocked more devs haven't copied some of the smart ideas the game has. It's mainly popular with South Americans because of how easy it is to run, but it's a good game even with the simple art style.

I played modded hoi4 back in the golden days of hoi4 mods, back when mods weren't neurodivergentally obsessed with "realism" and instead were just normal neurodivergent.

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Nice, you seem to enjoy a lot of strategy games, there's a good podcast about them called three moves ahead if you ever need to kill time.


To add a caveat though I haven't listened to it in like a year or two but I just saw they were still churning out new episodes and it was pretty kino

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Thanks I'll check them out, always enjoy new podcasts.

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Creeper world? I played the flash game but should I spend money to actually buy the game :marseythinkorino: ?

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I really like the 3rd one with all the randomly generated levels and custom levels, however the other ones can be skipped from a gameplay standpoint (I ignored cw3 story lol).

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quirky streamer game


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Just got finished with some dead space kino

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I'm sick, so I don't feel like getting up to my PC. I will show off my golden potato though.


:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Post yer rare Steam backgrounds.


Pretty sure I'm the only person who owns this one. :doot:

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>Plays shitty games and barely for an hour


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These are just my most recent plays. Muv luv will be like hours plus :marseycheeky:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16910715688604124.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16910716566806903.webp

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