Just beat the game as a Morally Golden Paladin, I will try and avoid spoilers but be warned I'm not gonna try that hard.
Character Creator: 4/10
I feel like this is an important element in any game, and the fact that I had the choice for 3 different kinds of peepees… but no facial or breast sliders was lame. Also when making a human the default race is black which I thought was funny. The default for a dwarf though is South American which I feel is accurate.
Story: 8.5/10
I enjoyed the story and the absolute, I feel like the first act was a bit weak, second act was better, and 3rd act was best which is unusual for a Larian game. Also a weird thing in the second act is that you have the chance to
I liked a lot of the twists and I like the fact that you would have to play the game multiple times to truly get how each character feels. I think that overall the story is well enough made that my decisions feel important.
Gameplay 8/10:
I like that they fixed a lot of the bad mechanics from DND in this game. Since I'm married to a woman under 200 lbs it is safe to say that I don't play DND regularly but I am familiar with how some classes are broken and some are strong. The Druids still feel a bit over powered compared to other classes but overall I feel like everyone brings something useful. Except wizards and sorcerers, I don't understand why there are 2 separate classes for them and I can't seem to get the gumption to care.
I feel like the fights are balanced rather well in the mid game, but by end game I felt like most of it was far too easy. The only challenge was at the end and if you have a cleric
I did not play tactician mode since I'm above a 6/10 in looks so I can't speak to it..
Characters 6/10:
I'm gonna break this into 2 sections, the romance and their personalities.
I really think the game punishes you too much for playing a bad guy, though you can keep most of the best characters so it's not too bad. I do have some gripes with some of their stories.
Astarion: Actually a good companion despite being
So I didn't care about this one too much but your options as a good guy are diesel demon woman, frog woman, or actual woman. They may as well have thrown in some trans women too because your options suck.
Performance 5/10
I have a 3090 TI and the game runs like butt. Lots of hiccups and lots of the character menu disappearing requiring me to reload the game. I'm glad they spent so much time making it so that I can gang bang an elf… but can't progress without a restart because of game loading
Overall: 9.5/10
Despite all my complaints and seemingly non-sensical scoring it all was super fun too me. I liked the game, it flowed well and I will definitely play it for a while. I like it more than DOS2 and it will hold my attention until I hop on Starfield. It is weirdly enough one of my favorite games in a while despite some of the hiccups.
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act3 was bad. youre just fricking teleporting around all the time because theres zero linearity in the quests. half the quests are bugged in some way and most of the fights are giga boring. the bosses are incredibly lame and easy, nobody at larian figured out why DND bosses have legendary actions. act 1 and 2 were really good and by act 3 i was like "this is so fricking boring but i might aswell play it until the end". the only way this game is 9.5/10 is when they eventually fix all the bugs and make the combat less annoying (bhaal cultists, the perma invis ghosts, generally 15 monsters taking 10 seconds each to think only to dash + end turn)
also maybe im just a turbo neurodivergent/dnd experience but the game is way too easy even on tactician, kills any motivation in me to actively seek out overpowered builds
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