Having quite a bit of fun in Starfield. Been doing everything except the main quest. I'd say it feels like halway between Deus Ex HR and Fallout 3. I did ‘t play Fallout 4, so maybe that's helping me see all the stuff as new and wow cool. Anyways's fun game.
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BG3 combat is confusing. I like the story and dialogue options, the art is top fricking tier, but the combat is some r-slurred DnD shit. Sorry I spent college having s*x and being radicalized on 4chan, not playing your dork as 20 sided dice game.
Starfield is just LOL. Anyone who paid IRL dollars for this should do the needful
Waiting on Lies of P and Spider-Man 2.
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Put on my super autismo hat and started playing Factorio Pyanodons on a manyislands map. This shit is gonna take forever.
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Gotten 100 hours in bg3 and still going
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I've been playing Patrick's Parabox. It's an excellent puzzle game, highly recommend.
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Spending so much time laughing at Blizzard's lastest face plant (Diablo 4) got me in the mood to play Path of Exile's latest season. Enjoying Heist and delving as usual.
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Starfield feels like Bethesda's Mass Effect to me idk why just the same vibes. Very fun though
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it literally is. it's the mass effect sequel we never got
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My attention has still been divided between RimWorld and Starfield, but I'm starting to get deeper into Starfield now.
In RimWorld, I'm making absolute bank selling wool, so I've been trading with the Fallen Empire. Consequently, my little dudes are getting insanely kitted out with late-game shit, which may blow up in my face due to how difficulty scaling works. I've been taking more slaves, including one who is prego. Looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I have a pig-man locked in a prison cell because he is so hopelessly addicted to so many drugs that he literally can't get out of bed and just freaks out when he does.
As for Starfield, brief summary: better than Fallout 4, worse than Skyrim. Very uneven in literally every respect. Having said that, so far I've quite enjoyed the big story quests and despite how insanely derivative the world they've made is, the details they've fleshed it out with are pretty interesting and I'm genuinely invested in what's going on. Right now, I'm investigating a mystery involving dollar star xenomorphs very originally called 'terrormorphs' lmao
I've also been playing Grounded with a friend and I'm hopeful that we're going to finish that this weekend. I've enjoyed it but I'm super ready to move on to something else.
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Still Buldurs Gate 3 it's definitely GOTY if not maybe the decade as far as story and “choices matter”. Just finished Astorians side quest and kept him on the straight and narrow / good side.
I've got close to 110 hours in and I'm still not even covered all of buldurs gate yet. I think I'll do a straight replay as an evil character as I know it will be a whole new game - also I didn't manage to even get the gethyanki chick in my party this play through.
It's really an incredible game.
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Project Zomboid
. My longest surviving character died yesterday (26 days) 
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I'm trying to play coop but I have no neurodivergent friends to play with
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Tears of the Kingdom. I found the last (?) main Purah Pad ability many hours after starting the game. One thing I'm liking is how many separate "main quest" questlines there are without much railroading. I'm assuming you have to do all of them to beat the game, but you have a lot of freedom in where to go and whom to talk to, and it feels like you're discovering new leads instead of being told what to do.
By contrast, unlocking the great fairies feels much worse than in BotW. Even if you've found their buds, you need to go to one specific place to start the quest, and when you do it immediately gives you the locations of all four. I liked in BotW how you could just stumble across them and it felt like a neat semi-secret.
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idek know what the main quest is tbh. I've just been doing whatever on the planet I'm on.
I just met some dude who's like a cloned copy of a war criminal or smth and I'm going to go undercover cop mode with the pirates
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I hate Vidya so much it's unreal
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Ok thanks for shaming us.
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god of war 2 i think its the one on ps2 but im stuck rn
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I started a replay on my steam deck and there's this one room leading up to the phoenix and the last fury that has waves of fire blasting on the floor and you have to push this statue around while getting butt fricked by spear enemies and bats and shit that keep respawning.
I don't know how I got through this room 20 years ago but I fricking can't now.
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bruh im stuck on this neighbor named theseus or some shit like that he keep blastin my bussy
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The horse guardian? He was tough but definitely beatable I think I just kept blasting him with lightning.
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he guards the castle thing for those sisters
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I like the game but it's really annoying. It's all dependent on RNG. Guess you rolled without a motion sensor/stealth module. Might as well restart lol.
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I'm still leveling in Classic WoW hardcore. My warlock is level 42 now.
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@Uncertifiedbussyoperator hope you die at 59
Trans lives matter not
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I'm being a goody two shoes ranger in Baldur's Gate 3.
I'm only two hours in so far but it's been enjoyable. Tieflings being so common and all of my male companions wanting to bone me makes me feel like
but the gameplay works well enough to keep me playing. I shudder at the thought of how bad it would be if it was real-time with pause.
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I'm playing malders gayte as well as a Tiefling Warlock. Green b-word fricked me right away, then I got Gales weave BUSSY when all I wanted was vampire bussy.
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Started playing story of seasons this morning. It's a very mid game but a good way to relax. Might start playing dishonored 2 given I bought it on release and it's just been sitting on my game shelf since.
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Unfortunately Dishonoured 2 just wasn't nearly as good as the first imho
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Will you get the new dragon quest action game that is coming on 28 September?
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angry they arent making regular jrpg dragon quests.
sick of this spin off crap.
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I liked Builders but I didn't play the second one
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Probably not on release. My work schedule is insane through November. I like to be able to sit down and play games for at least a few hours. If there's a shortage I'll get a copy ASAP but dragon quest copies usually aren't that hard to get, or I'll just get a digital copy.
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Finally caved and got Planescape: Torment. It's a fascinating game and I regret not playing til now. Of course, playing other things too, but nothing worthy of note.
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Made a sniper player call me a cheater when I airshot him with a double donk. Feels nice.
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Have you tried vs Saxton Hale now that it's an official game mode? It's actually pretty balanced if both teams are playing well.
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Saxton's OP as heck if he's competent, and worthless if the team is communicating (never). I've only lost one VSH round as saxton and that's because I was tabbed out @ the start
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The greatest game of them all.. Life.
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Conway's game of life?
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Wow an intellectual
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I started playing Europa Universalis 4 after obtaining access with a very special Russian discount code.
Feels a lot like a bankrupcy simulator with how much debt you have to accumulate to fight wars, but I like that it focuses on economy aspect unlike HoI 4.
The biggest pain is like all Paradox 4x games it laaaags like heck in lategame (although that may be partially my PC).
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I've been having a autism flare up which means I have been playing a lot of rlcraft. Just got to the boring part of midgame where its just a endless grind for supreme enchantments amd baubles. Lost cites soon tho inshallah. Its on a server btw so if anyone wants to join just ask.
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Isn't rlcraft that low budget Romanian version of Minecraft that Soren plays?
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No, soren is much too bad at video games to ever play rlcraft
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Fricking zoomer streamer bait modpack. Play something that isn't r-slurred
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Ur just bad lmao. Rlcraft isn't even hard if you actually know how to play the game.
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Yeah, it's just a shit modpack made for r-slurred zoomers and streamers. Literally zero effort asides from throwing a bunch of mods together lol. Play an actual modpack like gregtech
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Untrue you must have never even played it. I think you just one of those giganeurodivergents that hates combat and gets a boner playing with "gears" and "electrical systems"
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Minecraft combat's sucked since 1.9
Literally the entire point of modpacks. pretending otherwise just means you're r-slurred
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You can literally dual wield throwing spears while riding a giant bird
Huh??? What about new mobs, or new bosses, or new dimensions, or new block, or new weapons, or new food, or new plants, or new ores, or resources or a million other new things??
Like i was just yelling earlier but thats actually r-slurred.
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wow, epic
. A mod that's existed since 2013. cool. epic
. Doesn't change the fact that the modpack is low effort zoomer trash 
Bloat (Gregtech has all the ones I need)
Bloat (Gregtech has all the ones I need)
Bloat (Gregtech has all the ones I need, & are actually implemented by someone with a brain so it's not there for no reason)
Gregtech has all of these, and isn't made by the video game equivalent of "Graphic design is my passion". Every point you've made towards it is just
RLCraft isn't a hard modpack. it's a shitty modpack. Gregtech on the otherhand is designed well and isn't built for zoomer streamers to make shitty thumbnails about
. There's loads of well designed "Hard" Modpacks in the vein of RLcraft, it's literally just a shit modpack that got popular because zoomer youtubers flocked to it.
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Im switching between TOTK and Red Dead Redemption 1
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I got Aperture Tag on sale for a dollar. It was okay.
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Beat Doom Episode 4, fragging in quake live (Goated game)
White extinction is long overdue
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I didn't know what Katamari was like two weeks ago but it has quickly become my favorite thing
WLK is a perfect game
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Nah na na nah nah na na na da katamai damacy….
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You don't play starfield ? Who are you ?
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I'll start starfield tomorrow!
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There IS a Marsey for everything!
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I know this is stupid but the only thing holding me back about eating poop is that some people have noticed changes in their political and religious tendencies. Not dramatic, but enough to make me afraid that eating poop will cure my schizophrenia.
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