So I beat Baldur's Gate III the other day and decided to give my thoughts. Games good, like McDonald's french fries. Not bad, not amazing but good. It felt a lot like playing skyrim back in, whenever the frick that originally came out, lots of suckage with the things you can't do ( like climb that mountain ) but still fun.
Character creation:
Honestly kinda shit, but thats par for the course with these types of crpgs, though this one's a tad shitter that usual, even compared to Divinity :Original Sin II. Deities aren't tied to domains, for some fricking reason, and only clerics can pick one. I don't know how the frick they butchered the ranger so badly out the Baldur's Gate, I know it's kind of a tricky class to implement in a video game, but I can't then of any vidya to frick it up this badly even Sword Coast Legends did ot better and more faithfully than BGIII.
Larian still doesn't know how to do voices, backgrounds don't mean shit and you can't edit Tav's tags directly, and it's all pretty much the shittiest version of 5e, SRD. So right from the get go the critical roll influenced 5e BIPOCtry hits you like a drunk driver. I decided to player a custom character in a post Divinity: Original Sin II larian game , and I made them a ranger
and was looking forward to whatever wholesome fun my sanctified stalker ranger, outlander, and halfling tags will get me into. Oh and there's no boob slider or jiggle physics for breasts, but I'm not a porn sick coomer moid so I don't care about that
Act I:
Nautiloid opening was great, short sweet and to the point and did a good job at framing what the game is going to be like. Tav's voice lines are reddit tier, but aside from that all the voice acting was on point so far. The final confrontation at the helm was really well done, nice risk vs rewars there, cracks start forming after you crash though. The introductions of the initial companions are really well done and their performances are really good, but a lot of their dialogue is just capeshit tier soy garbage .
Lae'zel is properly alien and lawful evil as Githyanki should be.
Shadowheart could do with either being more evil or less fanatically devoted to Shar, I never liked that, "the good side to evil gods" shit, but better they do it with shar than someone like Bhaal or Malar.
Gale has a lot squandered potential like shadowheart, his conflicting feelings towards Mystra II aren't portrayed well so he comes off as a bipolar Is a perfect depiction of some clingy incel moid with a firearm; unhealthly obsessed, unable to take responsibility for their actions, and just a trigger pull away from ending your fricking life if they don't get what they want.
Astarion is a flaming cute twink and obvious fujo bait, and I hate that he comes the closest to being my favorite companion. Best VA, best backstory, most consistently well written companion in the game.
Wyll is a sanctimonious beaner mary sue, and I think that's intentional, he kinda skews to far in the opposite direction morality wise than the other characters throughout most of act 1 so his dialogue is a but jarring.
I love Karlach for obvious reasons () but they do not belong in this game at all, they have the most soyified "badass" dialogue in the game, it's fricking unbearable, which is shame because when their not being a redditor's power fantasy their actually quite compassionate
Got to the druid Grove and me being an alleged holy ranger did ingraciate me to the druids worth a darn decided to go after Halsin first, glad I did too, the goblin camp was very enjoyable, probably my favorite part of act I followed by Ethel's lair. I
so I didn't think to knock the drow paladin out rather than kill her. I came into this game assuming Act I would be the most polished, because that's usually how these games work, and it seems I was right for the most part, although a lot of things get their pay off in Act III.
Act II:
Very tunnel visioned, less so if you consider the underdark to be part of Act II. But yeah this whole act is basically 2 mega dungeons, the Githyanki creche and Moonrise. Sneaking into the creche while disguised as Githyanki was fun, mommy Vlaakith was amazing and her killing you with a wish spell if you piss her off was pretty funny too. Didn't enjoy being railroaded by the mcguffin fairy, wasn't hard clearing out the creche afterwards.
Moonrise was a bit long, but interesting, tried to go at it covertly Like the creche but it wasn't all that high security. Never found last light on my ranger so, I just went straight for the night song. While in the temple of shar I realized I just really wasn't having fun as a ranger so I made a new character, they're a bard. Hardest thing about Yurgir is his minions, he's an absolute b-word without them. At the end of the temple I decided to redeem shadowheart, which didn't have as much fanfare as I thought it would, also her domain didn't change with her deity, because what is immersion. I found Last Light on my bard, and met nostalgia bait # 1 and due to this game being mostly SRD, her spell list and subclass options were kinda
she was relegated to being a primarily crowd control character. The final confrontation at Moonrise was pretty sweet, I'm a suckered for large scale battles. I'd say Thorm is probably the best boss fight(s) in the game and was the hardest of the chosen for me to fight. I enjoyed Gale's sacrifice ending right up until the point of the game going
"you didn't save the day, the worms are still inside everyone's brains as they all turn into mind flayer" this is especially r-slurred because destroying the brain is what cures you of your parasite in act III
Halsin is a creepy libertarian nut hugger that doesn't do anything but creep in your camp until you fulfill his BL haram fantasy and then he joins you proper. Halsins only character motivations are little boys, lifting the shadow curse, and defeating Ketheric for good. This is all accomplished shortly after he joins you properly, so by act III he has no reason to really be with you and no more impactful story beats outside of trying to buttfrick my halfling. Apparently he has a strong straggy sexual appetite, but I didn't bring him along enough to discover this.
Act III:
Burnt out for a while at this point. The guardian's reveal was r-slurred (why was the neighbor thinking breathing hard?) And I don't see the point in making them in the beginning. I liked Orin because she's a coomer Venus flytrap, but knowing moids that's just a plus. I actually like the whole kingdom hearts/final fantasy getup Goretash has going on, compliments his permanent smug grin if nothing else. Ethel's return was the highlight of the act for me, hags are my favorite monsters in D&D. I then went on to encounter nostalgia bait #2. The experience was very borderlands. After that I stepped away from the game for a while, came back and finished up the companion's questlines
Lae'zel kinda lost her shine after the creche, and her questlines doesn't really finish until after the game ends, but either way it was a bit lukewarm, although the house of hope musical finale was pretty sick.
Shadowheart's questlines was touching but mostly clinically satisfying. I let her parents live, I think her parents relationship was the best depiction of what a relationship between something that will live for almost a millennium and something that'll barely make it to a century would actually be like, in the whole game.
Wyll's questline was Mexican garbage.
Gale's questline doesn't have a satisfactory pay off on screen, much like Lae'zel.
Astarion's questline was the best, one of the few things in the game that actually made me feel something.
Karlach's questlines ties into the main quest like Lae'zel and Gale's, you have to fight the weakest chosen, and he doesn't have much bite without his steel watchers, just stun locked him with poisons and Otto's irresistible dances (wich is very resistible)resistive. Her speech at the end was heartfelt but felt more appropriate for something like cyberpunk or shadowrun.
I recruited nostalgia bait #2 and honestly, he did make me laugh a few times, borderlands makes me laugh too.
After that I went after Orin, and honest the gratuitous asshot and her jobbing to a fricking buffed up woad was starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth, but the lore in her personal chambers made up for it greatly
After that decided I'll just make one big push to finish the game. The Netherbrain going all tzeentchian on you was cool, but the rest of the finale was just a prettier, yet inferior version of Dragon Age: Origins finale, where instead of a new take on a classic (dragon) it's just a freakshit brain monster with shitter reinforcements. I turned Karlach into a mind flayer because she was going to die anyway, and honestly it greatly improved most of the complaints I had about her character, props to larian, mind flayers don't act like fricking chavs. She used the mcguffin on the other mcguffin, got really big and smacked the little brain, and the day was saved. Ending sequence was a bit weak, but serviceable, as always Astarion had the best bit ( I talked him out of ascending)
The epilogue was for every good thing I can say about it there's a bad thing. The end credit scene was enjoyable from the perspective of a nerd whole likes D&D lore
always cool to se Jergal laying the smack down to the dead three.
Final thoughts (?):
All in all, the gameplay was solid, but not that different from the Divinity: Original Sin games. Code what you know I guess.
The story is fun D&D adventure
The companions are , I don't really have a favorite like I do in other RPGs, I think this is only real RPG I've played where I have very neutral impressions of all the companions. Didn't romance anyone because engaging in deviant s*x with deviant individuals isn't something my halfling would do.
Writing was like 40% reddit tier soy goyslop
Art direction was solid. I think the shadowlands and the temple of shar were the only areas the popped out to me.
Music direction was pure kino, I could listen to the title screen for decades.
Overall I give it 3.5 out 5, games good, great even, but I can't really point out anything it does better than Pillars of Eternity, or the Pathfinder games. In fact I was goingn to go back and play those for a fresher comparison but Rogue Trader came out
Opinion subject to change after Dark Urge playthrough, feel the game intends for you to be capshit anti-hero type more than anything, so things might fit into place better as that rather than a Bilbo Baggins expy... (Karlach is dying immediately in that playthrough)
Seeing redditor's and normienigs calling this game groundbreaking is horrifying though, The Elder Scrolls VI is going to be some shit
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This game suffers from something I call the Dragon-Age-syndrome which means it is better presented (graphics, voice acting, maps, ui) than similar titles in its genre but without the depth that made these titles great. People with less experience in the genre are swayed by its remarkable presentation but fail to grasp any problems. That said, you have to applaud Larian Studios for outsourcing Q&A to the community for 3 years and actually listening to feedback and fixing most bugs. That is truly rare.
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A lot of the elements of the game were made for losers. Consider your companions and how dependent each one is on you (Shart when she leaves Shar, Laezel when her faith is shaken and needs you, Astarion and his dependency if he is redeemed, karlach and her no-touching.) the only character who isn't dependent on you is wyll, and he's the least popular character
A loser who is used to parasocial relationships would love all these characters
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They fit the current Zeitgeist very well. They talk, act and behave like YouTubers/Streamers. As i have already said previously, Critical Role ruined D&D forever.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
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it is
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You can't even be a real crpg if it's made by more than 20 people. That's why every nintendo game is actually great. There's never more than 10 people actually controlling the games development. Sure like 200 people help but they're all programmers they're not deciding anything. Literally half of pokemon designs are by 15 people.
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but pokemon games are shit hun....
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Touching grass (2023) review:
10/10 you should try it
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If you liked BG1 and 2, will you like 3?
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Did you play and like the DOS games? They are much more similar to BG3 than 1 and 2 are.
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I did not
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No way in heck
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My first fallout games were 1 and 2 and I think they did pretty swell transitioning to 3D. New Vegas was the most like the originals and was amazing despite the rush job and game breaking bugs
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they weren't game breaking bugs, they were features!
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All Larian games are designed around co-op. If you do not have a dedicated other to play with, avoid.
If you are after a challenge, avoid.
Want a decently polished crpg, to play with someone less experienced with the genre? No other game, ever made, comes remotely close. Small genre, sure, but its the GOAT now in this category.
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I don't play vidya to be social
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Yeah, avoid this and go with a more neurodivergent crpg.
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What if this is your first crpg and you're solo do you still go more neurodivergent?
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Depends on how you feel about streamlining
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Not sure what you mean. Is this like how FO4 and Skyrim heavily altered the character development and skill systems to something unrecognizable from previous titles?
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Pretty much, they're based on older editions thats are almost different games from 5e, which Baldur's Gate III is ALOMST a straight translation of
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I don't even know 2e except thru BG1. I know nothing of 5e.
It seems that the gameplay, races, and even location make it too different to keep the title, and that it was just a grab at 90s kid nostalgia
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I really liked the game but will concede that the dialogue is pretty cringe in some spots, and act 3 is a mess both technically and narratively.
The one thing i dislike that may just be me is the setting. I just don't like forgotten realms, at this point it's just "reddit: the setting" IMO.
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Jewish lives matter
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I know you are one but what is she?
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I just expected more Grue
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Dark Urge feels more well fleshed out than a regular Tav play through, id reccomend going in blind on it if you can.
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Yes, I played Durge on my first run and don't regret it. I don't think I'll start as anything other than Durge, I like the story he gets and the cape he gets is too good. Namaste
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We just beat this and started act 3.
We killed thorm (yes both forms) in a total of three turns. In turn 1 the nightsong was freed, all his minions were dead or ccd. In turn 2 he was killed, transformed, and then his second form was brought to half health. Dead on turn three. This game gives you way too much XP, options to do absurd damage, and the ability to bring your own army to a fight.
The game is fun, but the difficulty is a joke and im really confused why this isnt the main complaint. Most people cant even get past early fights in DOS if you set it to tactician. Yet, Im left wondering how people manage to even kill their bg3 characters -outside misclicking off a cliff.
I had a lot of high praise for this game, and am now hoping Rogue Trader can get it right.
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Participation trophy mentality
So far Rogue trader is doing better than Baldur's Gate gameplay and writing wise.
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I forgot that it already released.
!remindme 1 month ask princessteegra opinion on RT.
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If you didn't play Dark Urge and kill all the companions, you didn't beat the game.
"Nice" Durge is probably the better, more impactful story; murderhobo durge where you say "ok" to all the options to cause death in droves is more fun. I have never had to hear Karlach or Will whine at me for being based. It's quality edge-kino, dumb but idk it's fun to lean into an over the top character archetype sometimes.
I'm doing all honor run as evil durge again; I'll probably never play anything other than Durge origin, I like it too much. Namaste.
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That's the impression I got
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I bet youve never knocked on wood, cute twink
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People usually wanted to pee on me as well
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I didn't read any of that but it's a good game
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Thanks for wasting your time writing this review so I didn't have to, I'll just add my short tidbits
Laezel def pitters off after the creche but of all the other characters she has a less obnoxious arc than most.
Gale is the wizard some cute twink would bring to your table and his backstory is BRO HES SUCH A GOOD WIZARD THAT HE EVEN BANGED THE GODDESS OF WIZARDRY BRO!
Astarian - I didn't evne bother with this fojo bait
Wyll - Seems to have been gimped by rewrites that clashes background and personality and leaves a lot of questions. There comes a point in y'alls conversation about the tyrant ruling BG not letting refugees in (oh yeah, this game also has a refugee crisis, can I get an RPG that DOESNT deal with a refugee crisis for once? Can we be spared That Message for once?)
Jaheira - elf mommy
Anyway, he says they should be let in, but also says the city is serving as a prison for those within. So which is it Wyll is city bad or not? Talk about being super r-slurred.
ACT I and II are pretty good in pace and content. ACT III feels rushed af
Like you get into Baulders Gate finally but you're basically rushed, not really, but it feels like you're being rushed because the crisis your group has been dealing with is culminating up to this point and becomes very matter of fact. Yet meanwhile you're thrown a bunch of sidequests about looking for missing people, ghost busting, missing pigeon, a gay circus, its kinda silly and the only way to deal with it is to mentally turn your brain off. Because normal people dont prioritize sidequests when there is an active crisis. I'm talking like earthquakes, people randomly changing, and the voice saying "yo bro we need to take care of this now!"
At least the Raphael fight and theme was kino.
As far as you get into the plot you realize you're actually in another knock off Avengers End Game plot. I'm sorry you had to find out like this but I think everyone should be warned so lazy butt writers will stop making cheap copies. Seriously, you get the infinity, I mean, netherese stones and they're part of a device that can basically control the multiverse with your squid buddies. They even have illithid ships and dragons pop in through the sky in circle portals like in the movie. Cmon man!
All this boils down to 3 endings (after we were sold on there were going to be much more than three)
Save the day | Rule the day | Ruin the day.
That's about it. And honestly. Ruining everyones day is the better option. This game is tailored for the murderhobo.
Just having everyone killed and ensuring the gods are robbed of their souls forever is the best option for everyone because then they don't have to live another day in a horrible world setting like Faerun ever again.
The End.
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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.
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keep yourself safe
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that's a very well thought out rebuttal. you've given me a lot to think about.
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I accept your concession hecko BIPOC
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You can try wotr if you really want a more neurodivergent crpg. But youre opinion is bad anyways so youll prob hate it
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You're not a real gaymer RPGs aren't for you.
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Thanks for this. I bought it for PC a while ago but was thinking of buying for PS5 because of my comfy couch. It was BG3, Valhalla, or GoW II all of which I own but wasn't sure what to play.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Excellent review or what ever, didn't read. I will not be playing the globohomo game.
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Definitely plays more like Divinity: Original Sin II than I would have expected from a DnD game, but I've never played DnD so that didn't bother me.
Whoever does the Irish accents for characters like Ethel and a few more got them spot-on, they sound real and not fake Hollywood Oirish.
Larian do their usual thing of "so the gods are all crappy, there's no such thing as heroes, all the legends of the past have dark secrets, and only a random bunch of morally grey cynics can do anything" so that depends on how you feel about the lore characters.
Wyll, I think, is meant to be like that because he's over-compensating for what you find out in his backstory: he was tricked into signing a demonic pact when he was sixteen or so and ever since has been the demon's little b-word, never mind his heroic reputation.
I played Astarion and went through with the ascension because why give up the chance to be able to walk in the sun once more? But I did save the city.
Gale has a lot of problems; he's clingy if you romance him, he's way too hung up still on Mystra, and his ambition makes him very dangerous because he is positive he can handle the evil magic and nothing can go wrong there. But he's not all bad and is fun at times.
Going to play through again now as the evil side, so Dark Urge, and no redemption for anyone this time round!
3.5 out of 5 sounds about right: it's fun, but it's not outstanding.
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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.
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I think it's a neat game.
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Me too, I just see very clearly how it could be neater.
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Every game, show, movie, that's been ever made could have been neater.
You appreciate entertainment within the confines of its time and place.
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Well the time is 8 years since Pillars of Eternity was released, and 14 years since Dragon Age: Origins and the place is the CRPG genre and the game isn't significantly better than either of those when it should be.
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When was the last time you played either of those games?
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Played Pillars of Eternity 2 years ago played Dragon Age: Origins At the end of last year. Baldur's Gate III doesn't really do anything better than those games besides look better, but again those games are 8 and 14 years old respectively so... And in some areas its inferior to those games. Still neat though, just weird unnecessary design decisions that prevent it from being super neat.
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I disagree. To each their own however.
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A lot of people disagree, none of them can point to a specific thing Baldur's Gate III does better than either of those games outside of graphics
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Some of the characters are better.
Game story progression diversity
They fleshed out the endings
Longer play time?
Interesting multiple solution interactions.
Interesting playstyle variations. I like talk to animals and dark urge runs.
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