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(EDIT: now with free games inside :marseysanta3:) G*mers, what were your games of the year? :marseygameritsover:

List the games released this year that you liked the most. If you're listing shit released before 2023 mark it something like my most played or sum shit. Also list your biggest disapointments if you have them. And shit you didn't play but want to.

Happy Christmas :marseycrusade:

Edit: Outer Worlds is free on the epic store today, go get it. Tomorrow they'll give away another game. @Merryvann pin pls

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No matter how much you elitist peepee suckers want to deny it (I'm one of them) but BG3 deserves that title.

Pin this shit

edit: nvm I can pin it myself

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Well BG3cels are somewhat elitist because that game is not mainstream even having that much sales what is very impressive for such game.

But r-drama game if the year should also look at drama so in this regard Harry Potter is better game.

My personal fav game this year was wanted dead because it was such random mess

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Honestly yes, I was big fan of divinity 1 and 2. To see Larian Studios be successful with BG3 and the back story, no other game deserves it. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk gets my 2nd place.

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Played the original BG games and I have to say, they really did knock it out of the fricking park with BG3

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Dave the Diver was my GOTY pick in June and I stand by it


There's apparently crossover DLC with Dredge as of a few days ago, a Lovecraftian fishing game that also released this year and I bought per @FestiveZenzic's recommendation and I really enjoyed that as well.

I think the only new vidya I played this year was Starfield (bland) and Hogwarts Legacy (bland).


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Keep hearing good things about both. Might give dave a chance, it's 20% off on steam.

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I really cannot stress enough how GOOD it is. Slow start for the first hour or so which bored me but then it opens up and just continues adding more and more and more until the very end. Then it gives you even more stuff to do. It really is probably the best thing released this year.


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The diver or dredge

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crossover DLC

Into the dumpster it goes.

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Team Fortress 2

dude bussy lmao

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Never played it, if I want to see cartoons I'll watch some cartoons :marseyboomer:

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Best game ever made. I'd still be playing hldm otherwise :marseyboomer:

dude bussy lmao

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:marseyt#f2spy: :marseytf#2heavy:

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Biggest disappointment: Kerbal Space Program 2

2nd biggest disappointment: Cities Skylines 2

GOTY: Hogwarts legacy :marseytransrentfree: jk i didnt play it

there are no good games in 2023 :marseygameritsover:

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I keep forgetting KSP 2 is a thing

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KSP was one of those games that managed to be good despite the best tries of an incompetent developer. I don't know how it happens, but it never happens twice, KSP 2 had no chance :marseydepressed:

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TOTK was okay but BOTW was much better. Don't know why they added a giant map with fricking nothing in it and made the powerups worse.

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It feels like Saints Row 4 where they just reskinned the previous map.

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Far Cry Primal, not a great era for games

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BAD take.

It's pretty scary down there, if you're a kid it's probably an unforgettable experience. Boss powerups are worse (botw's were not very good either, except the one from the bird beast), but they fit the new gameplay.

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How are the poweups worse? Ultrahand is is a straight upgrade from magnet only hand. Ascend was way more useful than iceblocks. And fuse any item in the game to shields, melee, and arrows is infinitely better than bombs on a timer. I do think stasis was better than rewind shit though.

Having said that, I do agree with you that BOTW was better

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AC 6, even people who dislike nintendo can't shit on AC6

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Assasins Creed 6 Mirage?

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Armored Cuck 6?

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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections !anime back me up here

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Second place Fire Emblem Engage

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Was it released this year ? Feeling like forever

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It was released in January

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I don't think I played any game that released this year.

BG3 looked interesting but I don't think my PC can handle it, it was expensive, and of course, why not wait for the bugs to be fixed?

My most played was Stellaris, but I had the most fun returning to New Vegas, which is not very inspired but good games are good games.

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I don't think I played any game that released this year.

Same. I downloaded Elden Ring to check it out, but my 9 year old GPU couldn't handle it (40 FPS).

And then it died a month later. :marsey: I can run it now but I'm playing something else.

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BG3 was good but it's something you need a couple of no lyfe friends to really enjoy. Solo it's kind of a meh experience imo (though I'm not a big β€œstory”-driven game guy)

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I really had a lot of fun with BG3 with a friend but my favorite game I played was probably either necesse or lethal company both with 3 other homies

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Necesse and LC are just excuses to hang out with long distance friends and drink and do sum shit, good for you bro :marseybeach:

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1. Zelda 2. Not close.

2. Armored Core 6. Surprised it was so good.

3. Mario Wonder. Really surprised it was so good.

Didn't play:

Dave the diver. Hear it's good.

Hog Warts. Hear it's mid.

Alan Wake 2. Haven't heard anything because noone played it.

Pizza Tower. Probably my GOTY out of all the games i didn't play.

Starfield. Lol.

Bladur's Gate 3. Not a nerd, so I probably won't be playing it.

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Pizza Tower is friggin' great, really appealed to my 'tism. Get ur butt on that boy!

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1. Zelda 2. Not close.


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Ain't no way you dropped that list then ended with β€œI'm not a nerd”

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Well I'm not, why would I lie then? Besides, none of those games are nerd games. And if they are then nerd games are cool :marseyboomer:

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Ratchet and Clank 3 for PS2 is my eternal GOTY

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Starfield was great. I hope they continue to support it like they're planning and it becomes an all-timer but i get the gripes people have with it.

They made a bethesda game but made the mistake of thinking they'd get the casual audience when the fantasy setting did most of the heavy lifting for that in skyrim.

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>Starfield was great

The blatant disrespect for your own time lol

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Would you guys recommend a Steam Deck?

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You can't mock consoomers for owning a switch then get the same thing but in black.

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I own a switch :#smugtranstwitter:

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I really like mine but 80% of its use has been slay the spire.

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Now that the OLED terabyte is cheaper than the OG 512GB, yes.

But not if you're too stupid to emulate shit (Emudeck is easy as heck to set up)

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Resident Evil 4 - GOAT

Lies of P - kino

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor - kino

Spider-Man 2 - completely forgettable. Blm deaf black girl mission was beyond parody. Miles is reduced too a vehicle for their progressive messaging lol. Also Mary Jane lololol

Dead Space - didn't finish

Bg3- requires a PhD in DnD and HRT too play, so skipped

Starfield - was fun for the experience of laughing at Todd's slop

Wo Long - some really terrible game design choices, didnt bother finishing. Horrific art direction and incomprehensible story

Jewish lives matter

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I resent this because it fricks up Forgotten Realms lore immensely

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The last 1/3 of resident evil 4 killed it for me, dead space in total was better game.

Spider-Man 2 is worse than 1 in most directions

No Idea how they managed to frick up Wo Long when nioh is so good

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It became obvious very fast that wo long was mostly a test tube for team ninja's next game, Elden Ronin. Still had fun, it's kind of r-slurred nioh.

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I got 130 hours in BG3 but Trombone Champ is my GOTY

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Waiting :marseywait: for dominions 6 to come out

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Me 2

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Probably Tekken 7 tbh, so relaxing to go into practice mode and just do electrics for 30 min every day

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I'm very hype for Tekken 8 :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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:( I've been playing the demo and it's actually :marseyakshually: incredible how good the game is, from the instant rematch, all the new features and all the side issues and stuff, but I just don't enjoy the heat system, and the combos don't feel good to do, in t7 good combos are so satisfying, in T8 I don't but I just can't explain why tbh, the hits don't feel as strong, electrics also feel waay punchier in t7 smh

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I think you'll get used to it :marseythumbsup: I feel like the moves all feel more punchy actually, probably due to the new sound effects and visual effects :marseythinkorino:

But yeah heat system is kinda yikes, gonna need to see how the meta shakes out though, I pray that they nerf the heck out of heat because it still feels way too strong, Kazuya can stay in heat for the whole round if the player isn't braindead, that is too much :marseyno:

At this rate, high level matches are just gonna be roundstart > one interaction > engage heat > GG :marseyunamused:

But I'm gonna stay positive about it, all the other great QOL changes and plethora of content makes me optimistic :marseyclueless: and I'm not a high level player, so honestly, most of the stuff that is BS at a high level probably won't affect me :marseyshrug:

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Can't lie, the redesigns on the characters and the updated movelists are enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to keep my hyped :marseyletsfuckinggo2: an interested :marseyschizoexcited: for a long time, but I definitely disagree :marseydisagreewarpspeed: on the sound :marseyhearnoevil: effects

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Remnant was really fun. I don't know when it came out, but I liked the challenge, and we need more co-op games. So many games lack that feature because g*mers are crusty losers who have no friends.

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i only played the new zelda and mario

i 100%ed mario and couldnt even finish zelda

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yes im a switch chad how could you tell


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Noo, you can't have playthings that means the west has fallen :soycry:

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Why do you hate the hekkin MASSIVE map!? Theres so much to do!


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Rainworld downpour:marsey:

the game is from 2017 but I just found out this year when the dlc


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My favorite game this year was Barotrauma. It was nice to play a multiplayer game with a defined ending and that didn't require a strict amount of players. I think our sessions had anything from 5 to 10 players, and we had no issues playing the same campaign with whoever we had online.

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Lies of P but you have to be a soulsstrag to enjoy it

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Fortnite but this season kinda blows

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I only bought like 5? Games that came out this year, this year. I guess I'll give it to Grimgrimoire Oncemore. Followed closesly by Rogue Trader and Baldur's Gate III

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I heard this one was really really rough :marseycry:

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