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[EFFORTPOST] The Great Rebellion: A Game for Chuds by Chuds

The year is 2020, and a certain group of young German upstarts just released a game called Heimat Defender: Rebellion*.

*Heimat = Homeland

"What's so special about this game" you might ask. Well, I'm glad you asked young whippersnapper. You see the game is made by a German group called "Ein Prozent", or, translated to English, "One Percent". This group, classified as "extremist" by the German government (which doesn't really mean all that much coming from the krauts), is a network of right-wing German figures from various parties and movements, ranging from AfD to NPD and the Identitarian Movement.

What is the game about? Well, from German Wikipedia translated to English and with some errors fixed with Grammarly:

Heimat Defender takes place in a dystopia in the year 2084. The action takes place primarily in large cities full of Antifa zones. The whole of Europe is controlled by the so-called Globohomo Corp. controlled. Globohomo is referred to in the computer game as a "global homogenization corporation" run by a group of cyber-globalists. The company, run by shady technocrats, controls almost every resident of Europe as a mindless NPC ( non-player character).

In the game, real representatives of the new right and right-wing extremist political movements are presented as heroes and celebrated resistance fighters. These are, for example, Martin Sellner, head of the Identitarian Movement in Austria, the political activist Alex Malenki, the AfD politician Björn Höcke, the new-right activist Götz Kubitschek (also referred to as The Black Knight in the game ), the YouTuber and activist Outdoor Illner, the head of One Percent e. V. Philip Stein and the new right-wing journ*list Martin Lichtmesz. They are resisting in the metropolitan cities of the former Germany and trying to defeat the NPCs and the Globohomo Corp. The right-wingers have discovered an intermediate dimension and found a place of refuge there that they call the forest walk. When the resistance fighters discussed what to do next in the forest, they were attacked and surrounded by police. Shortly afterward, Kubitschek decides to hold off the police, allowing the rest of the group to escape using a portal.

As is typical of the genre, the player moves through different levels in a hopping and running manner. He takes control of one of the right-wing activists. The player must defeat various opponents and bosses using various special abilities.

The developers have openly said that they want to recruit kids with this video game, so they did very much play into the controversy, and there was a controversy, to say the least:

We had Vice reporting on it, where apparently, the developers told them that the game was downloaded over 20.000 times, which isn't all that bad for a no-name studio. Furthermore, apparently, a bunch of """""experts""""" have told Vice how this game is heckin' problematic and how it poses a risk to German society, which is why the German government put it on a list of media harmful to minors.

But that's not all, we also had a bunch of """""scholars"""" paid by various """""counter-extremist""""" networks writing about how heckin' harmful this game is. [1] [2] [3]

One thing they mentioned is how this game is a response to an anti-racist game called Leons Identität (Leon's Identity), a game released on Steam where you have to save your brother who joined a far-right group. The game is less than an hour long and most negative reviews say that's typical leftoid propaganda (as you might have guessed). The game looks like your typical, boring as frick, art slop and I can't imagine anyone enjoying it who's not a complete pretentious hipster. Apparently, though, some kids in German schools are forced to play this game, which makes me think that Germany should be reported to UNICEF for child abuse.

Naturally, some people didn't take too kindly to heckin' nazis being on Steam.

The only response to this Steam discussion, which was selected as the best response by the Steam global moderators (official Steam representatives) is the following:

If it offends you, click the ignore button and move on.

Don't ask us to mass report something.


Redditors had their usual reaction to this game, except that it was, surprisingly, milder than their usual unhinged screeching.

Eventually, of course, Valve did remove the game. Apparently, there was a problem with an age rating, and the studio is also located in Germany, which probably means that Valve must act in accordance with the German government.

And that was that... until February of this year, when a totally not soycucked blogger reported that a new game is being made by the same team, which is basically a remake of their previous work. A game called The Great Rebellion.

They even got Paul Joesph Watson (of all people) to do an ad for their game:

And so, here we are. The game is on Steam, and it's getting positive reviews, which will of course cause a lot of soycucks and :marseytrain2:s to seethe, which will, in turn, cause drama, and drama is good for this website. Therefore, this game's success is good for this website and that's why you should buy this game.

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Honestly I'm kind of tired of seeing interesting cool looking indies and then finding out that the dev is some Euberdegenerate Nonbinary freak afterwards. So it's nice to see the pendulum swing back as the chud indie sphere's severely lacking. (Currently only Brigador and the Carrion devs really count)

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Carrion is a great game concept even before knowing this, what did the devs do? I can't find the usual pearl clutching by searching "carrion devs controversy".

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You do realize that BUTCHER is just an alt right deathsquad game right?

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I'm referring to Carrion the reverse horror game where you play as a monster made of liquid meat, BUTCHER is a different game.

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Same devs so it still counts

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Also that tard who made the gladiator game. Dominus or Domina or something.

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I don't count him because he actually went 100% insane and can no longer be considered a part of the assembly of God

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What did the mech war crime devs do

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They found some old tweets where one of them said they hated :!marseytrain:s or something. Anyway they're brothers so the other brother pretended to freak out about it and 'fired' his brother before rehiring him for the sequel. Because obviously he wasn't actually going to cut his own flesh and blood out of it, lmao.

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when is the god danged sequel coming out anyways I need my fix

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