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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Leave it to transwomen to break the news their coworkers can't. :gigachadqueen:

!cuteandvalid !nonchuds

@Grue stand with israel

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Somebody's gotta do it https://i.rdrama.net/images/17149123829063652.webp

@Grue stand with Israel

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I hate jannies so much lmao

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Darn I saw this but forgot to include.!transphobes train couldn't go 2 seconds without :marseytransattentionseeker: and got canned!

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Ok but why did you link to the asmongold version which only has 2 comments?

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Unsuprisingly /r/gcj will side with the giga company just because the g*mers dont like it:

You just described rdrama dot net.

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Yeah but we do it for fun, they see it as some kinda moral thing

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i use this site as an immoral thing :marseyconfused:

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it really is :npcoppse: but for gaymer stuff

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It truly is mind boggling that commies are the biggest full-throated supporters of massive media companies.

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Commies Consume Corporate Peepee


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I wanted to go to GCJ but I had a fun saturday with my nephew and didn't want to go all :chudrage:

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commies love nothing more than giant corporations, especially the biggest corporations of all: governments.

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The ironic bit about him calling this fascism is that mixing capitalism with the state is the hall mark of modern leftwing politics, mixing socialism and capitalism.

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>Corporatism is a political system of interest representation and policymaking whereby corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, come together on and negotiate contracts or policy (collective bargaining) on the basis of their common interests.


it sounds like it's not corporate stuff being mixed into the state though just an organizing of groups of similar function who (probably) use collective power to bargain, or some shit like that.

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It's always a commie who has a "Support Our Troops" bumpsticker or an American flag on their car.

Government loving communists, all of them.

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commies love foreign troops instead

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:#tayhuh: Like the IDF?

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Claim to be communists but are top slop consoomers and company simps :marseythinkorino:

Trans lives matter

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And yet there's no decrease in active players :marseyxd:

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The requirement hasn't taken effect yet, wonder if it will drop when/if it does.

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Sea of Thieves requires a Microsoft account and is super popular on Steam, g*mers are going throw a tantrum and continue playing.

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It has it from the start tho. It was basically seen as an Xbox game that you could also get on steam

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so was helldivers there was just a bug where it wasn't enforced, it's been marked all along as PSN account required, g*mers just can't read

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Wait lol you lying piece of shit, everyone had the option to just skip it, it wasn't a bug, they changed it a few days ago shutting customers from like 50 countries out of their game

Upmarseyd for misinformation

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Correct, however when Facebook pushed it's account they had a marked drop in users. I wonder whether Sony is seen as more like Microsoft or Facebook.

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the complainers are probably cucked enough to keep playing but don't underestimate the :marseyretardchad: coalition that will just play something else faced with the most minute amount of friction

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Im furious :marseyrage: i have to use a microsoft :marseyclippy: account on my Playstation. Just left a 1 star review.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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HD2 effectively lost 12,000 players (~10%) yesterday, accounting for week-on-week decline

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That decline started before the fricking announcement though, b-word? :marseyconfused: You can literally see it was fricking lower at points in this week before yesterday lol.

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accounting for week-on-week decline

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Sweaty, that clearly wasn't accountted for :marseypat:

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It doesn't go into effect until the end of the month.

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In this case theyve already paid for the game and played it far to long to refund. They're just screwed

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Apparently not, this screenshot is in the post


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:marseykneel: based steam

Doubt many people will be doing that tho

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I just did :marsey57:

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Same :marseyrapscallion:

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Rejected :chudtantrum:

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>oh no what about the Ceylonese player base


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You will never be a citizen. You have no enlistment, no amputations, no bug kills.

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>sony banned all third worlders from the game


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we're still there


  • no they cannot use a VPN(against TOS), or make a throwaway account(still need actual verifiable ID of sorts)
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Made it out the hood

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Officially first world superpower as of 2020.

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They have a space program, literally over for earthcels

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we're still there


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I have burger, chunk, jap, Dutch, German psn accounts

You can make account of any country but easiest is US since you can always buy digital cards from Amazon store or play Asia

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still need actual verifiable ID of sorts

Are g*mers really pathetic enough to accede to this?

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Ah. Ukraine. Thats why redddit cares.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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They can create PSN accounts?

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They should absolutely make the argument playstation is being racist, playstation is based in california they'll fricking self immolate if anyone seriously throws it at them.

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Do you need a PlayStation to make a PSN account?

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No you can do it free on sonys website.

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Grueper Earth

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Why dont people make fake PSN accounts with trash credentials etc?

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Watch the game get infinitely better as third world poors with a .5 mb/s connection get booted :marseylaugh:

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Smart one will just create burger pan account

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142k negative reviews lmao

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apparently chinks are fricking getting banned for creating psn with vpns :marseychingchongitsover:

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>cheating chinks and shit-tier ghettonet thirdies banned from the servers


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:marseyparty:I don't get why people are upset over this

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Lmfao is sony the worst managed company in history yet? Its actually unbelievable how a megacorp has been producing absolutely nothing but shot for what, a decade now? Do the C-suits actively hate the company and want to destroy it, or do they have some sort of reverse-midas touch where everything they put their hands on turns into shit?

Is there a single department left at sony that produces something positive, or even turns a profit? Thats a serious question, y the way.

Also this move could get them assraped by yuropoor customer protection laws, i imagine. EULAs in general were struck down as illegal quite some time ago iirc, because theyre not part of the sales contract yet youre forced to agree to them afterwards to use your purchased product. This seems like basocally the same thing, altering the deal after it has been made and youve received your money. Maybe it just means you get to refund it, but i hope yuropean courts can dish out punitive damages for it.

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>Is there a single department left at sony that produces something positive, or even turns a profit?

Sony were ahead of the game with their mirrorless cameras, but Nikon and Canon have caught up. I'm too comfy with my canons anyway, I wouldn't want to swap to something not compatible with all my lenses. A lot of people are the same I think.

So yea I don't know anything good they make

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I didnt even think of their camera business, but thats another great example.

They were among the top in multiple businesses, the quintessential megacorp involved in everything, and actually being good at everything.

And then they just dropped the ball everywhere I guess, just making bad decision upon bad decision and falling behind the curve also in every business. Its just crazy how no "department" seems to have been able to escape the downfall. Playstation was their last holdout, but even the PS5 apparently isnt doing good market-wise. Just incredible. I think we will see the collapse and dissolution of sony within a decade, at most two, until the name is relegated to herstory books.

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They are still doing OK in the TV department afaik but they get all their panels from LG :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Only thing Sony has done right in the past like 20 years is not dump billions of dollars into a streaming service. And I guess avoid a completely colossal frick up like their 2004 root kit deal or the 2011 playstation network hack.

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Cough :marseywock: Crackle cough :marseywock:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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The Steam page has always said that linking is required. But the swede devs are so fricking r-slurred that it apparently wasn't functional at launch :marseyemojirofl:

Maybe this could be some kind of class action lawsuit if it could be argued no one would have bought it if a PSN account was required.

I think it goes to show how time deaf snoy is, even with a golden goose pooping bars in front of them.

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Anyone who feels passionately about this must be chemically castrated.

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no, not chemically :marsey#face:

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soy game for soy babies

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Babies don't have soy, r-slur. That's like one of the major things you can't feed them

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It's a good game.

Dota is lame

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Japan lost The Great War just to later beat up on Incels.

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The !truecels won that war


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Love to see Reddit defending the most petty review bombing imaginable.

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Snoycel hands wrote this

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Weren't the devs massive soyjak medialiteracycels?

Want to know so I can figure who to root for

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i think they are

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In that case based Sony Total Helldivers Death YWNBAG


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I didn't realize so many redditors were from Sri Lanka which is preventing them from taking 5 minutes to make an account.

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I have an exuse for refunding after playing my fill of it :#marseyrapscallion:

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Reddit being filled with illiterate seamonkeys is very obvious.

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So why is it a big deal anyway?

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because half the world can't create psn accounts

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they were sperging out in the sony stream for a tekken tournament, i mocked them and they seethed, got a couple :marsey2commies: dms, some guy called me a weeb because i knew the ceo's name (copypasted from google)

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why are these niπŸ…±πŸ…±as too πŸ…±etarded to make a PSN account? that shit's free they know that, right?

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no means no :marseyindignant!:

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ok so the complainers aren't actually people

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People from grey countries should :marseynorm: be too busy working :marseylifting: for rice porridge for their 7 kids to own vidya :marseycirnofumo:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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It's a heckin review bomb! Somebody stop this harassment, remember that your private property which you purchased can always be revoked by the person who sold it to you.

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Is it too late to get into this game? Seems like everyone bought it day one and never put it down.

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Nah the game is still fine for onboarding rn.

Unless you play at max difficulty I've never seen anyone cry about people taking shitty weapons or not adhering to any β€œmeta” so just try stuff out and see what you like.

I don't think it holds super long term replayability but you can definitely get a couple hundred hours if you want to unlock all the content.

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>Apparently some countries can't create PSN accounts like Sri Lanka :marseysmug2: and they can't play the game they bought now because they can't create a PSN account

Lol how many people in the unsupported shitholes can even afford a PC that runs this?

Trans lives matter

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Are there actually any good multiplayer fps games these days? Why do so many developers make a successful game then out of no where make absolutely terrible changes?

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hey guys, I don't really play video games very much. can someone tell me wht a Heck Divers is? Thank you.

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It's like fortnite if Fortnite was a more serious and less gay shooter, and also if it was starship troopers.

Button mashing the Konami code to drop a snuke on a swarm of bugs kind of kino.

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thank you

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I wish people freaked out this much after being forced to use a microsoft :marseyclippy: account for forza, flight sim, sea of thieves, etc. That is MUCH worse.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Helldivers 2 to require linking Steam account to a Playstation account starting on May 6th. It was previously optional due to technical issues at launch:


HELLDIVERS 2 Account Linking Update:



Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly:

Helldivers 2 received over 14,000 negative reviews today due to an update that will require PSN accounts next week.:

Helldivers 2 has now received 84,000 negative reviews in the past day.:




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