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EFFORTPOST Godot Engine Sneed IV - Pride Month Edition

Godot is a shitty FOSS game engine. The core developers run it very much like a cult or MLM scheme, in the sense that the only people allowed to contribute significantly are "trusted" insiders recruited through various community channels. These channels (reddit, groomercord, mastodon, forums, etc) are in turn universally controlled and jannied by the insider cabal, who traditionally use the official "code of conduct" to ostracise wrongthinkers.

The most important factor for a contributor is being a team player aka kowtowing to project leadership, which causes many talented yet stubborn coders to bounce off, an important and some would say decisive factor in why Godot is still a piece of shit after over a decade in development - since the core team isnt particularly talented but also present themselves as infallible, knowledgeable outsiders generally arent welcomed.

Occasionally ordinary community members (generally children who are tricked by Godot evangelism into believing they will be able to make their first game with it) sneed hard enough to temporarily break through the officially imposed censorship due to some particularly egregious event. The most recent sneedfest was caused by a core team member being exiled due to his disagreements with an "obnoxiously queer" new communications manager.

There has always been a tension between the Godot team's burning desire to appear like a corporate bigboy industry player via DEI virtue signalling, and the community at large being confused by wokescoldery given the supposedly democratic/noncorporate structure of a FOSS project. This was so egregious on the groomercord server due to a particularly psychotic mod that it's become kind of lore in the other godot online spaces.

Pride month of course must be celebrated by all good corporate citizens, and Godot (FOSS) is no exception. The message has been transmitted through all official channels - without delay on June 1st the legendarily shitty Godot logo is repainted in rainbow.


Unfortunately some folx aren't feeling represented


And others have questions, which "triggers" (xer words) the community manager to go on a blocking spree in order to cut off discussion - this proves to have unintended consequences, which we will get to in a moment.



LGBT developers are encouraged to publically state the sexual/gender orientation of themselves and or their game contents.



Predictably, chuds can't behave, which makes it necessary for the Godot jannies to bring up the dreaded "code of conduct"


This was originally tweeted by Godot Foundation Twitter, and then retweeted by Godot Engine twitter. They are the same people, I'm fairly sure the same community manager runs both. Kind of weird. A fan replies with this take:

>This is what companies should be doing during pride month, showing the consumers their stance on the topic and how they want to help support people. Instead we have companies who just make their pfp rainbow and call it a day.

This is what companies (Godot is allegedly a community driven nonprofit) should be doing during pride month - fighting with and blocking their end users for wrongthink. No argument on my end :marseydrama:

So, pride month marches on, it's now the 7th. The Godot team posts free Pride "splash screens" (the first screen a user sees when they run the game) to replace the usual "made with Godot" one, and this is a step too far for one chuddy contributor


JustinB isnt some twitter rando, he has put in massive amounts of work trying to fix Godots tragically broken 3d import functionality (it still sucks). In any other FOSS project he would be a core contributor, but he is too much of an independent thinker to be accepted into the inner sanctum.

>people have this assumption that because I am anti woke and anti idiot and I hate people who are always the victim..that I am racist and I hate gay people(or the like)...it's simply not true...I hate the whole gay pride month nonsense because it divides people

No matter that he's extremely valuable to the project and one of the very few Godot devs capable of making a functional 3d game, this crime against LGBT causes him to be blocked demonized as a bigot! It would be a shame if the experience put him off contributing to the project..

He's been slapfighting over this for days, i can't even begin to screenshot it


The Sneed shows no signs of abating, so Godot's cult leader is forced to put his foot down


>This is not about spreading a woke agenda or convincing anyone to change their beliefs. I myself are quite a conservative person and don't agree with the most leftists and rightist out there.

>This is about keep your views to yourself and treat others as equals.

This is about keeping your views on gender and sexuality to yourself :mysides:

Also note the "third worlder harassment" part, Juan is cis but he has a powerful drive to play the victim so he has to throw that in there just to include himself (he's Argentinian or something).

JustinB arrives to splapfight the top dog, he's definitely still mad about being blocked


What about autism awareness? Won't anyone think of the neurodivergents caught in the crossfire during pride.month?


Pigdev also isnt a rando, he's an extremely talented Godot tutorial creator. Godot userbase is 99% kids following tutorials, so the core team knows they can't piss off someone like Pig, so he gets a Foundation bigshot sucking him off in reply


Meanwhile, on reddit, the community is noticing and one angry user posts :marseylongpost: but fortunately Godot reddit is controlled by insiders so the thread is quietly deleted.


But not before some choice sneed. Some Godot redditors lick the boot

>One of the primary roles of a community manager is to keep unsavory individuals away from the rest -that includes blocks and bans across all socials.

>The hidden comments on X seem in the main to be nipping nasty in the bud. Your example is one, with a position and phrasing that is often used to prime a disingenuous digital shouting fest and hate speech.

Being annoyed by being wokescolded is h8 speech


Ok this is good sneed here


Mmm that's the stuff

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Can't chuds just fork the engine if they're oh so talented?

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I would probably be easier to make a new engine entirely :marseysmug2:

Also that would require effort :marseydramautist:

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I would probably be a good idea to make utilize the raw gamedev talent of the neurodivergent rdrama users and release rDrama: the game (upmarsey to release my preliminary code).

On a side note the engine should be forked by powercontributors like JustinB and Pigdev and gather people actually able to contribute without getting their feet shot by clueless people trying to virtue signal without having even the slightest understanding of the issues they are trying to signal. As an enby myself there is nothing more disgusting having a white cisgender conservative male talking about "harassment" I mean KEEP YOUR SELF FRICKING SAFE I HOPE YOU STAY ALIVE JUAN. This once again shows the simplistic "choose a side" faulty reasoning that underpins this kind of logic, tries to divide people using a false sense of unity in :marseysalutepride: (as if transphobic gays aren't a thing, as if all feminazis love :marseytrain2:, etc) and being ignorant of the whole point of the neurodivergent paradigm of being able to change yourself and accepting the different instead of pathologizing it, these people take the worst aspects of neurotypical behavior, conflating valid criticisms with hate speech and censorship. From my point of view I could even say that having a conservative in the group is by itself harassment and thus not being a safe space (and that all games should have jesus getting r*ped by aliens by default in every splash screen in order for me to feel safe how about that?).


PS2 :!marseyshooting: :!marseyshooting: :!marseyshooting: TO ALL PRO-CENSORSHIP :marseytrain:s and non-:marseytrain: :marseyshooting: :marseyshooting: :marseyshooting:

@mithrandir back me up to get a position of power :marseystrong: :marseybeefcake: in my new gamedev junta


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Let's :marseymacarthur: russia to celebrate


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