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EFFORTPOST Godot Engine Sneed IV - Pride Month Edition

Godot is a shitty FOSS game engine. The core developers run it very much like a cult or MLM scheme, in the sense that the only people allowed to contribute significantly are "trusted" insiders recruited through various community channels. These channels (reddit, groomercord, mastodon, forums, etc) are in turn universally controlled and jannied by the insider cabal, who traditionally use the official "code of conduct" to ostracise wrongthinkers.

The most important factor for a contributor is being a team player aka kowtowing to project leadership, which causes many talented yet stubborn coders to bounce off, an important and some would say decisive factor in why Godot is still a piece of shit after over a decade in development - since the core team isnt particularly talented but also present themselves as infallible, knowledgeable outsiders generally arent welcomed.

Occasionally ordinary community members (generally children who are tricked by Godot evangelism into believing they will be able to make their first game with it) sneed hard enough to temporarily break through the officially imposed censorship due to some particularly egregious event. The most recent sneedfest was caused by a core team member being exiled due to his disagreements with an "obnoxiously queer" new communications manager.

There has always been a tension between the Godot team's burning desire to appear like a corporate bigboy industry player via DEI virtue signalling, and the community at large being confused by wokescoldery given the supposedly democratic/noncorporate structure of a FOSS project. This was so egregious on the groomercord server due to a particularly psychotic mod that it's become kind of lore in the other godot online spaces.

Pride month of course must be celebrated by all good corporate citizens, and Godot (FOSS) is no exception. The message has been transmitted through all official channels - without delay on June 1st the legendarily shitty Godot logo is repainted in rainbow.


Unfortunately some folx aren't feeling represented


And others have questions, which "triggers" (xer words) the community manager to go on a blocking spree in order to cut off discussion - this proves to have unintended consequences, which we will get to in a moment.



LGBT developers are encouraged to publically state the sexual/gender orientation of themselves and or their game contents.



Predictably, chuds can't behave, which makes it necessary for the Godot jannies to bring up the dreaded "code of conduct"


This was originally tweeted by Godot Foundation Twitter, and then retweeted by Godot Engine twitter. They are the same people, I'm fairly sure the same community manager runs both. Kind of weird. A fan replies with this take:

>This is what companies should be doing during pride month, showing the consumers their stance on the topic and how they want to help support people. Instead we have companies who just make their pfp rainbow and call it a day.

This is what companies (Godot is allegedly a community driven nonprofit) should be doing during pride month - fighting with and blocking their end users for wrongthink. No argument on my end :marseydrama:

So, pride month marches on, it's now the 7th. The Godot team posts free Pride "splash screens" (the first screen a user sees when they run the game) to replace the usual "made with Godot" one, and this is a step too far for one chuddy contributor


JustinB isnt some twitter rando, he has put in massive amounts of work trying to fix Godots tragically broken 3d import functionality (it still sucks). In any other FOSS project he would be a core contributor, but he is too much of an independent thinker to be accepted into the inner sanctum.

>people have this assumption that because I am anti woke and anti idiot and I hate people who are always the victim..that I am racist and I hate gay people(or the like)...it's simply not true...I hate the whole gay pride month nonsense because it divides people

No matter that he's extremely valuable to the project and one of the very few Godot devs capable of making a functional 3d game, this crime against LGBT causes him to be blocked demonized as a bigot! It would be a shame if the experience put him off contributing to the project..

He's been slapfighting over this for days, i can't even begin to screenshot it


The Sneed shows no signs of abating, so Godot's cult leader is forced to put his foot down


>This is not about spreading a woke agenda or convincing anyone to change their beliefs. I myself are quite a conservative person and don't agree with the most leftists and rightist out there.

>This is about keep your views to yourself and treat others as equals.

This is about keeping your views on gender and sexuality to yourself :mysides:

Also note the "third worlder harassment" part, Juan is cis but he has a powerful drive to play the victim so he has to throw that in there just to include himself (he's Argentinian or something).

JustinB arrives to splapfight the top dog, he's definitely still mad about being blocked


What about autism awareness? Won't anyone think of the neurodivergents caught in the crossfire during pride.month?


Pigdev also isnt a rando, he's an extremely talented Godot tutorial creator. Godot userbase is 99% kids following tutorials, so the core team knows they can't piss off someone like Pig, so he gets a Foundation bigshot sucking him off in reply


Meanwhile, on reddit, the community is noticing and one angry user posts :marseylongpost: but fortunately Godot reddit is controlled by insiders so the thread is quietly deleted.


But not before some choice sneed. Some Godot redditors lick the boot

>One of the primary roles of a community manager is to keep unsavory individuals away from the rest -that includes blocks and bans across all socials.

>The hidden comments on X seem in the main to be nipping nasty in the bud. Your example is one, with a position and phrasing that is often used to prime a disingenuous digital shouting fest and hate speech.

Being annoyed by being wokescolded is h8 speech


Ok this is good sneed here


Mmm that's the stuff

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I like how whenever the free game engines are discussed someone jumps in to say that Godot is a great alternative to the big two that just gets better and better with time and it's the future totally, but when I hear of Godot outside of those discussions it's always how shit and dysfunctional it is.

Seeing how I'm not aware of any game made in that engine, I'm willing to belive the latter.


Out of curiosity I googled Godot games and got things I never heard of even once in my life. Truly the future of gamdev.


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Cruelty Squad is literally the only Godot game of note.

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Oh, I actually heard the name of that one.

Never seen it, never played, but heard of it. So that's some degree of success for Godotcels.

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The average indieslop studio just uses Unity by default because every vidya code monkey already knows it and hardcore indie neurodivergent devs will build their own engines anyway. There's sort of no market for Godot, especially when it just doesn't do anything better.

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That game is so simple it could be made in any game engine and it wouldn't make a difference.

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The last year or two had a few modest hits made in Godot (Dome Keeper, Backpack Battles, Brotato, Halls of Torment). The engine is at least good enough for 2d indie trash

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>doen't play Blastronaut or Tailquest Defense


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I like how whenever the free game engines are discussed someone jumps in to say that Godot is a great alternative to the big two that just gets better and better with time and it's the future totally, but when I hear of Godot outside of those discussions it's always how shit and dysfunctional it is.

You can do nothing in godot, Every single type of game you might want to make has a engine breaking bug somewhere that's been around for 2 years or more

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It's the ultimate noob trap. A bunch of spergy dopamine addicts see it and run in thinking they can get their dream project going (Unreal and Unity can frick off they won't be getting the millions in profits). They mess around with the editor a bit, copy a bit of code from a Youtube tutorial, and then never come close to finishing a game again because they spend too much time in game dev spaces shilling Godot and getting into arguments over stuff they barely know anything about.

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sounds pretty good for dramacoin ngl

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Bigger games are being developed in Godot as of recently since Unity fumbled the bag.

See Slay the Spire 2.

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If you look up notable games on wikipedia I know like 80% of them.

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Pretty sure that's more on you being knowledgable than those games being known.


Not counting ports and remasters (or whatever the sonic thing is), I have heard of Cruelty Squad, Slay the spire (but here it's just the unreleased sequel) and I know Buckshot Roulette. I haven't heard the other names at all, even in passing.

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It is yes but i do actually like most of them. Buckshot roulette is one of my favorite games. Deponia is that famous colorful point and click series. Youve probably seen that one on steam front page. Cassette beasts is very notable it's basically the best monster tamer pokemon-like in ages.

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The 'lack of hit titles' argument is pure cope from people who bought into unity and fear their tool will fall out of favor.

Same type of people who hate blender and actually pay for maya because 'no studios use blender '.

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Unity will not fall out of favor lol, when the changes to pricing model came out the vast majority of devs just grumbled and kept trudging along with Unity because it's a way more functional engine that's been used to create massive projects.

Even if you're not a professional dev you're better off using Unity because it's free, has way more resources online, and has been more thoroughly tested by skilled devs than Godot has.

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I'm sorry that you will have to learn a new peice of software in 5 years to make your clicker mobile games. :marseyshrug:

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Deponia had some impact for being a point-and-click with decent writing and Golden Idol etc. are actually clever detective games. Also Commander Keen was a BIG name in DOS times.

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>in DOS times

that's nice, grandpa

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not wrong, kid

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It's not bad, has the typical open source problems imo. Slay the spire 2 is being built in godot so that'll be a bigger name

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I think that problems with godot are kind of overblown since there are actually quite a few decent examples of it out there, but it's probably somewhere behind unity and unreal just because those engines have far more money coming in than godot ever will.

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Godot has basically no games made with it in its entire 10+ years of existence. You got Cruelty Squad, Brotato, Dome Keeper, and a Sonic Colors port. And then some throwaway indie titles that don't have much in terms of content.

Slay the Spire 2 is being made with it but it was never actually built with Unity anyways, they planned on using Unity but left after Unity decided to Jew out.

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The only reason spire 2 (an indie 2d trading card game) has any chance of releasing is that the godot team will give it platinum level tech support meaning the inevitable showstopping engine-side bugs may actually be fixed, because it is so high profile that it becomes critical to advertise the engine as viable. As you can see in this very comment thread. It's too big to fail, so it will be all hands on deck at the Godot foundation to make sure roadblocks are removed.

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OK So I look at the overview documentation

In Godot, a game is a tree of nodes that you group together into scenes. You can then wire these nodes so they can communicate using signals.

I feel like something went wrong? People don't learn to code anymore?

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The node shit is legit how irl big boy game studios "code" their games even in Unreal, it's all this incredibly cringe UI with drag and drop. There's code underneath generally (sometimes) but most "game developers" are monkeys and can barely be trusted to drag and drop the "get money" node next to the "kill enemy" node

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Which one did you feel most like after making this comment

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I tried to make a basic game programatically in Godot, it was a shit experience. Why would I use some nested config menu or add a node with the UI if I can just add it with code files? Stupid.

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The n-wordlicious Godot devs are literally recreating problems that were solved decades ago with the WYSIWYG editor and node system.

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Just picturing what it would be like to make webshit if everything was drag-n-drop with special little menus for properties and variables, instead of just text files with functions in them. :marseyyikes:

Ironically, a web component-like engine would be a perfect fit for game development.

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Holy shit you r-slur. Node tree structure has nothing to do with node based scripting UI. Holy frick.

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programmer socks detected

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"Node" is what godot calls its gameobjects or actors or whatver.

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Yes that's the data structure, but that has nothing to do with visual scripting.

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Visual Scripting is cancer and it looks horrible. It's also a pain in the butt to debug.

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Just to clarify because the other comments don't really give the full picture:

Nodes are just Godot's entity system.

You have nodes like Sprite2d, KinematicBody2d, Camera2d, TileLayer and you script them via the scripting language.

It's like ECS but I like it better.

Signals are typical event based programming - eg. A node might have bussy_punched, bait_posted(bait), ping_group_created(group) and other nodes might want to noootice these events.

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The node-tree-structure is just their way of representing and organizing your classes, you can still wear your programming socks.

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Sure but I can imagine making a game using libraries like SDL, or what "game engine" meant back in the day like "here is the Quake III engine you can code your own first person game on top of it"

but now every time I read about "game engine" it's like


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>Sure but I can imagine making a game using libraries like SDL, or what "game engine" meant back in the day like "here is the Quake III engine you can code your own first person game on top of it"

Yeah sure, but what's the problem with having a convenient framework so you don't have to go and re-invent a grid of square tiles from scratch for the millionths time?

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You'll have to wear programming socks when you wear programmer socks enough to accidentally crash the engine and need to figure out why

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Most indie games now are made by artists. You occasionally get spergs who use c++ to make their own engine but for most common game genres its just artists making attractive models and graphics and then dragging and dropping mechanics. On a larger scale if you use UE5 you can import tons of triple A quality models so in screenshots and scripted set pieces but then falls apart when you actually have to animate game play.

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Visual novels disguised as games.. :marseyaware:

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:marseyairquotes: WALKING SIMULATORS :marseyairquotes:

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No thanks


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Roping simulators for hindu ppl


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No not vns like platformers rpgs first person games ect. Drag and drop programing skills are so strong that having good art is more of a roadblock then programming

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but lets say you have millions of dollars of DoD funding and what to make some neat looking missiles - at that point unreal engine is very, very, very cool

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You can make the nodes via programming if you want and then connect them. It's like baby programming. All lot of it is open source. There's currently a lot of 2.5D rpgs on godot. I bet since it's trending as a genre people are borrowing code from one another to make a bunch of them.

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Nobody codes anymore period. All β€œcoding” jobs are just make-work for spergs so they feel they have something to live for and don't shoot up schools.

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Nodes are just classes represented in the editor. Similar to unity scripts.

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At some point the developers of godot are going to have to grow the frick up and accept that politics has to be a banned topic if you want your project to go further than :!marseytrain:s using it to remake Undertale.

Take a look at blender's social media for example.

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Human rights aren't political chud!


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The idea that you don't want :marseytrain2:s coding on your project has to be the most smoothbrained rightoid take I've heard all year.

I'd rather have one trooon coder than ten thousand rightoids on their nth attempt to understand a C++ pointers tutorial on YouTube.

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:marseytrain2:s destroy your project over petty social squabbles you absolute bafoon, fool, r-slur, nonce, nitwit. :marseyretard3:They create more infighting over things unrelated to code than the code they contribute. Ask @Aevann

Its not about kicking :marseytrain2:s out, its about preventing them from talking to anyone about anything but code.

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i only have a sample size of n=1 but real

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sample size of n=1

Good enough for me. :marseychud:

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Found 70 Coins!

Blessed. :marseysaint:


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Won 170 coins



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Lost 270 coins


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More comments

rip jc

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You are completely correct, and somehow despite this, they still outcode rightoids by an order of magnitude.

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The vast majority of :marseytrain2:s are shit at coding, and will bring nothing to a project apart from endless narcissistic drama and a total lack of accountability. There some really talented :marseytrain2:s in CS out there and even those must be kept away from the masses of terminally online brainlet :marseytrain2:s. Fundamentally this is less of a :marseytrain2: thing and more of an autism thing, but regardless it's a bad idea to let them do anything apart from hyperfixate on code.

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oh really? so you know all the :marseytrain2: personally, I take it?

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Yes I do. They're literally all the same brand of mostly r-slurred sperglord moids I used to/still hang out with. Many of them are former rightoid chuds too lmao.

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Woke Politics is not the issue holding back Godot from being used for anything but undertale clonrs, its that the software sucks

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Skill issue.

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True, skill of the godot developers to be specific

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Their most vocal users are indie dev :!marseytrain:s and soys. :marseysad:

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You think Im not still going to use their commie software to make chud games? Eventually money will take their leadership over.

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>using godot to make games

:marseybutt: Y

I only use it for making android apps because I can be bothered to frick with the ADK for a glorified light switch app

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I mean the Godot people are going to be pressured to placating them so its difficult to be apolitical.

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if you want your project to go further than :!marseytrain:s using it to remake Undertale.

Its free software. It exists purely so neurodivergent people can take a moral stance when deciding what goes on their computer. If they grew up then they'd move over to for profit or at least industry subsidized software.

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Blender is a better tool than maya or 3dsmax and you can't convince me otherwise.

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Blender is the exception when it comes to FOSS projects aimed at creatives, and it only took off because the devs paid professionals to use Blender in order to find out what they needed to work on to make it more user friendly. Godot has never been stress tested like Blender has, very few people have created a professional grade project from start to finish with it.

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Blender was complete shit until around version 2.5 and that was 17 years of development to be competitive. Godot is on the same trajectory.

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Yeah, and it only improved because the devs listened to the professionals that used their engine by crowdfunding a project to stress test it as well as listening more closely to the demands of the users, specifically when it came to the UI.

Godot is not on that same trajectory. All Godot has in common with Blender is that they are both FOSS. The dev teams are very different in terms of outlook with Blender having a pragmatic group of people involved while Godot fricks off to add features instead of making their existing project stable or recreating shit that already exists because they want everything to be in-house.

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t. average unity user :marseycope:

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Objectively correct take

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It is better than those but not as good as zbrush and Houdini. I'm not saying this to be a goalpost shifting butthole either. The truth is Maya and Max have stagnated for a variety of reasons while zbrush and Houdini is where alot of the innovative work is going. Catching up to Max/Maya was the easy part catching up to the newer packages is much more difficult.

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What the frick, I haven't touched anything other than blender for eons but aren't zbrush and Houdini used for entirely different purposes than Max/Maya/blender?

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Kind of, they provide more focused 3D workflows for super detailed work. Zbrush is for extremely high detail modeling for characters and props but Houdini is rapidly becoming a standard for environment artists for its procedural workflows. Blender is doing well with it's sculpt cowtools and geo nodes to try and compete but it can't hold a candle to the big guns as far as innovation. Maya still reigns for animation though mostly due to momentum.

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Godot is industry subsidized lol

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Can't chuds just fork the engine if they're oh so talented?

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I would probably be easier to make a new engine entirely :marseysmug2:

Also that would require effort :marseydramautist:

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I would probably be a good idea to make utilize the raw gamedev talent of the neurodivergent rdrama users and release rDrama: the game (upmarsey to release my preliminary code).

On a side note the engine should be forked by powercontributors like JustinB and Pigdev and gather people actually able to contribute without getting their feet shot by clueless people trying to virtue signal without having even the slightest understanding of the issues they are trying to signal. As an enby myself there is nothing more disgusting having a white cisgender conservative male talking about "harassment" I mean KEEP YOUR SELF FRICKING SAFE I HOPE YOU STAY ALIVE JUAN. This once again shows the simplistic "choose a side" faulty reasoning that underpins this kind of logic, tries to divide people using a false sense of unity in :marseysalutepride: (as if transphobic gays aren't a thing, as if all feminazis love :marseytrain2:, etc) and being ignorant of the whole point of the neurodivergent paradigm of being able to change yourself and accepting the different instead of pathologizing it, these people take the worst aspects of neurotypical behavior, conflating valid criticisms with hate speech and censorship. From my point of view I could even say that having a conservative in the group is by itself harassment and thus not being a safe space (and that all games should have jesus getting r*ped by aliens by default in every splash screen in order for me to feel safe how about that?).


PS2 :!marseyshooting: :!marseyshooting: :!marseyshooting: TO ALL PRO-CENSORSHIP :marseytrain:s and non-:marseytrain: :marseyshooting: :marseyshooting: :marseyshooting:

@mithrandir back me up to get a position of power :marseystrong: :marseybeefcake: in my new gamedev junta


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Let's :marseymacarthur: russia to celebrate


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You can't make video games without drinking c*m it's a rule

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does my own count? asking for a friend.

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Bevy has made more progress in 3 years than Godot had made in 8.

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Even more :marseytrain: infested

Also Bevy has no editor :marseysmug2:

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The Rust community is cancer, but a lot of good projects have come out of it, so :marseyshrug:

No editor

Oh yeah, Bevy is not production ready (neither is Godot tbqh) but it still does things way better than Godot.

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neither is Godot tbqh

Anything in particular that's missing? It seems like it has everything important, at least for whatever shitty indie game a single person can make. I've been really enjoying using Godot with C# since it compiles ten times faster than Unity :marseyembrace:

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Good documentation and performance improvements (finished product) are two I can think of.

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The important part is

>Seems like

Because if the more you use it the more fundamentaly broken features you discover

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It seems like

That's the catch, it only seems that way because it's lightweight, has an r-slur friendly editor, and a node system which non-programmers can wrap their heads around. But Godot is actually a great example of bad management in software with its devs unnecessarily recreating cowtools that already exist and adding features before their software is actually stable. The devs are obsessed with their engine being everything for everybody, and this has resulted in an engine that doesn't do anything particularly well. And keep in mind that this is a project that is open source and lacks the funding of Unity and Unreal.

As I actually learned programming over the years I've come to realize that for absolute beginners Godot is terrible, not because of lack of documentation or tutorials but because it encourages bad practices by default. GDScript inherits a lot of the sins of Python without the useful features and libraries that Python is so commonly used for. The node system recreates the primary problems of OOP and inheritance. Even the WYSIWYG editor just cripples newbies who will inevitably run into the problems that devs ran into WYSIWYG editors in the prior decades. It's as if the devs set out to create an engine that would create abominations the moment you made something more complicated than a prototype or game jam project.

Godot is usable though, but only for experienced devs who have cut their teeth on other engines before (and knowledge of C++ is a big plus). If you're a scrub use Unity, Gamemaker, RPG Maker, or even just learn the basics of making your own engine from scratch if your goal is to learn something useful, because there are tons of more resources, documentation, example projects, tutorials, and guidance online for more popular languages and engines.

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Bevy looks way too neurodivergent

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What has bevy actually done? People keep saying this and then never following on.

Looks like your typical ecs toy with Rust's fun code churn as a bonus.

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It's got really fast compile time, it has pretty good web support, and has sane defaults. This page explains why it was made in the first place: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/8107

The speed the features are being implemented is really impressive, even better is that they are implemented correctly. Godot often implements things but in ways that suck.

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Those points in full


Good but that's standard now

>Fast compile times

But then talks about how Rust is really slow and they'll have to do non-standard stuff to make it reasonable :marseytrollolol:

>No scripting language

Err. Ok. :marseyconfused:

...and you can just do this in Godot with C++? That's how you did it back in the DS and PSP days. :marseyschopenhauer:

>Simple but not overabstracted

Too vague to comment on. An easy thing to say.


What editor? :marseytroll:

>Not necessarily ECS but probably ECS

Join the club :marseysipping:

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I don't think people acknowledge Godot''s C++ feature and Bevy is fundamentally hostile to game devs. Its just a toy for neurodivergent Rust devs.

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Bevy and Rust fundamentally don't work for game dev. https://oneirical.github.io/bevyrage/

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Working with it feels like constantly reaching for a tool in your toolbox which you expect to be there, but instead, your hand simply passes through the case and enters a wormhole reaching into a Draft pull request on their GitHub.

As a former JavaScript plebeian who has only been semi-recently illuminated by the suspiciously pastel pink, white and blue radiance of Rust developers, NOT having to sit in my web console debugger for hours pushing some lovingly crafted [object Object] or undefined is a blessing.

:marseyxd: I will never care about whatever this topic is, but he's a great writer

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At least ECS is fundamentally less r-slurred than Godot's Node system, so it's a decent start.

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Dafuq you mean "how"? ECS is just an easy way to deal with a ton of data and is used by major and indie game dev studios the world over. It leads to less headaches down the line and is more performant when compared to something like Godot's node hierarchy.

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Godot has definitely been around for more than. 8 years, it's probably closer to 15

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Should've clarified, I was referring to Godot's first 8 years, where they basically did sweet fa.

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Bevy's progress isn't very good, they have 1,000,000 rendering features and nothing else. It's an interesting engine but it really doesn't seem usable for making a game, instead it's FP-like wankery.

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