Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent admits he was "inappropriately" DMing a minor





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Lmao that's such bullshit "I was texting with a minor but DIDN'T want to frick her" looool

Anyone over the age of 30 finds anyone under the age of 23 absolutely insufferable to talk to on the internet, I can't tell you how many times 18 year olds sperg out online and I just want to blow my brains out

No adult man would ever ever ever ever ever


text a 17 year old girl unless he was trying to frick her

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foids are absolutely insufferable to talk to

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He notably never states a gender.

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He's simply making a RฮตTVRN ฮถ GRฮตฮตK

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All foids are children. All straggot s*x is r*pe

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:#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal: idc

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Yeah but its perfectly legal to talk to the older ones with the sole purpose of fricking them.

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Which he obviously was. He's one of the most manipulative people online. There are groups of people that just fall for these tactics hard.

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Anyone over the age of 30 finds anyone under the age of 23

lol make that like... 28 in my case.

I literally can't stand most 20 year olds. They're more vapid and stupid than my generation.

I cant even fathom the idea of holding a conversation with a 16 year old beyond "how was school" like kids today have 0 experience or adventure of the outside world, what the frick am I going to ask them? How was Roblox today? They're losers and most of them spent most of their lives in their room. Every generation is getting less interesting than the previous.

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Never thought about that, when I was that age I read books and could talk about guns or hunting or cars or whatever.

People really are turning into consoomers

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NLOG :marseysurejan:

!zoomers thoughts?

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I mean, I'm not like other girls in that I have a prostate

(This joke doesn't work well in 2024)

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>but I was consooming guns, which makes me le based!

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I think the worse we consoomed as kids was pokemon but our circle of friends eventually outgrew that and we had other hobbies we developed. And today most millennials have not outgrown pokemen.

Yeah its sad. Soon there is literally not going to be a thought or opinion that isn't just 1:1 regurgitation of some media piece they adopted as a personality.

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:marseyboomer: incarnate

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I embrace it baybeh :#marseycool2:

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It's so hard for me to differentiate high school or college student now that it scares me. Like am I allowed to even talk to this chick at the park who's playing with my dog? I'm also paranoid about if a chick is actually a chick though so I have stuff to unpack.

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Just don't talk to women, period

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Yeah @GayOnABuffalo want kids. Also, @GayOnABuffalo like s*x with women. So...

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I originally read your post as you like kids and want s*x :marseysweating:

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Unnecessary but I'll go ahead and be a little more specific. :marseyveryworried:

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Reported by:

!gaystapo, he openly admits to his straggotry. Take him to the mines! :marseyhomohitler:

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:#marseyklennysleep: August threatened us all for months and nothing happened

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Anyone over the age of 30 finds anyone under the age of 23 absolutely insufferable to talk to on the internet

I mean the majority of people of any age are infuriating to talk to, but I think your assessment is correct.

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white extinction is long overdue

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half of rdrama is probably underage lmaoooo

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My point exactly

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At this point the average age has to be like 39

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if you find young people so insufferable, why do you care if someone's trying to frick them?

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You can just ask them how many 18 year old male internet friends they have.

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In fairness, he's a Call of Duty streamer. He's probably DMing with 16-19 year old guys far, far more often than anyone of the female persuasion.

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i have a couple shotas in my circle

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you talk to me and im still in the womb.

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T. Guy who just turned 19 and thinks he's fetch.

@Picos_ice_cream bet he believes that Jewish lives matter.

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It blows my mind that these tards can't just frick some 18-20 year old kitty lol. Going to ruin your whole live over this coomer brained shit

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Still under Foid age of consent.

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Fight for 32

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The oblivious part nothing happen. The chat occurred 2017 and ban was 2020.

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also remind me, who leaked the DM story? i think it was a transgender employee at twitch. 1. because transgenders often care about society, fixing things, and minors. 2. because twitch employees all must be trains

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I'm no fricking predator or p-dophile. Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fricking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Frick that. That's a different level of disgust that I fricking hate even hearing about. Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations. Get the frick outta here with that shit.

Wow it's almost like people who aggressively try to signal how much they hate p-dophiles are often p-dophiles themselves. I wish anti-p-do rhetoric focused more on constructive actions, like legal protections to encourage the return of TCAP-style collaborations with law enforcement :hansen: or make it easier for courts to prosecute people caught in vigilante sting ops. It kind of feels like nobody actually cares about reducing child abuse and is just trying to get high on their own sense of righteousness and point the finger at someone else

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This sounds like something a p-dophile would say :marseyhmm:

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Heh, nice try, but replying to my wisdom-filled post with an accusation of pedophilia is exactly what I'd expect of a p-dophile :marseynoyouzoom:

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if she was 16-17 i don't care. 15 is not good but i still don't care, anything below that is getting into p-do territory and i still don't care.

never watched that r-slur and never will.

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!metashit Who dis :marseyglancing:

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if @hop was from /r/drama i don't care. Ruqqus is not good but i still don't care, anything other than that is getting into kiwifarms/dtama/deux territory and i still don't care.

never read that r-slur's comments and never will.

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new carp alt

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Doesn't matter who it is


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Capy ban this p-do neighbor :capygun:

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Requirements for sexual intercourse:

  • Must be married

  • Must only participate in sexual intercourse with married partner of opposite s*x for procreation purposes.

  • The woman should be of the same age (within 11 months) of the man.

  • Couple must be God fearing and Christian.

  • Woman must dress modestly, not showing any skin between feet to shoulders.

  • Rules are similar for men with exception to physical labour which allows for shirt to be removed.

  • Height of woman must be between 1-3 inches shorter than her husbands with exception to men 6'2 and above which allows for an extended range of 1-7 inches shorter.

  • Men shorter than 5'5 and taller than 6'9 are strictly forbidden from marriage and thus sexual intercourse.

  • Likewise women shorter than 5'1 or taller than 6'4 are forbidden from marriage and s*x as well.

  • Man must have a full time job and own a house to marry.

  • Both man and woman must be virgins, with any sexual activity beyond a kiss without tongue disqualifying them from marriage.

  • Both man and woman must be physically fit and be under the age of 25 to marry.

  • Man must be active in his community and donate and volunteer to the poor and in need.

  • Woman must be adept at keeping a home.

  • The permission of the father of the woman must be granted for the marriage.

  • Man must denounce Israel and uphold the soverignty of Palestine before marriage.

  • Marriage vows are forever, except in cases of adultery, in which case divorce may be acceptable.

  • Permission must be granted from God, through prayer.

There is more, might think of it later.

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Didn't read

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its okay i mailed it to you also in audo and video form

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I hope you had chatgpt pen that one fam

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i penned it myself thank you very much

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Wow Im an r-slur but people who aggressively try to signal how much they hate p-dophiles are often p-dophiles themselves

Its over for half of rdrama.net

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If you lack the self control to wait even a 1 single millisecond then :marseywoodchipper2: society is not for you

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Actually he didn't say minutes so it's nearly an hour. Far too long for any human to wait. And it might be a leap year!

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what about 1 millisecond and then another 59 minutes?

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time zones :marseyworried:

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What film is that Pic from?

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TV show: Law and Order SVU

Was decent at first with only the occasional episode getting overly sanctimonious. After a couple years though? Just lookup the g*mergate episode to get an idea where the show ended up.

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g*mergate episode


lmao never intentionally watched this show so maybe I'll check it out.

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G*mergate episode is bizarre. Logan Paul is even in it

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No clue

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She was 17?


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I will never understand how apparently no one understands the difference between the age of majority and the age of consent.

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yeah people acting like the age of consent in most states isn't 16/17.

and calling someone a p-do for fricking a 17 year old is r-slurred. imo p-do is anybody who fricks prepubescent kid, if you frick a 13-17 year old you are a male feminist.

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so wait

he cheated on his wife

he is a nonce

and his wife is still okay with all of that?

man, pick me do exist irl

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He's 6'8" !foidmoment

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Yo wtf you werent lying

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37 inch vertical leap

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I never lie

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guy yells at video games for a living, i think his wife is probably just in it for the money, because he was r-slurred even before the p-do shit

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A+ title :#marseychefkiss:

Imagine getting a career where you make money basically being an online personality playing video games all day. It's the dream job most guys would love to have. Catch is you can't engage in private messages with fans, especially minors.

And somehow we see it time and time again they just fricking can't do it. Its not like most of these guys are incel basement losers who can't resist the siren call of a crumb of kitty, they literally have wives n kids.

Like is your homelife that bad some 17 year old foid/bussy can ensnare you in a private convo that might be sexual in nature?

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Strag men can have a wonderful family and happy home life and still risk losing it all for some side kitty. Heterosexuality is a mental disorder.

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strags will ruin a good home life, but homos can't achieve it to begin with. perfectly balanced.

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Assuming his homelife must be bad is the most woman thing too do. You probably think Jewish lives matter too kekz

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Jesus said that celibacy is best but for those who can't do that marriagr is acceptable. More people need to MGTOW and WGTOW for Jesus. Marriage shouldn't be the default for Christians, unless you are like super horny and can't live without s*x.

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Lol the last thread had that fricking r-slur defending him and people upmarseyd him.

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B-b-but it just doesn't make sense, marketing, why would twitch x y z, he won a settlement, etc.

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Yeah the "it doesn't make sense" people kill me.

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It still doesn't make complete sense. I imagine the chat logs probably don't make him look good but at the same time aren't as bad as people who want his downfall are hoping they are. Otherwise it begs the question why Twitch paid out his contract.

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I mean it's obvious he's a p-dophile. Look at that fricking mustache

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It's more of an extremely gay cop mustache than a pedostache

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