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I would've upmarseyd those who got a blue arrow from you.

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too bad cuck :marseykys2:

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Now I'm sad that you want me to kms. :marseycrying:

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Nono I want you to keep yourself safe :marseycheerup:

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oh I was worried, thanks :marseyembrace:

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hiiii quad

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hiiiii, how's med school?

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>no text outline

whoever made this marsey, keep yourself safe

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He said Kendine yi sarıl which means "Hug yourself tight" in Turkish, surprised you missed this

!karaboga, get in here for our confused brother

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hungaryans are tvrks :marseyquadmagyar:

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It means keep yourself safe, which you should :marseynorm: do


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I hope you can both (@QuadNarca) at least appreciate the irony of :marseychud: gravitating to a Chinese game because it offends the people who complain about rules like "no politics"


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My entire political and philosophical views are whatever Reddit hates, nothing more,

Irony is for p*ssies

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Voting based on your opinions is cringe. You either vote to push a purity spiral, or to cyberbully.

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Cool it with the sinophobic remarks :patrickbatemanpointing:

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Redditors can't decide if something is politics because they hold two contradictory views:

  • "Everything is politics"

  • "This thing isn't politics. It's basic human rights."

The latter has become infuriatingly common, as I see obviously political activism defended as "no politics I see here :-)" and other BS.

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1984 comparisons might be cliche, but one thing worth remarking on is that Orwell was actually too generous. When the Party line changed there was at least an announcement and a conscious realignment (bad wording, the point I was trying to make is when the rules changed, the contradiction was at least acknowledged as something to be dealt with, people would make conscious decisions like "oh that poster is wrong we need to change it"). Now the acceptable line can change overnight and nobody even realises.

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Unless you're at the high-priced East Coast college where they make these decisions. It's like when rDrama does some gayop and you're only in on it if you're in the right groomercord server, except gayer.

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That All Gas No Breaks male feminist has two really good videos: Flat Earth Con, and Minerals Con. It's interesting to see these people in real-time espouse new beliefs as the beliefs come in their ears: I believe the earth is flat; You tell me the Jews need the round-Earth conspiracy to maintain their power; Okay, I will unhesitantly accept that corollary, thanks.

It's like they're all consciously participating a bigbrain braintrust's brainstorm to create the goofiest fanfiction of a belief system. It's all completely extemporized, and nobody can say no because acceptance of this new reality is improv's first rule. Crystals give me power -> crystals cost money -> the Jews systematically deprive Us of our crystals, and that's the hidden premise of Capitalism.

Horseshoe Theory says Lefties are identical to Righties, only Lefties went to college and Righties didn't. So while all the quotidian stream-of-consciousness observations of your average chud end with Der Jude (my aerators and pipes are beginning to calcify -> I have hard water -> the Jews have contaminated my family's water supply because I'm close to understanding their lizardly motivations behind Pizzagate), your average Leftist listens to every subtle reverberation of his own echo chamber (instead of R-slur Con, it's a $36k per annum liberal arts program), and accepts unquestionably whatever he hears (79-BMI Rowdies engage in yet another Disneyland seven-family melee -> Fox News built this using MurdochAI -> but even if this is real, it's only because YT ppl engineered it through unfair capitalistic policies -> voters like my Dad -> my Dad is to blame for all social ills).

If you've made it this far into my video, please remember to like and subscribe.

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Flat Earth Con

One of the best videos ever posted on youtube. :marseythumbsup:

my Dad is to blame for all social ills

A depressingly large part of politics boils down to people wanting to believe this.

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Yeah, I'd say conspiracy theories come out of the unfathomable chaos that righties feel that they need to organize (Sandy Hook was commissioned by Soros; war and disease and everything God ignores is caused by The Modern Pharisees); and Lefty beliefs come from a feeling of victimization and filial spite (see Harold Bloom's School of Resentment).

No wonder hardcore lefties grow up and become hardcore righties: Dad dies, you become Landed Gentry, and suddenly you're the one paying taxes, and those people you once believed were trustworthy are spending all your dad's your money on porkbarrels. Eighty Facebook links later, and suddenly you belong in a British thought-prison, and now your own child hates you.

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The Flat Earthers are also motivated by being tards who know that they're tards. They want to tear down science because that will prove that smart people aren't better than them.

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I think you might be misremembering the book, there might have been an internal announcement, but they would literally shift mid speech and never acknowledge that they had previously been railing against Eurasia and were now their greatest ally and the only "proof" that Winston had that this was not the case was his own memory.

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There was a chapter where a war update confirmed the switch of sides, and everyone went mad tearing down posters and such, which must have been the work of spies or saboteurs. Winston had a job correcting old stories that no longer fit the new narrative. In a sense the whole book was about elaborate mechanisms for controlling the past - meanwhile in reality, today's headline can flagrantly contradict yesterday's and nobody cares.

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That never :marseyitsover: happened, and Jfc you people will make up literally anything


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No! I'm going to make a stand, we have never and will never be at war with Eastasia!!!

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Aktchually there wasn't. In the book the speaker switches which country they're fighting with mid-sentence without skipping a beat and the only reason the audience acknowledges it is because all the banners have the wrong country.

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He read leftards like a book

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>but it also is a huge turnoff for liberal-minded people who don't like being told what they're allowed to say and do

wow, good thing no other groups have ever had to deal with being constantly told what to do and say or you know, harassed and canceled for wrong think. That would really suck wouldn't it?

I would happily go into debt to have gas chambers built for redditors.

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The most hilarious part of this is they can't whine about "free speech" the way leftoids used to because they've decided that's a Nazi dogwhistle.


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why are you a proud libertarian? can you keep yourself safe instead

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This is who calls you a far right incel online

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He looks more chudly imo :marseyredneck:

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36 comments in 53 minutes.


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>"no politics" is itself a political statement. :soyreddit:

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Why do Asians have a Brazilian god?

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!macacos explain

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Because Asians love BBC (Big Brazilian Peepee) :!asiangirl::heartbeat::chadbrasileiro::heartbeat::shorthairasiangirl: !macacos !coomers

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It's a well known fact that Asians love Brazil and Brazilians

The japanese on this poster reads "This is the land of Glory, Hope and Gods made flesh. Worship them"

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It says さあ行かう一家をあげて南米へ :marseyfluffy:

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@IlIIlIlIlIlIl thinking of u

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If no politics is politics then atheism is a religion

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i feel like If Im ever in charge :marseyrentfree: of marketing for a video :marseyprincesszelda2: game, I will purposely antagonize video :marseyzeldalinktoonred: game journ*list :marseybluecheck: (they still havent figured out that literally everyone :marseynorm: hates them and will do things they normally wouldnt do like just to piss them off), see my game sell 100 million :marseysamhyde: copies, and then ride off totally into the sunset as a marketing legend, and If anyone here is developing an Indy game, holla at me


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:smugjak: "just playing the game is equally political to playing the game with a bunch of pride flags and KAMALA 2024 shoutouts because anyone who could've done the latter but chooses the former is dogwhistling that they're a chud"

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>It does make practical sense, but it also is a huge turnoff for liberal-minded people who don't like being told what they're allowed to say and do by the CCP.

Subzero self awareness.

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I was already buying it, you don't have to convince me

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Private company. Their streaming rights, their choice!

trans lives matter

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" no politics is in fact a political statement!" :marseynerd2:

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What is political about Journey to the west? Its just Monkey beats up bad guy. Fricking r-slurs.

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I'm like 99% sure this is complete bullshit

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