Some primo vidya drama from Ultima Outlands forums.
For those who don't know, Ultima Online is an old, old, old MMO and Outlands is a specific "shard" of the game, meant to emulate the original game's feel in the rulesets, way of play, custom map and unique additions.
The official is more casualized and ruined over the years from being streamlined, at least to ultimastrags.
Background info : You can skip if just wanting drama
Now one big thing in UO is PK'ing, especially in outlands.
You are able to freely kill people a couple times, iirc you can commit five crimes (killing, stealing loot, general peepeeery) before you become a redname, ie an outlaw.
They're basically branded as criminals meaning anybody can kill them with no consequence and they can't go to most towns. The thing is they can go to other places that don't attack them and since the economy is player driven
they can trade with eachother.
Infact they often work in large groups, going around and clearing out entire dungeons of all players in large mobs. Rednames face literally no consequence from killing other players in these hordes but get loot. Sure, you can kill them but if they're in a group of 10 players at the starting dungeon areas really it's a bad option.
Most players can't actually fight back though, since most skilltrees focus on things other than combat. You can only master like three skills and it can takes dozens of hours for each skill, often requiring the need to buy supplies from other players for anything crafting related.
The Drama
Because Player Killers can just freely do whatever in horde groups with no consequence, some people complain, since they want to actually play the game, leading to this shitfight---
Zebulon McCoy makes a big old post, 700 words, saying TL:DR REEEEEE PK"RS!!!!!
It doesn't matter how good your stealthing is, it doesn't matter how good your tracking is, it doesn't matter if you are in a guild. It doesn't matter because there are no penalties that truly deter lawlessness. It happens over and over and over and over.
And the equally sad part is that there will be people that come in and read this and still defend the lawlessness. They will still make excuses that you knew what you were getting into with this shard or this yard has always been PVP or you need to do this and do that. They will make it out to be somehow the pvm players fault.
You can't even talk with these people and reason with them. And they think it's funny. so yes, I'm frustrated right now and I have waited quite a while to make this post. Something has to give, and it shouldn't be players like me just throwing it down and walking away. That is ridiculous. I have a nice house, I have nice things, I have fully developed characters, but none of it matters because there are mobs of lawless PK running unchecked
Just to rub it in the face, you LOSE all your stuff when you die, apart from specific items that take dozens of hours to grind for that are "soulbound".
Now, this guys seethe (albeit a bit justified) led to Elric saying gitgud, but longwinded and really straggy.
Why would you voluntarily participate in an activity that "frustrates" you? I can only assume you maybe have a job. You maybe have a family. You maybe have chores around a house you maybe own. Why spend your free time doing something "frustrating". Why? Seriously, why? I just can?t understand why anyone would put themselves through it. If I went to a restaurant that had shitty food, I would stop going to the restaurant and go to another. I wouldn?t keep going back to that restaurant and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.
Look, a guy disliking the meta-tactic of just killing everyone in unstoppable hordes that face no punishment since they can easily trade goods to their "clean" main is a bit annoying. But of course, anything that frustrates you HAS to be stopped to.
You say "something has to give". Very true, and it is you. You need to give it up and do something that you enjoy. I want you to take a deep breath, uninstall Outlands, and get a new hobby. Do you enjoy building model airplanes or gardening? Just go do something else. Anything else. If that new activity frustrates you, then repeat a similar process and stop doing that thing and try a new thing until you are the opposite of frustrated.
Zebulon then says
Yes, I have a job and a family. I am a retired and permanently disabled combat veteran who served under five US presidents, elric. I am also a Federal employee. I started playing this game in the '90s. Like most people, I played it through good times and bad.
I don't understand why you feel the need to be petty and insulting, other than perhaps it is because you lack the ability to have a genuine and productive discussion. A lot of people do that. They curse and use crass language and insult other people because they aren't able or don't have the capacity for critical thought. Maybe that's you, elric. I don't know you so I'm not going to make that assumption. I just want to play the game when I have time to play it, and enjoy it like everyone else. Does that make me a bad guy, elric? Does the fact that I want to play this game and enjoy it just like you do but I want to make it better not only for myself but thousands of other people who play it and share the same views make me a bad guy, elric? I don't know, elric. I don't know your personal views or the things that have shaped you into the person that you are, elric. But I'm not going to insult you, and try and make it look like the problem is you, elric. I'll refrain from pettiness, and personal attacks. I'll let you do you. But isn't it interesting that exactly what I predicted was demonstrated in your post. That's a rhetorical question, elric. It doesn't require you to answer. Anyway, elric, I've read your opinion and you've read mine. I had you blocked, because your posts are usually crass and insulting. I unblocked you so that I could read your response to this, hoping you would have something positive to input (you know the old saying about a broken clock). Sadly, I was wrong, elric. So I guess I'll go back to blocking you. Much like an elephant using his tail to swat a fly off of his arse, I find the block feature works with folks like you. Maybe you should try it too, elric.
Then more people kept piling on
My buddy (Billy-Bob) finds dungeons too hard. I'd propose, if we do add trammel, can we make it so mobs (in dungeons and the overworld) no longer aggro and attack players? Far too often mobs infringe on my buddy's adventures through dungeons. Some of the mobs are very difficult out there and they end up killing him rather easily. It would be much easier for him if mobs don't attack.He's also suggested that if you /hug a mob, you get their loot. This game focuses too much on combat and killing and needs something for the tinder-loving souls out there. So, with the introduction of trammel, please also change ALL MOBS to no longer attack and change ALL MOBS to drop all their loot by using /hug.
My poor buddy just wants to play this game, but the mobs keep killing him. So, how about it..... Trammel + No Aggro + Hug Loot Drop, what do you all think?
People like you ruined the game before and you want to ruin it again. Let's not repeat history. You are literally responsible for the death of UO and trammel and are still oblivious to it today. Go play something else, don't do this again.
Extremely bad bait. Git Gud. If not, find another server. Take the L and move on.
and then a shill who starts talking about his PVE server.
Now for those who missed it, this line was what made it interesting
Sadly, I was wrong, elric. So I guess I'll go back to blocking you.
so doing some searching, he's made like five posts seething about PvP
and he's been posting since 2018 in different discussions, before posting a thread for the first time this year
I played Ultima online for 11 years. From late 1998 until 2011
MMOstrags paly for 11 years paying neetbux for the privilege to die
and look here, Elric fighting him in what would soon be a seethe war spanning months
pages of fighting, arguing and more
finally stopped his posts...
so dramatards, that's why MMOstrags are the scum of the earth.
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This may be my 'tism speaking
...but I stg, this has to have come from Scribblenauts it just looks too close to that artstyle to not be it
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It is an old game
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@Lv88_Slime stand with Israel
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