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I like helldiver's :marseydownvote:

The subreddit is a complete waste of time though. I'm not even good and I can beat diff 10 on both sides but they continue to cry about how the devs hate fun by nerfing meta weapons and fixing bugs that benefit players.

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The fricking problem with Helldivers subreddit is fricking that the fricking redditors want to feel like superheros and supersoldiers, but the fricking reality is fricking that Helldivers are fricking basically a fricking VDV Trooper with a fricking cape.

Once Space Marine 2 comes out with its co-op mode and PVP, Helldivers 2 basically dead because you can now be a fricking Superhero Supersoldier.

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This makes sense tbh. They want a horde shooter where you are like a god, but helldiver's are really supposed to be more like expendable cannon fodder that drop deep behind enemy lines.

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every game dev: oh? you are having fun using this weapon? WELL FRICK YOU. THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! THAT WEAPON NOW DOES DAMAGE TO YOU INSTEAD OF THE ENEMY!!!!!

borderlands does this so fricking much and i hate it. just let me use my overpowered weapons/loot. let me have fun. :uhuh:

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Fair but like with the incendiary breaker, it was and still kinda is extremely op. At higher level almost everyone was using it in every match. If you asked anyone for bug loadouts it was the undisputed best weapon for bugs by a large margin. And they barely nerfed it by making it less ammo efficient. But plenty of people were acting like it was dead after that lol.

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dude bussy lmao

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I can't get over my frustration with the theming of Helldivers.

Are we badass supersoldiers? Or are we cannon fodder? We cannot exist in both states at the same time, but they keep trying to force that square peg into the round hole.

If I want to roleplay as an intergalatic supersoldier, I'll play Warframe.

If I want to roleplay as cannon fodder, I'll play literally any competitive FPS.

HD2 made itself irrelevant by not just PICKING A DARN PATH.

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Idk I felt it was obvious. We are cannon fodder who have been hyped up by propaganda to think we are super soldiers. Like in lore an average helldiver completes training, gets in the cryopod, and then is dropped in the middle of some random mission and dies in a few minutes.

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It is hard to tell because it makes it seem like Helldivers are expendable, but they each get their own ship and crew just to deploy one dude on the ground and rain orbital ordinance all around him?

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They don't get their own ship, they're shoved in a fricking fridge, get shat out into a fricking larp so they feel important, get and sent down to be the fricking targetting system :marseymars: for guns cheap :marseydiscount: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: that they need to be muzzle loaded by a fricking r-slur :marseyregistration: in a fricking space :marseyplanet: shuit until your detachment is fricking proven reasonable enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: (via samples) to upgrade to breech loading

Ordinance is fricking cheap :marseydiscount: If it gets a fricking positive :marseyfingergoodjob: return :marseymonke: on investment via space :marseytransastronaut: fuel or armor :marseysolaire: scrap

dude bussy lmao

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i actually like it how it is. It's fun to feel weak and be able to overcome what the game throws at you

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I do agree with this, and it's why I sank a few hundo hours into it, but it got stale really quickly for two reasons:

1. I hit a wall when I was capped on every resource and had nothing but mid side-grades to look forward to.

2. The 8th and 9th (more so the 9th) difficulty of bots is just overwhelming to the point of anti-fun. An uphill battle D-Day Normandy style is fun; but constantly being domed before the landers reach shore, isn't.

I played it with work buddies, and they were too casual to progress through any difficulty past 4th. Meanwhile I'm sitting on more green samples than the galaxy has.

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That sucks, you'd think they would have at least added some sort of difficulty selection for the gaming journ*list types

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There's plenty of difficulty levels (10 of them, 1-3 being journo-tier). I've hovered around difficulties 7-9 while my work buddies I played with stayed in the 3-4 pool.

But if you keep to the lower difficulties, you will never progress to the more useful ship upgrades that makes things like the 500KG bomb worth having. Which means you're often throwing yourself into death multiple times just trying to gain a foothold on the map, and the amount of revives you get per mission are sorely limited at higher difficulties as well.

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Ever since the playstation network thing went down this is all I hear about regarding helldivers

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People are constantly complaining that they nerfed op stuff and fixed obvious bugs that give the player an advantage while ignoring that they've buffed more things than they've nerfed.

It is bizarre to me as I always assume op stuff will be nerfed in games I play. It's similar to how redditors bitterly complain over expensive skins while I see the industry moving more and more towards Gacha where people gladly waste $100s of dollars just to have a not even max power version of a character.

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Same shit happened when elden ring started fixing the fricking super :marseyblackpanther: OP weapon :marseybackstabsjw: arts lol. My heckin stomperibo can't one shot bosses nooooo

dude bussy lmao

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