The palworld devs are getting sued by nintendo :marseypopcorn:

!g*mers projected outcome? :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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!g*mers !bets !dramatards projected outcome of Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld?

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unfortunately nintendcuck doesnt sue unless they know thy can win !g*mers

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>all the OF whores in the replies

is this just what twitter is now

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No usually it's 1000 indians with blue checks saying "great 🀩" "amazing sir" or just stealing :marseywatermark: comments to boost them to the top so they can collect :marseystamp: pennies :marseypiggybank: in revenue share

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"This is crazy" with an ai image of elon musk and some scam coin.

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Honestly, Twitter has never been better. Go in there to argue about politics. Get sidetracked and rub one out real quick. Hop right back in to argue with libshits again. It's a one stop shop.

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This. X is literal brainrot, anyone that actively uses it beyond chexking out certain account or news (just use RSS lmao) should be sent to a labor camp. What other use is there for twitter other than to seethe? (IM feature?)

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there used to be a lot of furry porn on there but now they're all moving to bluesky so they can cyberbully and cancel each other faster

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β–‘Mβ–‘Yβ–‘Pβ–‘ Uβ–‘Sβ–‘Sβ–‘ Yβ–‘Iβ–‘ Nβ–‘Bβ–‘Iβ–‘O β–‘

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:marseyelonmusklov#e::marseyelonmusklov#e::marseyelonmusklov#e: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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blaming Twitter and not moids

Once men could talk and post what they want the whores followed

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nooooo not the heckin ai pokemon x minecraft slop :soycry:

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palworld is fun :marseyindignant: it doesn't have anything to do with AI anyway

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doesn't have anything to do with AI anyway

Wrong, its gAI as frick

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Guys afternoon in

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Guys afternoon in THE BUTT

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keep crying drawslave.

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:marseysoyswitchtalking#: :#m!ariogoatse:

The AI accusations were never confirmed btw :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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literally all the devs ever did was talk about ai being cool, it was peak r-slurbrain of twitter

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we need factcheckers on this

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We root against corporate slop in this community.

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Thats both sides of this tho

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Yeah the game that lets you capture slaves and harvest their organs is corporate slop.

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Its not what you do, its how it is packaged and pprtrayed. Thats how you get to be anti-racist while calling for the extermination of jews.

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so we're anti-nintendo then, cool

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this is what 1 billion dollars gets you in japan

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You are the first person to buy this game. You have recieved 10,000 dollars for early access.

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5 of your friends were able to join you. Congratulations! You get an additional 15% off of the game.


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!commenters who wants to join my squad, i got 5 slots :marseyletsgo:

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I know this is a real money game and you still can't afford to buy your own game? You are pathetic you should feel bad. I'm sorry you are so incompetent.

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I'll play but you're not allowed to answer :marseyconfuseddead: your phone :marseygossipunsure: during our games :marseygamer: this time.

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buddy you hold a grudge


i have all women blocked now

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I could never :marseyitsover: hold a grudge against my little :marseylightsparkle: buddy @Kang-PrimeTimeline

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I haven't played this at all but I'd be on a fricking squad with you guys @Kang-PrimeTimeline let's throw an ice cream social

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do boomers play video games

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Like you played BB Xtag with me?


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Someday :marseyfortuneteller:

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look at this neighbor


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You are the first person to reach level 1 in Pal-World. You received $4.50 for reaching this milestone. Congratulations!


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I represent Nintendo's lawyers. We're suing you for 16,641 dramacoin. :marseysaulgoodman: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I was the first person to get to level 420 :marseywink: what do I get?

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A ban from this site.

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I'm sorry.. I know this must be a lot to process right now.

I may be in shock too, we might need some time to think this through.

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I don't need to think about anything @Bussy-boy I'm goombling it all away :marseyluckycat:

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I mean it is a game you can play by yourself without any real interaction, so...

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*100 billion and highest grossing media franchise of all time

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pika pika pii

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>pika pika pii


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Awooga Awooga

jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair. Ahem, you look very lovely.

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This shit would 100% be a creepypasta had it happened in the early 2000's The game's graphics match the ones of that era too

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creepypasta game irl :marseyzeldalinkpast:

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audio BIPOC

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That makeup trend looks so bad.

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bro got shadow sneaked

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I was just thinking about long people

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We can only wait and see what will await us in Gen X :marseywait:

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!g*mers !edgelords

>Nintendo shuts down Palworld for stealing Pokemon Mechanics

>Sega and Atlus shut down Pokemon for stealing Megaten mechanics

And then Megaton already has its own Pokemon but guns spin off series

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>Tim Burton sues ATLUS fot illegally including Beetlejuice

>A Tim Burton SMT movie begins development

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!bets bet

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Why didn't they do this a year ago when the game came out? (I love sucking peepee)

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They had to let the game make money first lol

This way they also had time to collect overwhelming evidence

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i think the timing is still a little odd tbh. reviving palworld into the public conscious could end up coming back to bite them in the butt, especially if they fail. very excited to see how this plays out.

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especially if they fail

I doubt Nintendo will fail in a jap court of all places. :#yakuzajak:

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Thst's the thing though. Japanese court is allegedly bizarro world and the reason they never sue fangames over there is that one judge could rule against them and it'd be a huge prescedent.

It's either mentioned in this video or the guy's video about sega:

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:marseydisagreefast: Waiting for the Palworld devs to blow through the initial cash influx is smart. Nintendo is terrifying and plays the long game.

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they had to let them cook first

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Nintendo was disappointed with the updates

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!codecels observe :marseynoooticer: as the homosexuality :marseynyanlgbt: levels of the lawsuit goes over the 100% threshold

Software patents are the work of the European :marseyangelamerkelwave: menace to mandate their gay slop on the universe

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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IP law is the worst thing wh*tes ever invented

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Cool, doesn't change the fact Palworlds early access had less bugs than both mainline ""full"" releases on the switch lmo

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I never heard of nincuckdo lose a legal battle, do you !g*mers know?

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this and the joycons are like the biggest nintendo Ls this generation. sadly the joycon thing is only in the EU

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No email address required.,_Inc._v._Blockbuster_Entertainment_Corp

This was settled outside of court, but idk if it went the way nintendo wanted it too. Not that blockbuster is a threat anymore... :marseynoooticer:

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This seems like one of these cases where its difficult for them to win so they just try to scare the defendant and then make them burn as much money in courts as possible until they have no other choice than to give up

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Has Nintendo ever lost a lawsuit? The only ones I'm vaguely familiar with are them suing like children for trillions of dollars because they downloaded Mario Is Missing (SNES) (USA).7z or painted Toad on a lemonade stand or something

Black Lives Matter

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few times I can find are over them not giving an option to refund a pre-order, their Wii controller motion controls being stolen tech, their 3DS mock 3D tech being patent infringement, and GameGenie preemptively went after Nintendo cause they knew they were going to try to screw with them. So it seems when they are on the defensive they don't do as well.

Also Nintendo mostly spends it's time going after the providers of piracy stuff (distributors, platforms, hackers). The only person who may give you a slap on the wrist for just downloading a cracked game is your ISP, and they're usually more focused on movies

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Wasn't even on my agenda tonight, but I'm gonna go pirate some Switch games right now just for the heck of it. Fricking hate that company.

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Remember to seed or else you're not really damaging nintendo :marseythumbsup: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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True, but I usually get them from

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It's Pokemover


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s*x with Loveander

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:#siren: :#marseyhappening: :#siren:

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Didn't Nintendo tweet out they had no intentions of pursuing legal action after being constantly bombarded with demands from nintencucks to sue? lol so much for that I guess

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Lol, no shot they win this, what's next? Going to sue Youkai Watch?

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I think Nintendo simps were the only ones who didn't see this coming. Turns out the highly litigious, multi-billion dollar corporation knew what they were doing.

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Who and what?

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Tokyo district? Pretty sure Nintendo will win that one.

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Kill Nintendrones srsly

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Hire them to make the same game but with pokemon and make easy money Nintendo

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nintendo would rather die than make a pokemon game anyone other than brainwashed degenerates would want to play

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