We're hurt pretty bad after that fight. We've got to get healed before we risk going into combat again, and it's pretty hard to get anything done without the risk of going into combat. In the box on the left for each character the blue column is endurance. If your endurance is reduced to zero in a fight then you're knocked unconscious. The green column is strength. If strength is reduced to zero you're killed. Endurance recovers quickly. Recovering strength takes much longer and it helps a lot to have some medical attention.
If we were rich we might consider going to the physician, but we can't afford him. We could stay at the local inn and have Yuna use her healing skills to treat us, but that costs money too. So we're going to embrace the 1400s NEET lifestyle and go to the Premonestraten and beg for help. This is a monastery inside the city. Monastic life is a big deal in this era and it comes in different forms. In this case, these people don't want to isolate themselves and live in contemplation as much as they want to do good works.
Aww sweet, we got some nuns to help us.
He's only asking for 1 pfennig to stay here. That's 1 penny, the least he could possibly ask for, so of course we'll pay. In Darklands prices depend on a number of things. Your reputation in the city helps. Bigger cities have higher prices. And the more money you have, the more that you're expected to spend on this kind of charitable contribution. We must be really poor if he's asking for so little.
After a week we're almost completely healed.
Let's see if our loot from that battle is enough to afford any better weapons or armor. We've got a little over 11 groschen. What's a groschen? This game is all about atmosphere so you can't just whip out your credit card and use convenient decimal currency when you want to buy a sword. From the manual:
Money is counted in three denominations: gold florins, silver groschen, and silver pfenniges. Because distribution of wealth and wages were so different, comparisons to modern currency are impossible. In general, florins are very valuable, but are used only in large transactions; groschen are fairly valuable and are in daily use; pfenniges are "small change," important only to the very poor.
(BTW this game's manual is a work of art. If you weren't around in the early 1990s, you have no idea. You would get a game and it came with an entire book that explained how the game works, what the history was behind its setting, and what the developers were thinking when they made it.)
There's 12 pfennigs in a groschen and 20 groschen in a florin. The game is at least nice enough to show us everything's value in the total number of pfennigs while we're shopping at a store.
We don't really have enough to buy anything useful yet. At this point I'm gonna have to do a little grinding. Remember this is a game from 1992 so there was an attitude that games should take a very long time to beat or else you weren't getting your money's worth. I won't make you look over my shoulder while I do this. I'm going to repeatedly go out at night and kill thugs (there's an unlimited supply), sell their stuff, heal, and go through the cycle again. Eventually I'll have enough money to buy a few nice things. Just as important, our characters learn by doing, so the more they fight the more their weapon skills will increase. That makes them more likely to hit the enemy and to parry his attacks.
The music for the secluded grove of trees where you can waste time and move the clock forward. This is important as the world is very different between day and night.
Yeah, it's grinding time.
Next time: I'll come back with a party that's skilled and equipped enough to easily deal with these street hoodlums. We'll have the chance to start getting educated.
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There's vidya even more boomer than Might and Magic VI ?!!
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And you've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
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Found a video
Takes him 30min to make a Character and start the game
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There's a reason why I'm just sticking to the highlights and not doing this as a video.
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How it should be honestly. I don't like Let's Plays and shit because of all the fluff and most people don't bother with editing
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Especially with games from this era. As I indicated, there is a lot of grind. After I posted this I went through the exact same combat like 6 times and all I've got is a mace and a shield for Redactor and a few javelins for Sasha. I don't want to inflict that on you people.
Also, while there are some elements of the gameplay that are interesting, a road not taken in modern RPG design, the main thing that's interesting here is the setting. And that's presented to you through this really beautiful artwork with a few lines of text overlaid on it. Everything about the game that makes it so unique is in the form of still pictures and I'm not gonna waste your time between them.
Oh goddammit I forgot to blow up the pictures again.
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But are there romance options?
Can the character creator change bulge size?
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Yeah, when the gargoyles come to take you to heck you can frick them. The wolves, you can frick them. The schrats, the hairy beast Bigfoot type people in the forest, you have romance options with...
Oh wait, I forgot, this wasn't made by Bioware.
Serious answer: In the world of this game it's not like nobody is supposed to ever have s*x. But it's very much the opposite of the Witcher with the s*x cards. Your party are not married and some are probably monks/nuns, so they're supposed to deny themselves such things. IIRC the only chance you get to frick is a very obscure unlikely encounter where if your character fails a skill check vs. Virtue they can get seduced. (I'm not sure that was actually implemented in the game tho, there's an incredible amount of material in the data files that never made it into the final game.)
Uhhh... You can be the normal guy or the fat guy.
!germs If a holzfrau had a really good personality tho I could learn to be okay with it. In case you know any who are single.
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