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Project Zomboid Build 42 is finally released. Redditors have a nuclear meltdown about AI slop in the loading screens.

Great news for neurodivergent zombie game enjoyers - after like 3 years the new unstable build was finally released today. I'm sad because I keep getting black screens on game start which freeze my computer (seems to be a common problem I later learned), so I decided to check out the subreddit to see if anyone else is having the same issue. No joke there are dozens of threads of just :soyreddit: :soymad: over the 3 new loading screens. The mods are censoring most of the sneeding but you can see more and more threads on new for a few mins before they get nuked. Apparently the indie store groomercord is going ballistic too and there are "people" posting massive essays of schitzo shit over the AI slop. :soysnootype: They are SO mad at anyone that disagrees with them. Supposedly this is the same artist that did the main menu art in 2011 which is kind of weird.









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I wonder when we will hit the point of redditors just giving up about crying over AI constantly, it's not going anywhere. They seem to want to put the genie back in the bottle when it's already so widespread with open weight models released that it is very literally impossible to get ai "shutdown" like they want.

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I mean they should at the very least spend 5 minutes fixing artifacts and making sure it's consistent with the art style

This is just lazy Ai or not

The stuff you do is high effort

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Yea, I don't mind it but it's distracting when it's just raw generations used.

The new sins of a solar empire has a bunch of AI art that has no consistency to them.

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Who the heck cares

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Neurodivergents, and they are the core demographic of this game

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Yeah only neurodivergents play zomboid. It's a very high barrier of entry for normal people compared to other zombie games.

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It reminds me of vegans who get angry at other vegans for eating honey or oysters or whatever.

I was going to write a longpost elaborating but I'm done pooping, so @Bussy-boy will have to explain the analogy for me.

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Ok so they compare vegans to the guy who doesn't eat honey. I also believe that people who are vegan are similar to vegans who don't eat honey, in the sense they are also eating honey behind closed doors and still call themselves vegan. That makes sense because you don't want people who can't see what your doing to get in the way of your goals.

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They say vegans are bad, they want to be vegan, but they never are.

I say vegans are bad, I don't want to be vegan, I'm not

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Its a bot.

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Shut the frick @Bussy-boy this guy calling you a bot

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Don't you dare. I am a real BIPOC.

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:marseyemojilaugh: genuinely the only account on this site that makes me laugh out loud

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Yeah I can be a little dramatic and say some funny shit. :marseyteehee:

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wdym? :marseyconfused:

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fwiw I was, at one point, a vegan who didn't eat honey and I genuinely did not eat any honey ever.

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I believe you, your behavior is just so similar to mine

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Redditors love a witch hunt. They'll stop sneeding over AI art only when they can invent a new purity test.

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I mean Redditors will never stop complaining about it, but you're right in that normal people will accept it more and more.

Hopefully we'll reach a point where indie game devs can use it without fear of any pushback. It could be an issue if your game is for a niche fandom that also just randomly decided AI isn't okay

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Her right eye is too far to the right. 2/10 would not bang.

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Eh honestly, I don't really care but I do find it annoying when gamedevs use AI art since AIslop tends to make things look really generic so you end up feeling less cool schizoindie videogame art, which is honestly kind of sad since it means games're just gonna start looking way more generic. Forever.

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They will all eventually shut the frick up about it until its occasional grumbles. But it will still be a few more years, and AI needs to stop fricking faces and hands up first

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>get art degree even though I'm not an artist or talented in any way

>vote democrat cuz they promised to pay me back for my bad decision

>rage against technology that never stopped me from succeeding in the first place

Yep, reality has a liberal bias

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>literally a bunch of nitpicky bullshit you would only see if youre looking for it

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The shit they're pointing out is so incessantly nitpicky

Lol redditors have to side with no AI, but what are they gonna do when their precious vidya slop uses it?

They don't have the willpower to stop playing.

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I swear 80% of the shit people b-word about over AI is shit that artists frick up all the time or do to save time on a minor detail.

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even if this image was not made with AI, I will still not like it because Jackie Jay states in game that she wasn't hurt by the infected and she still showed symptoms because

:#marseyindignantretard: :marseymagdump:

These people are such neurodivergents

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>3 years of work

>+2 years for multiplayer stability

Can't wait to enjoy this in December 2026

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Omfg wait, seriously? Not even local?

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I have to say the original art is much better than the AI slop. The car and photographer ones are so generic, bleh.

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I do generally have a low opinion of AI art, but I feel like the sheer quantity of seethe from redditors about it seems unwarranted

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I dont mind AI art, I mind bad AI art. All those artifacts make it look like shit.

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Why are redditors so concerned about ai, when half of all reddit is agenda ai bots :marseyhmm:

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Does the game finally have NPCs yet?

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Nope! Next build, allegedly, so wait a few years. :marseyxd:

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JFC! People had decent NPC mods 5 years ago

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Decent but still buggy

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Normal people dont care about this.

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I can't believe :marseyparappa: it finally released. I got obsessed :marseyrentfree: with Zomboid when the steam :marseyfreeman: deck first :marseywinner: released and was constantly hearing :marseyhearnoevil: news about the mythological build :marseyyarn: 42 with NPCs. Here it is and I've been burned out on Zomboid for over a year now. Maybe :marseymight: I'll want to get back into it by the time all the issues will be ironed out. Very funny :marseycarlos: how Redditors :marseysoypoint2: love to complain about inanities


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zomboid is just cataclysm dda for cowards who can't handle fursuits in main branch

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Too true. It's hard to return :marseymonke: to Zomboid when you have something :marseysmugface: so much more fleshed out available for free and can run on basically anything :marseycoleporter:


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Use English

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fake g*mer detected

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It doesn't have npcs. That's build 43. This is the one with NPC animals.

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Hahahahahaha no way :marseykekw:


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They split it up because they started doing a lot of features orthogonal to NPCs so they decided to just delay it even longer. It's so over..

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The game has endless possibilities with a lot of the mods out for it

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The loading images look like ai slop for sure (the character expressions are hilarious, straight out of a facebook post), but the moodles are just shit. Like 2000s mobile game aesthetic.

I think people would care a lot less if the art, ai or otherwise looked better.

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I haven't actually been able to try this since the game keeps crashing whenever I try to actually start a game up.

Also for some reason the new main menu art changed back to the old art, which is like whatever.

I actually like the new stuff but I feel like the game ends up feeling more generic because of it since the zombies're obviously AI-drawn.

If that's actually the same artist then that's kind of sad since it's honestly a total downgrade from the old art which had a nice comic book feel.

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I've heard that you need to delete all mods before you switch to B42 since the game tries to enable them even though there's no option for them in the unstable mod menu, which crashes the game. I'll try it later, but I'm suspecting I'm having a separate issue causing a memory leak which nukes my computer.

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I was thinking this was probably it, since I kept seeing the 'Lua loading' bit but I'm not really sure.

I guess it's called unstable for a reason but whatever.

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Im not doing 42 until stable and all the mods i use are updated. Cause this build just broke everything about half of them :marseycry:

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Where are the Redditor's when trans women are literally killed daily by TERFs? All they care about are g*mes.

Trans lives matter.

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It looks fine. :marseyshrug: What are these schitzos talking about? :marseyconfused:

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I'm about to buy this tomorrow I'm hyped


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Dont start with 42. Wait for stable and multi-player.

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If all redditors killed themselves today, i still wouldnt be satisfied

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Redditors are mad? Maybe it's time to check his game out

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