At launch, Starfield was celebrated but it didn't take long before a hate campaign began against it and people started posting tons of negative reviews of the game. They complained about ridiculous things like the lack of vehicles (plenty of games don't have vehicles), and the lack of things to do (this is false, there is plenty to do).
The truth is that people had unrealistic standards. They wanted 1000 individually crafted planets and when they realised they were procedurally generated, people lost their shit without realising what an immense undertaking they were asking for. Starfield manages to provide a good variety of games and exploration always rewards you with amazing sights and plenty of opportunities to take photos. At the end of the day, Starfield provides more content than 99% of games out there. It is better than No Man's Sky @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS. How you can you visit places like Neon and Akila and complain that the game is empty? There are so many settlements with an incomprehensible amount of content. There is also a host of lifeforms to discover and they all behave differently, making it exciting to explore the wild parts of planets.
People complain that many of the missions are fetch quests, but they fail to understand that much of the fun of the game comes from the journey. Traveling to different places, speaking to different characters and discovering new things is exciting, and fetch quests expose you to new content.
What I find strange is that people complain about the writing and the story. This is the best writing in a game recent. It's so fun talking to different characters because they all feel so different and they have varied motivations. I can't wait to meet new characters and it's exciting to pick what I'm going to say to them. I enjoy the persuasion situations where you have to pick the right thing to say to convince a character to do something. These are high stakes situations and I don't save scum so I deal with the consequences of my actions.
I will admit that the game is not perfect and there are some flaws. For example, there are a lot of loading screens. Secondly, 60fps mode isn't particularly stable. However, none of these shortcomings tarnish the game in a major way. Furthermore, Bethesda has listened to fans and updated the game to give players plenty of the features they have been asking for, making the game even better than it was at launch. That is a beautiful thing to do, and not many developers would do that. Thank you Todd Howard.
The hate campaign against Starfield was started by CHUDS who were mad that there weren't many conventionally attractive women in the game. You could see it on /v/, and it eventually spread to Reddit where chuds latched onto the narrative.
Of course, this discourse spread to Steam where a bunch of reviews started complaining about ugly NPCs. You can tell its chuds writing these because they use terms like "woke".
From here, it became easy to just call the whole game "woke" and the kinds of criticisms that came from this were ridiculous. People were mad that you could choose they/them pronouns!
So with all this needless hate gathering around Starfield, it became a hot topic in the culture wars which led to the torrent of bad reviews. That is why there is a negative perception of the game. However, for those of us who know what the game is trying to be and are playing it with a pure heart, we recognise that Bethesda has bestowed a masterpiece upon us. This is a beautiful game with so many twists and turns. It's innovative, unorthodox, yet so effortlessly fun.
I'm feeling quite sad right now because @ToeBeans ignored me cruelly and I don't know what I did to her to deserve this treatment. However, I'm about to play Starfield and it's going to make me feel much better. I might not have true friends online, but when I'm playing Starfield, Sarah Morgan and Sam Coe are my best buddies and they'll never desert me. Here are some of my favorite screenshots from the game. Looking at them helps me feel better.
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It's a bad game sneedfan
They put together like 3? 4? underwhelming cities that are less interesting than most of the cities in Oblivion, assembled one of each of the vanishingly few different POIs and then called it a day
Interesting procgen planets are possible and a team of 16 bongs managed it almost 10 years ago but massive bethsoft couldn't be fricked to even do that
It's a bad, empty game
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seeing the same 3 copy/pasted POIs on every planet in landed on was the fricking worst. there wasn't enough variation. everything felt EXACTLY THE SAME.
it's the most disappointed i've ever been by a video game. i played it for like 60 hours that first couple months after release and have never went back to it. i'm not even sure if mods could fix the game.
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Jesus christ
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They're not even remotely interesting planets?? Like I find a planet on NMS I like even in an uncharted system (i.e. 0 structures of any sort anywhere) and I can spend hours just wandering around it if I want to, looking at shit and finding cool places to take pictures or build
Starfield even when you find a planet that isn't just a dead ball of nothing, it has animals and trees and shit, it's all BORING BORING BORING
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They could've released the ship builder as a stand-alone module for five bucks and it would've gotten better reviews than the full game.
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How? You always have seen everything after visiting the same kind of planet three times. No mans sky is no different, and thats its biggest flaw too.
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It takes a bit longer to get bored of the NMS procgen since it has more things to use for procgen. It's real advantage over starfield is the relatively seamless exploration where you can actually fly from planet to planet, around planets, summon ground/water vehicles and capital ships. Not the procgen, although it is serviceable compared to starfield.
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I played NMS probably like 200 hours overall too, so I dont dount it has its playability value. But honestly, the planets (and plants and creatures) are boring very fast. Its really once you have seen one, you have seen all. Maybe they brought a bit more variation with recent updates, but overall its still not a lot.
Most of the games playtime comes from grinding in the end.
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I don't know why anyone is surprised that GOD HOWARD got their shekels again
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It's also just Skyrim. You go around exploring to find temples where you unlock a new form of magic power while upgrading your gear and stats.
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Which with the exception of about three of them, you will never, ever use
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because basically everything outside of that is empty and bland.
it's a bad game. it's by far the worst single player game bethesda ever made, which includes stuff like home alone and where's waldo on the NES.
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Wherever it wasn't empty, it was even more bland to make up for it.
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Keep yourself safe. Genuinely, drive your car into incoming traffic.
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He finds it difficult to drive in any other way.
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Fricking cops keeping a man down.
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I'd rather play 10 hours of a good game than 120 hours of shit, even though the later has more content.
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Manufactured hate from sony babyfans
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Formerly Chuck's.
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I don't think chuddery is what brought it down. BG3 was woke as heck but even the chuds played it. I think it was 2 things: 1) the misfortune if being released at the same time as BG3 which was a milestone in voice acting and motion capture and 2) it can feel like it takes a bit too long to get to the "fun" part in Starfield.
Starfield really is an underrated game though.
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No, I think it was mostly the sterile writing.
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This is really it. Every RPG is essentially going to be a collection of fetch, kill and escort quests. A good RPG will use interesting mechanics, writing and environments to make you forget about that fact. Starfield failed this on every account.
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Right. Skyrim's writing and combat is also atrocious but the exploration makes up for it (at least for majority of people).
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True, that didn't help. Continues the tradition of Fallout (post 1&2) and Skyrim middling tier writing.
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Neither point you mentioned is why people love BG3 or became GOTY. The choices the player can make is why BG3 shits on Starfield, which has the illusion of choice.
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I heard you like loading screens
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The game was boring, the writing was bad, and the dialogue sucked butt.
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I have to strongly disagree. The writing is great and the characters are riveting.
Formerly Chuck's.
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it sucks
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No, it's good!
Formerly Chuck's.
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Play Cyberpunk after you finish starfield and you'll realize how empty it is
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Both games had same gameplay, but one of them was literally head and shoulders above in dialogue, story, art, tech, and combat.Starfield would be pretty fun... If it got released in 2014 instead.
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If it's impossible to create 1000 interesting planets you shouldn't promise 1000 interesting planets, you should just set your scifi game on one planet or at most like a single solar system. What you absolutely should not do is focus all your advertising on how you have a massive galaxy of 1000 planets to explore then be shocked when people buy the game based on your promises and are disappointed to discover it's 1000 copy pasted empty rooms.
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It's one of Bethesda's best games, I agree
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Drop starfield and play a good game like Noita
No trans lives matter
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Why are you chudded?
Formerly Chuck's.
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Permachudded for mild antisemitism
!chuds free Bix and play Noita
No trans lives matter
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I thought the chuds were all freed at one point
must've been a dream
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@Its_Bixxy_B-word couldn't comment or post anywhere but chudrama for awhile, so it could be worse
Make history and be (probably) the first biofoid to play Noita bb
No trans lives matter
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Ooh I like roguelites, I'm actually in the process of packing up my place to move to America rn 👀 but when my PC is set up again and I'm waiting for my work auth to come thru I'll be a stay at home g*mer. I'll check it out!
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The game sucks and so do you
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It didn't really get "hate" though, it got disinterest which was very justified tbh
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I'm fairly certain the pronouns rant is the most memorable thing about this game.
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I never played that shit but any gameplay I saw made it look insanely bland and boring.
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The pooping on it was far more entertaining than some modern Bethesda slop could ever be.
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I lost the ability to comprehend your thread after the pronouns have been detected. Sorry not sorry
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It was okay. The first 75%ish was entertaining, towards the end I was ready to just wrap it up. I think people say over hyped and Todd way oversold, which is par for the course.
Peter Molyneaux is still the oversell king
of course, but I still wish that neighbor would make another Fable game.
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Starfield's problem is that it's a mile wide and an inch deep. A thousand planets with a grand total of like 40 different things you can do on all of them. It's a city's worth of content spread across a galaxy so it feels empty and boring. It would have been a much better game if everything were on one planet, since they could actually take the time to fine tune the content for maximum fun.
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It's funny when "wide and shallow" were the same complaints for Skyrim when it launched, yet their games keep becoming even wider and shallower. The next ES will be absolute slop of yet unseen proportions, I guarantee it.
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I don't buy that ES6 will ever come out.
Imagine going to back to 2011-2012, when skyrim was a massive smash hit, and telling everyone that it will be 14+ years before we even see a single trailer of the next Elder Scrolls (mmoshit doesn't count).
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Keep yourself safe r-slur
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
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First time I've seen you post a bad take sneedman.
With 90 hours into it it can safely be said that starfield is boring and has no legs to it. The world building is bland, the characters are dei checkboxes with no personality. The main story is awful and makes it so nothing you do actually matters since there are infinite universes and you can just quantum leap to the next one. The level design is awful relying on bland rng generated planets with points of interests copy and pasted into them. And probably worse of all the huge amount of loading screens are unacceptable in a game of this type.
I will soy over elder scrolls and fallout games; they brought me endless enjoyment, but Starfield is just garbage. A failed attempt to bring that kind of game into a galaxy spanning world without using a new engine to actually support what they were trying to do and staffing the devs with boring dei inspired workers who are deathly afraid of putting anything with edge into their game.
Love your Holly pictures though, she's so cute.
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It wasn't awful but disappointed considering other Todd Howard games.
Play Cyberpunk, it's a better game
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