EFFORTPOST CHVD CIVIL WAR! as Western culture moves Rightward, Chvds now get cancelled by their fellow ResetEra equivalents for promoting poz content! - the BASED and TRADPILLED CHRISTIAN CHUD HISTORIANS OF KINGDOM COME: DELIVERANCE 2 HAVE BETRAYED CHVDKIND AND ARE GETTING #CANCELLED BY GIGACHVDS FOR INCLUDING A HOMO IN THEIR BASED KEYED TRAD CATHOLIC SIMULATOR, KiNeurodivergents speculate that this is in fact a leftoid journo falseflag to divide the anti-Woke coalition!:chudexplode::vs::chudtantrumfast:

Remember !grillers, it does not matters if human cultures move to the left or to the right, wingcucks were, are, and will always be tribalistic r-slurs cannibalizing themselves over the most r-slurred and irrelevant reasons imaginable.











Some highlights:

If you're going to have a gay scene in your game that is supposed to be historically accurate and allow players free choice, you should give us the option to report the homosexuals to the church or Bailiffs if you catch them in the act. There should also be accurate punishments for that time period. But if they don't do this despite having the scene then all this is, is just pandering that they included to appease the left but also not offend them.


Maybe he should have a homosexual scene in the privacy of his own bedroom and leave it out of the game


I like how he spent so long being called a nazi and is now calling his former fans nazis.


This whole debacle is why you really shouldn't tie your work/product to either side of the political spectrum. One step "in the wrong" direction and you're crucified over it, left or right, doesn't matter. Best to stay neutral.


They are being roasted specifically because they are not maintaining neutrality, the no politics rule is not being enforced or the pro lgbtq posts would be all getting locked and perma'd alongside the the anti posts, this is their main problem and if they start perma banning those this problem will go away.


I do feel, I have no proof on this, like there is some misinformation going on to damage this game. I never pre-order games but I do recommend everyone to wait and see until launch, see what the people you trust says about the game or watch some playthroughs yourself.


yea there is missinformation being thrown at them here, the whole gay scene is fabricated by the looks of it. I have seen preview materials of the game and the scene with nude men bathing is within the first hour and can be seen in IGN's material. What they say don't match those accusation photos and what is worse is that the text font is different than the games which means photoshop.


[Rant] The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 controversies reek of a bad grift from game journ*lists.

From what I understand, there are two major "controversies" surrounding Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2:

a scene involving a black trader

a (so-called) unskippable cutscene featuring a gay couple

The first one can be explained away by what happened during the previous game. There is already a recent post about what game journ*lists have done during this timeframe, so I'll defer to that post since that already shows everything.

The second one doesn't make any sense because (and I recently learned about this because the game is too outside my normal areas) that there was already a gay couple in the previous KCD game. Even light browsing from before KCD 2 was even announced suggested that this was never a controversy in the first place, and (as seen in the discussion), Bohemia was actually tolerant towards gays in this time period.

So, why does a game that had zero controversies about gays in the first game complete with a gay couple in the first game and no mentioning of bannings from kooky Middle East countries suddenly have both a controversy and a banning (both rumors) in the second game?


Daniel also flew the GG flag ten years ago, when doing so meant your career might actually be harmed by it. He has more claim to the G*merGate name than almost anyone that still posts in this sub.

I made this account in 2014, specifically to participate in GG, and he was one of the first and only actual high profile devs to have our back.


Vavra had every opportunity over the last few days to clear the air with us and in a way that was respectful to us as customers and supporters of his content. Instead, he was more focused on calling someone a Nazi than offering any explanation, and even today with his statement, gives us no clear cut answer on what we want to know.

That alone, in my opinion, is disrespectful and a complete 180 from how transparent he used to be with us. Needless to say, he did this to himself.


He called a guy with a nazi flag in his bio and who was pointing out Daniel's ancestry, a nazi. This is not an instance of a soy male feminist calling someone a nazi 'cause they like boobs in video games.


The point is Daniel ignored all the other comments asking him in good faith about the matter at hand. His statement today was also entirely a non-answer. I'm still optimistic about the game based on Daniel's reputation over the past decade, but this is a bad sign to me. He could extremely easily have put the matter to bed, and chose not to.



This is what happens when the anti woke adopts woke tactics.

Wait for reviews before canceling the guy.


Long neurodivergent comment chain of the dev replying to a :brazilmutt: with a Nazi profile calling him a Nazi, suddenly turning into the "everyone I dislike is a Nazi" autism straight out of 2017:


In light of recent controversies regarding KC2, I know a lot of you are desperate to reach the promised land. Maybe that is the problem. Your desperation for a promised land will only lead you to further disappointment. No company is safe. Everyone is corruptible. We are refugees in the end searching for good games. If a developer sold out, then prepare to jump ship. It is that simple. By acknowledging that you are refugee and letting go your attachments, you can avoid this kind of drama all together.

I am not paying attention to the drama regarding KC2. I never pre-order games and I will find out if the game is woke or not once it comes out. If it is woke, I simply will not buy it and will never look back at this company ever again. That's all you have to do. You don't have to get bent out of shape over a company that is not worth your time. When one company gets infected by the woke virus, you just jump ship. There is still a lot of new great games that are coming out. With the current environment we are in, get ready to jump ship often.


Are you suggesting that when we see a game that is showing signs of being woke, we should just not support it while not discussing it at all? This is a subreddit built around discussing games to avoid, we're obviously going to discuss it here - especially when it's a developer who once acted as an ally but now is going in a different direction.

I seriously do not understand people's problem with us discussing concerns regarding KCD2. Strange how this wasn't coming up in regards to other games, but because it's KCD2, suddenly it's different.


Again, I won't be believing anything until I've seen it for myself. The Steam forums having to be moderated due to the amount of repetitive crap going back and forth on it isn't exactly the smoking gun in this current ongoing drama. That entire environment is chockful of whiney trolls and terminally online people on both sides of the fence, repeatedly posting the same tiresome "gotcha!" topics across the majority of forums for different games.

Yes, this could easily turn out to be all true and you can tell us all you were "right" in hindsight, go right ahead if that does. You can tell us we should have listened to the endless clues and patterns, that we are all coping hard like idiots. Until then however, nobody should be thought different of for not freaking out before they have all the facts before them. I do my voting with my wallet, not internet clickbait.




!g*mers !nonchuds @Aevann here is some more rightoid drama again!, also can this get the effortpost flair? :marseysmug:

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