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Dramatard Gaymers, what was the last game you've played in your steam Library :marseygamer: :marseyinsane:





Like it's this option.


mine was Just Cause 2. I recall being absolutely pissed that I need to fricking install some shit called Steam with my limited INTERNET DATA cap in addition to the files on my CD. :marseybeanannoyed:

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There is a bunch I have that's so old it shows the time played but not the last time launched.


On record, the oldest game is Magicka, was a super fun game multiplayer wise where you combine spells just inputing keys and thats how you cast. Dang, 2011.



This would have been 18 years if Dark Messiah of might and magick didnt frick up my steam accounts, but I was an r-slured kid back then lol

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nothing recent on steam but soon my account will join 21 club and catch up w/ @Eleganza @frickmeatsandwich @EuphoricGentlesir and @IANALOG


Then everyone will finally show me the proper respect...


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Me February 2008. I got it because I wanted to play Audiosurf back in the day.

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HL2 Deathmatch

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Congratulations whippersnapper, you've earned it! :marseyracistgrandpa:

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I would have been 2005 but stupid steam made me make a new account and didn't want to merge my old account when I bought dark Messiah of might and magic.

Kino game tho

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I don't play video games, because I don't enjoy children's media.

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Aren't you a Minecraft :marseycreeper: YouTuber.

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Minecraft is mature videogame centered on the concept of man vs nature, and his eventual search for meaning in life when basic needs are met.

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Noted. Thoughts on GregTech?

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None, I have played vanilla Minecraft all my life, until I stopped playing it all together.

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It's all business for him

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:chudmuslim: :doomerchud: :marseychudneet: :chudbrasileiro: :chudindian: :chudjak:

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Lewis Childish

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One of the worst games I have ever played. :marseyboomer:


Oh, you meant the first one, not the last one... Here's the best video game I have ever played, then. :marseyhotline:


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Mine is Goat Simulator.

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Shit game, not even ironically good, and I hate that it somehow became a franchise and people buy it.

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It's the perfect "watch someone else play it for 10 minutes on YouTube" game

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I refunded just cause 2 almost immediately.

It was peak open world nonsense and you could easily take on an entire army single-handed from the very start of the game.


I might have something older, kind of hard to search on mobile.

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It was peak open world nonsense and you could easily take on an entire army single-handed from the very start of the game.

Yes thats the point of the game

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I never was a game journ*list, so I actually think games should have at least a small element of challenge.

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It has tho, maybe you played on cute twink diffiulty :marseysmug2:

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Warframe to get my daily login. Although I've also been playing through the halo series with a bro because we never played any halo before. And then sometimes on my own I play darktide. That's it for recent games I've played.

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the challenge is actually the oldest game which you had played in your library :marseybean:

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I'm sorry I didn't read and I'm r-slurred. :marseysmugautist:

Supreme commander 2. I remember that was the first game I convinced my parents to let me buy so I could stop having a 2nd class steam account. I originally made it cuz my friends were hanging out on steam and portal was free or something.

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Some of them pre-date the Last Played system - Braid, Day of Defeat Source, Portal 1, Left for Dead 1, Some Telltale Sam & Max games

But the first "Last Played" is suitably ancient:


I do like this game, but I think if I was going to reach for a boomer shooter, I'd go for a Doom .wad or Blood, or one of those new-fangled boomer shooters like Ion Fury or Selaco or something.

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Shapez 2, a casual factory builder. No enemies or penalties, just shapes.


Besides that and a free patreon game, I have a rather normie library


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Autismo the game

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737462943wjxRceat23GHZQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737462943RWctepMfWdk9Fg.webp

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I think this is when the tracking was added because I have a lot of games I played that don't show a last played date.

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Oh oldest


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What's a steam?

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really gripping seven minutes that was

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Factorio. I'm done with the first 4 planets as far as getting basic science and I feel like it'll be at least a month before I can head to aquillo.


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Half Life 2, November 6th 2011.

I'm guess that's when the last played feature was added, because there a ton of games I know I've played which aren't shown.

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TotalBiscuit (:marseylibations:) recommended the game, was too furry for my tastes.

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I played that when they gave it out for free on Playstation. Pretty good platformer. :marseythumbsup:

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Lots of fun.

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Funny how nothing has changed, I still buy obscure tower defense games that I end up disliking.

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very cool :marseycool2:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737471450eWntDnKwE8bBRQ.webp earliest on this account, i was looking for free shit.

i only got just cause 2 for the multiplayer mod, that was a lot of fun when nerdcubed had a server there which meant you didn't have to play with the slavs.

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Next question:

How many of you have your game lists public?

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Planescape Torment. But I didn't actually play it. I got as far as the title screen and thought eh not today and then did something else. One of those old supposedly amazing games which I suspect is one of those nostalgia games that in reality is just okay.

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I still play just cause 2 from time to time for an hour or two just to fly around and blow some stuff up. One of the best worlds in a videogame ever imo. And its huge af.

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PoE 2

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BioShock Infinite in 2017, I tend to replay shit on a rotation rather than play one of the hundred some odd I've never played.

I think Civ V is my oldest purchased game, I remember being forced to install Steam because of it when I only had shitty DSL living out in the country.

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Probably Left 4 Dead 1. I thought :marseymindblown: it was going :marseysalmaid: to be Counter Strike: Source :marseydebian: but I didn't give up that game for GO for quite awhile. GO sucks balls :marseymonsterpenisshadow:


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Just cause 2. 2011

But im on mobile and it shows several games last played 1970. Im pretty sure i have some games last played 2008 at peast

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