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G*mers rise up on :marseytrain: Lands 4 Steam forums!


It all started when some nazi chud made this racist post:


Thankfully he was swiftly banned by the 24/7 online shemale jannies:


But G*mers not having it, so they did the only thing they could think of, spam the entire forum with the same message like toddlers:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738243584EQBD13JdGqSjlw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738243585v_SFp_tUnvoxBA.webp

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How it started lol


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This might be a new low for :marseywitchtriggered:

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I'm confused, what was this posted in response to and why was it removed?

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It was posted in response to nothing. The user was just being trolly by backhandedly posting a thread saying "The game looks shit... hope you all enjoy though ;)"

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Clearly the best way to handle the inevitable criticism of your art is by labeling it hate speech.

This helps minorities.

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Clearly this was fricking valuable discussion in the fricking forum for people who bought the fricking game, and removing it was fricking an unprecedented breach of social contract


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What's the backstory, did they reveal one of the characters too be trans or something?

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Trans lives matter

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Someone made a thread saying they're glad about the lgbt content. And the person replies with above lol

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I shiggy diggy


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You really don't know?

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Why would I. For all @Geralt_of_Uganda know maybe nothing happened at all and it was an unprovoked chud spergout

Trans lives matter.

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It may be, who knows. Not me, I just learned that BL4 is even a thing. :marseywink:

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MΔ“ too

Trans lives matter

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Some of us aren't true gaymers

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Neither am I. I have no idea, I was just teasing Geraldo.

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"making shit up" is not teasing :marseyprotestno:

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I have not lied once in this thread. I have nothing to feel guilty about.

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What about the r*pes?

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Which ones specifically?

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Neighbor I didnt even know Borderlands 4 was a thing

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What a coincidence, me too.

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I didn't even know there was a Borderlands 3....

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I'm not familiar with normie games honestly :marseyshrug:

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Imagine not knowing lmao. do you live under a rock?

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This thing is going to make a concordillion dollars

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My negro, we demand some context. What have the :marseytrain: done?

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Borderlands and Randy Pitchfork were always Train-adjacent. Randy did his stunt with the guitar at some gaming show. And one of the writers :marseytrain2:ed out.

Borderlands 2 DLC and Borderlands 3 already had a shitton of "Trans Rights,! xD xD" content.

B4 will be even worse

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B4 will be even more intolerable

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Borderlands 2 DLC and Borderlands 3 already had a shitton of "Trans Rights,! xD xD" content.

did it?

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Yes, including a playable trans robot :marseyrobot:

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did it though?

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That's a provocative question. Do you feel it didn't?

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who was the :quote: trans robot :quote:

how can a robot even be trans it's a robot

what's some other examples, anyway? they said it was a :quote: shitton :quote: so there has to be dozens of other examples.

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bad faith air quotes :flipbird:

also :drool:

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if you can't answer the questions that's fine. you can:quote: just :quote:admit it. :scoot:

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Original thread with banned message:


There's 15 pages worth of "No go for me"s now :marseyxd:

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They messed with g*mers

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What was the initial complaint? Idk anything about B4

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Speed running a game flop.

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That'd be wingcukery beyond the pale, Borderlands has been like thise for almost 20 years.

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I really don't understand. I mean, I hate borderlands and think it's r-slurred, but what in the trailer were the :marseytrain: jannies protecting from his violent words?

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I objectively understand both sides of the argument. I understand why people would find her unattractive but also something about her weirdly African and Irish blend of features screams "get this walking stack of big titties and genetic diversity pregnant" from the animal part of my brain.



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I heard jack black is going to be in this movie.

He plays steve

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