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Staem Dcek has baerly oustold N-Gage as sales cast doubt on Xbox handheld plans


Finlaly smoeone psoted aobut it, got tiered of all tohse gayming journoids and Redditors telling how successful setam deck is, but they did managed to bite MS in taking part in the stupid idea

I didn't expect such a low number - about a 4 million.

Bceause r-slur obvious won't expect him self to be an rteard

Honestly vrey sruprising and not what I expected at all


Steam deck is over prcied at 700 eruo it has an 720p screen and it's weaker than ps5 and you probably can buy ps5 and siwtch at that price so it was always going to be niche product wtih no exclusives so no real reason to own it

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Steam deck is over prcied at 700 eruo it has an 720p screen and it's weaker than ps5 and you probably can buy ps5 and siwtch at that price so it was always going to be niche product wtih no exclusives so no real reason to own it

Then you'll get gouged on more expensive games, paid online, minimal access to piracy and emulation and you cant take your more intensive ps5 games on the go. I can watch pirated movies on my deck on the go too lol.

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Jesus that's a bummer. It's a beautiful piece of hardware.


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so fun, no better way to play all your 'puter vidyas and like 300 emul8rs in one spot

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EmuDeck is the coolest fricking software :wah:


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PC ain't standardised so a switch 2 for 400 buxx will destroy it

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plenty of companies still make VR headsets barely anyone buys and its still a business

consoles are just a mega business. if xbox marketed a deck competitor that might kill it tho, assuming they support Steam library

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if xbox marketed a deck competitor that might kill it tho

theyll probably fumble it like rhey did the Zune

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I seen 30k VR glasses (legit glasses) but VR is unique shit and has some uses like pilot training or doctor training.

It's just Zuckercuck tries to bring it in mainstream but seems like he slowed down a bit in recent years

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luckily valve doesnt really care about profitability they just make whatever they think will be cool

unluckily this means they could sell switch numbers and just stop development on a random tuesday because a lead engineer "wanted to try something else"

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Honestly really cool, good for them. If they're going to discontinue the Deck I just hope they preemptively announce it before stopping production because I'll want to buy a backup.


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It's incredibly frustrating for the consumer but also the exact reason basically everything they touch turns to gold

It's all passion projects, even the hardware

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the reaso its a no for me is all the games could be played on my gaming laptop which i can rationalize as a work purchase. Rather than buy a steam deck id rather jist upgrade my comp.

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Mine was the opposite. I didn't want to bother upgrading my laptop.

I'm still stuck at where I like the big 17" screen and full keyboard but it's too big sometimes.

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i like to vonnect to my big screen and use wirless mouse/keyboard/gamepad on my libing room couch.

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That's what I have my desktop PC for. It's connected to every TV and I use an xbone controller. When I'm traveling for work though, my laptop isn't quite powerful enough.

I'd either be dumping 1500+ in a laptop and compromise on the screen size / keyboard breathing room, or $450 for a secondhand steam deck.

Plus built in controller is better than keyboard+moose on a hotel bed

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1500+ in a laptop

thats what i did, butt i have a good surface and can plug it into the surface dock to get the homecommectivity experience ur talking about. Also it can hook up to an external gpu

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I thought Gaben was pleasantly surprised by the sales before, so I would not call it a failure like Steam Machine.

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Mine is a launch 512, three years old, and it still feels, looks and runs like it's brand new. It feels like a premium piece of hardware despite the low price. I imagine a lot of people enjoy being able to play AAA slop on it, but for me the emulation potential is just absolute top tier and I think anyone who likes retroshit (PS2 and earlier) can make no better vidya purchase than a deck. Emudeck is amazing. The deck itself is ideal for anything at all previously published on a console. It's brilliant.


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Same, it does what it advertised to do in that price range, and it does it well.

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it's weaker than ps5

why even compare them lmao that's like saying a bicycle doesn't go as fast as a car


tbh I think the real value for the steam deck over a switch is if you prefer the game catalog of the deck, ESPECIALLY if you already own a bunch of shit on steam

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also you can buy 2-3 steam games for the cost of one Nintendo one (not every game is Mario good)

you can also just install a Switch emulator on the Deck and torrent Switch games

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Deckies really live in a bubble. They talk about how it sells like hotcakes even though its lifetime sales are what the Switch sells in a holiday quarter.

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It's "selling like hotcakes" comparatively in its segment, handheld gaming PC's. Before Steam Deck, that used to be weird GPD Win or Aya Neo things, they'd be happy if they sold 100k copies I'd say.

Deck selling 4 million is a big success, the fact Asus, Lenovo, Zotac entered the market and all the GPD, AYN, Aya, Retroid whatever companies are launching 1 device/month should clue you in as to how companies feel about the growth of this segment since Steam Deck came out.

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Steam Gabe cult is often not better than star citizen cult

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Yeah I personally know zero people that own a Steam Deck. I dunno. To me mobile gaming in general is seen as kind of a meme among capital G g*mers in the west regardless of hardware specs. The Switch is popular with kids so that makes sense but the Steam Deck is pretty obviously more of enthusiast hardware.

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I just bought one :(

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Neighbor why u buy it at its end life cycle?

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its a computer, it's not like console where they'll stop making games for it and you can always installed Switch emulators or w/e.

biggest problem is too many games to choose from

also OLED version just came out recently

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My library is so normie lmao. Here's the entire thing


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+ 20 more games I bought and refunded on Steam after trying them

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I have heard of literally none of those besides farm simulator and maybe Starbound?

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Get emudeck and download some roms if u want free content.

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Nearly all of those games :marseyminecraftcat: are going :marseysalmaid: to be fantastic :marseytaratheandroid: for the Deck. It really :marseythinkorino2: excels at those first :marseywinner: person :marseygeisha: games :marseyminecraftcat:


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It's a computer that's why it loses support very fast. PS4 is like 650 gtx, you can't even play new 2D games on that graphic card while new games still being released on ps4 like yakuza pirates.

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Because the other guys were talking about it and a bunch of reasons i detailed in my thread about it that you didn't bother looking at :marseysad:

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>its end life cycle

Is it really? I actually hope so, cause I love everything about mine except for its battery life. So I'm excited to finally get a new one except with a battery that doesn't suck.

Didn't know we were anywhere close to that though.

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No it's not, Salv is just an r-slur.

There's basically no SoC fast enough to massively beat Steam Deck at low wattage (15W or lower), it makes no sense for Valve to release a new one that's only 20-30% faster at that power. AMD also just released all their new stuff in the past half a year, expect new generation in maybe late 2026.

So I'd say new Steam Deck is like 2 years away at this point, possible more but highly unlikely to be out much sooner than that.

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i only do mobile gaming when I travel really and i only bought the switch bc im a lifelong zelda fan. If nintendo didnt have a stranglehold on their IP then more people would buy its competitors. Also Switch didnt sell itself as just mobile gaming. Instead it sold it self as their next main platform console that happened to have mobile features.

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I dont think anyone outside PC g*mers ever hear about it.

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4 million sales doesn't seem that bad. I imagine it's enough to be self-sustaining. Besides it was their first go at entering this market, it takes time to build up a department with completely different skills. Hopefully their next console will be competitive performance wise.


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Seriously what's with all the doom? It's a specialized piece of hardware for a niche market. I'm just glad it sold 4 million at all tbh.

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Lol the steam deck is only $400.00 only tards buy the highest end one when you can just slap in your own nvme m.2. But handhelds are for kids anyways.

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Playing F.E.A.R. in the dark with an oled screen is pretty cool though

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Highest tier is the only one with oled screen

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Mid tier has one

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Oh I didn't know.

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I dont think ppl want an LED one anymore now that new shiny thing is out

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Candy Crush doesn't take up that much space.

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product wtih no exclusives so no real reason to own it

Console cuck detected. :marseyxd:

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Nooo I need muh EXCLUSIVES to make myself feel good about spending money on a particular experience I couldn't have gotten elsewhere!!

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It's not a console though? It's just a side gig for valve.

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You mean half life 3, L4D 3 and etc evader ? But at least we know steam deck 2 is final one

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I really don't get the point of a mobile gaming system once you're an adult. If my mom isn't driving me around, when am I supposed to use this thing?

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Based on my research, 70% of Steam Deck users are dads with kids who want to sneak in some game time on the potty or just at any possible moment

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Or people who travel for work and want to gamesmaxx on the road

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It could be useful if you moving around a lot and want still have a gaming tool with you but such guys probably have 3000 buxx plus laptops

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it is the ultimate adult video gaming system. you pick it up, play it for 15 minutes, set it down on you're bedside table and go too sleep. trans lives matter

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Huh, I didn't realize it sold that poorly. :marseyhmm:

I know multiple normies with one :marseyshrug:

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Bad news, they ain't normies


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Steam deck is good actually. Trans lives matter

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tbh it's a really cool gadget, just has a limited market. Most people don't have any use for a handheld.

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no exclusives

Console cucks really have no identity or souls.

It's a portable PC/emulation machine. Nobody is buying it to play Kingdom Hearts 17.5 remix weed 420 gang edition.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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You can buy for that price asus deck that is stronger than steam deck

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It has a custom chip and is quite weak, if it don't sell a lot, support for it will drop quite. It already runs some new games worse than series s despite being stronger

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Support for what?

PC games will keep being developed and you'll still be able to run them, or at least try. The simple stuff will work fine, plus all the old PC and console games. It's just a PC with a controller attached, you don't need to develop a game specifically for it.

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Support for the game to run on it, developers doing updates for their game so they run in that thing


As you see that list has some games that didn't released yet. That thing apparently also was released at loss but they expect to get money from steam store sell.

So for that thing to be relevant it needs numbers.

But switch 2 will really frick it up

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The verification is done by Valve, devs don't really need to focus on the Deck much or at all for their game to be compatible. Chances are it'll just work, perhaps with some tweaking.

Which is also why I don't think the Switch is really a direct competitor anyway, given the completely different game libraries (All PC titles ever made vs games specifically for the Switch)

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Def the price, my nephew wants one but he doesn't have $600+ lying around so he keeps playing xbox

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The steam deck is sold at a profit and isn't used as a platform to sell a library of proprietary games like the N-Gage was. They really aren't the same thing.

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Isn't steam deck pretty successful for a Valve product? Pretty sure I read articles where they were happy and satisfied with the sales generated?

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I found out they sold it at lost but gaining money from steam store sales. But it depends on how much effort they put into it. Like they probably would made more money selling half life 3

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They were waiting for the perfect moment to create something truly next generation before releasing half-life 3.

I am mostly surprised with how deadlock isn't doing too hot right now, with 12,000 players currently online.

The challenge with half life 3 remains that they need something that stands out.

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Dеаdļосk 2 nоt dоíng wеļļ ís рřоbаbļу bесаusе íts mоnstеř huntеř wееk

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There has only been one deadlock game

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