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Horizon Forbidden West deserved too be game of the year, not elden ring.

Gonna keep this short. Reasons why:

  1. HFW had a good main character

  2. HFW had a better storyline. ) Storyline is non existent in elden ring)

  3. HFW had way better cutscenes

  4. HFW had far more livelier gameplay and you could feel it all with haptic feedback

  5. HFW set up the threads for a sequal unlike elden ring.

  6. HFW is very user friendly. @dont_log_me_out can play it with my mom or sister. @dont_log_me_out cannot play HFW with anyone else in my family

  7. HFW has a more diverse and realistic caste of characters

  8. HFW has more diverse and interesting terrains.

  9. HFW has more interesting and diverse enemies

  10. HFW has got far better swimming and archery mechanics.

Elden Ring doesn't deserve half as much hype as Horizon Forbidden west.

Elden Ring is only liked because it is a game made by a hikikomari for other hikikomaris.

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Robo dinosaurs are always better as per rule of cool.

trans lives matter

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It would've been GOTY if aloy didn't look inbred

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Tell @dont_log_me_out three physical traits of Aloy that make her look inbread, @dont_log_me_out will wait.

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white skin, white skin, and white skin

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Huh. Just realized that theres a game with robo-dinosaurs and no one is talking about it. Weird.

I guess it sucks. :tayshrug:

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One of those giant crabs popped out of the water and pinched my peepee in Elden Ring so it gets a 0/10 from me

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Wish that were me :marseybiting:

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shitty enemy design. Nobody wants too battle the same enemy a hundred times.

trans lives matter

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u literally fight the same enemy all the time in horizon they're all robots? it's why the original game was bad and the sequel was worse

dude bussy lmao

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wrong. In horizon you have robot elephants, robo birds, robo tigers, robo gazelle, and many other robo variants.

In Elden ring you have big crab, big shrimp, big lizard. Now that's just straight up embarrassing.

trans lives matter

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All of those are robots r-slur. That's like saying the enemy variety in GTA is huge because you can shoot black people, white people, chinese people etc

You're still just shooting people

dude bussy lmao

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racist detected, opinion rejected. They are all different people and we should celebrate their differences and be aware of them.

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You're just a racist, ignorant person who is too blind to see that we are all different and should celebrate our differences. Your opinion is worthless and rejected.

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Racist detected, opinion discarded. There is absolutely zero difference between people other than skin color, and we should consider them all equal

dude bussy lmao

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Racist detected, opinion rejected. How dare you tell black people their suffering isn't a real experience and they a just a white man with a different skin color?

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Their suffering was only caused by socieo economic factors, bigot.

dude bussy lmao

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Anyone who cites "cutscenes" as a reason to like a game isnt a real g*mer. Watch TV if you want to sit on your hands and not play a game.

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People like you can never appreciate a game like the Quarry or the house of ashes.

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Wrong. Stray = best game

Because it was a purr button.

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Stray is even worse than Elden Ring. All you do is meow around and the jump animation looks like utter shit and there is no high quality fur model of the cat you play as all game. But r-slurs still like it because muh Cat in a game!


trans lives matter

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Well then.

Still wrong - Divinity 2 = best game.

Better than Witcherino

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Divinity 2 is better than Witcherino actually. Still would have liked a 3rd person Divinity though.

trans lives matter

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We are both talking about 2009 game by Larian Studios, yes?

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@dont_log_me_out thought you meant Divinity two that's in beta right now? Or is that a remaster?

trans lives matter

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There’s Divinity 2 and Divinity: Original Sin 2, which are different games.

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The one with the Squid faced monsters.

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Don't care, didn't play either

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Why is this on rdrma

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This particular user has a very intense case of autism coupled with no friends

Sad times for dramanauts

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@dont_log_me_out have friends and @dont_log_me_out am a very normal member of society.

trans lives matter

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That's saying a lot for this place

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because it was very dramatic that a shit game like elden ring over shadowed an actual high quality game like Horizon Forbidden West.

trans lives matter

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have u tried not being bad at video games

dude bussy lmao

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For me, it’s Minecraft

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I think bloodborne 2 should have won

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Skyrim new edition will win

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suck my peepee hard and nice

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Frick you! General Radahn was a shit character who had an unrealistically modelled horse. Probably nobody at the studio knew how too model a horse properly but you all fell for the it looks so unique a child sized horse with a hill sized man on top bullshit.

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Nothing pisses off a Soulsstrag more than saying that Doom Eternal is more difficult than any Souls game.

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bruh it's a video game no game has ever had a story worth a darn

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The last of us 2 had a good story if you removed Ellie's teammates from the game.

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Tetris deserves GOTY every year

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tetris should have been goty not that garbage

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I didn't play either but I wouldn't vote for the game with has a fat white foid as the mc

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You live in the west. She is skinny by you're country's standards. trans lives matter

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who came up with all these stupid holes?

this isn't drama

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I have never met anyone who has admitted they played that game

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your friends must all be beta cucks then.

trans lives matter

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The first one was sucked and got its butt beat by botw. Im not a huge fan of elden ring but horizon fans are just r-slurred

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keep yourself safe

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