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PS5 price to increase in select markets due to global economic environment, including high inflation rates – PlayStation.Blog


The deets:


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – €549.99

PS5 Digital Edition – €449.99


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – £479.99

PS5 Digital Edition – £389.99

Japan (effective Sept. 15, 2022)

PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – ¥60,478 yen (including tax)

PS5 Digital Edition – ¥49,478 yen (including tax)


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – ¥4,299 yuan

PS5 Digital Edition – ¥3,499 yuan


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – AUD $799.95

PS5 Digital Edition – AUD $649.95


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – MXN $14,999

PS5 Digital Edition – MXN $12,499


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – CAD $649.99

PS5 Digital Edition – CAD $519.99

Now let's see how reddit is taking it!

/r/games thread: honestly nothing too interesting, just sblot of seething "Oh, I guess someone needs new shoes," or "No guys, xbox is going to raise in price too."

/r/playstation thread: Least commented thread, but "I was always a playstation-boy" is such a weird line.

/r/ps5 thread: Easily the largest thread. Cries of 'xd socialism xd' and people who are actually mad fill the thread. Of course there's a little rubbing the salt in the wound from Xbox fans, even the bing bing wahoo fans make an appearance. Just remember this is "absolutely disgusting behavior."

Keep in mind, this is a recent development and will almost certainly be blowing up even more in the next few hours, so I'm sure more threads will pop up and people find out.

Even ResetEra is seething, and dont forget to check the comments on the Playstation blog link above.

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The only reason they're not increasing it in the US is because if they get anywhere near $599 theyre going to awaken an ancient beast

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They should raise it to 1000 and lower it to 200 only for certified scalpers.

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They're $400-500 new.

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Video games are for losers

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Says the proud incel posting on rdrama. This site lost too much of its self awareness for my liking.


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I'm not a loser. I purposefully make my life worse so i can be inspirational when i succeed

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Inshallah, when Allah doesnt challenge you he expects you to challenge yourself. You are a great example for every devout muslim!

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If he is 30+ he ain’t incel. At 30+ foids value drop so hard that even inkwells mogs them

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Captain! Mi Captain! We have sighted the lost island of Giga Cope!

:#marseypirate: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :marseyseethe: :marseyrave::marseylongsurfing: :marseymalding:

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Me putting my age at 30 and boom after 10 minnI get 5 likes 💅🏽If I was coming that there wouldn’t been more foids at dating over 30 reddit than man https://old.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/iyid0c/women_make_up_a_majority_of_the_dating_over_30/

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Chud, here is the pecking order:

incel < < < < < < g*mers < < < < < < < :marseywall:

If you're an incel over 30 you should jump off a bridge

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Woman is as powerful as many Simp she has and thing is in mayos group, there are just less man after 30 than holes. In the past I thought my standards ain’t high, I just want a girl who is 5’7+ non fat and has at least my skin tone or lighter. That’s shouldn’t be a problem since the average height of foid hire is 5’7 but barabum barabim the average weight of 5’7 foid (170cm) is 180lbs or 80kg and the simple rule is woman weight should be her heigh 170cm - 110 so 170cm kwin weight shouldnt be more than 60kg. Basically woman bmi shouldn’t be more than 20 or she fat. So in the end it’s seems that my standards are unreal high even though I am sporty 6’6 guy with bmi 23 and good degree. But don’t worry a faty I always can catch


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I feel bad for women after they turn 30. At that age, they're even willing to date me

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It’s a bit more complicated foids after 20 starting to torn into landwhales and at 25 stop getting attention from chads so next 5 years they are single and around 30 they lower their standards but irony is their SVM is lower than their standards (Just checked actually I didn’t got that much likes from 30 year old most of them are sub 30) hire example https://i.imgur.com/a/hlxdHFc I mog the shit out of her I would never go out with her or touch her yet she gave me a like jfl

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Yes she clearly has autism and gues what she is burger hole and on her profile she flexed that she is burger.

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Kinda expensive for a Spider-Man game machine

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Kinda expensive for a Death Stranding gaming machine

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you're not gonna believe what else has a steam page

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lol what are their exclusives now?

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Enjoy playing ragnarok at 30fps poorcel :marseynails:

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Okay the list of good reasons to buy a PS5 (besides scalping) will go from 0 to 1 in two months when that game comes out

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It's no joke the best way to play Elden Ring (using the PS4 version in back compat, not the r-slurred PS5 version). Stable 60 and no PC hackers ruining online. But yeah it's got dog shit for exclusives.

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While it probably won't be a great experience, can't you also just stream these to your PC with PS Now?

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No clue. I thought that required a ps4 or 5

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Better than the S*x

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Microsoft finally decided they wanted to compete and didn't let Sony pay small amounts of money to have everything exclusive/early on Playstation. Sony really should have played nice in the 2010s.

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Would you say that Sony got nuked by Microsoft?

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Who is r-slurred enough to even buy one? Its not like when each console gen was a significant step up, you could hardly tell the difference between games on a ps4 and a ps5

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>can't tell the difference between 30 and 60fps


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PS5s are great for easy money. There’s a twitter account somewhere that predicted ps5 drops and one time my wife and I used our real names, her maiden name, and abbreviations of our names to order ps5s to our home, our vacation home, my parents’ home and her mom’s house (because of one per customer account) and we resold them on eBay and made close to $30,000 in profit from just waiting on Walmart websites on multiple browsers for a few minutes

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her maiden name

Don't deadname your wife.

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It really doesnt matter what they set the price at you still can't find one to buy anywhere here in Canada .... And if you do buy one what games does it have that aren't in ps4 or PC already anyway?


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PS5s have been plentiful in leafland.

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Check /r/videogamedealscanada and there are some groomercords and Twitter pages with stock drop notifications

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>PS5s have been plentiful

>Join these niche internet communities to find them

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You can also just check the walmart and amazon pages. Stock stays up for like 6-12 hours now. I've even seen some just sitting on shelves in stores

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This how I bought my ps5, I bought 4 ps5 from Germany for 650 euro and sold 3 ps5 for 800 euro in my city

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I bought a PS5 at launch (I just pre-ordered, what's the big deal everyone else is having still the mongs?) and it's shit.

Worst new console generation ever. Other launch consoles I've bought have been Dreamcast and Wii, both of which offered something immediately new and exciting. PS5 and Xbox whatever it is called now have nothing.

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Wake me up when Bloodborne 2 is out


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It's never coming lol

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Not the US, biden was right we're not in a recession

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Does it’s price goes down in Russia ? ^.^

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Inflation in Russia is going down. Most goods at pre-war prices, even iPhones. Many companies are quietly resuming operations in Russia, for example aircraft and engine components are being sold to us again. Restaurants etc. have simply been annexed and renamed (Starbucks has reopened as Stars Coffee, McDonalds is also back:marseysaluteusa:). Inflation in Britain will be higher than what it is in Russia within 4-5 months.

Russia/USSR had an independent economy for two thirds of a century, the idea that it was ever in danger from Western sanctions is laughable.

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I have bad info for you, those McDonalds and Starbucks didn’t left, they made such contract with the new “owners” that when the operation end McDonald’s can rebuy its building and rename it back to McDonalds

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Redditorials most effected.

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It's not a big deal because if you divide the number of games you'll play on it by the new console price the result is still the same

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Yeah I buy my ps4 games from this store https://dlpsgame.com/category/ps4/

Also soon going to make a Turkish psn account kek since their games cost 40% less

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I buy my games on PC because I'm not dumb enough to buy a shitty console to play sad lesbian walking simulators

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I have a rtx 3070ti laptop (use purely for studying) and will buy next month a desktop with 3080 rtx. But I still don’t buy games on pc because why pay for something if you can get for free ? And I like playing on ps because of trophies it feels more rewarding but I do play my switch game often on pc because of better frame rate and I kinda love moding scene on consoles like it feel so much cooler making mods and cheats for ps4 than pc because barely anyone can do it

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ah you like trophies

condolences on the autism

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I am functional neurodivergent, when I understand game will take long to plat I cheat 💅🏽 I also skip farming part and replaying most of the times. Like I know I won’t spend hours to farm enough money to buy every monster in new persona (shin megami tensei soul hacker 2 (kek I will hack a game about hacking + I won’t buy it since it has a disk release so some one will rip it))

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Just redditors self-infantalizing as usual

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Frick yeah KING get that bag

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Sorry, but this is pathetic.

PS5 was profitable, so instead of going back to selling hardware at a loss for a little while, they are passing increase onto consumer.

Lmao why would sony sell a product for a loss when they could sell it for a profit. Do these r-slurs think sony was selling ps4s at a loss out of the good of their heart?

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You're an idiot. Sony sells products for a loss all the time. They sell the PlayStation 4 at a loss because they want to make a profit on the games and accessories.

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You're agreeing with me you r-slurred bot

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You're an imbecile if you think I'm agreeing with you.

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