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This college girl :marseygeisha: pays you to teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis:marscientist: What do you do?

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Because rightoids always be like "hurr durr gays molest children also its based and redpilled to find the most prepubescent looking foid you can, ideally in the Roy Moore Zone of 12-16, as your tradwife"

I cant stop from noooooticing

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strags do molest :marseygroomer2: children :marseykermit: tho, and yeah :marseyagree: aging superiority grants genetic edge in breeding. seething :marseyseethe: still doesn't change this.

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Statostocally the vast, vast majority of p-dophiles sleep with adult women and children of any gender, rightoid cope based on anecdotes or John Money stories doesnt change this. Of the pedos less than 1% are foids.

Its a moid thing, and all moids should be killed tbqh

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yeah, technically most of them aren't pedophilies, and don't experience primary attraction to children :marseykermit: in the first :marseywinner: place, but are simply using them in lieu of better partners.

i personally don't know :marseyshutitdown: why i should even care. you can't properly rationalize the hysteria, you can only insult/gaslight people into believing it. typical foid :marseyeggless: nonsense, imo.

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>being anti-gaslighting

Dramaphobic, please do better


I dont think its hysteria to point out that shit like Cuties and the provision of HRT to underage people is a concerning cultural development and part of a wider trend but ymmv

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part of a wider trend but ymmv

wider trend? lol. bro humans spent most of their existence marrying and having babies :marseykiwimom: as soon :marseysoonretarded: as physically possible cause we lost a ton of people during infancy/childhood, and that was required just :marseyblops2chadcel2: to maintain population, let alone grow it. not sure :marseyagreefast: what :marseywtf2: evolutionary pressures people think caused use to evolve sudden permanent lifelong brain :marseybigbrain: damage upon exposure to our primary biological mo, after we gain biologically capablility ... this is mostly foid :marseygeisha: derived social :marseyblm: hysteria that you can't rationalize.

Dramaphobic, please :marseyinshallah: do better


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its just foid hysteria

Pedos always use this excuse but my hatred for child molestors is more significant than my hatred for women so it doesnt work

Humans spent most of our existence murdering eachother but thats illegal too, "dude raping 8 year olds is natural" is a garbage argument

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"dude raping 8 year :marseychiobulove: olds is natural" is a garbage argument

and butt :marseydumptruck: s*x is? strags are as unnatural as pedos.

Humans spent most of our existence murdering eachother


child :marseyzoomer: molestors is more significant than my hatred for women :marseysuffragette: so it doesnt work

lol, foid :marseypenny: logic. might as well :marseyclapping: chop :marseysrdine2: ur peepee :marseydicklet: off cause you have no balls.

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>and butt  s*x is? strags are as unnatural as pedos

My point was that the naturalistic fallacy is a named fallacy for a reason. "Its natural to do X/its not natural to do Y" is not a coherent argument



>lol, foid  logic. might as well  chop  ur peepee  off cause you have no balls.

Im sorry to say but you dont seem to understand the word "logic" very well based on the above, but thats okay. You can just say "i want to frick 12 year olds and thats my reason", that would be a better argument

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